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Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 11:51am

Greece - 1929 Q2

[SIZE=4]Greece - 1929 Q2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]A. Industrial Allocation[/SIZE]

15/15 Factories designated to Infrastructure production
1.5 IP produced

0 tons recycled & from foreign payment

0 tons from last Quarter

0 tons passed over to next Quarter

[SIZE=3]B. Infrastructure Activity[/SIZE]

Type 2 Drydock -> 1 IP (Type 4 Drydock (0 IP to go)

Suda Bay
Type 3 Drydock -> 0.5 IP (Type 4 Drydock (0 IP to GO)

[SIZE=3]C. Ship Yard Activity[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]PROGRAM ALPHA (Large Ship Program)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T3 Dry[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T3 Dry[/SIZE]
AC-4 Thaumas Light Displ: 12800 tons
Q 5969 t total 47% completed

[SIZE=3]PROGRAM GAMMA (Medium Ship Program)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Suda Bay Slip/Dock- T2 Dry[/SIZE]

AS-3 Hekate Light Displ: 4500 tons
Q 3233 t total 72% completed

[SIZE=3]Escort Cruiser Program[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T2 Slip[/SIZE]
C-26 Iraklion Light Displ: 5769 tons
Q 1185 t total 21% completed

[SIZE=3]Submarine Transport and Destroyer Program[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T2 Slip[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T2 Dry[/SIZE]

D-37 Massavetas Light Displ: 1353 tons
797 t total 59% completed

[SIZE=3]PROGRAM EPSILON (Escort Program) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T1 Slip[/SIZE]

G-15 Arete Light Displ: 1878 tons
1053 t total 56% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T1 Slip[/SIZE]

G-16 Diomedes Light Displ: 1878 tons
1053 t total 56% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Patra Slip/Dock- T1 Dry[/SIZE]

F-24 Atreus Light Displ: 1878 tons
1053 t total 56% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Patra Slip/Dock- T1 Slip[/SIZE]

F-22 Calydon Light Displ: 1878 tons
1053 t total 56% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Salamis Slip/Dock- T1 Dry[/SIZE]

F-23 Melampus Light Displ: 1878 tons
1053 t total 56% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Volos Slip/Dock- T1 Dry[/SIZE]
M-5 Chios Light Displ: 1878 tons
765 t total 41% completed

[SIZE=3]Yard - Attica Slip/Dock- T0 Slip[/SIZE]

MS-12 Pegaiai Light Displ: 800 tons
498 t total 62% completed

[SIZE=3]Torpedoboat Program[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Thessalonica Slip/Dock- T0 Slip[/SIZE]

T-26 Poluphemos Light Displ: 600 tons
504 t total 84% completed

T-27 Pegasos Light Displ: 600 tons
250 t total 42% completed

[SIZE=3]Submarine Program[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Yard - Paros Slip/Dock- T0 Dry[/SIZE]

Attica T0 Slip Idle
Patra T0 Dry Idle
Thessalonica T0 Dry Idle
Thessalonica T0 Slip Idle

- none

[SIZE=3]E. Other Activities[/SIZE]
- see News

[SIZE=3]F. Order of Battle[/SIZE]
- see Encyclopedia


Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 12:04pm


Type 2 Drydock -> 1 IP (Type 4 Drydock (0 IP to go)

Isn't Alexandria British controled or did I miss a news posting?


Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 12:41pm

That's Alexandria, Greece (west of Thessaloniki). Any idea how many Alexandrias there are in the USA? In the world? Hell there is even an Alexandria some 375 kilometers north of you Wes!!


Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 1:06pm

I'd be fairly sure its Alexandria, Egypt considering Alexandreia, Greece is landlocked.


Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 1:20pm

I seem to remember some story about a canal in Greece (I think that one was Harry's). Might have something to do with that.
... if not, then this is probably the first surprise of the year 2006!
(First of many I think)
[SIZE=4]"Aliens Hypnotize UK Government. Sell Alexandria to Greece!"[/SIZE]


Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 2:49am

It is Alexandria, Egypt. GB will have an announcement soon (I was just getting too far behind with Q reports). For 1929, in support of negotiations in Copenhagen, Greece has suspended all warships construction. Resources are going into improving base facilities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Suda Bay and Alexandria). Effectively, Greece has avoided both FAR and AAMN (there were negotiations) to pursue a third option.



Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 6:15am

Ok I'm officially no longer perplexed.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 9:11am

....but I don´t get it..... :o/


Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 5:09pm

Its North and South Greek to me.

The Brits are looking for allies now that Australia has broken away taking part of the fleet I suppose. What better way to lock up the Med. than to get Greek allies on both sides of the Eastern part of the Sea?


Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 5:48pm


What better way to lock up the Med. than to get Greek allies on both sides of the Eastern part of the Sea?

I can think of better ways of doing things...


Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 9:17pm


The Brits are looking for allies now that Australia has broken away taking part of the fleet I suppose.
Not really. Australia will be responsible for the defence of British possesions in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.


Thursday, January 5th 2006, 6:27am

So what does Britain get out of the deal then?


Thursday, January 5th 2006, 6:59am

an extra Dominion...

Not that far. Either FAR or AAMN can cut off GB from the world as effectively as GB did to Germany in WW1. The best bases (Malta, Gibraltar) in the Mediterranean are vulnerable to AAMN, Greece in FAR gives Russia an easy hand into the Mediterranean.

GB gets improved base access in areas more remote from potential enemies and the benefit is that someone else pays for it.


PS. I was getting bored.


Thursday, January 5th 2006, 8:21am


Originally posted by alt_naval
Either FAR or AAMN can cut off GB from the world as effectively as GB did to Germany in WW1.

*cough cough* Britain is the last nation I'd like to tackle, given her numerical superiority. Both FAR and the AANM would have to worry about the possibility of the other alliance backing Britain.

A valid point though...


Originally posted by alt_naval
The best bases (Malta, Gibraltar) in the Mediterranean are vulnerable to AAMN

No arguement there...


Originally posted by alt_naval
Greece in FAR gives Russia an easy hand into the Mediterranean.

It dosn't get much easier with a subdued Turkey and an independant Byzantium (under the protection of FAR) for Russia to throw weight in the Med. Were/are the British concerned about a non-bolshivist Russia?


Originally posted by alt_naval
GB gets improved base access in areas more remote from potential enemies and the benefit is that someone else pays for it.

That was the only benifit I could think of, it certainly gives Britain base access much closer to Malta for support but I doubt it would benifit Gibraltar much more.


Originally posted by alt_naval
PS. I was getting bored.

Idle hands are the devils plaground! ;-)


Thursday, January 5th 2006, 11:45am

Atlantis is a cork in the centre of the Atlantic. There is no reliable oil supply that GB controls or has unfetted access to. I'll grant that Russian interests are less likely to clash with GB as there is no India to fight over. 'East of Suez' would be a rational policy for GB now, not in 20 years time.



Thursday, January 5th 2006, 9:12pm


Both FAR and the AANM would have to worry about the possibility of the other alliance backing Britain.

> Evil laugh


Thursday, January 5th 2006, 10:39pm


> Evil laugh

I thought I could hear someone stroking a white pussy.



Friday, January 6th 2006, 10:32am

I have this little bugger instead.


Friday, January 6th 2006, 7:23pm

Be careful!!! The bones of fifty men lay strewn about its lair! Watch out for its sharp, pointy teeth!


Friday, January 6th 2006, 8:09pm

Time for the holy hand grenade of antioch.....