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Ship Design

Ship designs and discussions about everything that floats are to be placed here.

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By Red Admiral (Nov 23rd 2006, 10:20am)

5 1,226

By Red Admiral

(Nov 24th 2006, 12:31am)

By Desertfox (Nov 17th 2006, 4:55am)

5 1,240

By Desertfox

(Nov 24th 2006, 12:17am)

By Desertfox (Feb 7th 2006, 4:13am)

7 1,852

By Desertfox

(Nov 23rd 2006, 1:04am)

By Ithekro (Nov 21st 2006, 9:43pm)

9 1,630

By thesmilingassassin

(Nov 22nd 2006, 7:09am)

By perdedor99 (Nov 21st 2006, 11:47pm)

4 989

By Hrolf Hakonson

(Nov 22nd 2006, 1:57am)

By Earl822 (Nov 13th 2006, 1:13pm)

15 1,894

By Earl822

(Nov 21st 2006, 9:01pm)

By AdmKuznetsov (Nov 18th 2006, 2:30am)

9 1,485

By AdmKuznetsov

(Nov 21st 2006, 7:31pm)

By thesmilingassassin (Nov 20th 2006, 6:30am)

4 1,136

By thesmilingassassin

(Nov 20th 2006, 8:04pm)

By Hrolf Hakonson (Nov 18th 2006, 1:47pm)

12 2,367

By JohnEStauffer

(Nov 19th 2006, 4:34pm)

By CanisD (Nov 18th 2006, 12:38am)

16 5,198

By Desertfox

(Nov 19th 2006, 4:21pm)

By Red Admiral (Nov 16th 2006, 7:27pm)

27 4,118

By JohnEStauffer

(Nov 18th 2006, 4:00pm)

By The Rock Doctor (Nov 16th 2006, 2:53pm)

12 2,014

By Alikchi

(Nov 18th 2006, 12:12pm)

By ShinRa_Inc (Nov 17th 2006, 1:40am)

7 1,392

By ShinRa_Inc

(Nov 17th 2006, 10:02pm)

By HoOmAn (Nov 15th 2006, 1:47pm)

21 3,856

By alt_naval

(Nov 17th 2006, 12:58am)

By AdmKuznetsov (Nov 16th 2006, 4:25am)

5 1,408

By Red Admiral

(Nov 17th 2006, 12:34am)

By Korpen (Nov 9th 2006, 11:54pm)

14 2,044

By Desertfox

(Nov 10th 2006, 4:05pm)

By Kaiser Kirk (Nov 8th 2006, 4:41am)

13 1,892

By Kaiser Kirk

(Nov 10th 2006, 7:45am)

By Hrolf Hakonson (Nov 1st 2006, 2:17am)

9 1,644

By thesmilingassassin

(Nov 10th 2006, 6:20am)

By perdedor99 (Nov 1st 2006, 8:31pm)

23 2,633

By Hrolf Hakonson

(Nov 2nd 2006, 11:22pm)

By Desertfox (Nov 2nd 2006, 1:45am)

2 831

By Ithekro

(Nov 2nd 2006, 2:38am)
