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Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 10:42pm

Japan News 1934...

... no news is bad news, especially with Manzo on the loose.

Don't have any ideas either so that makes it even worse,especially with Manzo on the loose. :)


From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... January 4, 1934
Location: Pacific, en route to Peru.
Very happy that Kimi's Angels got their own ship, the Sadoga Maru, to take us to the other side of the Pacific, since a pair of CC boats and patrol boats and my PT boat had to be stored aboard.
As I requested last week, extra drums were loaded aboard before we departed to take along to Brazil in order to fuel the Flame Projector on the CC boats.
Kimi loves the smell of Greek Fire in the morning!! ^_^
However, looking around the Sadoga Maru, I have some doubts about the cleanliness of the ship. Looking into the cargo hold, it looks like something was butchered in there recently...
... or perhaps someone!
The Cargo Hold of Horror (tm)!! O_O

News - January 24, 1934.
Task Force Togo arrives at El Callao for a week-long visit to Peru. Arrival of the SOB. The unit begins to unload equipment and make preparations for the journey to Bolivia.

From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... January 24, 1934
Location: El Callao, Peru.
Arrival of the Sadoga Maru at El Callao, Peru.
We're now on the other side of the Pacific. Now the job of the Special Operations Brigade will begin. It might be a while before we get back to Japan. If all goes well, other nations will be sending some ["poor suckers" crossed out] elite troops to join our glorious troops in Bolivia.
Checking out the Cargo Hold of Horror (tm), it does look like some idiot from the Kagoshima Harbour Cargo Handling Department managed to scratch Kimi's boat before our departure from Japan. T_T

News - February 20, 1934.
Visit of Task Force Togo to Bahia Blanca for a six day goodwill visit to Argentina.

News - February 21, 1934.
Arrival of the first SOB troops at their location in Bolivia.

From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... February 27, 1934
Location: Somewhere in Brazil.
Kimi made a boo-boo and got stuffed into the local hoosegow for 'disorderly conduct'. T_T
... I was just practicing, swinging my sword around a bit. ^_^;;

News - March 1934 (I think; RA had no date given, but it seemed natural that it would take place after the visit to Peru and Argentina) .
Combined exercise with Italian and Iberian warships held in the Carribean.


Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 10:47pm

News - April 2, 1934.
Arrival of note for talks in San Fansisco to be held in September.

News - April 8, 1934.
Results from the Argentine Carrier Design Competition were anounced today. The Argentines were reported to have chosen the Japanese design in favor of the other designs.

News - April 9, 1934.
Reports from Bolivia indicates that there was a minor shuffle among the men of the various commands at the Club Mendoza which resulted in a minor skirmish in the Red Light district.

From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... April 9, 1934
Location: Club Mendoza... somewhere in Brazil... or was it Bolivia? No. It's in Bolivia... somewhere...
Yay! Great time at the Club Mendoza for all of us, yesterday. I guess we all drank a little bit too much as a minor incident eventually turned the Red Light district into a massive warzone.
Kimi tried to give one Yankee a good hit on the head with a piece of chair, but poor Kimi was blind-sided by a large Yankee sergeant who knocked Kimi out cold.
Woke up about 15 hours later. Others say that it was mainly caused by the 15 bottles of Tequilla which Kimi drank.
Come to think of it... what on earth was Kimi doing in the red light district anyway??? o_O

News - April 10, 1934.
With everything prepared, the keels were laid down of the two future Argentine carriers in the presence of Admiral J.P. Peablo, Argentina's Naval Chief of Staff, and three other high ranking staff officers.


Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 10:56pm

(Empty gap in my mind so nothing regarding Late April up to the end of August. :-/)

News - September 1934.
The Talons over Cordoba competition turned into a farce. The swapping of the various engines by the Germans as well as the removal of armor on the A-1 Mapache before the competition are clear violations of the rule, yet the officials willfully ignore these gross violations while they unjustly punished the South African competing in the F-6B.

The Japanese pilots were asked to give their opinion.
Genda: "This is a competition and there are rules. I am utterly disgusted by the way the officials decided to completely ignore the rule breaking by the Germans and Mexicans."
Fuchida: "Totally outrageous! In war, cheating is just an attempt to gain the upper hand in a battle. Nothing that can be done about that. However, in a friendly competition, it is all about the spirit of the game. Cheating is a clear violation of the rules and ruins the spirit of the game. The rules should have been enforced, something that was not done. I am extremely annoyed that the officials decided to throw the rulebook out of the window."

