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Friday, November 10th 2006, 8:35pm

Noticias Paraguay Q3/32

Noticias Paraguay

August 21
A raid has occurred deep inside Paraguay today. British mercenaries working for Argentina have killed several soldiers and freed a political prisoner. A nearby airstrip was also attacked and destroyed. Attempting to escape many of the enemy were killed and a Ju 52 destroyed. Our gallant air force scrambled to intercept but were attacked inside our airspace by unidentified aircraft. At first thought to be the latest I-100s they are in fact a type unknown. They were black monoplanes with dragon insignia. No losses were reported.

This attack on our nation must not go unpunished. From today the border will be closed and all Argentine and British nationals expelled. Any Argentine soldiers which invade our territory will be fired upon.

Brotherhood of Santa Maria Newsletter
Luis Contreras is free! Today soldiers from the sky have released our new leader. With new vigour and arms we can now reclaim our land from the oppressors and murderers that have held the country for too long. The time for revolution is NOW! Rise workers, soldiers and mothers! Rise up against the tyranny!

Noticias Paraguay

Aug 23
Several army units have mutinied and joined a small but armed band of revolutionaries. Fighting has been reported in several southern areas of the country and many roads have been cut off to the capital.

Aug 24
Martial law declared in Misiones, Itapua, Caazapa and Paraguari Departments. Heavy fighting around Caazapa town and some more army units have joined the rebels. Mass strikes across the country.

Aug 25
Guilty Argentina now produces Luis Contreras and gives him the freedom to raise more money for arms to fuel the traitor’s actions against the state. This is proves he was in Argentina all the time and that they invaded our nation to capture him. The government today called for his return into our hands for re-imprisonment as a political criminal.

Sept 9
Abai in the Caazapa Department has fallen to the rebels. Loyal troops are massing for a counter attack. Meanwhile further promised Italian aircraft have failed to arrive and diplomatic attempts to secure delivery have been unsuccessful. Argentina has confiscated them and refuses to hand them over to us. They have also stopped supplies of oil from reaching us. The fact the evil South African Empire has joined forces to strangle us proves the colonial powers never change and they have taken control of Argentinean policy.

Brotherhood of Santa Maria Newsletter
Mass graves across southern Paraguay have been discovered, some 8,000 bodies are in them and more than 600 have been killed in the past week by the evil regime as so-called political opponents but they were nothing more than poor farmers and peasants trying to earn a living and feed their families. Every day more troops join our forces and many units refuse to fight us. We badly need more arms and finance to overthrow the government and return our nation to the peaceful times it should enjoy. We shall be victorious!

Noticias Paraguay

Sept 11
Another raid by British mercenaries has been defeated near the border. Heavy fighting in the south of the country continues but the Army is slowing gaining the advantage. Our air force is pounding rebel positions day and night and causing heavy casualties. Most main road routes are now reopen and armoured cards and trucks are making regular patrols.

Sept 29
Abai retaken, losses were low but 4,000 traitors have been killed in action and 800 others who aided the rebels. Let this be a lesson, anyone who aids the rebels will pay in blood. We shall show no mercy. Long live the President.

Brotherhood of Santa Maria Newsletter
Overwhelmed by government forces Abai had to be abandoned and our forces have now dispersed. We have lost about 700 men and many more have been murdered in the town by Army thugs. Until foreign aid arrives we will change tactics and begin guerrilla warfare across the country. We shall strike the Army camps and main highways to make them look everywhere for us while we wait for our next push.


Friday, November 10th 2006, 9:27pm

The Brotherhood of Santa Maria...Mexico wont like this, or the fact that Argentina is supporting a rebel Catholic group.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, November 11th 2006, 12:30pm

September 10th

Pretoria. The Paraguaian ambassador was called to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today because of the latest accusation spread by Paraguaian officials. "The SAE has no reason to strangle Paraguay. We´re not interested in their internal affairs and we expect the government of Paraguay to apologize." a speaker of the ministry.

September 11th

Montevideo. News reached the Empires population that troops at the Paraguaian boder went on alert because of the latest events in Paraguay. The border effectively is closed except for food and medication. Reports also indicate refugees from villages near the border have started to head for South African territory. The Red Cross organisation was contacted to discuss pre-emptive messures...

Pretoria. A note was handed over to the Argentinean ambassador in Pretoria expressing the Empires governments concerns regarding latest events in Paraguay and the possible involvement of Argentinean troops and airforce crews.


Saturday, November 11th 2006, 1:07pm

Sept 12th

The Argentine ambassador in Pretoria calls his SAE counterpart for an expensive private luncheon to discuss matters over Paraguay and put minds at rest. He asks which does SAe perfer in power, a crackpot military dictator or a government by democratic means with public support. He, of course, does not mention Argentine annexation as a third option.

[OOC He is as much in the dark as anyone else, at this point in time no proof has emerged to implicate Argentina. Even the President was abroad at the time...]