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Thursday, June 16th 2011, 12:32am


Originally posted by HoOmAn
Try to compare english and german Wiki on Luftwaffe strength....



The English article does not exist, so I cannot compare the one with the other.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, June 16th 2011, 12:35am

??? I could open it. You could probably search for "Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940–1945)" on wiki. It must be there - a huge table with data.


Thursday, June 16th 2011, 12:46am


Originally posted by HoOmAn
??? I could open it. You could probably search for "Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940–1945)" on wiki. It must be there - a huge table with data.

I followed the link, here that you provided. That article does not exist in the English language Wikipedia.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, June 16th 2011, 12:53am

Funny thing, that. When I follow your link, I do not get to the page too. However, if I use your link, then use the first "Please Search for..." link provided there, one gets some search reasults of which the first one leads you to the information I meant.


Thursday, June 16th 2011, 12:58am

Yes, I followed the link to the German Wikipedia article. However, I fear I do not follow your argument.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, June 16th 2011, 1:08am

The link you provided leads me to a page where it reads:

"Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.
Search for "Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths" in existing articles.
Look for pages within Wikipedia that link to this title [...]"

The sentance "Please search for..." is a link that one can follow. It provides search results:

"Search resultsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search

Content pagesMultimediaHelp and Project pagesEverythingAdvancedResults 1–20 of 66 for Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths

Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940–1945)
The following table summarizes the operational strength of the German air force , or Luftwaffe , by general category of aircraft. ...
2 KB (278 words) - 10:37, 17 February 2011
Index of World War II articles (L)
Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940-1945) Luftwaffe Southern (Balkan-Ukraine) detachment (Luftflotte 4, Romania-Hungary) ...
18 KB (2,747 words) - 22:42, 1 April 2011
History of the Luftwaffe (1933–1945)
The German Luftwaffe was one of the strongest, most doctrinally advanced, and most ... Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940-1945) ...
66 KB (9,668 words) - 11:05, 14 June 2011 [...]"

There, the first link opens a table that includes data on number of German aircrafts during WW2. It´s part of english Wiki, not German. And those numbers are completely different to the ones in the German article.


Thursday, June 16th 2011, 1:13am


Now I understand. Yes, there is a difference in time and a difference in categorization as well. Both contribute to divergence in data.

I can follow some German, and that confused me as to the intent of your point.


Thursday, June 16th 2011, 1:18am


Your links do not work because it cut off part of the address when you posted them.

Here they are, I hope, corrected:

