Part I: Main Groups within the Industry
AIRCO, the third conglomerate in the industry formed on March 6 1938 when Handley Page Ltd. merged with de Havilland and in August 1941 Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd. joined. Each company trades individually but there is close co-operation between design and sales teams and joint use of research resources. AIRCO controls; Handley Page Aircraft Ltd, de Havilland Company Ltd., de Havilland Australia Pty Ltd., de Havilland Canada Ltd., de Havilland Forge Ltd., de Havilland Engine Co. Ltd., AIRCO-Reed Propellers Ltd. (merger of de Havilland Propellers Ltd. and Fairey-Reed Ltd.), Hearle-Whitley Engineering Co. Ltd., Airspeed Aviation Ltd. (now de Havilland’s Christchurch Division), Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd, and Avions Fairey in Belgium.
de Havilland Company Ltd.
Works: Hatfield, Hertfordshire and Christchurch, Portsmouth
Types Currently in Production:
DH.97 Ambassador (former Airspeed AS.57), 28-49 seat airliner, prototype first flown 10 July 1944, production can be restarted.
DH.97 Ayrshire, freighter variant of the Ambassador with a new pod and boom fuselage, designed to carry 16,000lbs freight or 65 passengers, first flown 11 June 1947. No orders currently but has been evaluated by the RAF.
DH.104 Dove, 8-11 seat feederliner, prototype first flown on 23 September 1942, current orders being fulfilled several for airlines and private orders. The updated Series 2 is now in production, 5 have been ordered by the Gulf Aviation for delivery from 1951.
DH.114 Heron, 14-17 seat feederliner, a scaled-up four-engined Dove, prototype first flown 10 May 1946, current orders being fulfilled include 8 for Scottish Airways and 2 for Sudan Airways plus several for private use. The updated Series 2 now in production, current orders being fulfilled include 6 for British United Airlines, 2 for Channel Island Airways and 6 for East African Airways.
DH.100 Vampire F.Mk.III, an improved variant with additional fuel and a revised tailplane, prototype TG275 flown 4 November 1945, orders for 100 RAF aircraft have been fulfilled, export orders for Switzerland (25 F.Mk.41) and the Philippines (150 Mk.31).
DH.100 Vampire FB.Mk.IV, a ground-attack variant with clipped wings, underwing bomb racks, a longer stroke undercarriage and a 3,350lb de Havilland DGo.3 Goblin II turbojet. A production F.Mk.I, TG444, was converted and first flew 29 June 1947. 400 production aircraft for the RAF being delivered from March 1948 onwards. Export orders for Iraq (15 Mk.55) and Egypt (15 Mk.56).
DH.115 Vampire T.Mk.V, a two-seat advanced trainer variant of the basic Vampire fighter, prototype first flown 28 August 1948. 100 production aircraft for the RAF from June 1949 and several for the Philippines (Mk.51), sub-contacted to Fairey.
DH.112 Venom, improved Vampire with new wings and a 4,850lb de Havilland DGh.4 Ghost IV turbojet, covered by Spec F.7/47, prototype VV612 first flew on 2 September 1948. 350 on order, service entry planned for 1950 and production of the first aircraft began in June 1949.
Types in Development:
DH.108 Swallow, experimental tailless swept wing jet-powered aircraft for low speed handling trials and high Mach number flying, designed to meet Spec E.1/44, aircraft TG283 with leading-edge sweepback of 43 degrees first flown 15 May 1946, aircraft TG306 with leading-edge sweepback of 45 degrees first flown 23 July 1946 but lost on 27 September 1946, replacement aircraft TG281 first flown 24 July 1947. On 12 April 1948 John Derry achieved 605.23mph over a 100km course in TG281 and on 9 September broke the sound barrier at Mach 1.2 (albeit out of control).
DH.106 Comet, design work to meet Spec P.3/44 for a fast medium range airliner for BOAC, first prototype G-ALVG first flown on 27 July 1948, followed later by second prototype G-ALVH. BOAC ordered 12 production aircraft are being completed during 1949 and from 2 April 1949 BOAC began a trials programme with the Comet Unit based at Hurn. The improved Comet 1A planned for 1950 will have improved Ghost III Mk.2 engines and water-methanol injection and BOAC have ordered 10.
Design Work:
DH.106 Comet 2 & 3, under design as improved variants with more fuel and payload capacity and a modified wing with four Rolls-Royce Avon turbojets and increased fuel capacity. The prototype Comet 2 should fly during the summer of 1950. BOAC has 12 on order.
DH.97 Turbo-Ambassador, design work on a modernised variant powered by two 4,500shp Bristol Proteus I turboprops and with fore and aft fuselage plugs to carry 60 passengers, first flight possibly in 1950 but no prototype work has yet begun.
DH.110 Vixen, design work to meet Spec N.40/46 for a carrier-based twin-jet all-weather fighter and also modified and submitted to meet Spec F.44/46 for a two-seat all-weather jet-powered interceptor, development contract awarded for both Specifications. The first Vixen DH.110 FAW.Mk.I prototype will fly next summer, to be followed by the prototype Sea Vixen FAW.Mk.II and the first of two long-range fighter-bomber FB.Mk.III prototypes by the end of the year. The carrier-based strike bomber version to Spec N.4/47, the FSN.Mk.IV will first flew during the summer of 1951.
Other Work:
Aeronautical Technical School, Hatfield, runs a range of apprenticeships and training courses in all aspects of aviation related engineering.
de Havilland Aircraft of Canada Ltd., Toronto, Ontario
de Havilland Aircraft of Australia Ltd., Melbourne
de Havilland Engine Company Ltd.
Works: Leavesden, Hertfordshire.
Types Currently in Production:
Gipsy Major X, 145hp, air-cooled 4-cyl inverted inline engine, certificated 1943.
Gipsy Major XI, 145hp, military version of X, certificated 1945.
Gipsy Major XX, 200hp, designed for use in helicopters, certificated 1945.
Gipsy Queen VI, 250hp, air-cooled 6-cyl inverted inline engine, certificated 1943.
Gipsy Queen VII, 380hp, supercharged with reduction-drive, certificated 1944.
Gipsy Queen VII-4, 340hp, de-rated version, certificated 1947.
DGo.3, Goblin III, 3,350lb, certificated 1945.
DGo.4 Goblin IV, 3,750lb, certificated 1945.
DGh.3 Ghost III Mk.2, 5,125lb, improved version, certificated 1947.
DGh.4 Ghost IV, 4,850lb, certificated 1946.
DGh.5 Ghost V, 4,950lb, improved DGh.4, certificated 1949.
DGh.6 Ghost VI, 5,150lb, improved DGh.4, certificated 1949.
DGl.2 Globe II, 525shp, originally the Halford H-3, single stage centrifugal compressor single-stage turbine turboprop designed as a replacement for the Gipsy series, certificated 1946.
DGl.3 Globe III, 575shp, improved version with new combustors, certificated 1947.
Types in Development:
D.Spr.1 Sprite, 5,000lbs HTP/kerosene rocket, being designed for use in RATO applications on large airliners and bombers, hydrogen peroxide monopropellant decomposed into oxygen and steam over a metallic calcium catalyst, testing to begin in 1950.
