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Monday, October 10th 2011, 5:36pm

It will be interesting to see how the Field Marshal will deal with the other military gentlemen such as General Cernius...


Sunday, November 6th 2011, 1:36am

Vaskes, Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 28th, 1935: - The Last Battle of Vaskes - Part 4

I've been in tight spots before in my life, but none I think as tight as this - if a place can be with justification and accuracy called, Hell on Earth, then Vaskes qualifies beyond a doubt. Intense cold, raging fires, rain and freezing snow, near constant heavy shelling, and a perfect storm of air bombing! Sleep is all but impossible, everyone is absolutely exhausted and everyones nerves are stretched to the breaking point. Hunger and pain are constant companions of everyone, I don't think that there is a single man or women within the defensive pocket that hasn't been wounded at least once, or isn't suffering from chronic illness or nervous disease now.

The League of Nations troops hammer every position, without let up, they us everything they have artillery, tanks, armoured cars and aircraft. The Infantry come in with their machineguns in close support both light and heavy types, any defensive position that reveals itself by firing, is instantly sprayed with bullets. If that does do the job, they use blasting charges, grenades and flame-throwers.

I dont think it can last much longer, communications have all but broken down, wireless sets are smashed or being jammed, field telephone lines have been cut and the few that are still working have been rewired so many time I dont know how they still manage to get anything intelligible out of them. Food and fresh water supplies are exhausted, medical supplies are now non-existent and ammunition dwindling down to nothing at all with the each passing minute.

We keep fighting, although no one seems to be giving orders anymore, and to be honest I dont see much point in it, we're not even fighting to win anymore, hell, we're not even fighting to avoid losing! No one has seen the chief in the last day or so, although we've had a few speeches delivered by the officers, fighting spirit is about the only thing we havent run out of yet.

- Extract taken from the personal diary of one Stefan Ludwiks, identified after the Wilno Crisis as one Karl Stefan Becker, a German national wanted for involvement (some of it criminal) in extreme right wing politics and anti-governmental activities in Germany during the 1920s. The "Ludwiks" Diary was recovered in Vaskes from partially collapsed basement bunker in the Vaskes governmental district some years after the fighting by Lithuanian reconstruction crews. Although heavily charred and blood-stained, it was still readable. The fate of K.S. Becker has not yet been asertained.

After several hours of intense fighting the Wilno National Self-Defense Batallion's defensive perimeter within the Wilno Governmental district is in a shambles. The Wilno command and communications system has all but broken down, and with it, their tenous logistical system. An organized and coherent resistence to the League of Nations attacks has become an impossibility. Wilno Self-Defensemen begin to surrender in greater numbers then before as their individual and increasingly isolated positions are encircled and overrun. Here and there, however violent fighting continues unabeited, as some elements of the WNSDB continue to offer spirited if increasingly desperate resistance.

The NSD Artillery Reserve, trapped and increasingly unable to deploy effectively amidst the buildings abd rubble, is slowly destroyed literally gun by gun in a series of swirling infantry and tank battles or by devastating counter-battery fire. Lt.Colonel Aleksandr Pozarnsky falls badly wounded commanding his last working gun against, against a turkish armoured car attack. The hopelessly battered and beleaguered 1st NSD Wing, despite the efforts of it's valiant commander, Major Michaal Bazala, abruptly and without either instruction or warning surrenders enmasse to advancing Royal Dutch Marine troops, allowing them pour into the Parlimentary Square from several directions. The 3rd and 5th NSD Wings, stubbornly hold out in the remains of their entrenchements, fiercely contesting any attempt to dislodge them from either the Wilno Parliment building or the Palace of Government. Their commanders Majors Roslan Syzborski and Slawek Kosowsk refuse all entreats or demands to capitulate. With equal stubbornness the 2nd and 4th NSD Wings under Majors Maximilian Bryzska and Tobias Ujejski try and hold the shelled out streets and bombed out ruins that once made up northern Vaskes.

