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Greetings all, I have several things to cover. 1) I apologize to wait so long to post this. I wanted to get past a major personal stress point in early December prior to making a final decision, but after that I had no interest in returning to post. 2) As I expect folks figured out, I did quit after that Belgian army thread scuffle in October. While I realize that exchange was very minor in some ways, it was the last straw. Alone, it's not back breaking, but set in my personal context , I have l...
You really and truely read my post " as the Belgian player," and thought I was declaring the right to decide for other nations? Because, somehow running Belgian comes with a secret super to do that? Ya, right, of course the way to read that. Or you could realize I'm not saying a thing about other countries. I'm responding to Bruce's assertion I'm cherry picking data by picking Belgium's GDP relative value. Not passing judgement on others. If I wanted to Cherrypick, my understanding is Belgium in...
Quoted Originally posted by BruceDuncan If you choose to cherry-pick data to suit your preconceptions, that's your business. However, please do not expect me to accept it as reality beyond your own construct. ... I am sorry, but I choose not to mix apples with oranges. I find this aspect of the discussion a real rabbit hole. Ok, this is where what I discussed previously about our having problems communicating comes up. I presume you're not trying to be insulting. I assure you that from my perce...
Well, I read through and assembled a response to the various comments, got a little more back than I expected. Bruce : I went with various information from various points in time because Wesworld is not like the Original Time Line. 1938 data is unlikely to properly represent the nations in question. A nation like Belgium, which was industrial and exported, and via Antwerp's waterlinks transhipped, would have suffered disproportianately in the Great Depression, after the damage of WWI. Here the G...
Warning, long and boring. Read at own risk. Prologue : I ceased quantifying my land and air forces in 1938 for a number of reasons, ranging from the rancor and bile being spilled, to what I felt were unacceptably advanced equipment being fielded, to sheer quantities being put forward. Current : As part of getting my countries back in order, I have resumed work on clarifying a progression of equipment. What I've referred to as a Military Equipment Progression. It doesn't satisfy all desires, but ...
I kinda agree on dropping the 120mm armed tank. Little need, russian design parameters don't quite fit Italy anyhow - shallow turrets limited elevation choices. Plus, if you wanted an anti-tank type 120mm, you'd need a bigger turret ring than the IS w/122mm, meaning an even bigger tank- and while the bigger dimensions you provided may have served, they would really spiral that weight higher than expected. Now, for the other discussion : Semi-Quick Comment on Decapping plates. The Italian navy sp...
Hey all, need to grind on work stuff that just came up, so my participation will drop from little (but growing) to none for the next week. Then back at it next Tues.
Curious, had just been reading of an advance where a Sherman platoon tried to climb a hill and got itself stuck in the mud. Which was better than the platoon that found the ATGs. It's only the Dutch that push for that 8.5psi, though the Belgian Infantry assault gun (aka an SU-76) and Light tank (T-70v80) will have those types 7.25-9.5psi. Most WWII seems to have gone for the 11-13 range, as I've found with Tanksharp, the amount of metal for low PSI tracks adds up, adding weight and dropping spee...
Slightly off topic, but which would one think is more relevant in hilly terrain - power to weight or ground pressure ? Hills are not something the Dutch have had to worry about, how to make a tank for close soft terrain is more their issue - and that's a ground pressure issue. I'd think hill climbing would be as well- more surface area to transfer the power before overcoming the sheer resistance of the surface. Hmm 1943? .... I was thinking 42 for some reason. The Dutch T-41..Bs would be wrappin...
Quoted Originally posted by BruceDuncan Quoted Originally posted by Kaiser Kirk Heh the part of Borneo the Chinese can reach easily is British, the rest Dutch. I doubt the Chinese could supply their landing force for long in the face of opposition. That may be true, but invasions are so messy. The Dutch just spent 15 years worrying about a full SATSUMA invasion they couldn't stop, so the best they could do is make it messy, the "tar baby defense". The Dutch may be a middling power at best, but ...
Quoted Originally posted by BruceDuncan The growing amphibious assault potential of China is seen as a major threat. If China were ever to establishment a beachhead on Luzon it would be extremely difficult to throw them back. This same threat applies to San Hainando, Indochina and Borneo, a point Philippine diplomats are quick to remind their counterparts about. Heh the part of Borneo the Chinese can reach easily is British, the rest Dutch. I doubt the Chinese could supply their landing force f...