Design Work:
Halford H-4 (Gyron), under design by Frank Halford, an axial-flow design intended to out-power any design currently under development with an ultimate aim of producing 20,000lbs dry, testing to begin in 1952.
Other Work:
Subsidiaries de Havilland Aircraft (Australia) Co. Ltd. and de Havilland Aircraft (Canada) Co. Ltd.
Subsidiary (51% stake) Arab British Engine Company (ABECo), Helwan, Egypt, founded 1941, overhaul and servicing of de Havilland engine types and licenced manufacture of Gipsy Minor and Gipsy Major series engines, Egyptian government holds remaining 49%.
Sister company AIRCO-Reed Propellers Ltd., Lostock, Lancashire, manufactures Hamilton Standard, de Havilland, Fairey and Reed design propellers, manufacture of electronic vibration-measuring equipment, aircraft cold-air units, turbine-driven electric alternators, RDF scanners, electronic equipment, plastic structures, research into use of epoxy resin/glass fibre-reinforced plastics for airscrew spinners, blade root fairings and other components.
Handley Page Aircraft Ltd.
Works: [/b] Radlett, Hertfordshire and Cricklewood, London
Types Currently in Production:
H.P.74 Hermes II and H.P.76 Hermes III were withdrawn from sale in January 1948.
H.P. 89 Handley Page Hastings C.Mk.III, VIP transport variant, four aircraft delivered September-December 1948.
H.P.77 Hampton Series 2, 24-34 seat airliner developed to meet Spec P.8/44 for BEA, prototype first flown 26 November 1945, powered by two 2,500shp Bristol Theseus III turboprops, 6 built for BEA Turbine Evaluation and Trials Unit during 1947.
Types in Development:
Hermes IV with four 2,500hp Theseus III turboprops and a further 8ft stretch for 76 passengers. Hermes I prototype being rebuilt, should make maiden flight during summer 1950.
H.P.88, a scale-model H.P.80 developed under Spec E.6/48 for aerodynamic research with the ‘crescent wing’. The detail design and manufacture of the prototype, has been sub-contracted to Blackburn and the aircraft should fly next summer.
Design Work:
H.P.80, design work to meet Spec B.35/46 for a jet-powered heavy bomber. Design features a ‘crescent’ wing to give a high constant critical Mach number along the span with freedom from shock wave formation thus delaying drag rise and avoiding tip stalling. Formally selected for further development to meet OR.229.
Detail design and production to be sub-contracted, first flight due mid-1950.
Other Work:
Aerodynamic research on flying wings, boundary-layer control and high-lift devices.
Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd.
Works: Hayes, Middlesex and Hamble, Hampshire
Types Currently in Production:
Fox II B.Mk.I, private-venture land-based ground attack variant of the Spearfish, 250 built for RAF and export order for Iraq (15) completed December 1947. Licence production by Societe Anonyme Belge Avions Fairey completed May 1948.
Spearfish AWI.Mk.III, conversion of 42 TBR.Mk.I airframes during 1948-49 for the Airborne Warning and Interception role.
Spearfish TBR.Mk.II, a Rolls-Royce RB.39 Clyde-powered variant, the converted second prototype RN341 was flown on 14 July 1946, 200 ordered for FAA, deliveries completed during January 1949.
DH.115 Vampire T.Mk.V, a two-seat advanced trainer variant of the basic Vampire fighter, 100 production aircraft for the RAF and several for the Philippines (Mk.51), sub-contract production from June 1949 at Hayes.
Types in Development:
VTO, a vertical-launch delta-wing research scale model powered by a RAE Beta 1 HTP/methanol hydrazine rocket motor, first flown in 1947.
VTO Scheme 6, a modified VTO with a new design of delta wing and two Beta series rockets with four 3in boosters for launch, designed for speeds of M1.5, first flown in December 1948.
F.B.1 Gyrodyne, novel helicopter with a three-bladed rotor and an anti-torque rotor on a starboard stub wing which provides added thrust, prototype first flown 4 December 1947, second prototype flown in 1948. Spec H.23/49 has been issued to develop an air ambulance variant. Design work has begun on a further development with tip-jets on the rotors and Societe Anonyme Belge Avions Fairey has received licences to continue development of the type for military roles.
Widgeon, a 5-seat light helicopter powered by one Leonides radial engine. First prototype flown on 23 August 1948, following military evaluation orders for FAA and RAF for search and rescue role fitted with a powered winch under Spec S.14/48 and A.9/49, to enter service 1950.
Primer, Tipsy M for RAF evaluation under Spec. T.17/48.
Gannet (formerly Type Q), designed to meet GR.17/45 for a carrier-based anti-submarine aircraft, development contract awarded, to be powered by the 2,950ehp Armstrong Siddeley ASMD.1 Double Mamba turboprop. The prototype VR546 first flew on 19 September 1949 and will be followed by VR577 in April 1950 and WE488 in September 1950.
Design Work:
F.B.2 Jet Gyrodyne, development of Gyrodyne to Spec E.16/48 with the addition of tip jets on a new large two-bladed rotor fed by compressed air from Alvis Leonides radial that also powers two propellers on stub wings for extra thrust. The third Gyrodyne is to be rebuilt and flown in early 1950.
Blue Sky, design work beginning in August 1948 on beam-riding air-to-air missile to meet OR.1088.
F.D.1, design work on a Transonic Research Aircraft to meet Spec E.16/49, the design is a tailless delta designed to operate at Mach 1.5 at 45,000ft, a reheated Avon inside the fuselage with wingroot intakes and a variable tailpipe nozzle to be fitted. Level speed estimated at Mach 1.3 with a design diving speed of Mach 1.7.
F.D.2, design work on an interceptor fighter based on the F.D.1 research aircraft to meet Spec F.23/49 for a supersonic interceptor capable of reaching 50,000ft.
N.114, design work for a two-seat carrier-based all-weather interceptor to meet Spec N.14/49, two RA.7 Avon turobjets have been selected and armament will be four 30mm ADEN cannon or two ADEN and air-to-air rocket battery/ four Blue Sky AAMs.
Fairey Rotodyne, design work on a larger development of the Jet Gyrodyne to meet Spec P.1/49 for a thirty-seat VTOL transport for BEA, the ‘BEAline Bus’ to carry a 7,000lb payload over 115 miles with a cruising speed of at least 138mph. The design features two Alvis Leonides feeding compressed air to two rotor tip jet propulsors.
Blue Sky, design work on a beam-riding air-to-air guided weapon to meet OR.1088 based on existing and planned equipment and rocket motors.
Red Deer, design work on a naval surface-to-surface guided weapon system in a consortium with ECKO and GEC.
Other Work:
Societe Anonyme Belge Avions Fairey, Gosselies, Charleroi, manufactures the Avions-Fairey Tipsy B, Tispy M and Tipsy Junior and licence-manufactures the Fox II and Gloster Meteor 4 and Meteor Trainer (both sub-contracted to SABCA). The Tipsy range is also built in Britain under licence from Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd by the Tipsy Aircraft Co. Ltd. at Hanworth Air Park.
Fairey Hydraulics Ltd., Heston, manufacturer of hydraulic power controls and filters for aircraft.
Fairey Filtration Ltd., Heston, manufacturer of industrial filters.
