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Saturday, October 27th 2007, 3:34pm


Originally posted by Hood
It seems a shame so many seem to be losing interest and over the past year we seem to have lost so many players without replacement and most new players seem to have slipped off again. The SF talks seemed to kill everything as far as gameplay goes. Even the La Habana talks which promised so much floundered with little progress on anything.

I've found that too, along with some spending more time on Navalism rather than in Wesworld. Perhaps both sims need to weed out those who want to play a Navalism style sim and those who prefere this one.

In the end I suppose its up to RLBH as to who takes the reigns in the UK.


Originally posted by HoodTo get a workable sim I feel some kind of new Treaty is needed to give WW a firm foundation irrespective of players game roles. Someone somewhere has to swollow their pride, just as the RN did in 1921.

I'm not so sure a treaty will really make a difference, the nations still following the CT is an example of who we could expect to follow any quasi post CT treaty. A treaty that recognizes nation to nation ratios but doesn't cap building limits would certainly be possible because it wouldn't limit a nations abilityto respond to another nontreaty nations buildup too much.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, October 27th 2007, 4:49pm

What´s driving players away?

I think it´s a combination of some players not willing to accept their true roles in a world like WW (SF talks clearly showed that), the lack of rules that limit fleet sizes automatically (think alt_navals maintenance rules), some just not accepting any kind of serious limitation at all and ongoing modifications of the rules.

Now add that this is most likely the longest running SIM you may find in the Web and you get another reason why some players break away, loose interest or calm down. Heck, people like me even have grown old over this SIM! ;o)

Anyway, those really willing to participate and going on will find away to "survive" times of little activity. And to some degree I´ve to admit I´m probably responsible for this inactivity as the South American stuff really costs a lot of time if you don´t want to give away quality for quantity...... So go figure....


Saturday, October 27th 2007, 6:03pm


I've found that too, along with some spending more time on Navalism rather than in Wesworld.

Well, to me that is not a real problem as I play pretty much the same nation in both universes and I spend an equal amount of time on Wesworld and Navalism. Coming up with news is another matter and at this point Wesworld, where I started, has the right of way. The only news article in Navalism I had was a warning about shipping around Saipan. On the other hand, with a war going on in Navalism and being a participant in this war means it is a bit easier to come up with some short story for Navalism than for Wesworld (but I am trying to work on some Wesworld news now).


Heck, people like me even have grown old over this SIM!

In your case ancient!
*runs for cover* :D


Saturday, October 27th 2007, 6:28pm

News wise alot of nations reacte to other news events. Less news means less reaction, thats certainly whats happening to me anyway as most of the news I can come up with is really just minor events.


Saturday, October 27th 2007, 6:37pm

Precisely and that is why what I am trying to create now for news might be mostly minor stuff and reactions to certain events that should not have a big impact on things so far.


Saturday, October 27th 2007, 9:09pm


Originally posted by Rooijen10


I'm in the process of moving up to Mt. Vernon

The Mt. Vernon, Va?

Your new home I assume... :D

Sounds to me like you want to avoid having to deal with those bothersome Hurricanes that tend to visit Florida. Does seem to be rather quiet this hurricane season, unlike the last few years. *knock on wood*

A few blocks down the road, but that general area.

Hurricanes don't bother me that much, if anything they're kind of interesting and break up the routine down here. o.O I'm more sick of the 9 months of summer where I can't go outside without feeling like I'm being cooked, and as a result I don't do any real excersizing anymore, which has had some unfortunate side effects.

Also, after spending about 6 years down here, I still don't have any real friends or family down here, and it's just kind of gotten depressing.


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
News wise alot of nations reacte to other news events. Less news means less reaction, thats certainly whats happening to me anyway as most of the news I can come up with is really just minor events.

That's definately been the case on my end. Canada can't do much to create news, since the only country I have a border with is the US, and there's no real tension going on there. Vinland's the only other thing in the neighborhood, but Canada doesn't really strike me as a power that's going to randomly land troops there, so there's not much to do about that, either. So most of Canada's news by nature has to be either wacko oddball stuff (as seen in my latest post), or reactions to other news that's of some relevance to Canada. Even the wars in South America doesn't really do that, given the distances involved, unless certain other powers start getting involved.


