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Friday, January 27th 2006, 10:39pm

Marinha Império do Brasil, Q4/29

December 27, 1929
Today , Império do Brasil acknowledged that the Marinha has placed an order of two battlecruisers with the Filipino government. While there were widespread rumors of such an order weeks ago, it has only now just recieved SATSUMA Article 14 clearance.

The order was also given as the reason for the Coastal Battleship Riachuelo having been not only been decommissioned, but stricken and scrapped, on such short notice. While there has been some protesting within the Senada Imperial, the Mestre dos Almirante has stood by its decision to temporarily weaken the Marinha's line of battle.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 1:36am

You're using an online translator for the Portuguese words, aren't you

I can help you with names and other details, being Brazilian myself. Don't know about who was who historically, but I think I can be of assistance.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 2:04am

[Thank you very much! What'd I get wrong? I've never tried to learn any of the classical languages, so the syntax is largely lost on me.]


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 7:02am

No request for a design competition? :-(


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 7:37am

[Not for the BCs. I was taken enough by the design that I didn't feel the need to call a competition. Besides, they offered.

However, don't worry, my cruisers are next up and I'm going to be ordering be calling a design comp for those. That CL of yours that you modified for Chile has intrigued me.]


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, January 28th 2006, 12:46pm

Good decision. Scrapping all the old stuff will buy you the material you need for new ships while your factories build up your infrastructure. I like that (speaking as a player, not SAE politician of coruse).


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 2:19pm


Originally posted by Fyrwulf
[Thank you very much! What'd I get wrong? I've never tried to learn any of the classical languages, so the syntax is largely lost on me.]

Senado Imperial

Mestre dos Almirantes - BTW, what do you mean with this title? Navy Minister? Chief of Naval Staff?

Império do Brasil is correct, although the navy would be probably(not sure) called Marinha Imperial.

BTW, the main naval publication in Brazil is the Revista Marítima Brasileira - it's being published since the 1890's at least.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 2:50pm

Mestre dos Almirantes - Board of Admiralty. My Brazilian Portuguese dictionary didn't have the exact translation I wanted, so I improvised.

With the navy title, I was trying to get across "Navy of the Empire of Brazil", however Marinha Imperial is less cumbersome and would probably be better used in less formal situations.

EDIT: Thank you for the publication title, I'll use that from now on for the news reports. If it dates back to the real Empire of Brazil, it's official where I'm concerned.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 3:54pm

Keep in mind...

...that while Brazil is likely more Portugese, and the Philippines more Spanish, Iberian is likely a mish-mash of the two languages.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 4:13pm

Indeed. I think we're both using Brazilian Portuguese at the moment. It'll probably be closer to the fictional Iberian than straight Portuguese or straight Spanish is. However, that doesn't mean Brasil likes the Spanish any more.


Saturday, January 28th 2006, 5:55pm

Chile is more along the lines of speaking Spanish rather than Iberian. Chile also harbors no real feeling for its former colonial parent nation. Hense the design of the newer Armored Cruisers was to counter El Cid....Also that El Cid was probably the largest cruiser in the world had something to do with those thoughts.


Sunday, January 29th 2006, 2:44am


Originally posted by Fyrwulf
Mestre dos Almirantes - Board of Admiralty. My Brazilian Portuguese dictionary didn't have the exact translation I wanted, so I improvised.

With the navy title, I was trying to get across "Navy of the Empire of Brazil", however Marinha Imperial is less cumbersome and would probably be better used in less formal situations.

EDIT: Thank you for the publication title, I'll use that from now on for the news reports. If it dates back to the real Empire of Brazil, it's official where I'm concerned.

I don't know the formal title of the Brazilian Imperial Navy; whever I read it was either referred to as the Marinha Imperial or the Armada. Possibly Marinha Imperial is the formal title. Navy of the Empire of Brazil translates to Marinha do Império do Brasil in Portuguese.

Board of Admiralty - Hmm, AFAIK there is no equivalent in Brazil - it would be a division of the Navy Ministry(Ministério da Marinha), and the Navy Minister would be the one to defend the aquisition in the Senate.


Sunday, January 29th 2006, 5:35am

December 29, 1929
Today the Marinha Imperial announced the authorization for an international design study into a a next-generation Class A light cruiser in the 9,000-13,000 range. It is widely rumored that the favored design will recieve a six-ship building contract.'

Also today, it was reported that the Gunboat Acre engaged and killed several individuals in the Manaus region that had fired upon the gunboat. Neither the origin of the individuals nor their political ties has been revealed, as well no motive for the incident has been suggested.


Monday, January 30th 2006, 9:34am

name of the navy

I was wondering about that myself. Marinha Imperial do Brasil or Marinha de Imperio do Brasil come to mind with the former one being more likely?


Monday, January 30th 2006, 11:10am

[The former is more likely, I think. At any rate, the prefix MIBN will precede a ships name in the Brazilian order of battle from now on.]