Fairey Marine (East Cowes) Ltd., East Cowes, Isle of Wight, ship and boat building
Fairey Marine Ltd., Hamble, boat building and repair
Fairey Surveys Ltd., Maidenhead, aerial and geophysical survey and mapping
Fairey Surveys (Scotland) Ltd., Livingston, aerial and geophysical survey and mapping
British Combined Aircraft Corporation (BCAC)
Originally formed in March 1943 as the Bristol Vickers Aircraft Company with the merger of Vickers-Supermarine and Bristol (including Bristol engines). In 1944 Westland joined and the current name was adopted. Vickers-Armstrongs is the majority shareholder, while other major shareholders are John Brown & Co. Ltd. and Associated Electrical Industry Ltd. In March 1948 Percival Aircraft Ltd. was acquired from the Hunting Group Limited (the holding company of Hunting & Son Ltd.) in return for a 10% share in BCAC. There has been consolidation of design teams and production facilities, Weybridge is the main design centre, Filton handling rotary-wing work and Yeovil maintains a design team under W.E.W. Petter. All Bristol designed commercial aircraft are marketed under the ‘BC’ label and Vickers commercial aircraft ‘VC’. Percival types will retain their original designations for the time being but commercial types will be marketed under the ‘PC’ label. The titles BCAC (Vickers-Supermarine), BCAC (Bristol) and BCAC (Westland) are still in use for some marketing products.
Works: Weybridge, Surrey; Brooklands, Surrey; Wisley, Surrey; Blackpool, Lancashire; Southampton, Hampshire, Filton, Bristol, Yeovil, Somerset and Luton, Bedfordshire.
Types Currently in Production:
Type 170 Freighter/ Type 172 Wayfarer, large freight carrier, in production since March 1944.
Type 174 BC.1 Wayfarer, 34-seat passenger variant of the Type 170 without nose doors, available for production.
Wyvern F.Mk.IV, escort-fighter variant of the W.34 for the RAF to meet Spec F.13/43, powered by a 4,030ehp Rolls-Royce RB.39 Clyde I turboprop, 10 pre-production aircraft built during 1947 and 150 production aircraft sub-contracted to Boulton Paul.
Wyvern Mk.52, FSN.Mk.II variant of the Greek Naval Air Force, 65 ordered in 1948, powered by a 2,300shp + 1,040lbs Rolls-Royce RB.39 Clyde I but lacking a torpedo crutch, deliveries February-August 1949.
Wyvern FSN.Mk.III, improved naval variant with 3,600shp + 1,100lbs thrust Armstrong Siddeley ASP.3 Python, first prototype VP109 flown 22 March 1946 with ASP.1, the second prototype VP113 flown 20 August 1946 with production ASP.3, followed by two other prototypes during late-1947 plus 20 pre-production aircraft during 1948, deliveries of 100 aircraft January 1949-March 1950.
Type 668 Varsity, a pilot and navigation trainer variant of the Viking/Valetta to meet Spec T.13/45, first prototype flown 17 July 1947, 50 delivered during March-July 1948. Another 50 were ordered in June 1948 and production began in September, completed February 1949.
Type 178 Argus MR.Mk.I, maritime patrol aircraft based on the Type 167 Britannia airliner, developed to meet requirements of the Royal Australian Air Force, prototype flown in December 1946 and deliveries commenced December 1947, current orders for 100 for RAF and 20 for the RAAF, deliveries between May 1948-July 1949.
Type 497 Westminster B.Mk.I, six-engine heavy bomber designed to meet Spec B.1/42 for a “Giant Bomber” to replace the Ideal Bomber programme, powered by six 5,000hp Bristol Twin Centaurus radial engines, first prototype SR650 flown 14 June 1946, current orders for 100 aircraft, production completed December 1948.
Type 507 Westminster B.Mk.II, improved variant powered by six Rolls-Royce RB.39 Clyde II turboprops, prototype SR815 first flown 12 December 1947, RAF orders for 70 aircraft, deliveries between May 1949-October 1950.
Type 630 VC.2 Viscount, 32-seat airliner powered by four 1,600shp Rolls-Royce RB.53 Dart II turboprops, designed to meet Spec P.8/43, prototype G-AHRF first flown July 16 1947, BEA ordered 20 aircraft, deliveries during March-September 1949. Other orders include; 3 for Misrair and 4 for East African Airways.
Type 175 BC.3 Britannia Series 110, 74-seat turboprop-powered medium-range airliner based on the Type 167 airframe, powered by four 3,900shp Bristol Proteus II turboprops, first prototype G-ALBO first flown 16 August 1947, 25 ordered by BOAC, the first aircraft began commercial services on 14 April 1949.
Type 167 BC.2 Britannia Series 210, a turboprop-powered series 200 aircraft, powered by four Armstrong Siddeley 3,600shp + 1,100lbs ASP.1 Python turboprops, the first 210 prototype, the third Type 167 pre-production aircraft G-AGRF first flown 22 July 1947, 25 ordered by BOAC. BOAC took delivery of the first Series 210 aircraft with ASP.3 engines on September 26 1949. Other orders include; 8 Series 212 for British South American Airways, 6 Series 215 for Canadian Pacific Air Lines and 4 Series 212 for Cubana de Aviación. The Series 215 will have US-spec avionics and the 212 has additional features for tropical use.
Bristol Type 175 BC.3 Britannia Series 300, an all-cargo version of the Series 150, 5 ordered by BOAC, all delivered during May-November 1949. Other orders include 2 Series 302 for British South American Airways.
Canberra B.Mk.II, three-seat daylight tactical bomber with a glazed nose, first prototype flown in August 1948, production of 400 aircraft began in August 1949 for entry into service with the RAF in January 1950.
P.50 Prince, two survey versions with camera and surveying equipment acquired by the Thailand Air Force and Army (1 each), both delivered February 1949.
PC.1 P.64 Super Prince, an improved 14-seat P.50 with 550hp Leonides V radial engines, prototype first flown 20 July 1947, current orders for 2 for Allied Airways and 6 for North Eastern Airways Ltd. and several private orders being fulfilled.
P.66 Pembroke, improved 15-seat P.64 Prince with longer span wing and wider fuselage for three abreast seating, developed to meet Spec C.18/46, orders cover 3 VIP and 51 general transport aircraft, production during June 1948-July 1949.
P.56 Provost, two-seat basic trainer developed to meet Spec T.17/45, side-by-side seating for pupil and instructor and powered by a 550hp Alvis Leonides V radial, first prototype WE522 first flown 24 February 1947, initial RAF orders for 200, production began in November 1948, export orders for Sudan (8 T.Mk.53), Palestine (6 T.Mk.54), Iraq (28 T.Mk.55), Transjordan (8 T.Mk.56).
Types in Development:
Wyvern W.38 T.Mk.V, a two-seat conversion trainer of the FSN.Mk.III to Spec T.12/48, one prototype on order to fly during 1950.
Type 743 Valetta T.Mk.V, a flying classroom radio-location operator trainer with five console positions and a longer nose holding an AI.Mk.X Airborne Interception set, developed to meet Spec T.1/49. 18 on order for delivery during 1950.
