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Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:27pm

You could park your new ship in Mexico...


"Pass the Tequila..."

"Who ate the chips?"


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:30pm


"Who ate the chips?"

Oh no, Garcia is out!!!!!!!

lock the food away.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Earl822" (Feb 15th 2008, 8:30pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:32pm


Originally posted by TheCanadian
OOC Well at least that way I have an excuse to build new ships if I try a darnadelles dash. Mine are almost as old as Bulgaria's. Besides Id only send the old ships through their, just like the Allies tried in 1915, and they almost made it.

Whatever the Romanians think they have learned about the British and French attempts to breach the Dardanelles defences, the Turks have learned how to make them even worse.

Why do you think the Atlanteans, Italians and Greeks went around the Dardanelles in wesworld? Somehow I doubt the Romanians and Yugoslavians can muster the forces needed to repeat that action.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:41pm

Romania's response.

We don't see any evidence of the Polish government supporting this insurrection. Rather, it seems that according to Romanian intelligence, some maverick in the Polish general staff seems to be behind it all.

The actions of the previous delegation cannot be held against us. To our knowledge, this delegation has not threatened war against Atlantis. Our warning is just that. A warning. So long as Russia stays out of Poland, then we won't attempt any blockcade. If Atlantis is so concerned about a possible escalation of the fighting, then Atlantis would do well to mention to the Russians that they might want to keep clear of Poland's borders or this may escalate into something more.

Regarding paranoia, you have an ocean to divide you from potential enemies. We don't, and taking into account the Russians past, we feel justified in having some fear of Russia. Their troops outnumber us 2 to 1 and more.

The oil sanctions were an attempt by this government to show to the world and especially Atlantis that we do wish for the fighting to end. However, despite the pleas of Romania, only certain nations have supported this so far. The lack of support for the oil sanctions, especially from Atlantis as well as other major nations is clear evidence in the eyes of the Romanian government that you all wish for the fighting to continue no matter what we do.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:46pm

OOC didn't know the Yugoslavs were coming with me. Well, seeing as everyone seems to be against this, then I guess the new BB is going to Mexico for a vacation, unless the Italians take it. Its being built in their shipyards. Besides, its not due to be ready until late 1937 anyhow, so this is all purely hypothetical.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:46pm

Intent on creating a Bogeyman? FAR has given us every reason to have nightmares. Persia sent offers to talk about the issues it had with UK and Russia the replies?

UK: Lets come to an mutually beneficial agreement.

Russia: You and your allies are enemies that we can easily crush. This while the FAR puppet Turkey begins a frantic expansion of its armed forces.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 8:58pm

Atlantean Ambassador:
Neither Lithuania nor Poland get oil from Atlantean sources, unless Romania wishes us to cut off oil to Chile or the U.S. in retaliation to something they haven't done?! In addition why should the LON members support the Romanian oil embargo plan, as it was orriginally a threat issued against ALL its members.

The FAR charter is clear to all its members, we are full aware of the implications of the actions of each nation.

Turkish ambassador: Egnoring the Persian ambassadors ramblings "We are inclined to change our vote from Yay to nay in light of the farse that is developing here. It is clear to us peace is not on the agenda of some of the members present. As such it is a waste of our time to obtain the unobtainable."

OOC: Turkish arms expansion was already in the works, remember the little Persian arms exposition invitation?. The plans merely been accelerated and that can be atributed exclusively to Persian actions.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:03pm

"Gentlemen! Your bickering is pointless to this discussion. You are neither listening, or making sense with your arguments. I recommend that you remain silent and allow the remainder of the league to finish casting and counting votes so that any action that is chosen can be implemented before any of your random scenarios can take effect."


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:04pm


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin

OOC: Turkish arms expansion was already in the works, remember the little Persian arms exposition invitation?. The plans merely been accelerated and that can be atributed exclusively to Persian actions.

OOC: Yep, I remember TAEX, I am however a bit confused about which action you are referring to? The negotiations with Britain?


