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Friday, November 24th 2006, 6:52pm

Those numbers were for the Panama canal, not this one.


Friday, November 24th 2006, 7:00pm

His later number (for 60 IP) would be the cost of 15 (over treaty sized) battleships...40,000 ton light, battleships. And that is still ten years estimated.


Friday, November 24th 2006, 7:11pm

What RA stated is something I thought as well. The 10 years or 60 IP is an estimate for the Panama Canal if it were built in the 1930s.
I would guess that the Mexico Canal is probably double that.


Friday, November 24th 2006, 8:04pm

Maybe we should rename the canal: The Mexican Surcouf Canal.


Friday, November 24th 2006, 8:19pm

Sign at the canal entrance


[SIZE=4]The Mexican Surcouf Canal[/SIZE]
Started: A long, long time ago...
Completed: God knows....



Friday, November 24th 2006, 8:22pm

How about "The realism wars canal"?

I have no problem discussing the cost of the canal, its all the fuss about the 15 year date set for the canal. Its a projection, part of a storyline that Canis really hasn't had the time to develope and certainly is still ongoing.

20 years: seems reasonable to me, 5 more years than projected.

60 IP: not so sure about this, thats equal to about 600,000 tons of warship materials, certainly the lock doors ect. will not cost that much.

Again Canis did alot of the calculations for various things, number of locks, size of lock gates ect so You'd have to talk to him in that reguard. I'll simply follow his lead on any idea's.


Saturday, November 25th 2006, 1:18am


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Wait indeed, how long has this project been going on and NOW you want to see us pay insane amounts of IP's? Little late for that don't ya think?

NEVER at any time have asked you or anyone to pay for this or any other project...... I was merely hoping that an estimate of the cost might bring home the idea that the original timeframe is erroneous.......

P.S. This is mac, not bernhard.......just a reminder, as your tone of late toward me smacks of a slip of memory!!!!


Saturday, November 25th 2006, 8:52am


Originally posted by Commodore Green
P.S. This is mac, not bernhard.......just a reminder, as your tone of late toward me smacks of a slip of memory!!!!

Check your PM's......

Any future comments should be made in reguards to the orriginal idea behind this post, that being Desertfox's sub design.