The Japanese pilots were asked if they would fly in the next edition of Talons over Cordoba.
Genda: "After this fiasco? Never again!"
Fuchida: "I'd rather commit seppuku..."

Nakajima Official: "It is clear as day. The whole competition was fixed. If we had removed the troublesome engine last year and replaced it with a more reliable one, the officials would most certainly have disqualified us. No doubt that the officials were bribed to make sure that the right planes would win. Obviously a lot of money is involved."

After a short meeting behind closed doors, the Japanese called to scrap their entries from the result list immediately before they packed their stuff and went back home filled with disgust.

News - September 10, 1934.
Admiral Togo leaves for the San Fransisco meeting. However she never arrives and it is said that her plane went down somewhere over the Pacific.

News - September 13, 1934.
Manzo was called to represent Japan at the talks. Unfortunately... or perhaps fortunately... Manzo lost the way (as usual) when en route to the United States..

News - September 18, 1934.
Admiral Togo arrives alive in San Fransisco to officially represent Japan at the Naval Talks.

From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... September 25, 1934
Location: Camp Japan, Bolivia
Things are happening in the Bolivian Jungle... Odd things...
One of our patrols vanished a few days ago, failing to report back at our camp. Groups are searching the area for the five ment, but have had no success so far.

From the pages of Lt. Colonel Kimi Kilgore's Diary... September 26, 1934
Location: Surroundings of Camp Japan, Bolivia.
With the aid of a tracker, I managed to find the trail of the Patrol. However after following it a while, it ended in nothing. There were a lot of spent shells strewn across the ground as if the patrol got into a firefight and were shooting wildly all around them. Yet there were no bodies and no tracks leading in or out of the area. It was as if they just disappeared in thin air. It is quite a big mystery!!
There was something that spooked the tracker, something he could not explain. He stated that he was scared so, heeding his advice, we returned to camp as fast as we could without any incidents.
Doing some investigation, I found out a number of local men were missing as well. A few were found, horribly mutilated. The locals speak of El Diablo cazador de hombres.
Things are happening in the Bolivian Jungle... Scary things...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Jun 5th 2007, 10:57pm)


Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 11:08pm

It was hot. Really hot.

The Tiger of Luzon took off his hat and used a handkerchief to rub the sweat from his forehead. "Damn! This heat is worse than what we had in the Philippines," Yamashita grumbled. "Unbearable!"

"Sir, still no news on Patrol 16," a sergeant reported.

Yamashita nodded slowly. "Tell the search parties to keep on looking."

"Yes, sir." The sergeant then left.

Yamashita sighed. The group of five had failed to return from their patrol. Once 24 hours had passed, the General had started to send out search parties but none of them had any success so far after 3 days.

"Not much on the patrol..."

Yamashita looked up and saw Kimi approach his field desk. He noticed that the ever cheerful look was missing from Kimi's face. She looked worried and that was usually a bad thing. "But...?"

"I found out that around the villages here and there in the area, people vanish," Kimi told. "Some were found... dead... horribly mutilated. I asked what it was. The villagers were blabbing about weird stuff... El Diablo cazador de hombres... El cazador trofeo de los hombres..."

"El... What... and what?"

"Well... El Diablo cazador de hombres means something like 'The devil hunter of men'. El cazador trofeo de los hombres means something like 'The hunter trophy of the men'. I asked one of the locals who spoke English in one of the villages to verify it. He told me it was 'the demon who makes trophies of men'."

"Devil? Demon? Trophies of men?"

Kimi nodded. "It turns out that it only happens in the hottest of years."

"Like this year, right?"


"But a demon?"

"One old man told me that he saw it kill his son right in front of his eyes and dragged him off. It was as if the jungle took him. The old man's eyes weren't good, but he said that whatever killed his son, it seems to change colors, like the chameleon, and that it uses the jungle."

"So it's a..." Yamashita frowned slightly. "... demonic... reptile?"

"Don't really know what to say after I heard that story. But whatever or whoever it is, to the villagers, it must be the devil himself who walks this region, killing people."

"I see... A story from a crazy old coot..." Yamashita was silent for a few moments. "... but I am a believer... so what if the old coot was right? What if the villagers are right and this killer is a demon?"

Kimi thought for a while. "Toudou Ojii-san (1) once told me that if you were to face a demon, you should become a demon in order to be victorious..."