General Kazim Orbay, examining reports realises the decisive moment is rapidly approaching, the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion is on the point of splintering to flinders, it will only take a few more blows to finish the job. However, his own troops are exhausted, they have been fighting practically all day with little or no relief. They are tired, thirsty, hungry and have been using up their available military supplies at a prodigious rate. Orbay's staff argues that a pause to resupply, refit and reorganize is urgently necessary. General Orbay weighs this against the failing light, night coming on early in October, and the weather looks to be taking another turn yet again for the worse. Orbay agrees to a temporary halt of just one hour, his staff is appalled, they argue that at least several hours are needed. Orbay points that it will be necessary to fight a night battle, if they stick to that schedule. Further several hours gives the battered Wilno NSD troops too much time to try and pull themselves together, they are already fighting to the last ditch already and Orbay has no desire to give them any more of a breather then necessary.

Major-General Hans Enfeldt arrives at Orbay's HQ and advises, General Orbay, that he can have the bulk of his 1st Nordmark Armoured Division, particularly his armoured units and field artillery turned around and ready to engage in northern and central Vaskes within the hour time frame. The movement of troops, vehicles and guns is resulting in a colossus log-jam within Vaskes, as units shift and try to find space to deploy. Enfeldt assure Orbay, his own staff and military police units will have the problems ironed out in good time. In order to clear some of the congestion Orbay orders, the LoN Mobile Brigade and the 4th LoN Field Column to withdraw from the battle lines. This order is met by furious and indigient protests by General Gerard and Lt.Colonel Gurdal, but the order is obeyed nevertheless.

General Orbay, determines that the final assault will be made against the Wilno Governmental District with the relatively fresh troops of the 1st Nordmark Armoured Division, the 5th Bulgarian Infantry Division, and the 3rd Dutch Marine Brigade. Major-General Daskalov's division will continue it's attacks from the west, while Luitenant-Generaal Fabius, covers the northern perimeter, and Major-General Enfeldt the southern and south-eastern perimeter. As air support is now becoming increasingly unlikely due to both failing light and difficult weather, this will be an exclusively infantry, tank and artillery show. All three generals express confidence that their troops are up to the task.

The LoN Mobile Brigade, is assigned to duty of attending to the mass of Wilno prisoners from the 1st NSD Wing, and guarding and transporting them to the camps at Vilnius. The 4th Field Column will act as a reserve should it become necessary. The 1st, 2nd and 5th Field Columns are similarly occupied superintending the surrender, collection and transfer of Lt. Colonel Benedek Korberba and his 6th, 7th, 8th NSD Wings, in the smoldering remains of eastern Vaskes.

General Kazim Orbay, is all too mindful of the battle still raging around Festung Kessel, which has yet to be either suppressed or surrender. Orbay, however will deal with the greater problem first, before turning to that deadly thorn in the LoN Wilno Task Force's side.

Within the single mandated hour: after a great deal of sweating, rapid hauling and manic running, all too often accompanied by a great many trambled toes and terrifying soldiers oaths, the men are marshalled into their positions, the men's ammo belts are refilled, their weapons are loaded, checked or replaced as necessary and logistics allow. Fighting blades and bayonets sharped, entrenching shovels loosened in their hangers. Grenades and explosive charges readied and placed for ease of access. Tanks are refuelled, lubricated and reloaded, tracks and engines given one last check. Crews pile aboard their metallic mounts, internal comms spark to life, comm chatter fills the air, engine ducts flame and spew smoke as drivers crank engines and all hatches slam shut and are locked tight. Gunners meanwhile wheel their pieces into new battery positions, stock ammunition, check their instruments and check and recheck range-firing calculations.

