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Saturday, June 3rd 2006, 5:04pm

Argentine News Q2/31

Noticias Argentinas

Argentine Political Situation

This is meant as a guide to the unfolding saga of the internal politics and its impact on Argentina’s foreign relations.
There are currently two power blocs in Argentina, the government under President Gomez supported by the left and the Navy and most elements of the Air Force. Loyal to him are Foreign Minister Hood, Internal Affairs Minister Santinez and the mysterious “Chico”. On the other side is the D’Silva family.
The D’Silva dynasty is very powerful. Their wealth is based on the beef market and the D’Silva- Roho cattle cartel owns almost 55% of Argentinean beef production. Since the mid 1920s they have diversified into oil (Argentina’s next most important export) and steel. In June 1929 the D’Silva Motor Works opened in Cordoba with backing from Chrysler. The Roho family once the D’Silva’s main enemy are now the muscle behind the D’Silvas. More than one commentator has asked who really runs the country, Gomez or Senor D’Silva. They have entered most positions in government, six are top civil servants, two are Colonels, one General, one Naval Capitan, two Air Force officers and the eldest son Juan is the Finance Minister. The Defence Minister’s mother is a D’Silva who married his English trader father Horatio Hood. Not only do they have positions of power and wealth to back this power but they have a private army. What once began as a force of simple ranch hands and cowboys soon turned to gangs and mercenaries in the war against the Rohos in the 1870s. Today there are at least 1500 armed men that form part of the D’Silva Militia a semi-legal irregular unit formed in early 1922. The Roho’s armed men come to around 500.
What is more dangerous are the foreign policy views of Antonio D’Silva. He (and his numerous kinfolk) believes the government has been too weak with the SAE and Nordmark and he has been involved in illegal acts abroad. In June 1924 a political exile from Uruguay Juan Domingo Sanchez Romeo entered Argentina and soon with new business contacts came into contact with Antonio D’Silva. Marrying one of the younger D’Silva daughters in 1927 he and Antonio began creating a new ‘Free Uruguay’ movement (known as FUM) based around some 150 exiled Uruguayans. Although political effects have been minimal and the group have remained low key recently Argentine Military Intelligence noted a force of 56 British Mercenaries training in Paraguay. Paid by D’Silva they are to free several political prisoners in Uruguay and than train members in the art of Guerrilla warfare and infiltrate the SAE Empire. Already three shipments of arms and explosives have been noted and some equipment has been detained by customs officials. The government sees these actions as very dangerous seeing the risk of war and general mayhem that may spread across our region and even on our own soil against the government.
President Gomez has fought back with the creation of a new Ministry. It has no name and its head no identity. No picture has been published of him and very few of his former friends survive. “Chico” is believed to be an ex-Colonel who now has responsibility of a new secret police. Formed after the crash of the airliner that removed key allies in the government, his department has investigated possible links with D’Silva family and the aircraft accident. The department recruits and trains agents who now operate abroad alongside the military intelligence service. Some 250 agents are operating in Argentina and given as much resources as they need these forces are very powerful. Torture is illegal under law but it seems the political opponents of Gomez have received such treatment, already during the crash investigations some 70 suspects have been imprisoned and around 30 have disappeared. Some thirty British and American mercenaries are operating a training camp in the Pampas region. Some moves have already been made toward newspaper censorship in the past two weeks.
It seems if the government fails to stop the D’Silva family Argentina will be ruled by a powerful elite of capitalist right-wingers with Army support and suffer from a serious war or, if Gomez can crush all opposition and restore relations, Argentina will be run as a left-wing police state.
Already some secret talks are believed to have been held between Argentine and SAE officals at an undisclosed location concerning co-operation in destroying FUM. No Foreign Affairs spokesperson was available for comment.


Saturday, June 3rd 2006, 11:20pm

Interesting news indeed.


Saturday, June 10th 2006, 11:31am

Here is the news for April 1931.

Noticias Argentinas News Round-up Q2/31

April 2
President Gomez toured the new FMA extension at Cordoba. This new research facility with a basic wind tunnel and 100m2 of office space will be the home of Argentina’s future home designs. FMA has been in talks with several currently unemployed aircraft designers from the USA.
April 8
Today the Navy revealed the names of the new ships currently under construction.
The Corrientes Class; CORRIENTES, ENTRE RIOS, MISIONES, COMODORO PY, MURATURE, BATHURST, BUCHARDO, JORGE, THORNE, PINEDO, T-101, T-102 (both operated by Customs). The Mendoza Class; Mendoza Class: MENDOZA, RIOJA, LA PLATA, MURATURE, CORDOBA, BAHIA. The two Corrientes Class boats to be operated by the customs will in peacetime only be armed with a single 100mm and two twin 37mm. The 20mm and torpedo tubes will be landed and replaced by two longboats and a small electric crane. In war time they will revert back to their parent unit.
April 12
Today marked the first flight of the FMA Llama light aircraft designed by three young student designers studying at the Cordoba Technical School. This light single-seat basic monoplane is powered by a light FMA 25hp flat-two-cylinder two-stroke engine. Mounted on the rear wing spar it powers a pusher propeller. The 8m span high-wing is built from wood and covered in fabric. It can be disassembled for transport and stowage. The fuselage is a basic pod and boom. Estimated speed is 65mph with a range of 130miles. The pilot Juan Rodriguez found the aircraft to be both stable and safe. The FAA is already proposing a basic ab-intio trainer variant and the Navy is seeking a seaplane variant with suitable watertight hull.
April 16
Geologists have confirmed the existence of Tungsten deposits north of Cordoba. The Export Department of the Finance Department has already seen the potential for lucrative exports but the government lacks the funds for exploitation. Some land has been brought but any mining will not occur before the early 1940s. President Gomez is displeased at the slowness of developments but without money or foreign investment this opportunity is a long-term project.
April 22
The report into the crash of the Junkers J33 that killed three top ministers has been released today. It concludes there was no foul play and that the crash was due to the stormy weather. The pilot, with four years flying experience, was exonerated of any blame. The President has himself censored the report into the previous Finance Ministers believed fraud of public funds. His widow has already left the country, many suspect she has been deported to America.
April 27
Last night Antonio D’Silva made a speech at the Argentine Trade Commission Annual Conference. Here is an extract, “Friends, we must export or die, it is as simple as that. With an economy in recession and unemployment seemingly beyond the government’s control this country needs action, now. We must find work for these idle hands and open the paths for success for those who seek wealth. Those who want the chance for success can grab it. Cattle, sheep, oil and now minerals are where we must focus. Without a strong economy we are doomed the third-rate status at the bottom of the world. Tonight I am revealing that the D’Silva Mining Company has brought 70 square miles of the Tungsten ore fields and has pledged $20 million over five years to begin survey work and the construction of mines and a new town to house the workers. If the government cannot or will not act then private enterprise must.” The Finance Minister Juan D’Silva, the eldest son of Antonio D’Silva has fully backed his father’s actions and has pledged some government funds towards the project.


