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Thursday, December 30th 2004, 2:35am

India, Q4 1925

Indian Naval Developments - Q4/1925

A. Industrial Allocation

8 of 11 factories producing warship material for 8,000 tons, plus a revised stockpile of 397 t and 175 t of recycled scrap, for 8,572 t. 8,390 t are used, leaving a stockpile of 182 t.

3 of 11 factories are dedicated to infrastructure material production, and produce 0.3 pts. A bonus of 0.3 pts are also produced this quarter.

B. Infrastructure Development

0.6 pts are invested into a Class Two Drydock at Columbo, completing it. It will be active as of 1/1/26.

C. Naval Construction

At Mumbai

S3: Idle
S2: Idle
S0: Idle
D3: Idle
Free-floating: DD G-144 receives 192 t, completing her.
Free-floating: BB Jahangir receives 2,197 t

At Columbo

S1: DD G-146 receives 387 t, launched 15/11/25
S0: SS I-7 receives 375 t, launched 16/11/25
D2: Completing construction
Free-floating: AM Chindwin receives 89 t, completed 31/10/25

At Sittwe

S1: DD G-145 receives 387 t, launched 15/11/25
S0: Idle
D0: Idle
Free-floating: DD G-143 receives 192 t, completing her
Free-floating: SS I-6 receives 375 t

At Chennai (Madras)

S3: CV Urumi receives 1727 t
S2: Idle
S1: Idle
D2: Idle
D1: Idle
Free-floating: BB Akbar receives 2197 t
Free-floating: AM Bhima receives 89 t, completed 31/10/25
Free-floating: TB T-19 receives 183 t

D. Transactions


E. Other Notes

DD G-143, G-144, AM Bhima & Chindwin begin shakedown cruises.

New units laid down this quarter: none.

F. Updated Order of Battle, 31/12/25

Note: X(Y)+Z = completed (under repair/refit) + under construction

Battleships: 2(0)+2
Aircraft Carriers: 1(0)+1
Heavy Cruisers: 3(0)+0
Light Cruisers: 11(0)+0
Destroyers: 34(0)+2
Torpedo Boats: 11(0)+1
Submarines: 4(0)+2
Motor Torpedo Boats: 28+0
Sloops: 8(0)+0
Minesweepers: 20(0)+0
Monitors: 1(0)+0
Seaplane Tenders: 1(0)+0
Colliers: 4(0)+0
Oilers: 3(0)+0
Destroyer Tenders: 2(0)+0


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, December 30th 2004, 1:32pm

You have no ship under repair, doing mainenance or refit after all those exercises and active duty?


Thursday, December 30th 2004, 6:57pm

Hadn't really thought of that. I'll bear it in mind for Q1/26.