FMA I-02
Developed from scratch as a modern fighter heavily based on war experience and rectifying faults in the I-01 series. An order for 144 aircraft has been placed, construction numbers are C/N01001-C/N01144.
Dimensions: span 10.6m; length 10.3; height 3.42m; wing area 197sq ft; wing loading 38 lb/sq ft; power loading 0.17 lb/hp
Structure: all-metal monocoque fuselage with I section fames and L section stringers with stressed light alloy covering, light alloy used for cantilever tail construction and tailplane covering. Cantilever metal wing with two steel spars, all-metal split flaps and aluminium framed ailerons with aluminium covering. Rudder and elevators aluminium framed with aluminium covering. Retractable hydraulically raised main undercarriage with single oleo-pneumatic legs with twin pneumatic brakes and a retractable castoring tail wheel
Weights: empty 5,882lbs, maximum take-off 7,500lbs
Powerplant: one 1300hp Spartan 1300S V-12 inline engine with supercharger, maximum sea level output to 15,000ft
Performance: max speed 414mph at 15,000 feet; service ceiling 35,000ft; rate of climb 2,598ft per minute at 1,500ft; range 691 miles full fuel load
Capacity: pilot in enclosed cockpit armoured windscreen and 8mm thick armoured bulkhead behind
Armament: four 13mm Browning HMG in wings and a ventral bomb-rack for one 250-500lb bomb
Equipment: full controls and navigation equipment including receiver/transmitter, reflector sight, Sperry autopilot, flare chute and one rescue dinghy
This is a modified I-02 fighter with a ventral camera mounted in the rear. Two machine guns are removed to save weight. FMA has developed a special retrofit package with electrical lens heater etc. for the camera of British origin. All 24 conversions were carried out by service personnel during overhauls throughout early 1944.
FMA has begun work on a development of the I-02 fighter powered by the 1,500hp Spartan inline engine, which was the preferred choice for the original aircraft but lack of availablity curtailed this choice. An order for 144 has been placed and production should begin in 1941.
This is the planned definitive production type fitted with the Spartan 1,500hp V-12. An order for 144 aircraft has been placed with entry into service planned for late 1941. Construction numbers will be C/N01001-C/N01144.
Dimensions: span 10.6m; length 10.3; height 3.42m; wing area 197sq ft; wing loading 35.5 lb/sq ft; power loading 0.21 lb/hp
Structure: all-metal monocoque fuselage with I section fames and L section stringers with stressed light alloy covering, light alloy used for cantilever tail construction and tailplane covering. Cantilever metal wing with two steel spars, all-metal split flaps and aluminium framed ailerons with aluminium covering. Rudder and elevators aluminium framed with aluminium covering. Retractable hydraulically raised main undercarriage with single oleo-pneumatic legs with twin pneumatic brakes and a retractable castoring tail wheel. The cockpit windscreen is of 15mm thick armoured glass.
Weights: empty 6,017lbs, maximum take-off 7,500lbs
Powerplant: one 1500hp Spartan 1500S-SS V-12 inline engine with two-stage supercharger, maximum sea level output to 15,000ft
Performance: max speed 423mph at 15,000 feet; service ceiling 37,500ft; rate of climb 3,054 per minute at 1,500ft; range 664 miles full fuel load
Capacity: pilot in enclosed cockpit armoured windscreen and 8mm thick armoured bulkhead behind
Armament: four 13mm Browning HMG in wings and a ventral bomb-rack for one 250-500lb bomb
Equipment: full controls and navigation equipment including receiver/transmitter, reflector sight, Sperry autopilot and flare chute
FMA I-02III Pulqui
As a stop-gap until the new Gloster Meteor jet-fighters were delivered, in mid-1946 the Air Force agreed an order for 35 new-build aircraft with several improvements including a further developed Spartan V-12 engine with new supercharger, new gunsight and four Orkileon 20mm cannon replacing the machine-guns. The first entered service in January 1947. Construction numbers will be C/N01151-C/N01185.
Powerplant: one 1600hp Spartan 1500S-SP V-12 inline engine with modified two-stage supercharger, maximum sea level output to 16,000ft
Performance: max speed 431mph at 15,000 feet; service ceiling 38,500ft; rate of climb 3,062ft per minute at 1,500ft; range 975 miles full fuel load including two drop-tanks
Armament: four 20mm Orkileon cannon in wings and two underwing and one ventral bomb-rack for one 250-500lb bomb, 1,000lb maximum load, alternatively 8x 75mm RPs
This is an I-02II with Spartan developed folding wings and Atlantean arrestor gear fitted. Although labelled in Argentine service as an FMA all are in fact built by Spartan in Atlantis and FMA had very little to do with the development of the I-02N.
This carrier-based variant was developed entirely by Spartan and is built in Atlantis. The I-02N has a new folding wing of greater span but otherwise is based on the I-02II. An order for 54 aircraft has been placed with entry into service planned for late 1940.
Dimensions: span 11.2m; length 10.3; height 3.42m; wing area 195sq ft; wing loading 35.89 lb/sq ft; power loading 0.21 lb/hp
Structure: all-metal monocoque fuselage with I section fames and L section stringers with stressed light alloy covering, light alloy used for cantilever tail construction and tailplane covering. Cantilever metal wing with two steel spars, all-metal split flaps and aluminium framed ailerons with aluminium covering. Hydraulic wing folding with two hinges and locks on each wing. Rudder and elevators aluminium framed with aluminium covering. Retractable hydraulically raised main undercarriage with single oleo-pneumatic legs with twin pneumatic brakes and a retractable castoring tail wheel. A retractable arrestor hook is fitted near the tailwheel and there are four catapult attachment points on the lower fuselage and front spars in the wing roots. The cockpit windscreen is of 15mm thick armoured glass.
Weights: empty 6,204lbs, maximum take-off 7,500lbs
Powerplant: one 1500hp Spartan 1500S-SS V-12 inline engine with two-stage supercharger, maximum sea level output to 15,000ft
Performance: max speed 423mph at 15,000 feet; service ceiling 37,500ft; rate of climb 3,054 per minute at 1,500ft; range 664 miles full fuel load
Capacity: pilot in enclosed cockpit armoured windscreen and 8mm thick armoured bulkhead behind
Armament: four 13mm Browning HMG in wings and a ventral bomb-rack for one 250-500lb bomb
Equipment: full controls and navigation equipment including receiver/transmitter, reflector sight, Sperry autopilot, flare chute and dingy
A naval version of the I-02III with the folding wings and strengthened fuselage with arrestor gear of the I-02N. 48 were ordered in July 1947 and deliveries began in January 1948. Construction numbers are C/N01186-C/N01234.
Powerplant: one 1600hp Spartan 1500S-SP V-12 inline engine with modified two-stage supercharger, maximum sea level output to 16,000ft
Performance: max speed 431mph at 15,000 feet; service ceiling 38,500ft; rate of climb 3,062ft per minute at 1,500ft; range 975 miles full fuel load including two drop-tanks
Armament: four 13mm Browning HMG in wings and one ventral bomb-rack for one 250-500lb bomb, and underwing mounts for 8x 75mm RPs