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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 3:27pm

Some territories around the SAE need to e modified. For example all islands around Madagascar are part of the SAE. On the other hand not all islands of St. Helena belong to the empire.

You´ll get a list when I´m back home.


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 3:41pm

Walter, Texas Ranger?

Hmm, need a little spelling fix up in the top-left corner. ^_^

Further notes after actually looking at the updated map...

Yemen should be British; looks like I was a little off on the Indian mandate, should be like this:

Spratlys = Philippines (as Kalayaan Islands)
Nicobars = Dutch (IIRC)
Socotra = UK
PNG = Australian mandate (IIRC)
Fed. States of Micronesia = Pacifica
Hainan = Iberia (as San Hainando or some such)
Haiti = Iberia
Paracels = Iberian mandate
Lebanon = France


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 5:07pm


As for the poor sod who draws Atlantis, I think I owe them a flat of beer....

You're teling us that you don't even know yourself how you did it?!


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 7:23pm


The various Pacific Islands will take a while to sort all out.

Heres a roughMap that might help out. Thats how I think it is.

For Australia I think Im going to have Sydney as the capital. And New Zealand can be considered part of Australia.


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 7:34pm

This is a post WW1 map of the Pacific:
Should be noted that I nicked the Gilbert Islands...
... and as you can see, the eastern end of New Guinea is Australian Mandate. That was how I had it on my map as well, but since brown was originally used for Australia and I used striped areas for the mandate (as well as the antarctic claims) when the map is shrunk and jpg-ed, the colors come out a bit different.


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 9:15pm

nice job canis!!!! great looking map!.

Couple of corrections for Netherlands, tho.

-Nicobar Islands are Dutch IIRC. Andaman Islands were taken by India after 1916 war but Nicobar islands are still controlled by Netherlands.

-Netherlands has a naval base loaned to the Danish at Phuket Island, Siam. Might be worth putting it there as it has quite a significant strategic importance (half of the dutch fleet in the Far East is based there).

[edit] Oh, and indeed, Surinam is Dutch :)[/edit]


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 9:18pm

A little post-data with yet another idea... and one question

after the most important issues are solved, it would be great to see Antarctica divided in the several claimed zones. I've never been attracted to that particular zone of the world but a lot of players have interests there, and would be great to see them displayed on-map :).

question is...the UK comes in pink, and Ireland is Pink too...IIRC Ireland got its independence from UK after WW1 IRL. Did it happen in Wesworld too?.


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 9:26pm


Originally posted by RAM
-Netherlands has a naval base loaned to the Danish at Phuket Island, Siam. Might be worth putting it there as it has quite a significant strategic importance (half of the dutch fleet in the Far East is based there).

Et Tu, Ram!!!!!!

Phuket IS, and will always be DANISH, You have rights to use it, not claim it as Dutch!!!!!


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 9:33pm


Originally posted by Commodore Green

Et Tu, Ram!!!!!!

Phuket IS, and will always be DANISH, You have rights to use it, not claim it as Dutch!!!!!

Hey!!! I never claimed it to be dutch territory!!!

but indeed the naval base there is used by netherlands, so in the map it should appear as such (unless you want to clutter the map with a long text full of unneccessary explanations ;) )


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 9:38pm

Just having it appear on the map with a (NEAT. Loan/ or Lease) would probably work. The matter in question is just getting it on the map at all, not ownership.


Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 11:15pm

I just put "Phuket" on the map. Nothing more, nothing less.

I've updated the maps. For some reason, the "Small" map had a larger file size than the full size map, so I deleted it. I now have just the BIG map, and the TINY map online.

Fat Man 9188x4688, 1.5 Megs

Little Boy 1470x747 (16% full size) 230K


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 12:53am

The white section in Antarctica would be the Chilean claim. I'd assume Argentina either has a dispute with Chile over it, or with Atlantis for its traditional claim.

You might want to (Nord)mark Jan Mayen in the Greenland Sea, and (Ib)erian the Central American Pacific Islands held by Costa Rica and Ecuador.


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 12:57am

Desertfox - that looks roughly right, except Guam is Japanese.

Canis - Excellent! Two slight nits - IIRC Pacifica includes Guam and the N. Marianas (but not Palau), and I think Walter would be interested to know that the Russians took over his claims in Penguinistan. ^_^


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 1:04am

Hmmm no Australian claim in Antartica, guess Im going to have to rectify that. Better prepare my own Antartic BB so I can go penguin hunting.

What are the Russians doing in Antartica anyway?


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 1:12am


What are the Russians doing in Antartica anyway?

They aren't. That area is Japanese, and they've found some interesting stuff there . :-)


Hmmm no Australian claim in Antartica, guess Im going to have to rectify that. Better prepare my own Antartic BB so I can go penguin hunting.

Ice Wars V: The Penguins Strike Back


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 1:15am


Are the Falkland Islands and South Orkney Islands held by Nordmark?

Was there any territorial concessions to Nordmark after the war with Argentina in 1921?

Is the tip of Slovakia still held by Russia as well as parts of Poland and Estonia?

I'm pretty sure Hooman mentioned something before about Nambia and Zambia, and perhaps Tanzania, but that would be between him RAM and perhaps Gravina now.

Russian around the South Pole....sort of makes sense, but really doesn't. Australia would probably share the British claim if there is one, or perhaps dispute one with Russia/Japan, or the Philippines, or France (or Chile though that claim seems even more distant from Australia then it would want).


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 1:29am

Regarding Pacifica: I just took the whole Japanese Mandate (as given in the link I gave before of the post WW1 Pacific, including Gilberts and Guam) for that territory.
And yes. Those dastardly Ruskies nicked my sector of Penguinistan!


Hmmm no Australian claim in Antartica, guess Im going to have to rectify that. Better prepare my own Antartic BB so I can go penguin hunting.

Remeber that these claims are just that: claims. There is nothing in existence that actually recognizes those claims. That is why there are a few overlapping areas there. They are there to makes things more interesting.
If the Australians are interested, they are welcome to use the Japanese South Pole Base. There are a few interesting features there and it gives us a good reason to expand the facilities.


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 2:37am


They aren't. That area is Japanese, and they've found some interesting stuff there . :-)

So the Japanese have a SG program in Wesworld?


Thursday, July 21st 2005, 3:43am

Not yet...

I'm sorry, now we have to kill you...just business, you understand, national security, nothing personal.



Thursday, July 21st 2005, 4:19am

Mind tricks and other stuff

Shogun: "This is not the ring you are looking for"

Inspector: "This is not the ring we're looking for"

I await to see what the nex map looks like.