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Thursday, July 21st 2005, 10:20pm

I got the Balkans map, and I think I've got that area sorted out.


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 5:55pm

How is Africa coming along?


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 7:01pm

The only discrepensy I can make out is that little strip of land belonging to British Namibia, which is actually part of SAE controled Botswana.


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 9:58pm

I think that leaves Atlantis as the last major area of work needed. Once I get the info on it I can draw it up.


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 10:46pm

Some late input:

Note that Nordmark also includes Newfoundland (as Vinland), parts of the Arctic Archipelago (Ellesmere, Axel Heiberg, the Rignes Islands, Sverdrup Island), Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic and Peter Island in the South Pacific. You might have these last ones colored correctly, but looking at the Small-Ass Map, I can't tell.

Bhutan is a part of India. As noted by somebody else, the Andamans, Diego Garcia and the Chagos Islands, the Laccadives, and the Maldives are Indian. All of Kashmir (northern India) also remains in India here.

The Nicobar Islands are Dutch.

Looks pretty good, otherwise.


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 10:50pm

Ah, I'd forgotten the Nordish territories.

Also just remembered that the SAE and the Dutch African colonies should have a border, something like this:


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 10:56pm

I thought there was some talk about putting Newfoundland back into Canada after Peng vanished...


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 11:00pm

Historically Newfoundland wasn't in Canada at this point, anyway. ;-)


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 11:01pm

... Dominion of Canada.


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 11:05pm

Now what does the Dominion have to do with this?

NF was totally, 100% seperate from Canada until 1948.


Newfoundland was granted Dominion status in 1917 and the same badge was approved for the Red Ensign 25 October 1918.

In 1924 an enquiry from the Imperial War Graves Commission, which was responsible for memorials to members of British Empire forces killed in the 1914-1918 war, led to the discovery that arms had been granted to Newfoundland on 1 January 1638 (new style), and later forgotten. They were confirmed and certified by Garter King of Arms 18 February 1925, though apparently not officially revived until 1 January 1928.

Although its international relations were still handled by Britain, Newfoundland had Dominion status and a National Flag Act was passed that became effective on 15 May 1931. It was originally intended that there should be three national flags, but this was amended to just one, the Union Jack. The circular badge on the governor's flag and ensigns was retained and not replaced by the shield of the arms. There was no section on penalties for misuse of flags, as the Statute of Westminster, a British Act that gave legal form to the Balfour definition of Dominion status, had not been enacted, and the British Commonwealth Merchant Shipping Agreement (1931) had not been signed. Any instances that arose would have been dealt with under the 1894 Merchant Shipping Act. [Public Record Office DO 35/130/8]. In 1933, owing to world depression and inability to meet interest charges on Public Debt, the Legislature asked the King to suspend the constitution and appoint Commissioners. They took office in 1934 thus ending Dominion status.

After the 1939-1945 war, in a referendum held to decide Newfoundland's constitutional future, just over 52 percent of those voting favoured union with Canada, and this took effect 31 March 1949.



Friday, July 22nd 2005, 11:07pm

I'd not forgotten about the Nordmark colonies....I just never knew of them in the first place. (or where it came from for that matter) Would Newfoundland (Vinland) be an old Viking colony that clung to Europe somehow even though the Middle Ages?


Friday, July 22nd 2005, 11:09pm

Quick! Need to hide that error I made!!
I... was talking about Canada itself (without Newfoundland).


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 12:05am

Is Vinland just the island or mainland Newfoundland as well? I think I've got the Canadian arctic islands sorted out. I can't find a Peter Island in the Pacific yet. Walter sent me his map data, so hopefully later tonight I'll have Atlantis pieced together. Its actually made up of bits and pieces cut and pasted together, bits of Japan, Nordmark, Iberia and France, etc... I'll have a new update, sans Atlantis, online shortly.

OK, its shortly. :)
Fat Man
Little Boy


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 2:27am

What is now (Real World) the US Virgin Islands were not sold by the Danes in 1917 to the US, so is still in DAnish hands, but I don't see them on the map (possibly 'cause they are too small!!)

Nice job otherwise!!


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 3:35am


OK, its shortly. :)
Fat Man
Little Boy

*scratches head* I don't see anything different...?


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 3:45am

Middle East troubles (do we alway have problems there?)

I think you might need to recheck the Middle East, there have been changes since Walter's early maps. Saudi Arabia is in existance now (I have now idea about Palastine at this time, historically it was a British Protectorate). But you might want to consult the powers that be about that area.


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 6:13am


I think you might need to recheck the Middle East, there have been changes since Walter's early maps. Saudi Arabia is in existance now

Sorry!! My fault!!! Actually the map is the latest one I have, however, I haven't changed Saudi Arabia yet!
... mainly because I had put so much effort into creating the Arabian peninsula this way.


I have now idea about Palastine at this time, historically it was a British Protectorate

Wesworld map I originally got from Wes had Palestina marked as French territory and I assume that Admiral K. added it to his territories since we didn't have a UK player at the beginning, Just like I added Guam (US) and the Giberts (UK) to my Pacific Mandate.


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 6:41am

The root of all problems?

Don't get me wrong, its a great map, just changes have been made in story form. In truth, Saudi Arabia could have a completely different shape then historical (though it would have to be explained how who got what and why).

Palestine is marked currently as independent which is odd if one considers the British promise to the Jewish population during the First World War and the promise to the Arab population following the war (hense the split Trans-Jordan and Palastine under British authority). According to the Zionists, all of that area is Palastine (and therefore was promised to present day Israel by the British out of the old Ottoman Empire), where as Jordan was promised to the Hussien Family (I believe that's the correct family) after the war when a group from present day Saudi Arabia moved north to fight the French in Syria (I think it was over Damascus, another traditional/holy city). It seems the British, tired of war, promised the land the Arab troops were in to their leader, which became Trans-Jordan (this bargin was concluded before the one with the Zionist would take effect, but the priority of promises seems the be the sticking point among some of the Jewish population). So it might be very critical (for the future/present day) as to what is happening in Palestine.
(That is if we continue though to modern times, but even if we don't, if might be good to see if the world is doomed or not before we end the simulation).


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 6:52am

OK, added back most of Saudi Arabia, not sure what to do with the "Hinterland of Aden", so I kept it as is for now. I also drew Atlantis. There was one small problem, there are two different Atlantis'!!! The map Walter sent me showing how Atlantis was pieced together from parts of existing countries differs from the Atlantis on the main map! The biggest difference is in the various islands surrounding the main island. It was easier to go with Walter's drawing, since that allowed me to make it look better than it would if I drew it from scratch. One thing I still need to know is where in Atlantis is Cleito so I can mark it on the map. As for Palestine, I'll leave it separate from Jordan and British for now, until I hear otherwise.


Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 7:49am

Your map of Atlantis is not bad for what little info we all have on it, its Geoghraphic placement in reguards to other nations is perfect, however there are a chain of Islands of the north western tip that stretch east over an area that covers Haiti/dominican republic.

The main city in western Sahara is Dakhla, for Autochthon its Safi. Illisus is on the the large Island of Lyra to the south east, in its latest incarnation its turned more parallell to the mainlands shoreline, slightly larger and closer to the mainland, this is the last portion of Atlantis proper that was conquered after "the great deluge" to restore Atlantis to its former glory (minus the parts nature took away that is).

Cleito is right smackdab in the middle of the northern coast of the Tuaran Sea, which devides southern Atlantis( Below the NT in AtlaNTis) in that neat little cove.

If I can I'll try to stop being so lazy and send you portions of the Map I have.