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Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 4:48am

Aircraft econ

Okay, airplanes!

Whats the rules on them?

AKA, are there limits to my creativity using planebuilder?

If I wanted to build a 4,000 HP engine could I? Or is there tech advancement required?

How are they paid for? This is important, because I'd like to build airships...really big ones. And they'd be expensive.

I cant find anything anywhere here about them. I probably overlooked something.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 5:25am

There are no rules except that any plane cannot be ore than 5 years advanced. However you are limited by common sence and realism.

Yes you can build airships but not fleets of hundreds of them.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 7:43am

well thats not good enough.

what happens if i wanna go and build a 9,000,000 m/3 Aerial CV? better yet three of them.

and of course some Aerial BB's. haha. and...and...maybe a dozen supporting airships. plus the planes to go on them. plus the planes to go on my carrier.



Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 7:53am

Well I'd say its a wee bit more complex than just 5 years from historical. Whatever seems realistic for the period, Planebuilder would be the prefered method of design for fictional designs.


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Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 8:12am

Common sence and realism....

You should be able to explain the physics behind such very odd concepts which have no counterpart OTL. So better stick to something that was there historically, probably slightly modified to give it a personal touch.


Originally posted by Salaam86
well thats not good enough.

what happens if i wanna go and build a 9,000,000 m/3 Aerial CV? better yet three of them.

and of course some Aerial BB's. haha. and...and...maybe a dozen supporting airships. plus the planes to go on them. plus the planes to go on my carrier.



Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 8:13am


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Well I'd say its a wee bit more complex than just 5 years from historical. Whatever seems realistic for the period, Planebuilder would be the prefered method of design for fictional designs.

nah, britain was planning it during the 30's. but point being, my post was to exaggerate it. obviously korea cant build a hoarde of airships and aircraft.

im sorry. im being a major pain.

but i'm not real use to somebody saying "Alright. you have free license to build anything that flies as long as it seems reasonable."


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 8:23am

Nope, I'm the one with the flying aircraft carriers. :D


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 8:45am

Yeah, the real ones: Arkon and Macon.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 8:55am

Acctually the 4 Atlantean airships are practically Acron clones so that makes 6 airship carriers!


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 10:15am


If I wanted to build a 4,000 HP engine could I?

Yes but it'd probably be about 120L - 130L. So similar to an R-7755. It weighs more than most period aircraft.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 11:21am


If I wanted to build a 4,000 HP engine could I?

Flick through a WW2 era encyclopedia and see if there is a 4,000hp engine in use within 5 years of 1933.

2,300 hp Pratt and Whitney R-2800-59 radials of the A-26 Invader, first flown in 1942
2,950 hp Daimler-Benz DB 610A 1/B1 inline
2,200 hp Wright R-3350-57 radial enines of the B-29, first flown in 1942
2,180 hp Napier Sabre II inline of the Tempest/Typhoon, first flown
2,100 hp BMW 801D-2 Radial of the Focke Wulf 190, first flown in 1939
2,000 hp Pratt and Whitney R-2800-79 radials of the A-26 Invader, first flown in 1942

5 years earlier from historical is deemed an extreme design by most here so I'd say 4,000 hp is quite extreme to say the least.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 11:26am

There are plenty of 4000hp engines available. They just aren't mounted on aircraft. Weight and size are the problems facing building such an engine.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 12:24pm

...but we are talking about mounting such engines on aircraft no?, as such nadda planes with 4,000 hp engines.


Tuesday, February 20th 2007, 2:50pm

Chosen will be buying its aircraft from Japan anyway, so...


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 10:26pm


Originally posted by Swamphen
Chosen will be buying its aircraft from Japan anyway, so...


that seems unlikely considering Queen Purlian's...temperment.


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 10:36pm

"The lines of the Japanese aircraft aren't graceful enough." :D


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 10:38pm

Okay, how's this.

2,407 HP engines?

It's a flying wing with 3 of them.


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 10:50pm

You're probably looking at around a 70-80L engine that weighs 4000lb +, its pretty massive with large frontal area but it should be possible.

Actually, the US seems to be doing best for export orders or for "cloned" aircraft. I'm sure this has a lot to do with most of us being from the US...

Boeing 3063 Flying wing project from Mid-30s


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 11:20pm

oh! it looks funny.

where'd you find that pic at?


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 11:30pm


Originally posted by Salaam86
Okay, how's this.

2,407 HP engines?

It's a flying wing with 3 of them.

If Chosen has the proper aero-industry - which I wonder about - 5 to 10 as a National Prestige Project could be possible, if costly and drawn-out. Anything more, however, wouldn't be feasible.