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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, January 24th 2006, 3:36pm

Quarterly Report for the SAE #35

[SIZE=4]SAE Quarterly Reports[/SIZE]

No. 35 – July to September 1929

[SIZE=3]Transfers: [/SIZE]

0,2pts transferred to India for Diego Garcia

[SIZE=3]Factories: [/SIZE]

26 factories total can be used.

Fixed factories

3 factory will be fixed to produce infrastructure points for 1929.

Flexible factories

4,141ts material transferred from Q2 (incl. material recovered from scrapyard).

21,184ts material necessary to be produced in this quarter (22 factories).

1 factory will produce infrastructure points this quarter.

Infrastructure points used this quarter:

0,2pts put into a new Type 1 Dock in Port Louis for a total of 0,5pts at the end of Q3

[SIZE=3]Ships: [/SIZE]

Minor vessels

Completed Units

36x UJ26-class ASW launch

6x R28-class motor launch

15x Tree-class minesweeper
16x Bush-class minesweeper (Type 21)
1x MS28-class minesweeper

1x Centaur-class sloops
4x Polar-class sloops
20x S-class sloops

12x River-class frigate

8x Pleiades-class light destroyers

6x Guard-class patrol crafts

On Trials

3x MS28-class minesweeper
- MS28-3 running trials until September 29
- MS28-2 running trials until August 29
- MS28-4 running trials until October 29

4x River-class frigate
- Rio Olimer Grande running trials until August 29
- Rio Cebolatti running trials until July 29
- Rio Tacuari running trials until July 29
- Rio Daymàn running trials until September 29

Ordered Units

4x MS28-class minesweeper (Type 28 - 10 month á 56ts material necessary per unit)
- MS28-6 laid down in Buenos Aires on a Type 0 slip in March, completed December 29
- MS28-5 laid down in St. Helena on a Type 0 slip in January, completed October 29
- MS28-8 laid down in Douala on a Type 0 slip in May, completed February 30
- MS28-7 laid down in Montevideo on a Type 0 slip in March, completed January 30

6x LD29-class light destroyer (10 month á 58ts material necessary per unit)
- Uranus laid down in Cape Town on a Type 0 slip in January, completed October 29
- Saturn laid down in Port Louis on a Type 1 slip in January, completed October 29
- Venus laid down in Buenos Aires on a Type 1 slip in March, completed December 29
- Mercury laid down in Mar del Plata on a Type 1 slip in March, completed December 29
- Jupiter laid down in Montevideo on a Type 1 slip in March, completed January 30
- Mars laid down in Montevideo on a Type 0 slip in March, completed January 30

1x SL29-class sloop (11 month á 100ts material necessary per unit)
- Circe laid down in Durban on a Type 1 slip in April, completed January 30

12x UJ26-class (1 month á 195ts material necessary per unit)
- UJ37-40 build in Lüderitz in July
- UJ41-44 build in Lüderitz in August
- UJ45-48 build in Lüderitz in September




6x MS12-class (4 month total, 1 month in Type 0 dock)
- Hyacinth scrapping in Buenos Aires starting in August, finished in November 28 – 63ts received from hull for Q3/1929
- Iris scrapping in St. Helena starting in September, finished in December 28 – 63ts received from hull for Q3/1929
- Snowdrop scrapping in Mar del Plata starting in October, finished in January 29 – 63ts received from hull for Q4/1929
- Crocus scrapping in Buenos Aires starting in December, finished in March 29 – 63ts received from hull for Q4/1929
- Jonquil scrapping in Buenos Aires starting in January, finished in April 29 – 63ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Foxglove scrapping in Mar del Plata starting in March, finished in June 29 – 63ts received from hull for Q1/1930

1x SL09-class (4 month total, 2 month in Type 0 dock)
- Pluto scrapping in Cape Town starting in July, finished in October – 99ts received from hull for Q3/1929

10x SL11-class (4 month total, 2 month in Type 0 dock)
- Rhötos scrapping in Durban starting in February, finished in May – 126ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Cheiron scrapping in Durban starting in January, finished in April – 126ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Pholos scrapping in Cape Town starting in February, finished in May – 126ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Diktys scrapping in Port Elizabeth starting in January, finished in April – 126ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Hylonome scrapping in Daressalam starting in January, finished in April – 126ts received from hull for Q1/1930
- Peträos scrapping in Durban starting in June, finished in September – 126ts received from hull for Q2/1930
- Nessos scrapping in Durban starting in June, finished in September – 126ts received from hull for Q2/1930
- Eurytion scrapping in Cape Town starting in June, finished in September – 126ts received from hull for Q2/1930
- Cyllaros scrapping in Port Elizabeth starting in June, finished in September – 126ts received from hull for Q2/1930
- Roikos scrapping in Daressalam starting in June, finished in September – 126ts received from hull for Q2/1930