Type 171 Sycamore, light four-seat helicopter, design work covered by Spec E.20/45, first prototype VL958 flown 27 July 1947, second prototype flown 18 August 1947. A four-seat Mk.2 prototype was first flown 3 September 1949 with a 550hp Leonides and a three-bladed rotor. Work is now underway on building a prototype of the production standard Mk 3 with six seats (pilot plus 5 passengers) in a wider fuselage with a shorter nose, it should fly in 1950.
Type 618 Nene-Viking, conversion of the Ministry of Supply owned VX865 with two Rolls-Royce Nene I turbojets for a research programme into civil jet-powered airliners, first flight following conversion 6 April 1946, on 25 July set a new record between London Airport and Villacoublay of 34min 7sec.
VC.4 Jet Viscount, experimental jet airliner, converted from a V663 Viscount airframe two 6,250lbs Rolls-Royce Tay I turbojets in new nacelles without afterburner as an engine testbed for the RAE and a control-system testbed for Boulton Paul. Standard wings were used but with four separate main undercarriage legs (two either side of the nacelle), first flown on 15 March 1949, BEA plans to operate the V631 on several test routes during 1950.
Canberra B.Mk.I, design work to meet Spec B.3/45, uses H2S/NBC blind-bombing system, first prototype VN799 flown 13 May 1948 powered by 6,500lb R.A.2 Avon turbojets followed by three more prototypes during September 1948-March 1949. Current orders for 150 aircraft, production to begin in 1950 following B.Mk.II.
Canberra PR.Mk.III, a reconnaissance variant to meet Spec PR.31/46, prototype flown in May 1949, to enter RAF service in 1951, 35 on order.
Canberra B.Mk.V, a target marker variant to meet Spec B.22/47, a prototype is under construction to fly in 1950, 65 on order.
Canberra MSR.Mk.VI, a maritime strike variant to meet Spec N.16/49, development sub-contracted to Boulton Paul.
Type 167 BC.2 Britannia Series 215, an improved Series 210 powered by four Armstrong Siddeley 4,110shp + 1,180lbs ASP.4 Python 4 turboprops and capacity for 99 passengers, 10 ordered by BOAC for delivery in 1950.
Bristol Type 175 BC.3 Britannia Series 150, a variant developed for BEA combining the airframe of the Series 210 with the Proteus engines and fuel system of the Series 110 to seat 139 passengers on high-demand routes. BEA has ordered 30 and BOAC 18, production to begin in 1950. A prototype was flown in June 1949.
Bristol Type 175 BC.3 Britannia Series 301 (Britannia C.Mk.I), a 300-series cargo variant for the RAF with a forward fuselage cargo door and capacity for 115 troops, deliveries to begin January 1950.
V700 Viscount, a variant with a longer cabin for 48 passengers and extended-span wings, the prototype first flew on 28 August 1949, BEA has ordered 20 aircraft for delivery in 1951.
PC.2 P.66 President, civil version of Pembroke with civilian-spec avionics, prototype first flown 21 November 1949.
Type 173, tandem-rotor helicopter, design work to meet Spec E.4/46, first prototype began ground tests in June 1949, should fly in January 1950, a second prototype is under construction with two 850hp Leonides Major engines as the Mk.2.
Design Work:
Type 184 Argus AWI.Mk.II, design work on an Airborne Warning variant to meet Spec R.2/49.
Canberra T.Mk.IV, design work on a two-seat dual-control trainer variant for pilot type conversion to meet Spec T.2/49.
Type 508, being designed to meet N.9/47 for a twin-engined carrier-based fighter-bomber equipped for day interception duties and one prototype ordered to N.9/47 in 1948 to fly in 1951.
Type 660, a production bomber to meet Spec B.9/46, features four Rolls-Royce RA.3 Avon turbojets and a swept wing, two prototypes(one Type 660, one Type 667) on order to fly from 1951 onwards.
Type 673, a modified Type 660 to meet Spec B.21/48 for the low-altitude target marking role. One prototype on order, work postponed due to importance of Type 660 development.
Type 180, design work for a lengthened Type 167 variant powered by four coupled Proteus engines to meet Spec P.5/46 for a long-range airliner for BOAC.
Type 179 BC.4 Super Freighter, private venture design work for a replacement for the Type 170, first flight planned for March 1950, orders from Silver City Airways (6) and British United Airlines (6).
Type 174, design work on a private-venture jet-powered bomber with swept wings powered by two 12,000lb Bristol B.Ol.2 Olympus turbojets in wing pods, crew of 3, armed with a remote-controlled single 30mm ADEN tail turret and 10,00lb bombload. Development now covered by Spec. B.16/49 with a first flight planned in 1952.
VC.4, design work on a North Atlantic jet airliner with 70 passengers and four underwing Avon or Sapphire engines, work continuing since 1946 on a variety of designs.
P.84, early design work on a jet-powered basic trainer based on the Provost trainer, covered by Spec T.16/48.
P.1, design work under Petter’s design team for a transonic research aircraft to meet Spec E.16/49.
P.1A, design work under Petter’s design team for a supersonic interceptor to meet Spec F.23/49 based on the P.1 transonic research aircraft.
W.37, design work for a two-seat carrier-based all-weather interceptor to meet Spec N.14/49, featuring a compound sweep wing of near delta shape and T-tail.
Type 181, design work on a tandem rotor helicopter powered by two 3,940shp Proteus powering two 72ft diameter rotors and seating 80 passengers to meet Spec P.1/49 for a ‘BEAline Bus’.
Type 183, design work for a supersonic variable wing sweep research aircraft to meet Spec E.10/49.
Type 184, design work for a supersonic fighter based on the Type 183 but with a delta wing.
Project 1220, design work on a ground-to-air GAP, a development contract was awarded in November 1949.
Other Work:
Refurbishment and delivery of 24 BCAC Buccaneers from RAF stocks for delivery to the Royal Thai Air Force, contract completed March 1949.
Development and design of new internal bomb racks for the Westminster B.Mk.I to accommodate new bomb sizes to meet Spec B.9/47.
Dr. Barnes Wallis at Weybridge is working on variable-geometry wings, undertaking wind tunnel tests at the RAE.
Dr. Barnes Wallis is also working on the application of variable-geometry wings on a Guided Anti-Aircraft Projectile (GAP), codenamed Green Lizard and a scale model research programme called Wild Goose, which should begin during 1950.
Production of Bristol gun turrets, including the B.17 dorsal turret.
Subsidiary Normalair Ltd., Yeovil, founded in 1941 by Westland Aircraft Ltd. and General Aircraft Ltd. to develop and manufacture pressure-cabins and associated equipment such as air-conditioning and oxygen systems. Now owned by BCAC (51%) and Blackburn Group (49%).
Subsidiary A.B.C. Motors Ltd., Walton-on-Thames, manufactures auxiliary power-units, including the Type II horizontally-opposed 2-cyl engine used in flying boats, and electrical generators.
Shareholding Hunting Group has several aviation related companies; Hunting Aviation undertakes aircraft repair and maintenance at Luton and commercial work is undertaken by Hunting Air Travel Ltd., Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd. and Aerofilms Ltd.
Bristol Aero-Engine Company Ltd.
Works: Fishponds, Bristol.