Quoted Originally posted by BruceDuncan So yes, for the Philippines, the threat posed by China - with its ever-growing collection of ships from around the world - is its major concern and the foe by which it measures its needs. Interesting and decently thought out overall. One aspect the Philippines has going for it is better access to China's SLOC than China has to yours. Oil, Rubber, Tin, Mica (radios), Bauxite and other resources can all pretty easily flow from the East Indies to the Philipp...
it's related to the prior quarter where examples of coastal guns & mounts were built. The Belgians have been shooting at them, necessitating repairs. You'll see 2 quarters of such testing, followed by the construction of coastal guns. Goes back to that post on Belgian defenses ages ago, where they were considering fire-base style fixed defenses to stiffen things. While the landward side is still under consideration, the coastal side is moving forward. For the cost of a heavy cruiser, and the ass...
Q3/1944 activity Kingdom of Belgium 4/5 factories producing naval materials: 4,000 tons created for Q3/44 . 4,000 total tons + 2235 stockpiled from previous quarter + 0 tons from scrapping = 6235 tons 4,386 tons used. 1,849 tons left for Q4/44 1/5 factories committed for 1944 to infrastructure development = 0.1 ip B. Infrastructure Development +0.1 point to Belgian factory, 4.9 ip total C. Naval Construction Zeebrugge: Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 drydock :- 6 x Riverine p...
Q2/1944 activity Kingdom of Belgium 4/5 factories producing naval materials: 4,000 tons created for Q2/44 . 4,000 total tons + 1492 stockpiled from previous quarter + 0 tons from scrapping = 5,492 tons 3,257 tons used. 2235 tons left for Q3/44 1/5 factories committed for 1944 to infrastructure development = 0.1 ip B. Infrastructure Development +0.1 point to Belgian factory, 4.8 ip total C. Naval Construction Zeebrugge: Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 drydock :- Empty Ostend: ...
In which I discover I hadn't kept up like I thought. Sadly, the Belgians are pretty darn simple right now. Q1/1944 activity Kingdom of Belgium 4/5 factories producing naval materials: 4,000 tons created for Q1/44 . 4,000 total tons + 932 stockpiled from previous quarter + 0 tons from scrapping = 4,932 tons 3,513 tons used. 1419 tons left for Q2/44 1/5 factories committed for 1944 to infrastructure development = 0.1 ip B. Infrastructure Development +0.1 point to Belgian factory, 4.7 ip total C. N...
Q4/1943 activity Kingdom of Belgium 4/5 factories producing naval materials: 4,000 tons created for Q4/43 . 4,000 total tons + 445 stockpiled from previous quarter + 0 tons from scrapping = 4,445 tons 3,513 tons used. 932 tons left for Q1/44 1/5 factories committed for 1943 to infrastructure development = 0.1 ip + 0.1ip bonus B. Infrastructure Development +0.2 point to Belgian factory, 4.6 ip total C. Naval Construction Zeebrugge: Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 drydock :- Em...
Q3/1943 activity Kingdom of Belgium 4/5 factories producing naval materials: 4,000 tons created for Q3/43 . 4,000 total tons + 0 stockpiled from previous quarter + 0 tons from scrapping = 4,000 tons 4,000 tons used. 445 tons left for Q4/43 1/5 factories committed for 1943 to infrastructure development = 0.1 ip B. Infrastructure Development +0.1 point to Belgian factory, 4.4 ip total C. Naval Construction Zeebrugge: Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 slip :- Empty Class 1 drydock :- Empty Ostend: Clas...
Whoa, didn't realize I was behind in Belgium. I have un-posted reports on my computer, I will have to check them for completeness and post them later today.
Infrastructure is a difficult matter, it's relatively expensive, and frequently underutilized. With the growth in electronics, As for the large combatants, I presumed it was a combination of cost of upgrades/replacements, changing mission, and a dose of the common 'its the 1940s, carriers are king' recurrent theme. However, at 11 factories, the Philippines have always had potential for a decently sized navy. I've been trying to do forecasts, presuming 20-30 year vessel life, with 5% and 25% refi...