Sunday, October 28th 2007, 10:33am

The Infrastructure & shipbuilding rules were the engine, the CT was the rails. We are now off the rails. Anyone can see that is not a good thing. No one seemed interested in a self regulating, ballanced system, only tweaks to the dying system that some wanted to be rid of. Changes were seen as too radical without realising that radical changes were needed to the game system for it to survive.

Sorry, I've been too negative.


Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Sunday, October 28th 2007, 5:39pm

I think the lack of the treaty can be discouraging for some nations as there is a massive imbalance in power scales, but at least for me there is some attraction to building with the restrictions gone, and trying to build to fit the Netherlands particular strategic needs.

That said, a treaty was far more in the interests of the Netherlands than not, which is why they went to SF with full intent to make the concession to make things happen. Oh well.

I think the part of the 'background' building rules that I don't care for is the ever escalating technological pace- and I play a bit of a role in that too. It's just that one of the interesting things would have been ship evolution in the 1920s-1930s outside the constraints of Washington, and the +3-5 year tech rate is collapsing that timeframe so that as Cleito ends we have some near WWII tech already. But that's the hand that's been dealt :)


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, October 29th 2007, 9:23am

I fully understand your points, Roger, even thought I never was THAT enthusuastic about your maintenance rules as I had problems to transfer them into an easy to use spreadsheet that worked well with the one I have for my buildin program. Shortsighted, probably..... But the idea was the right one and I´d also loved to keep the CT in place.

Anyway, WesWorld went into a different direction and so I shifted focus from technical stuff and building programs to roleplaying. Despite my lack of time this offers a field to exploid and to use all the nice little ships we build.

Speaking of the latter - I noticed the RSAN had far too few small and smallest units at hand. And my navy already is one that´s not too top heavy compared to some others.....


Monday, October 29th 2007, 11:37am

I'm not that enthusiastic about it either but I do find the slips and timing etc tedious. I've looked at ways to streamline it but to no avail.

Adpoting maintenance rules could free up the strict ratios that people build to and allow people to have a smaller more moder fleet or a larger older one or even a smaller better trained one. The option should be to the player.



Wednesday, October 31st 2007, 5:38pm

Well how about instead of worrying about maintance, we start laying the groundwork for WWII, then we fight WWII sink half the ships around, and start on WesWorld ver 2.0. After all SS2 can only go up to 1950.


Thursday, November 1st 2007, 7:07pm


Originally posted by Desertfox
Well how about instead of worrying about maintance, we start laying the groundwork for WWII, then we fight WWII sink half the ships around, and start on WesWorld ver 2.0. After all SS2 can only go up to 1950.

Well, it's a thought. But to do that, we a) need a new UK player, and b) need sides, and c) need something to cause those sides to fight, a reason for the war. A) should be reasonably easy. C) could be fairly tough, given that WW mostly lacks megalomaniac dictators. B), once we have C) could probably be managed.


Thursday, November 1st 2007, 8:35pm

We don't have a scenario for WWII, but considering the amount of Alliances floating around a WWI style scenario would work very well.

A minor regional disturbance could quickly blow up to World scale. Take the Saudi Arabian War. Had the Ethiopians pushed a bit more or the Indians retaliated, we could have seen a general SATSUMA vs AANM war, and once you get to that level, events tend to spiral out of control. A current potential flashpoint is Hainan, and the South American War could also spiral out of control if other powers start intervining.

C) would be easy to manage, problem would be finding a flashpoint suitable for everyone, and a lopsided B)


Thursday, November 1st 2007, 8:48pm

Yes a full time UK player would be nice, they are one of the major players on the world stage and for them to be silent is most unusual. Several players have already offered to caretake the UK in RLBH's absence but we have yet to find a full time player.


Friday, November 2nd 2007, 9:43am

In the words of Yurl Brenner "Hell if that's all thats holding us up I'll drive the rig."

I'm willing to play the UK full time but the decision is up to RLBH on who succeeds him.

I've looked over the recent reports and encloypedia entries but I'm not really sure how many of what classes the RN has in service and how many of the older ones are now srcap metal.