The Men of the LoN troops take what refreshment that time allows them, some read, others pray according to their custom or sensiblities. Dutch Calvinist, Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Bulgarian Orthodox hymns quietly filter through the almost still air. Smoke drifts everywhere, flames kindle and crackle in the ruins and rubble, snow flurries blanket everything, often intermingled with rain sometimes turning into stinging hail. Mud, churned earth, smashed mortar and bricks and stonework, emerge like isolated mounds or islands. All hope that this will be the last of a long series of fighting, that it will all be over by morning....that they will be amoung the living when the morrow's sun comes up.

The harb-bitten Bulgarians of the 5th Bulgarian Infantry Divison, bring forward into the Parlimentary Square two of their 149-mm guns, guarded by Bulgarian Grenadiers from the 15th Grenadier Regiment, further screened by several Nordmark tanks, lent by Major-General Enfeldt. These guns dubbed by their crews Tsar's Wrath and Leveler, align on open sights on the front portico of the Wilno Palace of Government.

This post has been edited 10 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 27th 2011, 9:59pm)


Monday, November 21st 2011, 3:25am

Well Part 4 is done, and ready for reading and commentary, if nothing else. :D Had intended Part 4 to be the last bit, but while writing it up, found I had to break it in half to arrange properly, the joys of writing, eh.

In any event, enjoy.


Monday, November 21st 2011, 3:55am


The Bulgarians are, politely, astounded that the Wilno rebels still persist in their continued resistance - and the Bulgarian General Headquarters is increasingly dismayed by the ferocity of the fighting in the attempt to wipe out an enemy that has no realistic chance of victory. The GHQ suggests that at this point continued assaults may be unproductive, and that a strong cordon of troops should encircle the Wilno positions to prevent their escape; a continuous barrage of artillery, possibly with mustard gas or phosgene, should convince the Wilno hardliners of the futility of further resistance (or barring that, let them reap the whirlwind of their poor decision-making). There's no point wasting any more friendly troops in massed infantry assaults. Time is entirely on the LON's side: Wilno has no more friends and no supplies, and winter is closing in. A few days of round-the-clock artillery bombardment, with or without resort to gas, should convince even the most diehard Wilnoite that he's fighting for a lost cause.


Tuesday, November 22nd 2011, 12:03am

Lithuanian National News Service

October 28th, 1935:

Repeated attempts to formally merge the rival Rada od swobodnego Wilno (Council for a Free Wilno) based in Stockholm and the Krajowy Komitet dla Wolnego Wilno (National Committee for a Free Wilno) based in Warsaw, failled dismally today despite strenous efforts by both Nordmark and Polish diplomatic and governmental officals.

For the present it appears that the concept of a Wolne Wilno krajowych organizacji (Free Wilno National Organization), which would allow Wilno interests a legitimate and diplomatically recognized voice before the League of Nations, has died stillborn. Neither Leon Diachuk, nor Bialas Kirszenstein seem to be able to come to terms.

Lieutenant-General Tadeusz Waclaw, acting perhaps on his own incentive, in an effort to break the dead lock, at least in terms of the ongoing and increasingly futile fighting in Vaskes, has issued instructions to Major-General Jan Poltawaska, Command-in-Chief of the AK Wilno (Wilno Home Army) to try and gain contact with the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion, and gain it's acceptance of a surrender or at least a standdown and ceasefire. Further he has issued a radio appeal via Radio Warsaw to the Wilno defenders in Vaskes, asking them to capitulate and lay down their arms in the interests of the greater needs of their people.