Types Currently in Production:
Hercules XXII, 1,770hp, 14-cyl two-row sleeve-valve radial engine, civilian engine, certificated 1943.
Hercules IX, 1,675hp, civilian engine, certificated 1943.
Hercules XXIII, 1,675hp, certificated 1944.
Hercules XXV, 1,925hp, certificated 1945.
Hercules XXVI, 1,925hp, civilian version of XXV, certificated 1945.
Hercules XXIV, 1,715hp, certificated 1946.
Hercules XXVII, 2,040hp, certificated 1946.
Hercules XXVIII, 2,040, civilian version of XXVII, certificated 1946.
Centaurus VIII, 2,470hp, certificated 1944.
Centaurus X, 2,625hp, certificated 1945.
Centaurus XI, 2,625hp, civilian version of X, certificated 1945.
Centaurus XII, 2,625hp, civilian version of X with different supercharger, certificated 1945.
Centaurus XIII, 2,450hp, civilian engine, certificated 1946.
Centaurus XIV, 3,220hp, fitted in direct-injection fuel system, certificated 1947.
Twin Centaurus I, 5,000hp, 36-cyl four-row sleeve-valve radial engine, variable speed centrifugal single stage supercharger, basically two Centaurus VIII in tandem, each half driving one contra-rotating propeller, certificated 1945
Twin Centaurus II, 5,250hp, improved version with lighter gearbox and modified supercharger, certificated 1947.
Theseus III, 2,500ehp, 8-stage axial compressor followed by a single centrifugal stage, 8 combustion chambers, 3-stage turbine, a novel feature is the use of a heat exchanger to transfer exhaust waste heat to the compressor exit, production version, certificated 1946.
Types in Development:
Proteus I, 3,780ehp, two spool, reverse-flow gas turbine turboprop, 2-spool 12-stage axial compressor followed by a single centrifugal stage, reverse-flow combustors and 2-stage power (free turbine) and 2-stage turbine driving compressor, bench testing began 25 January 1946, flight trials began June 1947.
Proteus II, 3,900ehp, improved variant planned to be production model, certification planned for 1949.
Proteus III, 4,120shp, improved variant, certification planned for 1950.
B.Ol.1 Olympus 1, 9,000lb, initially the BE.10, a two-spool axial-flow turbojet initially for 9,000lb thrust with growth potential for 12,000lb, first ran in May 1949 producing 9,140lbs thrust, flight tests to commence in 1950-51.
B.Ol.1/2 Olympus 2, 9,500lbs, further development, first ran on bench in December 1949 producing 9,500lbs, flight tests to commence in 1950-51.
Design Work:
B.Ol.1/2B Olympus 3, 9,750lbs, revised B.Ol.1/2 design for greater power and fuel efficiency, bench tests to begin in late 1950.
Research into ramjet propulsion.
Other Work:
Proteus 800-series, marine-engine variant with salt-spray intake guard system and modified gearing for use in fast craft, certification planned 1950.
Bristol has a 50% stake in Rotol Airscrews Ltd. along with Rolls-Royce.
Blackburn & Boulton Paul Group
In March 1949 Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd. merged with the Blackburn Group to form a wide-ranging group covering several aspects of aviation engineering. The Dumbarton works is run jointly with William Denny & Bros. Ltd.
Blackburn Aircraft Ltd.
Works: Brough, East Yorkshire; Dumbarton, Dunbartonshire and Feltham, Middlesex.
Types Currently in Production:
B.101 Beverley C.Mk.I, cargo/94-troop carrying transport, initially the private-venture Universal Carrier but adapted to meet Spec C4./46, prototype first flown 20 June 1947, 72 on order for the RAF, production January 1949-February 1950
GAL.42 Cygnet II, two seat light cabin aircraft powered by a 145hp Blackburn Cirrus Major II, still available
Types in Development:
Design Work:
Y.B.2/ Handley Page H.P.88, a scale-model H.P.80 developed under Spec E.6/48 for aerodynamic research with the ‘crescent wing’. Detail design and production to be sub-contracted from Handley Page Ltd., first flight due mid-1950.
B.76, design work on a commercial freighter
B.83, design work on a single piston/turboprop-powered carrier-borne reconnaissance aircraft.
B.84, design work on a series of 12-14 to 18-20 passenger four-engined feederliners, superseding the B.77 series previously studied.
B.89, design work for a two-seat carrier-based all-weather interceptor to meet Spec N.14/49 with two RA.7 Avon or B.Ol.1 Olympus turobjets and armament of three 30mm ADEN cannon.
B.90, design work on a supersonic variable wing sweep research aircraft capable of being produced as a fighter to meet Spec E.10/49. The design is based on Professor G.T.R. Hill’s work and the Blackburn Transonic Aircraft but refined with a much shorter fuselage, nose intake, stacked reheated RA.7 Avon engines and special doors to seal the wing gap and a system of links and guides to move the wing and flaps.
Other Work:
Subsidiary Normalair Ltd., Yeovil, founded in 1941 by Westland Aircraft Ltd. and General Aircraft Ltd. to develop and manufacture pressure-cabins and associated equipment such as air-conditioning and oxygen systems. Now owned by BCAC (51%) and Blackburn Group (49%).
Blackburn Engines Ltd.
Works: Brough, East Yorkshire.
Types Currently in Production:
Cirrus Major II, 125hp & 155hp, air-cooled 4-cyl inverted inline engine, certificated 1937.
Cirrus Major III, 135hp & 155hp, certificated 1942.
Cirrus Minor II, 100hp, air-cooled 4-cyl inverted inline engine, certificated 1942.
Cirrus Bombardier I 203hp, air-cooled 4-cyl inverted inline engine, military version, certificated 1947.
Cirrus Bombardier II 180hp, civilian version, certificated 1947.
Design & Development Work:
Gas turbine auxiliary power units, bench tests begun in June 1949.
Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd.
Works: Wolverhampton, West Midlands.
Types Currently in Production:
P.108 Balliol T.Mk.I & T.Mk.XXI, turboprop-powered two-seat advanced trainer developed to meet Spec T.7/45, first prototype VL892 with a 1,000ehp Armstrong Siddeley Mamba I turboprop first flown 24 March 1946, second prototype VL917 with a 1,475ehp Mamba 3 flown 24 March 1947 and the third navalised prototype flown 26 September 1947. Currents orders for 177 for the RAF (T.Mk.I) and 30 for the FAA (T.Mk.XXI), production during January 1949-August 1950.
Types in Development:
P.111, design work to meet Spec E.27/46 for an experimental delta wing aircraft for transonic research for the RAE Delta Wing Research Programme, to be fully tailless using elevons along the wing trailing edge and powered by one Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene turbojet, the prototype, VT935, first flew on 10 October 1949 piloted by Sqn Ldr J.S. Muller-Rowland.
Canberra MSR.Mk.VI, a maritime strike variant to meet Spec N.16/49, development sub-contracted from BCAC (Westland). Prototype to fly in 1950.
Design Work:
P.117, design work on a wing-controlled aerodyne.
P.119, design work on a private-venture jet-powered advanced trainer with side-by-side seating and powered by a single Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene.