The USA, France, Russia and other major WW nations don't post copious amounts either to facilitate a detailed world war. From my experience thus far its hard work scripting a war with even just three players involved! It's long hard work to make it agreeable to both sides and write interesting stuff. From the disagreements and lacklustre performance of the talks can we really expect ten or twelve players to sit round and organise a war on a quarter by quarter basis for maybe three to four game years (around a full real year if your lucky) without players becoming bored and arguements beginning?

I can't even think of many serious global tensions that could start such a war, Italy in the Caribbean was one such potential flashpoint. Maybe smaller local wars are better dragging in a few bigger nations but maybe other allies being disinterested in getting too involved. There is no doubt Nordmark, Netherlands and Chile could all easily get involved in South America but would such nations really care about Paraguay that much to weaken their forces elsewhere and weaken their fleets?

Just my thoughts but certianly these questions need answering as does the maintenace issue.


Monday, November 12th 2007, 8:03pm

RE: Participation

Hi there. Been unable to connect for last weeks. I recently moved to Toledo (where I lived some years ago),with a new job. my family has a house here at Toledo, but we had no phone line here (and of course no internet) because for the last years we just came here for weekends, etc. So, I had no access to internet.

Today I bought one of those cellphone internet access modems, so I'm back online ;). there are lots of things to read, I guess ,and I'm a bit busy so it will take some time...but before the end of the week I should be fully back :)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "RAM" (Nov 12th 2007, 8:04pm)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Monday, November 12th 2007, 9:43pm


Originally posted by Hood
I can't even think of many serious global tensions that could start such a war, Italy in the Caribbean was one such potential flashpoint. Maybe smaller local wars are better dragging in a few bigger nations but maybe other allies being disinterested in getting too involved. There is no doubt Nordmark, Netherlands and Chile could all easily get involved in South America but would such nations really care about Paraguay that much to weaken their forces elsewhere and weaken their fleets?

Well the Dutch Hawks have been convinced for years that SATSUMA is planning to attack, likely in 1938. The expectation was that India would leave Cleito in 1935- when she'd run out of cap room, and lay down new warships, attacking/manufactureing a premise about the time they would be ready, but with a year advance on the innocent Dutch. With the Japanese arming of Chosen/Formosa history, and the subsidization of SATSUMA members, it seemed the rest of the alliance would be prepared then.

All and all, San Hianan Do would make a good target, and a war in the South China sea could drag in the French- and anything in that area is of intense interest to the UK due to Hong Kong, Singapore and Australian security...and therefore NATO.

As for Paraguay- that is marginally relevant. The Dutch background of Grand Uraguay, plus a very good relationship with SAE, tinged with a desire to make sure that when India attacks SAE stays nuetral, makes risking involvement 'worth it'. This is counterbalanced by those who don't want to get involved for various reasons.


Monday, November 12th 2007, 10:16pm

RE: Participation


Originally posted by RAM
Hi there. Been unable to connect for last weeks. I recently moved to Toledo (where I lived some years ago),with a new job. my family has a house here at Toledo, but we had no phone line here (and of course no internet) because for the last years we just came here for weekends, etc. So, I had no access to internet.

Today I bought one of those cellphone internet access modems, so I'm back online ;). there are lots of things to read, I guess ,and I'm a bit busy so it will take some time...but before the end of the week I should be fully back :)

Good to hear, and not too soon!


Saturday, November 17th 2007, 9:01am

Well I've had a few offers to play the UK and I (and others, Hoo, Rocky ect) feel that James aka Hood is the lucky contestant! I'd assume that any feedback from RLBH and Shinra will be coming your way as well, in the case of Shinra he had a few ideas loosely cooked up with RLBH.

The issue of the NATO board access is being looked at, it might have to wait till the South American war is concluded.

In that reguard Swampy's been absent for some time now and its slowing things up slightly for the SA war participants. James/Hoo I think its safe to say you have the green light to "assume" Brazils actions in the war, this rigs been held up long enough!!

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, November 17th 2007, 9:41am

Hey Congrats Hood.

I've liked what you've done with Argentina, and look forward to a renewed English Lion.

Though I would have liked it better before the English-Italian tiff and the entire NATO thing :)