It is not yet clear how, Maj.General Alwies Bjalik-Auderska will respond to this attempt to side-step him nor for that matter how Leon Diachuk will react. What is expected is a distinct cooling off of relations between the two groups. President Grinys and his cabinet have expressed concerns over this development, and while stating that they were not happy to be dealing with delegates of a Free Wilno, it was felt that the Stockholm sponsored idea of the Free Wilno National Organization offered the best chance for peaceful discourse and perhaps a equitable long-term political solution to the Wilno Crisis.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 22nd 2011, 12:10am)


Saturday, November 26th 2011, 8:04pm

Vaskes, Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 28th, 1935:

Major Maximilian Bryzska, as senior officer, chaired the impromptu staff meeting, in what once had been one of Vaskes's finest churches. Around him scattered in chairs and the few remaining intact pews, were the surviving command staffs of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th NSD Wing, and the equally decimated command staff of the Wilno National Defense Battalion. Bryzska had been flatly infomed much to his dismay, that Major-General Guttowa was too badly injured to continue in command. So it was now his job, to salvage the situation. Truth be told, Bryzska thought, there wasn't a great deal to be salvaged all things considered.

Everyone, especially Majors Roslan Syzborski, Slawek Kosowski, and Tobias Ujejski looked at him expectently, as if he somehow had answers to the dire situation, which had so far eluded them all. Well he didn't, Bryzska, thought sourly. There was only militarily possible decision in the current circumstances, and he knew most of them would object to it, not that they had much choice in the matter.

"Gentlemen, there is nothing for it, surrender is our only recourse." Bryzska said in a flat, unemotional voice. His audience visibly recoiled at the words, disbelief was written in their faces. Bryzska continued speaking into his audience's stunned silence.
"We are completely out of food and medical supplies, while water supplies are practically exhausted. Our stocks of ammunition aren't even worth mentioning." A short pause. "We are done. And there is no point on dragging this out any further."

"But the Marshal --?!" someone broke out.
"Marshal Letowska, won't see anyone, nor will his headquarters guards let him see anyone outside his immediate command staff or deliver our field reports to him. He might as well be on the moon for all the good he's doing in the Palace!" Bryzska, snapped back acidly.

Majors Roslan Syzborski, cleared his throat. All eyes turned on him. He shrugged indifferently.
"I think Bryzska is right. Capitulation is our only military or political option right now. We're surrounded and outmanned, outgunned and outmanouvered in every way that matters. Their re-organizing their troop dispositions even as we chatter here, their artillery has is already fired several new ranging shots, upon our positions to make sure that when their resume their bombardment, they will obliterate us."

"But to surrender the capital of the Republic?!" Major Tobias Ujejski burst out. "Without even consulting the Marshal?!" Bryzska and Syzborski exchanged glances, Ujejski had always been amoungst Letowska's most blindly devoted partisans, he was going to be trouble now.
"We can't do anyone any good if we're all smashed to flinders, Major Ujejski. Major Slawek Kosowski suddenly remarked. "You've heard Lieutenant-General Waclaw's appeal or at least some of it." Ujejski nodded grudgingly.
"Well, it's our best option, we have to seek terms now, while we have the chance, before they start firing again, because they won't stop this time." Worried mumurs of agreement and apprehension swept the staffs.

Bryzska sensed that he had everyone's agreement, he had to act befor Ujejski tried to swing everyone into some stupid act of senseless bravado. He motioned to several of his staff guards, who immediatedly moved in around Ujejski, he seemed to be oblivious to what was going on around him, his attention fixed on Bryzska.

"I will put it to a vote, then." Bryzska remarked carefully. Syzborski, and Kosowski shuck their heads.
"No, you are in command, Bryzska, and we support you absolutely, this has to be done for the good of the troops." Syzborski said flatly. Ujejski bristled with indignation beside them.
"This is treason!" he shouted, grabbing for his holstered pistol, hands suddenly clamped down on his arms and shoulders pinning him in place. A gag was quickly placed around his mouth as he hands were dragged behind his back and tied.
"I think not." Kosowski, said wryly. "And in any event, it's out of your hands, Ujejski."

"Someone find me a flag staff or pole and a blanket or a large sheet, anything that's white preferablely. I need a flag of truce, and I need it quickly." Bryzska remarked to his astonished audience.


Saturday, November 26th 2011, 9:41pm

At last they see sense.


...stupid act of senseless bravado

That's what has brought them to where they are. You'll need another phrase for continuing resistance beyond this point.


