Iquitos, Loreto, 8 October 1949
Felix Wankel had breathed a sigh of relief when the freighter Henry Horn dropped anchor in the port of Iquitos, for she bore the bulk of the remaining components required to complete the assembly of the modular floating dry dock his team had worked on for nearly a year. The vessel carrying the pumps, motors, and ancillary gear was due to arrive in only a few weeks. They were due to turn the dock over to the Peruvian Navy at the end of December, and it would be a race to keep that deadline.
The State Department, Washington DC, 18 October 1949
Ambassador Pawley’s recommendation regarding the Peruvian Government’s request for permission to contract for Lockheed’s P-80 fighter had been batted back and forth between the Latin American and the European Desks for more than a week, nearly two. There was a distinct difference of opinion as to whether granting it would offend the Iberians, upset the Brazilians, or add fuel to an arms race in the southern hemisphere. The realist faction maintained that if the United States turned down the request that the Peruvians would merely turn to Europe, and it would be better to have some increased influence with them. The idealist faction wished that the Europeans would keep their noses out of the western hemisphere on general principles, despite the fact that the Iberians were still there. The pragmatic faction, to which The Secretary belonged, wished to counterbalance European influence while at the same time reminding the Iberians that the sun was fast setting on their Federation. After discussions with the White House, the Peruvians got their approval to open negotiations; it would be up to them to come to terms with Howard Hughes and his friends.