BNS Air Groups as of 1945
CV Urumi (Max = 45), function = developmental
-12 Tira ("Arrow") fighters
-12 Cakravata ("Cyclone") fighter-bombers
-12 Hathi and Hathi-P ("Elephant") torpedo-bombers
-4 Hathi-PR ASW aircraft
-2 Petrela ("Petrel") helicopters
CV Bichawa (Max = 45), function = strike
-24 Tira fighters
-18 Hathi torpedo-bombers
-2 Petrela helicopters
CV Talwar (Max = 60), function = strike
-24 Tira fighters
-18 Griba ("Grebe") dive-Bombers
-18 Hathi torpedo-bombers
CV Val (Max = 60), function = strike
-24 Tira fighters
-18 Griba dive-bombers
-18 Hathi torpedo-bombers
CV Bagh Nakh (Max = 84), function = strike
-36 Tira fighters
-24 Griba dive-bombers
-24 Hathi torpedo-bombers
AVT Vel (Max = 28), function = training
-6 Tira fighter
-12 Cakravata fighter-bomber
-6 Hathi torpedo-bomber
-4 Petrela helicopter
Operational re-organization of the BNS has left the carrier arm as the undisputed, primary form of power projection; capital ships now function as screening elements. The Bagh Nakh is now fully operational, but the two seaplane carriers and the training carrier Lathi have all been sold, leaving the BNS with six decks in total. A new carrier, Trishula, is to be laid down in 1945, with trials completed in 1949.
Several new airframes are being introduced into service:
-The Cakravata fighter-bomber, a single-seat multi-role aircraft capable of aerial combat or bomb or torpedo attacks. It will likely replace the current Griba dive-bombers and possibly supplant some of the existing Tira fighters and Hathi torpedo-bombers.
-The Hathi-P is an improved Hathi torpedo-bomber with onboard radar. It will likely replace existing Hathi airframes.
-The Hathi-PR is a specialized ASW version of the Hathi, with improved forward-firing armament, lights, cockpit visibility, and payload configuration, at the expense of defensive armament and overall payload weight. Its current employment is not clear; the BNS is uncertain if a dedicated ASW platform is necessary or not.
-The Petrela is a helicopter capable of carrying one passenger and a limited amount of payload. It is being eyeballed for utility personnel/mail transfer and pilot rescue functions.
A consequence of these new models is that the BNS has tasked CV Urumi to take on a contingent of Cakravatas, Hathi-Ps, Hathi-PRs, and Petrelas in a doctrinal development role. This exercise will inform decisions about future airgroup composition, possibly for some time. AVT Vel, meanwhile, will carry a number of Cakravatas for advanced training purposes.