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 3:09am




Sunday, November 27th 2011, 8:03pm

Vaskes, Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 28th, 1935:

General Kazim Orbay, is somewhat surprised when his staff informs that, a party of Wilno officers has come from their lines under flag of truce. Bearing in mind, that some of his subordinates are stalling for time to complete their preparations, Orbay, orders a temporary halt to his planned attack.

The meeting, at General Orbay's field headquarters to which Major Slawek Kosowski has been conducted, is brief, lasting perhaps ten minutes. The atmosphere makes a lasting impression on all those present, Orbay and his staff recieve the Wilno officers with proper military courtesy but Orbay's manner and tone is cool to the point of being frigid. General Orbay, makes it plain to the Wilno NSD Battalion officers, that the only "terms" he will offer are complete and unconditional surrender, and if that is not acceptable, he will completely obliterate the Wilno troops within the next hour.

Major Kosowski is not on his part surprised, as he had expected little else. He does make a plea for the fair treatment of his troops, and all those who lay down their arms. Kosowski makes clear the desperate need for medical supplies and food.

Kosowski tells Orbay, that he has been given the authority to negoiate the surrender the NSD Wings, within the Governmental District but has no such authority regarding those NSD Wings still holding out under Major-General Ziven Konarski's command in the Festung Kessel. Orbay inquires if Kosowski has the premission of Marshal Letowska, to do this. Major Kosowski, tells, Orbay, that he hasn't communicated this development with the Marshal, and that he and the other senior NSD officers are acting on their own iniative.

General Orbay is not happy to be informed of this, as it complicates matters, but accepts Kosowski's explaination, and the two officer, sign a tentative agreement to end the fighting where they can.


October 28th, 1935

1) Active resistence within Vaskes northern and central defensive pocket by the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion to cease immediately.

2) All Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion troops to lay down their arms, and surrender such military equipements and munitions as may be in their possession to the representatives of the League of Nations Wilno Task Force.

3) All military and logistical records, unit documentation, etc., of the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion are to be given into the keeping representatives of the League of Nations Wilno Task Force.

4) The League of Nations Wilno Task Force, will make provision for the assistence medical or otherwise to those Wilno troops who surrender for their physical well-being and fair-treatment.

/s/ General Kazim Orbay, C-in-C Wilno Task Force, League of Nations

/s/ Major Slawek Kosowski, Envoy for the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 27th 2011, 8:03pm)


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 9:33pm

Vaskes, Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 29th, 1935:

General Kazim Orbay, calls a hurried staff conference during the night of the 28th, to consider the situation in Vaskes. All of his subordinates agree that the fighting is nearly done, all significant Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion units in northern, central and eastern Vaskes have been accounted for and forced to capitulate. Only the thorn of Festung Kessel remains to be dealt with. Orbay, requests that Major Slawek Kosowski communicate the situation to Major-General Ziven Konarski and prevail upon him to join the general surrender of the NSD Wings.

Kosowski and Konarski met just before dawn, and discuss the situation in brief terse sentences, both know what is at stake. Maj.General Konarski agrees to Orbay's unconditional surrender demands, although he is comforted to know, that Orbay, has given instructions to his units to see to the reasonable and soldierly care of his troops, once they lay down their arms. Major-General Ziven Konarski, formally surrenders to Lieutenant-General Raoul Daufresne de la Chevallerie, an hour after dawn.

Much of the day is taken up by General Orbay, his staff and subordinate commands, rounding up the Wilno soldiers, collecting and cataloguing the captured arms and munitions. Supplies are distributed to satisfy basic needs and medical emergencies by the League troops, transport is arrange by road and rail to shift the mass of surrendered NSD soldiers to the internment/prison camps already set up around Vilnius to house them. Teams of League soldiers scour the rubble of Vaskes, seeking injured trapped in the wreakage, or dealling with any holdouts who have refused to surrender, the later are mercifully few, but do exist and are dealt with harshly.