P.121, design work for a supersonic variable wing sweep research aircraft to meet Spec E.10/49, with two Avons, nose intake wand spar-construction wings with a single pivot and roller bearings, the wingroot gap being sealed by an inflatable rubber tube.
P.111(mod), design work to meet E.27/49 issued for a modified P.111 with movable wingtips to aid trimming, first flight planned 1950.
Other Work:
Subsidiary Boulton Paul Controls Ltd. is involved in the design, development and manufacture of powered aircraft control systems.
Subsidiary Boulton Paul Electronics Ltd. is involved in the design, development and manufacture of Design, development and manufacture of powered defensive gun turrets and gun mounts for aircraft.
Subsidiary Boulton Paul Electronics Ltd. is involved in the design, development and manufacture of electronics including computers.
Company has a 51% stake in Martin-Baker Co. Ltd. which is involved in ejection-seat research and development and production.
Hawker Siddeley Group
Since its formation in September 1935 the Hawker Siddeley Group has been the largest and of the “Big Three” conglomerates in the British aeronautical industry. It controls the interests of four aircraft manufacturers and one aero engine manufacturer and owns a large portion of the nation’s aviation private R&D facilities. Since 1935 centralisation has been increasing, this year the Hawker Siddeley Group has been reorganised. Hawker Siddeley Group Ltd. is the main company overseeing the Group. Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. has been created from the assets of Gloster Aircraft Ltd. and Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd. and will focus on aircraft manufacture and component work, repair work and development of guided weapons and other aviation-related items. A.V. Roe Aviation Ltd. is responsible for all civilian and heavy military aircraft design and their construction at Chadderton and Woodford. Hawker Aviation Ltd. is responsible for military aircraft design (fighters, trainers etc.) and their construction at Kingston-on Thames and Dunsfold. Saunders-Roe Ltd. (Saro) at East Cowes has become the naval aircraft design specialist as well as some advanced project work. Saro is also responsible for the helicopter design team at Weston-Super-Mare. Avro Canada is now a direct subsidiary company rather than managed by A.V.Roe. Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd. and Air Service Training Ltd. remain unchanged.
A.V. Roe Aviation Ltd.
Works: Chadderton and Woodford, Lancashire
Types Currently in Production:
711 Tudor III, 60-seat export variant of the Tudor II, production line can be re-opened.
711A Trader, freighter variant of the Tudor III, production line can be re-opened.
700 Ashton, feederliner, current orders being fulfilled include several private orders.
698 Shackleton GR.Mk.I, land-based long-range maritime patrol aircraft, first of three prototypes, VW126, first flown on 9 March 1946, 146 aircraft ordered, first production aircraft, VP254, flew on 23 October 1947 and production completed November 1948.
Types in Development:
701 Athena, developed to meet Spec T.7/45 for a turboprop-powered three-seat advanced trainer, prototypes VM125 first flown 12 June 1946 with a 1,000ehp Mamba I; VM129 with a 1,400shp RB.53 Dart I on 20 September 1946 and VW890 with a 1,475ehp Mamba 3 on 1 August 1947. Now offered for export.
705 Tudor V, conversion of second Tudor I prototype G-AGST with four 5,000lb Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene III turbojets in two nacelles to meet Spec E.6/47 for a jet-powered specialist flight research aircraft, first flown by J.H. ‘Jimmy’ Orrell on 6 September 1948.
706 Tudor Mk.VI, conversion of a Tudor I airframe with four 5,000lb Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene III turbojets and first flown as WB490 on 1 March 1949, used for avionics trials. A second airframe is undergoing conversion as a Mk.VII with a completely equipped passenger cabin with 32 seats for high altitude environmental control research., it should fly in early 1950.
707, design work to meet Spec E.15/48 issued to Avro for three one-third scale flying prototypes of the Type 698, one for high-speed and two for low-speed research. Powered by a single Rolls-Royce Derwent and uses off-the-shelf components to reduce development time and cost, the first prototype, VX784, was flown on 4 September 1949 by Flt. Lt. Eric ‘Red’ Esler but crashed, killing Esler, 26 days later following stalling after the airbrakes jammed in the open position at low speed.
707B, prototype VX790 is being revised following the accident to VX784 with new airbrakes, longer nose and a Martin-Baker Mk I ejector seat, should fly in late 1950.
Design Work:
698, design work to meet Spec B.35/46 for a jet-powered heavy bomber. Design features a delta wing. Formally selected for further development to meet OR.229 in early 1948.
707A, a version of the 707B with representative wing root intakes instead of the earlier dorsal intake, to fly during 1951.
707C, a two-seat conversion trainer variant with side-by-side seating, four to be built.
710, design work on a one-tenth scale flying prototype of the Type 698.
713, design work on a metrological reconnaissance version of the 698 Shackleton with a crew of 9 and 77,000lb AUW.
715, design work on an 8-10 passenger feederliner with four Gipsy Major X engines.
716, design work on the Shackleton Mk.3 maritime patrol aircraft, covered by Spec R.1/49, includes longer fuselage and new wings with N.Nm.2 Nomad II engines.
717, design work on a Lancaster testbed conversion with two N.Nm.2 Nomad II engines and the outer nacelles removed.
Other Work
Lancaster B.Mk.III/B.Mk.IIIA modification and life extension programme, to be completed by December 1950, shared with Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd.
Hawker Aviation Ltd.
Works: Kingston-on Thames, Surrey and Dunsfold, Surrey.
Types Currently in Production:
P.1040 Sea Hawk FN.Mk.I, naval day fighter with the Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene turbojet, a private-venture now covered by Spec N.6/45, first prototype, VP401, first flown 2 September 1946, fully navalised prototypes VP413 and VP433 flown during 1947, orders for 95 aircraft, production during January-December 1949.
Types in Development:
P.1052, an experimental swept-wing variant of P.1040, covered by Spec E.38/46, first prototype VX272 flown 19 November 1947 and the second, VX279, flown 13 April 1948. On 13 May 1948 Sqn Ldr Trevor ‘Wimpy’ Wade made a London-to-Paris record of 2 1minutes 27 seconds giving an average of 617.9mph in VX272.
Sea Hawk FN.Mk.II, improved FN.Mk.I with powered ailerons and provision for 90gal underwing tanks, 80 on order, deliveries to begin 1950 and prototype flying conducted during 1949.
P.1081, a service fighter development of P.1052 with a 6,250lb RB.44 Tay I turbojet with reheat, Spec E.18/47 issued to cover development, the second P.1052 prototype VX279 was rebuilt and first flew in its revised form on 19 June 1949 flown by Trevor Wade, some modifications were made during flight testing such as increasing fin area and fitting wing fences. 120 on order for the RAF as the Falcon F.Mk.I, to enter service in 1950.
Design Work:
Hawker P.1067, design work to Spec F.3/48, a re-issue of Spec F.43/46, based on P.1065 but with
a single Avon or Sapphire turbojet and design based on development data from the P.1052, P.1072 and P.1081. Prototypes ordered under Spec F.3/48/2 and F.3/48/3 for Avon and Sapphire powered versions in March 1949 with a prototype to fly within two years.
P.1072, rebuilding of the prototype P.1040, VP401, with a 2,000lb thrust Armstrong Siddeley Snarler rocket engine fuelled by oxygen/methanol/water in the tail, conversion work began in September 1949, including additional tail area, new internal tanks and drive from the Nene to power the rocket fuel pumps, ground testing and flight tests due in 1950.
