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Friday, June 22nd 2007, 12:36am

Bulgarian news and events for Q4/34

Standart News - Oct 1st, 1934

Today Prime Minister Georgiev declared the economic crisis well on it's way to being over. Since taking over leadership from former Prime Minister's Mushanov's corrupt government was deposed in May sweeping reforms have gone into effect attracting companies back into the nation and raising employment. Thanks to this bold leadership by our new government in ridding us in the plague that were the political parties our nation can now concentrate on rebuilding our military and ensuring we are not left naked against the martial ambitions of our neighbors.

This has already started with the expansion of the weapons factory at Kazanlak to produce modern weapons for our army. The government is looking to invest in purchasing foreign equipment and send engineers abroad to develop a working knowledge base and gain licenses to begin our own development of military equipment.

We are still awaiting to hear word from Vrana Palace and wonder why the Tsar has not moved back into Sofia from the summer residence to be with his people to celebrate this joyous occasion. We have heard that Tsar Boris III will be heading to the navy yards to view our workers as they begin construction of the torpedo boats Letyashti and Bditelni and see preparations for the new motor torpedo boats on order Philippines.


I drew the short straw and will have to be working on a remote site where I probably won't have internet access and might be lucky enough to get cell phone coverage. The horror, the horror!

Not sure if I will have enough time to post the long version of this I was working on when I go home to pack.


Sunday, June 24th 2007, 11:22am

Any idea how long you'll be away for?




Sunday, June 24th 2007, 6:00pm

Until Sunday, found a hot spot to connect from so should be able to check every now and then.