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Thursday, May 4th 2006, 10:22am

South African Carriers

Just curious Stephen, have you tried to draw some of those nifty carriers?


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, May 4th 2006, 10:25am

"Tried" is about the right word.....

I don´t know why but I just can´t draw carriers. :o/ Cruiser - for sure. Battleships - takes some time. But Carriers? Uh-oh..... They all look like floating (if so) bricks..... :o/


Thursday, May 4th 2006, 10:39am

Do you still have some drawings? If so, e-mail or PM them to me so I can see if your merely suffering from the same thing I did with my BB's, I simply couldn't design a bridge structure that looked good in my eyes.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, May 4th 2006, 10:57am

WIM KRAASH is the only one that ever came close to be finished. All others I merely started before skipping design work...

I see what I have and once back from the US I´ll probably contact you again.


Thursday, May 4th 2006, 2:00pm

Do you want some ideas? Warning - long post.


Thursday, May 4th 2006, 2:01pm



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, May 4th 2006, 2:15pm

Nice pics, some of them already known.

in general your designs seem to be influenced by british design features, right?


Thursday, May 4th 2006, 2:24pm

Mostly British stuff. A few French and Italian bits in there as well.

Its not that surprising as the Italian carriers, well the purpose -built ones follow British practise with closed hangars.