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:05pm

We repeat that we cannot be held at fault for our previous delegations threats. All we wished was support, even if it was only verbal. Such an embargo against all the League, we remind everyone was a threat given by the pro-Polish delegation. This delegation, it feels has already bent backwards in acknowledging the joint guilt of both the Lithuanias and the Poles. We are not going to be bent forwards by admitting sole guilt of the Poles in this crisis. And we shall keep silent if the Atlanteans quit talking.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TheCanadian" (Feb 15th 2008, 9:08pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:06pm

Aspirations over Armenia and Azerbaijan, predominantly sunni nations that border Turkey. Also calling Turkey a FAR puppet won't win you any points either.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:15pm

Indian delegate stood:

"Please end the bickering and vote. Them we can start the bickering all over again if you all wish to do so. Meanwhile the situation is deteriorating even further every passing minute. And what you Europeans do? Bicker between yourself. For three years you sat idly while Bolivia and Chile bled themselves. No mention has being made of the current conflict between Argentina and our friends of the South African Empire. Is maybe because everything south of the Equator is too far to even care about it? The League has shown again and again how ineffective they truly are, now another example of how ineffectual they are. Now vote or leave and let the nations trying to do something reach a solution."


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:15pm

Viscount Ishii got up: "I agree with my Chillean and Indian colleagues. We cannot solve the fighting problems out there if we keep on 'fighting' among each other over here."
(edited as perdedor99 was a little bit quicker with the post than me)

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (Feb 15th 2008, 9:24pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:17pm

Russian Federation government...

are perfectly willing to conduct peaceful diplomatic resolution of vexed international problems. We were greatly encouraged by peaceful and amicable resolution of Danzig problem between Poland and Germany. We were pleased to contribute to peaceful, amicable resolution of Teschen crisis between Poland and Czechoslovakia. We would have been pleased to contribute to peaceful, amicable resolution of grievances of Lithuanian citizens of Polish descent. There are avenues to do so. Treaty on Minorities of 1920, part of Versailles Treaty system, has proceedures for bringing cases of abuse of ethnic minorities to League of Nations.

Polish minority in Lithuania decided instead to appeal to force of arms. That has not gone well for them. Polish government added its appeal to force of arms. That also has not gone well for them.

Do note, that in no case did Lithuania, or Russian Federation, initiate use of armed force, preferring in all cases peaceful means of conflict resolution.

However, if others choose to allow guns to speak, we will ensure that ours speak louder.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Feb 15th 2008, 9:19pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:18pm


Aspirations over Armenia and Azerbaijan, predominantly sunni nations that border Turkey. Also calling Turkey a FAR puppet won't win you any points either.

OOC: You know that Armenia is Christian? (see Armenian Genocide) And that most Azeri live in Persia/Iran?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Vukovlad" (Feb 15th 2008, 9:21pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:24pm

Romanian PMs undertone to other delegate. "Oh shut up you old wind-bag, were trying to vote. We aren't supposed to be discussing this now according to high and mighty Chile. Oh and do send a message to the General Staff ordering immediate mobilization of Romanian Army on the Russian frontier, as well as call-up of emergency 6 divisions. The Russians are threatening war."


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:30pm

OOC: Looking at the council list, this one would be closest to Council Session 87, meaning that Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov of Russia is the President of this Session... so I would think that it is his duty to prevent this mess from turning into a barroom brawl and keep order in the room... Also I would think that he, as president of this council, would be setting a bad example to the other nations with a line like "However, if others choose to allow guns to speak, we will ensure that ours speak louder."


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:35pm

India stood again:

"I wonder what the French have being doing so far? While Atlantis have shown a willingness to discuss the points, France have stood silent except when acting as a mouthpiece for one of the sides on the current crisis. Gentlemen," he looked at the French delegation, "please make up your minds and vote. we have waited too long for your answer."

"And the same goes to the delegations of the other European powers, except for certain exceptions. (1) Made up your minds and vote."

(1) Notice how I ignored that Japan hasn't voted yet.


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:40pm

France has voted "Aye" a couple of pages ago.

Russia, as a party involved in the dispute, has no vote. And FM Litvinov, as a representative of an involved Party, certainly would not be presiding over this session.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Feb 15th 2008, 9:40pm)


Friday, February 15th 2008, 9:41pm

Isn't Fransisco Najera (Mexico) President of the Assembly? Either he or the Czech that followed.