Completed Units

11x Cat-class torpedoboat
12x Hound-class torpedoboat (Type 21)
12x Hound-class torpedoboat (Type 26)

12x Nymph-class destroyer (Type 21)
12x Nymph-class destroyer (Type 23)
8x Nymph-class destroyer (Type 27)
2x DL28-class destroyer leader (Type 28)

On Trials

1x TB16-class torpedo boats
- Panther running trials until July 29

2x Nymph-class destroyer (Type 27)
- Menippe running trials until July 29
- Nesaia running trials until September 29

2x DL28-class destroyer leader (Type 28)
- Ranseur running trials until September 29
- Glaive running trials until August 29

Ordered Units

6x Nymph-class destroyer (Type 27 - 11 month á 147ts material necessary per unit)
- Panopeia laid down in Port Elizabeth on a Type 1 slip in January, completed in November 29
- Pasithea laid down in Daressalam on a Type 1 slip in January, completed in November 29
- Pherusa laid down in Douala on a Type 1 slip in February, completed in December 29
- Ploto laid down in Buenos Aires on a Type 2 slip in February, completed in December 29
- Polynoe laid down in Mar del Plata on a Type 2 slip in March, completed in January 30
- Neso laid down in Port Elizabeth on a Type 2 slip in March, completed in February 30

4x DL28-class destroyer leader (11 month á 181ts material necessary per unit)
- Javelin laid down in Durban on a Type 2 slip in January, completed in November 29
- Guisarme laid down in Daressalam on a Type 2 slip in January, completed in November 29
- Longspear laid down in Cope Town on a Type 2 slip in May, completed in March 30
- Scythe laid down in Port Louis on a Type 2 slip in April, completed in June 30





Class B Cruisers

Completed Units

11x Insect-class torpedoboat
4x Nampula-class light cruiser
4x Port Shepstone-class light cruiser
3x Santa Fe-class light cruiser
4x Yaounde-class light cruiser
4x Libreville-class light cruiser
4x Rosario-class light cruiser
4x Aurora-class light cruiser
2x Arion-class light cruiser

On Trials

2x CL13-class light cruiser
- Port Nolloth running trials until August 29
- Port Elizabeth running trials until August 29

Ordered Units

2x CL27-class light cruiser (15 month á 384ts material necessary per unit)
- Pegasus laid down in Durban on a Type 3 slip in May, completed in July 29
- Areion laid down in Cape Town on a Type 3 slip in June, completed in August 29

2x CL29-class light cruiser (17 month á 458ts material necessary per unit)
- Pietermaritzburg II laid down in Durban in a Type 2 dock in March, completed in July 29
- Douala II laid down in Montevideo on a Type 2 dock in January, completed in May 30


1x CL13-class light cruiser (14 month á 145ts/month material necessary per unit)
- Porto Alegre entering a Type 2 dock in Mar del Plata in July. Leaving the dock in December 28, the cruiser will stay in the yard until August 29

3x CL16-class light cruiser (12 month á 192ts/month material necessary per unit)
- Santa Fe entering a Type 2 dock in Port Elizabeth in February. Leaving the dock in June 29, the cruiser will stay in the yard until January 30
- Pelotas entering a Type 3 dock in Daressalam in September. Leaving the dock in Januar 30, the cruiser will stay in the yard until August 30
- Rio Grande entering a Type 2 dock in Montevideo in September. Leaving the dock in Januar 30, the cruiser will stay in the yard until August 30



Class A Cruisers

Completed Units

0x Colony-class AC
1x General-class AC
4x Cape-class (Type 23)
2x Cape-class (Type 26)

On Trials

1x Colony-class AC
- Argentina running trials until August 29

Ordered Units

2x CA29-class heavy cruiser (21 month á 545ts material necessary per unit)
- Ladon laid down in Montevideo on a Type 3 slip in January, completed in September 30
- Fafnir laid down in Curban on a Type 3 slip in August, completed in April 31




