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Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 1:58pm

Q1 1934?

So, are people ready to advance to Q1, 1934? I know a number of countries have already posted turns for Q1, but I figured I'd check for those who haven't......


Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 2:09pm

I'm good to go.


Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 2:25pm



Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 2:29pm

Fine by me. I've got most things sorted out now.


Tuesday, February 27th 2007, 6:24pm

If you can call this mess in South America sorted...yes I'm ready.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Wednesday, February 28th 2007, 3:34am

My concern would be that NATO is put together and ready to function. I see the last post on that forum was several days ago, so they may be.

Since Canis has muttered about European/Asian powers, and Atlantis was somewhat involved, once they are functional, the LON discussion on Bolivia may change.


Wednesday, February 28th 2007, 3:58am

I'm ready on the quarterly reports front, news on the otherhand.....

If we need a catchup period I'm fine with that.


Wednesday, February 28th 2007, 4:31am

I'm waiting on RLBH for something for my Q1 report, but I guess we can catch up.


Thursday, March 1st 2007, 1:00am

I apolgize for falling behind, guys.. real life snuck up and kicked me in the ass. I'll respond to PMs and post reports/news when possible.