P.1081 FR.Mk.II, proposed photo-reconnaissance fighter variant with three cameras in the nose, prototype conversion to fly in 1950.
Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd.
Works: Baginton, Coventry, Warwickshire and Hucclecote, Gloucestershire.
Types Currently in Production:
G.41 Meteor F.Mk.IV, 465 for the RAF, production September 1946-May 1949, export orders; Argentina (100 F.Mk.41), Bulgaria (25 F.Mk.43), Egypt (15 F.Mk.51) and Yugoslavia (17 F.Mk.42). Licence-construction by Avions Fairey, aircraft produced under sub-contract by SABCA as the S.51 during 1947-48.
Meteor F.Mk.VIII, an improved design with the nose extended 30ins to improve directional stability and a new tail unit to maintain the c.g., a Martin-Baker ejection seat is also fitted, the first prototype, VT130, flown on 12 October 1948, current orders for 450 aircraft for the RAF, production began June 1949 with entry into service in January 1950.
Meteor T.Mk.VII, production version of private-venture Meteor Trainer for the RAF and FAA under Spec T.1/47, initial orders cover 200, the first production aircraft flew in August 1947, export orders from Argentina (12 T.Mk.46), Belgium (10 T.Mk.47), Bulgaria (2 T.Mk.45), and Yugoslavia (8 T.Mk.44).
Meteor NF.Mk.XI, night-fighter variant to meet Spec F.5/46, converted T.Mk.VII VW413 first flown 31 May 1947, orders for 100 aircraft for the RAF, export orders from Bulgaria (NF.Mk.45) and the Philippines (50 Mk.55). Deliveries to RAF during March 1948-April 1949.
Types in Development:
A.W.52, a laminar-flow flying wing research aircraft powered by two Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene turbojets, covered by Spec E.9/44, first prototype TS363 flown on 13 November 1947, second prototype, TS368, flown 1 September 1948. TS363 was destroyed on 30 May 1949 when AWA test pilot J.O. Lancaster suffered a violent pitch oscillation at 320mph (the first time such a speed was attempted), he descended but had to eject (the first British pilot to ever do so) and the aircraft recovered but crashed landed ripping the engines away. After a period of grounding, TS368 is now restricted to under 300mph.
AXP-1001, long-range day fighter powered by a 5,000lb Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene III turbojet, designed in co-operation with FMA to meet Argentine requirements, in July 1946 3 prototypes were ordered, first prototype flown 14 July 1948, the second followed on 22 March 1949 and the third prototype, which was shipped to Argentina and reassembled there, made its first flight on 16 June 1949. The third prototype and all production aircraft are fitted with Nene III engines. During February 1949 FMA acquired the manufacturing rights and tooling began in March, 160 are on order, the first production aircraft flying on 26 August.
Meteor FR.Mk.IX, a tactical reconnaissance variant of the F.Mk.VII retaining full armament but also having a remote-controlled F.24 camera in the nose with two glazed panels. 126 on order, deliveries planned from 1950.
Meteor PR.Mk.X, an FR.Mk.IX variant with two additional cameras in the rear fuselage, no cannon armament and the fitting a F.Mk.IV standard tail unit. 60 on order, deliveries planned from 1950.
Meteor NF.Mk.XII, an improved variant of NF.Mk.XI, covered by F.24/46, has improved clear-vision sliding canopy, Martin-Baker ejection seats, an auto-stabiliser, Derwent VII turbojets and a longer nose with an improved AI.X set. 106 on order with deliveries to begin in November 1950.
Design Work:
Project 502, design work on a naval surface-to-air GAP as a development of the LOP/GAP system in a consortium with Sperry Gyro and General Electric.
Project 505, design work on a naval air-to-surface and surface-to-surface guided weapon system in a consortium with ECKO and GEC.
Other Work:
RAF repair and overhaul contracts.
Other Work:
Lancaster B.Mk.III/B.Mk.IIIA modification and life extension programme, to be completed by December 1950, shared with Avro.
Lancaster B.Mk.I conversions as turbojet and propeller-turbine testbeds.
Saunders-Roe Ltd. (Saro)
Works: Columbine Works, East Cowes, Isle of Wight and Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset.
Types Currently in Production:
Saro SR.A/1 Petrel FRN.Mk.I, jet-propelled flying boat fighter, covered by Spec E.6/44, powered by a 5,000lb Rolls-Royce RB.41 Nene III, first prototypeTG263 flown 16 May 1947, second prototype TG267 on 30 April 1948 and third prototype TG271 fitted with a 6,250lb RB.44 Tay flew on 17 August 1948. TG271 was destroyed by hitting a timber baulk while taxying at 110mph during August 1949 and a month later TG267 broke-up in mid-air while being evaluated at MAEE Felixstowe killing Sqn Ldr K. Major. Current orders for 100 aircraft, the first production aircraft flew on 20 March 1949.
Types in Development:
W.11 Air Horse, three-rotor heavy helicopter powered by a Rolls-Royce Merlin, prototype G-ALCV first flown 7 December 1945, crop dusting (with equipment to meet Spec H.10/48) and RAF load carrying trials underway. A small batch of six crop dusters will be shared between the Colonial Office and the RAF, deliveries will begin in early 1950.
W.14 Skeeter 1 & 2, small two-seater helicopter, first prototype powered by a 106hp Jameson FF-1 engine flown 8 October 1946, the Skeeter 2 destroyed by ground resonance during 1948.
W.14 Skeeter 3, an improved variant, two aircraft completed and flying trials during 1949.
SR.45 Princess, flying boat for 220 passengers, powered by four 5,000hp Bristol Twin Centaurus piston engines, designed to meet Spec P.4/42, the prototype, G-ALUN, flown 22 August 1947. BOAC has cancelled their order but there is still interest from the RAF in a troop/cargo carrying version.
P.104 Seletar MR.Mk.I, maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine flying boat, designed to meet Spec R.2/45, powered by four 2,500hp RR Griffon V and with an advanced planning hull, the first of two prototypes flown on 26 May 1948. 50 on order, to enter service in 1951.
SR.55 Duchess, a 74-seat flying boat powered by six de Havilland Ghost turbojets designed to meet Spec P.6/46, prototype G-ALUR first flown on 26 August 1949, BOAC have ordered 10, to enter service in 1951 on its overseas routes. New Zealand airline TEAL have placed an order for 6.
Design Work:
W.11T, a variant of the W.11 with a longer fuselage and aerodynamic improvements.
Skeeter 4, further developed variant with transmission changes and a 180hp Blackburn Bombardier engine, two prototypes to fly in 1951.
P.121, design work on a Hydro-ski equipped naval fighter, development covered by Spec N.16/49, with a swept wing, reheated Avon and an armament of four 30mm ADEN or 68 2in air-to-air rockets in retractable packs, the nose will carry a ranging radar. It should handle well in choppy seas experienced inside harbours or sheltered water with its hydro-ski undercarriage. A first flight is planned for mid-1953.
P.123, design work on a 120,000lb 148ft span flying boat with four piston or turbine-propeller engines.
