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Sunday, September 4th 2005, 2:24pm

Might pay to avoid the Warships Project Board for awhile

One of its members, Kreuzer, is on the war path against non-historical designs being posted on the board, especially Wesworld related. He seems to think that they have driven away interest in real designs. Frankly right now I don't need his crap. With my health problems and other issues the last thing I need is someone trolling me over there.


Sunday, September 4th 2005, 2:56pm

That it quite unfortunate. You want me to take over from you? :-)
(... then again... perhaps I should not do that).


Sunday, September 4th 2005, 4:10pm

Kreuzer does not seem to like alternate-history ships, and that's fine. Other guys like John Stauffer seem to like seeing our flotsam and jetsam show up. You can't please everybody.

I was finding of late that I was getting more useful feedback from the WP Board than from the Design Board at Warships1. That being the case, some of my 1929 designs may yet appear at Warship Projects. Meanwhile, ones I've already posted such as Vadodara will not be posted to the Design board.


Sunday, September 4th 2005, 4:21pm

If he doesn't like them, he should stay out of that section of the board and concentrate on the other parts of the Warships Project Board instead of pissing Canis off (and god knows who else).
As long as he does not hop over to the Wesworld...


Sunday, September 4th 2005, 7:31pm


If he doesn't like them, he should stay out of that section of the board and concentrate on the other parts of the Warships Project Board

This is exactly how I feel.

Canis, I urge you not to abandon the Own Design board in partcular or the Warship Projects board in general. You've done sterling work, and the Own Design board won't be the same without your significant contribution.

And, to Rocky's point, I'd bet if you posted Chesapeake over there, kreuzer would sing a different tune! (For those of you who don't visit the Projects Board, the incident Canis is referring to occurred in a thread Swampy started about a battle-carrier.)


I would hope none of you in the game abandon the Own Design board or Warship Projects. Wesworld is EXACTLY the type of scenario the Own Design board was created for. Wesworld is creating alternate spins of different warship types. Sure sounds like an "Own Design" to me...

I have more to say, but it's probably best posted over on the projects board.

Regards, gents,

Big Rich