"Become a demon..." Yamashita echoed.

Kimi then smiled, looking as mischievous as she always was. "Kimi knows Ojii-san was wrong. The best way to fight a demon... is with another demon."

Yamashita felt more relaxed, seeing Kimi smile. "I see... Fight fire with fire, right? But how?"

Kimi nodded with a grin and clasped her hands together. "Kimi will handle that. Kimi knows the perfect solution for this problem. Yes, yes. Yan-chan (2) should not have to worry about the details."

"Excellent. If you can handle it, do whatever is necessary, whatever it takes."

"Yes sir."

"... so who is it?

"You would never believe it..."


(1) Ojii-san: Grandfather.
(2) Yan-chan is how Kimi addresses her superior, Major General Yamashita Tomoyuki.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Jun 5th 2007, 11:09pm)


Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 9:50am

Where's Arnold when you need him? I shudder to think what all the teams surveying Antarctica may have found...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 9:59am

Uh-oh...... You´re right. Better hope Manzos not crashing there incidently finding some weird old temple of some kind....

Can you imagine Manzo scaring off some monster queen?!? Xo)


Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 10:16pm


Where's Arnold when you need him?

He's an actor and a Governor. He would be useless. You need Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer for the job. :)
... but where is Dutch when you need him!! :D


I shudder to think what all the teams surveying Antarctica may have found...

Well, the Japanese already found the Chappa'ai on Antarctica... I'll leave the remaining nasty stuff to the others. Fortunately for for most of us, Bouvetøya is Nordmark's problem. :D

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Jun 6th 2007, 10:17pm)


Friday, June 8th 2007, 3:57am

Kimi vs Predator!!


I shudder to think what all the teams surveying Antarctica may have found...

Now that the Filipinos are Baaaaaackkk...on to the South Pole!!


Friday, June 8th 2007, 6:20pm


Now that the Filipinos are Baaaaaackkk...on to the South Pole!!

So what do you... I mean they hope to find?
... or is it something they do not want to find? :)


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, June 9th 2007, 12:38am

Penguins! Killer-Penguins ?!?!?


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 4:03am

"...and beware of the penguins"

The Great Penguin Emperor!!!

...although actually (following Walter's lead) more something like this . :evil:


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 4:47am

Hands off Atlantean poperty!


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:12am

Wes, I shall now quote an old Scottish saying which I think is extremely fitting to this situation: "Finders keepers, losers weepers"


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:18am

Neither of us is scottish, that and the items were never lost just put in storage.;-)


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:31am

Well, I have been to Scotland twice. That counts. :)


the items were never lost just put in storage

Next thing you're saying is that the Atlanteans recovered the Chappa'ai five centuries ago...
He mentioned it first, and now you try to steal his idea. Guess there truly is no honor among thieves. :D


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:47am

Someone missed the joke, but if we really wanted to debate idea's we could be debating for hours. It all comes down to fist come first serve however.

That said, have fun explaining the Atantean connection!


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:50am

Well excuze me for being ...
All your English humor is to me. :)


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 11:52am

Lighten up!

Does this mean my idea (not yet implemented) of using Stargate:Atlantis charactor names is now stealing idea's?


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 12:45pm

No, but when someone is going after something in Anntarctica and you then say 'Hands off Atlantean poperty!' and 'the items were never lost just put in storage' I do consider it an attempt to steal, you fiendish Atlantean thief!! :D
Now with something like the Yautja or the Highlander immortals, there are plenty of them running around to use (except for the Kurgan, who kicked the bucket in the early 1920s).

Edit: Minor correction, he kicked the bucket in 1927...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Jun 10th 2007, 12:50pm)


Sunday, June 10th 2007, 1:58pm


Originally posted by Rooijen10
No, but when someone is going after something in Anntarctica and you then say 'Hands off Atlantean poperty!' and 'the items were never lost just put in storage' I do consider it an attempt to steal, you fiendish Atlantean thief!! :D

Now I know how Paul McCartney feels about Micheal Jackson owning the beatles song rights....


Originally posted by Rooijen10
Now with something like the Yautja or the Highlander immortals, there are plenty of them running around to use (except for the Kurgan, who kicked the bucket in the early 1920s).

Edit: Minor correction, he kicked the bucket in 1927...

Not my cup of tea but I do have my own idea's which I won't post so paranoid people won't try to steal them in spite!