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Monday, January 19th 2004, 5:09pm

A General Heads-Up

I don't know about you, but I tend to dread surprises.

Just before Christmas, for instance, my wife and I were surprised to find ourselves having to make a decision between how we'd live our lives and where we'd live our lives. We decided that the "how" was more important than the "where", so now we're confronted with moving our household, under strict weight allowances, by air to a different part of the country. I also have to find a new job, lucky me.

Net effect: my ability to post may or may not take a beating over the next month or two. I'm putting together the expected quarterly reports when I have spare time, so should be able to post those, but don't expect too much fluff out of me.



Monday, January 19th 2004, 5:47pm

No problem rocky, perhaps someone can post the quarterly reports for you?


Monday, January 19th 2004, 5:55pm

Sounds to me...

... like you're moving to a more populated area so I guess you're not moving to a location in the Yukon, the Northwest Territories or Nunavut (if I have that correct; I still can't get used to the fact that they split up the Northwest Territories).
So which part of Canada are you heading?



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, January 19th 2004, 6:04pm



you can send your stuff to my eMail-account and I´ll take care of it. When we get into the next quarter I´ll post it.




Monday, January 19th 2004, 8:01pm

Thanks for the offers to post - if I think I'm going to have problems in that regard, I'll take one of you up on the offer.

I'm currently in Nunavut, and am heading down to southern Quebec, within commuting distance of Ottawa. After seven years in the North, it's going to be a very strange experience for me.


Monday, January 19th 2004, 8:23pm


I'm currently in Nunavut, and am heading down to southern Quebec

... parlez vous Francais? ^_^



Monday, January 19th 2004, 9:40pm

Not yet, but it's something I intend to learn. At any rate, the area I'm going to is primarily English-speaking, so I'm not going to be lost.


Monday, January 19th 2004, 9:45pm

If you a bit of help with French maybe I can help as I am also learning this language. Though far from fluent I can manage to get by.


Monday, January 19th 2004, 9:55pm


Not yet, but it's something I intend to learn. At any rate, the area I'm going to is primarily English-speaking, so I'm not going to be lost.

Lucky you. :-)

You'll get pretty far, especially if you try to speak French. I noticed that about 5 or 6 years ago when I went on a trip to Toronto, Quebec and Montreal (of course Quebec and Montreal are big cities; I wonder how I would have fared outside those cities).



Tuesday, January 20th 2004, 6:16am

Where abouts in Quebec are you moving to Rocky?


Tuesday, January 20th 2004, 4:15pm

I'm heading to Shawville, west of Gatineau/Hull.

I've taken introductory French training in the office, but haven't been able to devote the necessary time to it. I think the many opportunities to be exposed to it in Quebec will be a great help.


Tuesday, January 20th 2004, 7:07pm

As long as your not moving to Hull proper...I hear its a dreadfull place to live.