Bulgarian troops, at Major-General Daskalov's order, smash their way into Marshal Letowska's Palace - after the Tsar's Wrath and the Leveler, blast the front doors to smithereens, fighting their way through his last and most fanaticall personal guards. They tear the building apart, yet find no sign of Marshal Aleksy Letowska, President of the Wilno Republic. General Orbay, alerts all his commands both in Vaskes, and throughout the Wilno region to be on the lookout, particularly those units stationed near the Polish border, Letowska's most likely escape route.

Major-General Jan Poltawaska, Command-in-Chief of the AK Wilno (Wilno Home Army), makes his first attempt to contact the Wilno NSD troops in Vaskes just after nightfall. approaching from the southeast with a small detachment of mounted troops, Poltawaska attempts to evade elements of the 2nd LoN Field Column that block his path. A brisk and unwanted fire-fight erupts between Poltawaska party and the LoN pickets. Poltawaska retires in some haste, before trying a second approach, from the east, this is no more successful then the first. Armoured cars, roll out of Vaskes to reinforce the pickets, and Maj.General Poltawaska decides to make the best of a bad job, and retires at a full gallop under the cover of darkness.

Some hours later he reports by radio to Lt.General Tadeusz Waclaw, that Vaskes has been engulfed by the League of Nations troops. Poltawaska, requests what his instructions are, Waclaw, responses that he will be contacted shortly concerning that matter.

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 27th 2011, 10:07pm)


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 10:08pm

Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 30th, 1935:

General Kazim Orbay, formally announces an end to the fighting in the disputed Wilno Region, with the destruction and surrender of the field units of the Wilno National Self-Defense Battalion. A formal warrant is issued by General Orbay, for Marshal Aleksy Letowska's capture and arrest. A further warrant is also issued for the capture and arrest of his cabinet council.

General Orbay orders the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th LoN field columns, under the direction of Lieutenant-General Raoul Daufresne de le Chevallerie to continue to superintend the conduct of Wilno military prisoners to Vilnius, while the all other garrison troops deployed in the disputed region will continue in their present garrison and adminstrative duties. General Kazim Orbay, orders the loaned Lithuanian Republican Army's Special Training Artillery Group and the 11th Reserve Artillery Regiment, to return to their bases in Kaunas and Panevezys. In a special order of the day, General Orbay, thanks the Lithuanian artillerymen for their assistence, and praises their professionalism and excellent fire support.

The 5th Bulgarian Infantry Division, 1st Nordmark Armoured Division and the 1st Atlantean Expeditionary Division are directed to conduct a series of aggressive sweeps throughout the Wilno region to ensure all Wilno combatants have been accounted for, as well as all possible hidden weapons caches. Particular emphasis is placed on the investigation of the rural countryside and isolated communities. The Legion Oranje and 3rd Dutch Marine Brigade, are currently to act as a reserve as required.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 27th 2011, 10:14pm)


Sunday, November 27th 2011, 10:23pm

Wilno Republic/Lithuania

October 31st, 1935:

General Kazim Orbay, submits his perliminary report to the League of Nations Council, concerning the situation in the disputed Wilno Region. General Orbay, calls for an extension of the Wilno Task Force's occupation and administration mandate, for at least another three to four months. General Orbay, makes it clear in his report that neither he nor his staff regard an early withdrawal of LoN forces deployed as feasible. A slowly phased withdrawal of certain selected units, once the situation has been stabilized is however possible.

General Orbay, does not make any requests for further troops, feeling that what is available on the ground is more then sufficient for the purposes required. A backlog of urgently required munitions and medical supplies, as well as necessary relief supplies is however forwarded.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 28th 2011, 12:07am)


Monday, November 28th 2011, 12:30am

Wilno Disputed Region/Lithuania

November, 1935:

Nov 1st: General Kazim Orbay relocates his headquarters to Vilnius, from Vaskes. Siting the need to keep in more direct contact with his League of Nations superiors, which is difficult from the Vaskes location and the need to direct the flow of incoming logistics. General Orbay directs Lieutenant-General Raoul Daufresne de le Chevallerie to continue to conduct military affairs within the Wilno Disputed Region.