1x General-class (10 month total, 4 month in Type 4 dock)
- Van de Loo scrapping in Buenos Aires starting in May, finished in November – 1.623ts received from hull for Q3/1930, guns of first, second and third battery stored

Capital Units

Completed Units

2x Hertog-class
1x Koning-class
2x Mauritius-class
2x South Africa-class
2x Mocambique-class
1x Ophion-class

On Trials

1x Koning-class battleship
- Koning Hendrik running trials until August 29

1x Ophion-class battleship
- Hyperion running trials until August 29

Ordered Units



2x Koning-class battleship (22 month á 576ts/month material necessary per unit)
- Koning Wilhelm entering a Type 3 dock in Cape Town in January. Leaving the dock in September 28, the battleship will stay in the yard until October 29
- Koning Phillip entering a Type 3 dock in Douala in March. Leaving the dock in November 28, the battleship will stay in the yard until December 29


2x Sao Tome-class (10 month total, 4 month in Type 4 dock)
- Principe scrapping in Montevideo starting in January, finished in October – 3.095ts received from hull for Q3/1929, guns of first, second and third battery stored
- Sao Tome scrapping in Montevideo starting in January, finished in October – 3.095ts received from hull for Q3/1930, guns of first, second and third battery stored

Coastal Defence Units

Completed Units

1x Nagelring-class
2x LCDS-class

On Trials

1x CDS4-class coast defense ship
- Tyrfing running trials until September 29

Ordered Units

1x LCDS-2-class coast defense ship (11 month á 169ts material necessary per unit)
- Ringhorn laid down in Buenos Aires on a Type 3 slip in October, completed in August 29

1x CDS5-class coast defense ship (17 month á 448ts material necessary per unit)
- Gungnir laid down in Cape Town on a Type 3 slip in June, completed in October 30


Completed Units

1x CV25B-class
1x CV26-class

On Trials


Ordered Units


Class A Submarines

Completed Units

12x E-class submarine
16x F-class submarine
4x J-class submarine

Ordered Units


Class B Submarines

Completed Units

14x G-class submarine
15x I-class submarine
12x H-class submarine
11x K-class submarine

On Trials

1x K-class submarine
- K12 running trials until September 29

Ordered Units

4x K-class submarine (10 month á 46ts material necessary per unit)
- K13 laid down in Cape Town on a Type 0 slip in April, completed in January 30
- K16 laid down in Daressalam on a Type 0 slip in April, completed in January 30
- K14 laid down in Prince Eduard Islands on a Type 0 slip in May, completed in February 30
- K15 laid down in Douala on a Type 0 slip in April, completed in January 30


Completed Units

16x Bay-class tender (several different designs)

4x Mimir-class floatplane carriers

1x Bölthorn-class floatplane carrier

On Trials


Ordered Units

1x AV28-class floatplane carrier (12 month á 168ts material necessary per unit)
- Egdir laid down in Majunga on a Type 1 slip in March, completed in January 30

1x Thjazi-class floatplane carrier (15 month á 354ts material necessary per unit)
- Thjazi laid down in Durban on a Type 4 slip in July, completed in September 30

1x TD29-class tender (14 month á 304ts material necessary per unit)
- TD29-1 laid down in Montevideo on a Type 4 slip in January, completed in February 30


At the end of this quarter the RSAN consists of (units in service only):

36 ASW launches
6 motor launches
31 minesweepers
51 small patrol crafts
63 TB/DDs (does not include 11 TBs with 15cm guns)
42 cruisers category b (does include 11 TBs with 15cm guns)
7 cruisers category a
9 capital units
2 fleet carrier
51 submarines category b
32 submarines category a
4 floatplane carriers
16 armed tenders

plus numerous auxiliary vessels of all kind.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, January 24th 2006, 3:40pm

New ships of the RSAN in 1929

Thjazi (Revised Gaudhi Sagar) , South African Floatplane Carrier laid down 1929

Displacement: 5.400 t standard
Dimensions: 144,46 m / 140,00 m x 19,00 m x 5,00 m
Armament: 4 - 5,91" / 150 mm guns (2x2 guns)
Machinery: Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, Geared drive, 2 shafts, 10.000 Kw
Complement: 369 - 481
Cost: £1,158 million / $4,631 million
Remarks: Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent; Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent; Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform; Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather