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Friday, November 23rd 2012, 4:03pm

Iosif V. Djugashvili


Uhm, can't say I've ever heard of this chap called Stalin in WW?

Whose main "underground" alias was Stalin, is a member of the Duma for Russian Social Democratic Worker's Party(Bolshevik), and one of the Russian Federation's leading experts on Russia's nationalities issues.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Nov 23rd 2012, 4:05pm)


Sunday, April 7th 2013, 5:34am

26th September 1942, "Voice of Chosen" radio broadcast:


My fellow citizens, joyful news reach us from the 55th Fighter Regiment based on the Island Jeju-Do.
Finally the brave korean pilots of the 55th Fighter Regiment achieved their first aerial kill, when this morning another chinese plane tried to violate the airspace of chosen. People on the ground witnessed the chinese aircraft expolding into a huge fireball after beeing hit by a glorious SSC-70 Fighter. Debris proving the destroyed plane to be of hostile origin was washed ashore just a few hours later.
While Airforce Officers are certain, that this will teach the chinese intruders not to violate Chosens airspace again, the men of the 55th Fighter Regiment will stay alerted and be ready to intercept any intruder at anytime.
The people of Chosen send words of thanks and blessing to the heroic warriors of the 55th Regiment.

***radiomen yells an old kroean battlecry three times***



Sunday, April 7th 2013, 6:14am

27th September 1942, Jeju-Do

The garrison on Jeju-Do was in commotion since the incident which occured in the morning of the 26th September. Officials from the denfence minstry as well as the dreaded agents of the National Bureau of Information and Disinformation (NBID) were flown in the same day from Pyongyang.

Colonel Sung-Park (NBID): "I know what they say in the radio, Colonel. Though, we have to keep any information about the incident concealed. One of our fighters shot down one of those chinese planes violating our airspace, that's the official story, okay?"

Colonel Song Jae-Yup: "But how should I keep it concealed, it is just too obvious what really happened. There were probably hundreds of people, soldiers and civilians, who saw the two planes crashing into another. Damn, even a photo has been made.

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What about the debris? And how should I cover up that I lost one of my pilots and....?

Colonel Sung-Park (NBID): "Don't worry, Colonel. My men will collect the debris, have a 'talk' to those who witnessed anything which differs to the official report and conerning your pilot...well, be creative. I count on you that there are no leaks."

Colonel Song Jae-Yup:" I don't like least talk to the Airmarshall in Pyongyang, this accident was caused by a lack of training in aerial warfare. If we want to appear strong and powerfull to the public he should stop sending barely trained pilots into active duty. This should not happen again."


Sunday, April 7th 2013, 5:13pm


Originally posted by Daidalos
Colonel Song Jae-Yup:" I don't like least talk to the Airmarshall in Pyongyang, this accident was caused by a lack of training in aerial warfare. If we want to appear strong and powerfull to the public he should stop sending barely trained pilots into active duty. This should not happen again."

Oh how true! :D


Tuesday, April 9th 2013, 3:19pm

20th Octobre 1942, Busan Harbor:

Hwang Lee-Moon (minister of defence): "So, this is it? Finally we get some quality hardware."

Kang Mung-sik (minister of economy and industry): "Yes, the first transport from South Africa. Damn, our diplomats did well in concluding this deal. Now we can get our hands on almost every military hardware imagineable....think of the possibilities...amazing."

Hwang Lee-Moon: "What exactly has this ship loaded?"

Kang Mung-sik: "Engines. The first shipment of Hurricane X radial engines. More than 1600 horse power and very reliable. You really can't compare it to our domestic products, you will see yourself. The next shipment is schedueled for next week by the way.

Hwang Lee-Moon: "I guess they will be sufficient to propel even our latest designs."

Kang Mung-sik: "Indeed. And at the moment our diplomats are negotiating about the conditions for a joint venture. I already coordinated the construction of a factory complex near Daegu. If everything works as planned we will be able to produce our own licensed engines within a year, mainly Hurricane III and V though. With the help of Rayton we will be able to train our own mechanics and soon we will be independent from foreign imports."

Hwang Lee-Moon: "We will see. By the way, when are the new planes about to arrive?"

Kang Mung-sik: The first batch of twelve planes will arrive on 24th Octobre. The forth and last batch will hopefully be delivered in mid November. Have you ever seen one of those machines? I can assure you the F-12S2C is superior to everything we have in our arsenal. Fast, reliable and beautiful.
Just make sure your pilots are properly trained....we wouldn't want to have a second Jeju-Do desaster."

Hwang Lee-Moon: "Very funny...asshole. Ensure that the planes will be delivered as fast as possible. Would be nice to have the squadron combat ready in february."

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thx to HoOmAn for the data sheet

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Daidalos" (Apr 9th 2013, 3:20pm)


Tuesday, April 9th 2013, 4:29pm


Originally posted by Daidalos
20th Octobre 1942, Busan Harbor:

Hwang Lee-Moon (minister of defence): "So, this is it? Finally we get some quality hardware."

Kang Mung-sik (minister of economy and industry): "Yes, the first transport from South Africa. Damn, our diplomats did well in concluding this deal. Now we can get our hands on almost every military hardware imagineable....think of the possibilities...amazing."

Indeed; the possibilities are quite... disturbing. 8)