Nov 17th: The W.T.F. field headquarters staff requests the repatriation of the 1st Atlantean Reconnaissance Battalion, back to Atlantis for a rest and full refit, following heavy action in the Wilno Crisis. Elements of the AK Wilno, have been rounded up from hiding and subsequently sent to the Vilnius prison camps, following aggressive patrolling by local LoN detachments and the roving detachments from the 5th Bulgarian Infantry, Atlantean Expeditionary Division and 3rd Dutch Marine Brigade. To date, several small scale skirmishes and fire-fights have developed between the LoN forces and the AK Wilno from these clearing and patrolling missions. Lt.General Jan Poltawaska however makes every effort to have his troops avoid violent confrontations with the League troops, whenever possible. The energy and frequency of the LoN patrols and sweeps however are leaving him with increasingly less and less room to manouver.

Nov 23rd: General Orbay, appoints Lt.General Daufresne de le Chevallerie, Resident-General of the Wilno Region. The general retains full control over the LoN garrison units, and the 1st -5th LoN field columns. The 1st Nordmark Armoured Division is released from field duties by the Wilno Task Force HQ to return to Nordmark.

Nov 25th: Designated Atlantean and Nordmark officers and men, are recieved by President Grinius and his cabinet, in Kaunas, enroute to waiting transports in Palanga and Memel. Major-General Hans Enfeldt and Lieutenant-Colonel Tauren Thule, are decorated by the Lithuanian President for their part in the Wilno Crisis.

Nov 30th: The Legion Oranje, is returned to Lithuanian control, whereupon it is re-deployed to Kaunas, by the Lithuanian Army. Brigade-Generaal Jacob Snellensoon and his men are decorated by President Grinius, following a celebratory military parade and review in the Lithuanian capital. Discussions between the Lithuanian Foreign Office and the Dutch ambassador, with a view to repatriating the Dutch volunteers begin.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Nov 28th 2011, 12:41am)


Wednesday, December 7th 2011, 4:48am

Lithuanian National News Service

December 1st, 1935:

Following recent events in the disputed Wilno Region, things seem to be settling down. The League of Nations Task Force, has resumed it's occupation and administration duties, with it's accustomed efficiency and determination. A renewed outbreak of trouble within the area, is not anticipated by either the Lithuanian Government or the Wilno Task Force, however preparations are in hand to prevent another out break, hense the heighted alert status of the LoN troops within the area.

The fall of Vaskes, has sparked considerable controversy amoungst the the rival Wilno independence groups in Stockholm and Wilno respectively. Marshal Aleksy Letowska was not found within the Vaskes Governmental area, when it was captured by LoN soldiers, and a thorough and large-scale man-hunt is underway by General Orbay's subordinates to locate and arrest him, providing he has not already escaped from the former Wilno Republic's territory. In the interim, Leon Diachuk has proclaimed himself the legitimate successor of Marshal-President Letowska, and that his organization, the Rada od swobodnego Wilno (Council for a Free Wilno), is now the effective cabinet-council and government-in-exile of the Wilno Republic, bold move but one unlikely to be welcomed by his hosts or the League of Nations.

The Krajowy Komitet dla Wolnego Wilno (National Committee for a Free Wilno) has so far failed to publically response to this grand-standing gesture, by Mr. Diachuk. The Lithuanian Foreign Office, has however issued a statement, concerning, "President" Leon Diachuk's demand to be recognized as the Wilno Republic's head of state.

Reporters both Lithuanian and international have been informed:

"The Lithuanian Republic does not recognize, the Wilno Republic as a legitimate nation, nor does it recognize an regime claiming to represent it, unless, that body has been granted offical recognition by the League of Nations."


Sunday, December 11th 2011, 6:06am

Lithuanian National News Service

December 7th, 1935:

The LoN Wilno Task Force headquarters in Vilnius, has published an order of the day, concerning the organization of the Wilno Civil Watch Corps.


Article 1) The Civil Watch Corps is to have the following organization of troops:

- the Wilno Civil Watch Corps, is to be organized in autonomous battalions, companies, and platoons, on regular military lines. It's personel are volunteers, drawn from the ethnic Lithuanian, and Polish populations with in the area, under officers, both LoN or local, appointed at the discretion of the Resident-General in the Wilno Disputed Region.

- the "independent" or "autonomous" battalion, to be composed of a HQ platoon, and five individual support platoons: Signal, medical, engineer, heavy weapons and Logistics. Five rifle companies, will constitue the balance of the battalion. When first organized the CWC battalions, typically fielded a variable number of companies, typically three - five.

- a rifle company, to be composed of a HQ section, and five rifle platoons.

- a rifle platoon, to be composed of fifty riflemen.

- The Civil Watch Corps to be divided into, the following units: field and garrison, the former for the conduct of active operations, while the later are to operate strictly in their home districts, responsible for security of their villages, as well as the maintaince of local administration, constabulary duties and public utilities/services.

Article 2) The duties and responsibilities of the Civil Watch Corps will be the following:

- The Civil Watch Corps, is answerable for all matters concerning logistics and administration and field tactical operations to the League of Nations appointed Resident-General.

- The Civil Watch Corps, is to be formally responsible for all routine civil police, public safety and security duties, within the Wilno Disputed Region, at the direction of the LoN Resident-General.

Article 3) The Civil Watch Corps Order of Battle, is to be as follows:

- 12 "field" battalions, representing sixty companies of riflemen.

- 4 "garrison" battalions, representing twenty companies of riflemen.

- 4 independent "mobile" or "flying" companies, composed of mounted riflemen

Article 4) The Civil Watch Corps, is to an armed and uniformed body of troops.

- Cap Badge, gold metal eight pointed star with the monogram in silver, CWC, with a scroll, bearing the motto: Salus populi suprema est lex (The welfare of the people is the ultimate law) arcing across the top three-points of the star.

- Three battle honours, are to be awarded and incorporated with the CWC Cap Badge, they will take the form of an addition scroll arcing across the bottom three-points of the eight-pointed star. The following field battalions will be so honoured: The 2nd and 4th Battalions will receive the honour scroll - AMANTAS, the 1st, 3rd and 9th Battalions will recieve the honour scroll - ADOMAS, and the 6th and 8th Battalions will recieve the honour scroll - VASKES.

- Infantry Rifle Personel: Uniform to be as follows, a visorless grey forage cap, a grey jacket, short grey trousers, with black ankle boots and grey puttees. Black leather harness and cartridge pouch belt, with four pouches sufficient to carry sixty rounds. Riflemen to be equiped with Lithuanian State Arsenal "Enfield" P14, 7.92-mm rifles, officers to be armed with Parabellum/Luger P08 9-mm automatic pistols.

- Mounted Personel: Uniform the same as infantry rifle personel, with following charges: Either black ankle boots with hard-shell gaiters or riding boots are to be worn along with spurs. Black leather bandolier, with two to four pockets, sufficient to carry sixty rounds, in five-round clips.

- Rank Insignia: to be displayed on the shoulder straps, following Lithuanian Republican Army conventions with regard to grade and command station.

- Facing Colour: Red, applied on tunic collars, and as tunic and trouser piping.

/s/ General Kazim Orbay, Commander - LoN Wilno Task Force

/s/ Lieutenant-General Raoul Daufresne de le Chevallerie, LoN Resident-General in the Wilno Disputed Region.

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Dec 11th 2011, 7:43am)