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That's exactly why we should be having these discussions, so that everyone can come to a consensus.
At this stage with 6 quarters left, there is no point in taking over an NPC, but it is the time to start discussing what comes next.
And for my own preferences on Wesworld 2.0, I prefer to deal with a world starting at a single point of departure from historical rather than a mix of every player's fantasy nation.
My strong preference at the moment would be for a new sim, starting 1890, which would start largely historical (or with relatively minor, explicitly stated departures from historical). I'm not going to say I wouldn't stick with it if people started bringing in new or ahistorical countries, but the more ahistorical the map looks, the more my enthusiasm would be diminished.
If we stuck to an 1890 start date and a historical map, we could comfortably fit nine players into the game. That'll probably be about manageable, and even with this list, we'll probably need to have a few people wearing multiple hats.
1. Great Britain
2. France
3. Russia
4. Italy
5. Japan
6. Austria-Hungary
7. Germany
8. Ottoman Empire
9. United States
As for whether to start setting things up now - aside from some miscellaneous chatter, I'm not sure I have enough concentration and time to both finish up WW and work on setting up a new iteration at the same time.
My strong preference at the moment would be for a new sim, starting 1890, which would start largely historical (or with relatively minor, explicitly stated departures from historical). I'm not going to say I wouldn't stick with it if people started bringing in new or ahistorical countries, but the more ahistorical the map looks, the more my enthusiasm would be diminished.
If we stuck to an 1890 start date and a historical map, we could comfortably fit nine players into the game. That'll probably be about manageable, and even with this list, we'll probably need to have a few people wearing multiple hats.
1. Great Britain
2. France
3. Russia
4. Italy
5. Japan
6. Austria-Hungary
7. Germany
8. Ottoman Empire
9. United States
As for whether to start setting things up now - aside from some miscellaneous chatter, I'm not sure I have enough concentration and time to both finish up WW and work on setting up a new iteration at the same time.
Really? How about gaining experience in ship design? This is supposed to be naval sim with a specific set of design rules. When I asked to join the game it was strongly suggested to me that I learn how to sim before taking over my first country, Yugoslavia. Will Wesworld 2.0 continue to sim vessels or will we just hand wave things into existence?
And for my own preferences on Wesworld 2.0, I prefer to deal with a world starting at a single point of departure from historical rather than a mix of every player's fantasy nation.
The mechanics of determining the economic start conditions for each of the player countries in the sim would be another area requiring agreement, and I could go on. But ‘picking a country’ before the rules and conditions of the proposed game are worked out is quite premature.
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