P.148, design work for a two-seat carrier-based all-weather interceptor to meet Spec N.14/49, has a shoulder high-wing with a single Avon R.A.9, a T-tail above, side-by-side seating and an armament of four 30mm ADEN cannon under cockpit and two batteries of 36 2in air-to-air rockets.
Saro P.149, design work for a supersonic variable wing sweep research aircraft to meet Spec E.10/49 with two RA.7 Avon, T-tail and a high-mounted wing using box-beam construction with hydraulic ram movement with the pivot and rear pintles linked together in a triangle which moves forward by 3ft as the wing sweep alters from 25 degrees to 60 degrees.
Other Work:
Subsidiary, Saro Laminated Wood Products Ltd., based at Folly Works, Whippingham, Isle of Wight.
Production of Betalight; tubes of borosilicate glass which are coated inside with a fluorescent powder which glows as a result of the ionizing radiation of the tritium gas contained inside, the tube emits light for 15 years, used to illuminate flight instruments, exit signs and corridors of Saro aircraft.
An Electronics Division formed in 1948 to develop analogue computers, control simulators and electronic equipment and test sets for guided weapons research.
Armstrong Siddeley Motors Ltd.
Works: Coventry, Warwickshire
Types Currently in Production:
The Cheetah production line has now closed, refurbishment is still carried out.
ASP.3 Python 3, 3,670ehp (inc. 1,180lb exhaust thrust), turboprop with 14-stage axial compressor, 11 combustion chambers and 2-stage turbine, entered production in February 1946.
ASP.4 Python 4, 4,110ehp, improved variant, certificated in September 1947.
ASM.1 Mamba 1, 1,000ehp, turboprop with 10-stage axial compressor, 6 combustion chambers and 2-stage turbine, certificated in 1945.
ASM.3 Mamba 3, 1,475ehp, production variant, passed 500-hour test during 1947.
ASM.6 Mamba 6, 1,770ehp, improved variant, certificated in September 1949.
ASMD.1 Double Mamba, 2,950ehp, coupled engine development of ASM.2 driving contra-rotating propellers through a combining gearbox, one engine can be shut down in flight to conserve fuel, bench tests began in 1948, certificated in December 1949.
Types in Development:
ASSa.1 Sapphire, 7,500lbs, development began 1943, 13-stage axial compressor with annular combustor and 2-stage turbine, during tests in 1947 the engine reliably produced around 7,500lbs thrust making it the most powerful British turbojet.
ASSa.5 Sapphire, 7,500lbs, production version of ASSa.1, began bench tests in May 1949.
ASA.1 Adder, 1,050lbs,a pure-jet variant of the ASM.1 Mamba developed as an “expendable engine” for use on target drones, first bench tests began November 1948, flight trials began in 1949 in the tail of an Avro Lancaster.
ASV.1 Viper, 1,200lbs, design work on an 7-stage axial compressor based on the ASA.1 Adder, bench tests began December 1948, flight tests in November 1949.
ASV.2 Viper, 1,500lbs, a 1,500lb thrust variant, began bench tests in May 1949.
Design Work:
ASSn.1 Snarler, 2,000lb, oxygen/methanol/water rocket, first British liquid-fuelled rocket engine, the turbopump is externally driven from the gearbox of the parent aircraft’s turbojet, flight testing to begin in March 1950.
ASV.3 Viper 4, 1,640lbs, improved thrust variant, to begin bench tests in 1950.
ASMD.3 Double Mamba, 3,145ehp, planned production variant, bench tests to begin in early 1950.
ASMD.4 Double Mamba, 3,875ehp, an improved variant, bench tests to begin in early 1950.
ASSa.5R Sapphire, 9,200lbs, an ASSa.5 with an afterburner to deliver an improved 9,200lbs thrust on reheat. To begin testing in 1950.
National Electronic Engineering Limited (NEE)
Formed in 1940 by the merger of English Electric, Napier & Son, Napier-Paxman and Paxman. In 1944 it acquired Alvis Car and Engineering Company Ltd. and in 1945 acquired the Marconi Company to become the biggest electrical engineering, industrial engineering and electronics manufacturer in Britain.
Works: Elton, Lancashire (Alvis Leonides production) and Acton, London (Napier and Napier-Paxman aircraft engine production)
Types Currently in Production:
Leonides IV, 540hp, and IV/7A, 560hp, 9-cyl single-row radial engine with single speed, certificated 1947.
Leonides V, 550hp, certificated 1947.
Leonides VI/2, 540hp, improved Model VI with features from Model IV, certificated 1946.
Leonides VI, 570hp, designed for use in helicopters, certificated 1947.
Leonides VII/2, 540hp, down-rated Model VI for improved reliability over Model VI/2, certificated 1948.
Leonides Major, 875hp, 14-cyl two-row radial engine with single speed, single stage medium supercharger, based on Leonides components, certificated 1947.
Leonides Major II, 850hp, certificated 1948.
Leonides Major III, 850hp, variant designed for use in helicopters, certificated 1948.
N.Na.1 Naiad, 1,500shp plus 241lb, single-shaft axial-flow turboprop with 5 combustion chambers, certificated 1946.
Types in Development:
E.127 Nymph, 500shp, single-shaft turboprop, bench tested during 1945, programme abandoned in March 1949.
N.Na.2 Coupled Naiad, 3,000shp (estimated), two coupled N.Na.1 with common gearbox and propeller drive, bench testing began in 1948 and flight testing in April 1949 on a converted Avro Lancaster.
N.Nm.1 Nomad I, 2,000hp, compound diesel engine combining a piston engine with a turbine to recover energy from the exhaust and improve fuel economy, contra-rotating propellers driven by mechanically independent stages, the diesel engine is a liquid-cooled horizontally-opposed 12-cyl two-stroke valveless engine, the turbine driven by exhaust gases has three-stages and drives both crankshaft and a 12-stage axial flow compressor axial compressor, the complete unit will first ran in October 1948 and flight tests on an Avro Lancaster began in June 1949.
N.Nm.2 Nomad II, 3,000hp, began bench tests in December in 1948 and flight tests on an Avro Lancaster began in December 1949.
N.Nm.3 Nomad 6, 3,000hp, early design work on a simpler Nomad with an extra stage to the axial compressor/supercharger, eliminating the separate centrifugal compressor and the intercooler, an additional turbine stage will drive the compressor and feedback any excess power to the main shaft, the separate propeller from the turbine is deleted, the result will be a smaller, lighter and considerably simpler single engine driving a single propeller. Initial bench tests began in September 1949.
N.El.3 Eland, 3,000ehp (estimated), 10-stage axial flow turboprop with 6 combustion chambers, began bench testing in October 1949.
NRE.7, liquid fuelled expendable rocket engine for guided weapons
Leonides VIII, 520hp, an improved variant for use in helicopters, certification planned for 1950.
Design Work:
N.El.7 Double Eland, a planned coupled version delivering 6,000ehp (estimated).
Other Work:
Deltic diesel engine for marine and locomotive use.
Research into ramjet propulsion.
The Industrial Electronics Division at Stafford, Lancashire, produces a variety of products, including the Igniscope, a revolutionary design of ignition tester for petrol engines, supplied as Type UED to the RAF, RCAF and RAAF.