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Thursday, August 20th 2009, 8:50pm

Ship Paint Schemes

Random survey question!

What paint schemes do people use for their warships and why? I've seen a few paint schemes here and there - Brazil and Argentina come to mind first - but what other schemes are out there?

To start things off...

Currently Chile paints all warships except Almirante Uribe (the sail-training ship) and Vanguardia (the naval icebreaker) in plain dark gray, usually with a fake bow wave added to confuse submarines. During the Second War of the Pacific, Chilean warships received a paint scheme similar to the USN's Measure Eleven. The destroyer Capitan Eyzaguirre, completed before the war but not in time for combat operations, received a black-and-white dazzle scheme which earned her the dubious nickname "Thirty-three Knot Holstein" until she was repainted gray in November.

Almirante Uribe is painted black with a broad white side-stripe. Vanguardia, in her normal role, is painted high-visibility yellow with a red stripe running along her deck edges. Once CNS Constitution is completed in late 1938, she will wear a black paint scheme on her hull, with a white deck-edge stripe and upperworks, and golden-yellow painted funnels. This is NOT going to be a camo scheme - it's meant to make her look classy and impressive for an international cruise.

All Irish ships are currently painted gray.

Battleships and cruisers are currently painted light grey with red beginning at the waterline. Varna's three funnels are painted in the colors of the Bulgarian flag: #1 funnel is white, #2 funnel is green, #3 funnel is red; she also carries a prow crest and a pair of gilt lions on her stern, painted appropriately. Destroyers and torpedo boats are being painted cobalt blue, while submarines are painted black.

The Danube Riverine Flotilla ships are painted dark green and gray to disguise them better against the shoreline. Western Command ships wear a green fork-tailed pennant while Eastern Command ships wear a blue fork-tailed pennant. (Black Sea ships wear a black pennant, of course.)


Thursday, August 20th 2009, 10:47pm


Light grey overall with white fake bow wave. Funnels have a white stripe and main gun turrets have green/white/red stripes. Pacific ships hve grey decks, whil Gulf ships have light green decks. River boats use a light green/grey scheme. Zorro is a on off, sporting a two tone darkgrey camoflauge.


Either dark blue with red funnel stripe, or lght grey overall.


Friday, August 21st 2009, 11:54am


whil Gulf ships have light green decks. River boats use a light green/grey scheme

Assumably so they are camoflaged in stagnent water?


Saturday, August 22nd 2009, 4:03am

Atlantis uses the following schemes.
Eumelos sporting the standard peacetime light grey scheme with black masts used by most of the fleet.

Memnon sporting her light/dark grey splinter pattern in the current South American conflict.

The CL Brencis uses similar colours except the entire hull up to main deck is dark grey while the upperworks are painted light grey. The CLAA Zerberus has the same scheme but with a false bow wave added.

The CV Alioth the CL Acestus, CLAA Danaus and several DD's use a similar scheme to the Chilean pacific wartime scheme (U.S. measure 11). In the case of Alioth ocean grey is used above the main deck. Slower support ships will often sport false bow waves and in wartime will, for the Atlantic theatre use a variation of the Brencis scheme with the bow and stern pained light grey to create the illusion of a shorter ship, while in the Pacific sea blue is used.

Atlantis paints the bulk of its coastal gunboats a dark grey while MTB's can be either dark grey or in the case of Caribbean stationed vessels a camo of light grey, dark grey and ocean grey.

Decks are usually painted the same colour as the hull (except wood decks) while some upper decks, usually on small bridge structures, are a dark tan.

Colombia uses a standard grey for the Caribbean theatre and a sea blue scheme for the Pacific, decks pained the same colour.

Both Colombia and Atlantis paint river gunboats in a dark green sometimes with light green camo painted to an unspecified pattern which leads to creative paint jobs.

Turkey uses light grey as a standard colour while in the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea dark grey is used. Training ships will often have funnels painted yellow with black tops.


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 4:22pm

Argentina normally uses grey in peacetime and in wartime the splinter scheme with pale masts and funnels and false bow and stern waves.

The Royal Navy uses standard grey in all ships with coloured funnel bands to distingush destroyer and cruiser flotillas. Submarines are dark gery and black underwater hulls.

In wartime I guess the extensive knowledge of dazzle schemes would be put to use with differing schemes for Home Waters, Med and Far East.


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 4:54pm

All vessels, except for the Kameko-chan, are light grey like the Chitose below.

I did this one of the Atatake for silliness with the middle one having been painted by a bunch of vandals. :) Old picture (made in the early days of Wesworld) hence the wrong grey in this picture.

Kameko-chan is... PINK. Old picture (About as old as the Atatake picture above; made in the early days of Wesworld).

The light Grey used for the Okuni class is slightly different than the grey used on other ships. The dark grey is a later color scheme version (IIRC based on the US Measure 1; took it from one of my other pictures I created). The last three is me just messing around with a few RL schemes.

The ID colors and the bow make each of the three ships slightly different from the other two. The ID colors on each of the three ships are based on the colors of the outfit of each of the three characters in KOEI's Samurai Warriors games (Samurai Warriors for the Light grey versions and Samurai Warriors 2 for the dark grey versions).

Top SW1, bottom SW2. left to right: Inahime, Okuni, Nouhime


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 5:05pm

Why am I so supremely not surprised that Walter has a pink warship? :D :P


Originally posted by Rooijen10
I did this one of the Atatake for silliness with the middle one having been painted by a bunch of vandals. :) Old picture (made in the early days of Wesworld) hence the wrong grey in this picture. was an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot Atatake... oh God, that song is stuck in my head now. I'll be back after I find my .45...


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 5:10pm


Why am I so supremely not surprised that Walter has a pink warship?

I wanted to do something outrageously different, just like the vandalized Atatake. Even the floatplane is pink. :D

Quoted was an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot Atatake... oh God, that song is stuck in my head now. I'll be back after I find my .45...

Will this one work as well? :)


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 6:00pm

Pink, you say?


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 1:15pm

Italy uses white for peace time. Otherwise its a variety of checker patterns. I really like this paintscheme on Littorio.


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 9:14pm


Attenzione, la pagina che cerchi non esiste!



Sunday, August 30th 2009, 10:04pm

Zara and Littorio