Saturday, June 17th 2006, 10:05am

Noticias Argentinas May 1931

May 1
The head of the Argentine Naval Commission in Europe Admiral Galindez has toured the German ports of Hamburg and Kiel. He viewed the plans of the P Class submarine before discussing the purchase of two submarines of this class and the plans to build more in our home yards. It is rumoured that discussions moved on to light scout cruiser designs. In a cable to Cordoba Admiral Galindez praised the technical ability and commercial prowess of the German firms and the hospitality he received.
May 2
In response to the statement from the King of Nordmark the President on National Radio today made a public speech. Here follows an extract, " We welcome new improved relations with Nordmark. We are a proud nation, and while we still feel the loss of the war greatly we bear no malice towards our former enemy. Just as we have forgiven the Spanish for deeds centuries ago we can learn to forget the recent past. There is no reason why we cannot live in peace, after all there could be enough conflict in our own continent without causing old wounds to reopen abroad. Our naval expansion is only aimed at self defence and modernisation of our antiquated ships. The Trade Ministry has welcomed the reduction of trade duties and we shall follow with a reduction on duties on Nordmarkian imports. Let us move together, and lets not forget our improved relations with the South African Empire in these dark days with terrorism in Uruguay. Politically we cannot renounce our rightful claims on the Malvinas and South Georgia but we can begin to patch our differences. I have already asked a delegaton from Nordmark to visit this country."
May 3
General Fernandez of the Cavalry today signed a contract with Vickers of Great Britain for 30 new Vickers E 6 Ton tanks. Also included in the deal was the immediate purchase of six Vickers B ex-demonstrator tanks for training and familiarisation roles. Nine of the tanks are to be fitted with radio transmitters/ receivers. In connection with this deal Gen. Fernandez has met Liddel Hart and J.F.C. Fuller to discuss motorised warfare and Hart has arranged for him to see a small demonstration of armoured warfare. Six other Argentine cavalry officers were also present.
May 14
All six Corrientes Class vessels were launched today. Each launch was attended by one Cabinet Minister. All made speeches extolling the bravery and virtues of the Navy and our new industrial might, the longest being the Foreign Affairs Minister at two hours thirty-two minutes, the next the CoS Navy at two hours and President Gomez with a speech lasting one hour forty-two minutes. Timed to precision, at 1.00pm precisely all six slid down the slips. The President then took a ride in the new MTB A-1 around the Bahia Blanca port complex, the CoS Navy was shown around the new Naval Arsenal at Comodoro Rividavia.
May 26
Today un-uniformed policemen arrested a man in connection with the attempted sabotage of the historic mass launchings of May 14th. A trader from Puerto Madryn of Nordmarkian origins called Christen Frisvold was loitering around the port at Comodoro Rividavia. On searching his shop some suspicious items were found and unpatriotic literature.
May 29
Seven more men have been arrested by police in connection with the Frisvold Affair. Two are Nordmarkian and five Argentine traitors. Officers are investigating links with FUM.


Monday, June 19th 2006, 10:59am

May 30th

The Riksdag has today welcomed the News that possible terrorists have been arrested in Argentina. The fact that they include a pair of Nordmarkian men is considerd sad, but if they were trying to commit acts of Treason, then they must be punished. An investigator has been despatched from Montevideo in order to aid enquiries.


Tuesday, June 27th 2006, 4:01pm

Noticias Argentinas

June 1
Today the Navy selected Atlantis as the winner of the Navy’s Light Scout Cruiser Contest. It was a very close competition and Atlantis had just scraped through and for some time it seemed the order would go to Nordmark. Three ships are to be built in our yards and one abroad.
Meanwhile the Navy has voiced serious concerns about Peru purchasing an ex-Indian battleship. The Defence Minister had this to say, “It may be an old floating rust bucket but more heavy ships in the region could de-stabilise the peace. We need not worry, under my instructions the Navy has already been studying new Costal Defence Ships and talks with foreign powers about guns to arm them have been successful".
June 2
Today Argentine cavalry forces raided a suspected FUM camp near Esteros on the Paraguayan border. After a fierce three hour gunfight the terrorists fled. Some 24 bodies were collected and six were captured alive. Four of these and five of the dead men are British mercenaries. Our own losses were light.
In Prague today the European Military Commission under General Salo signed a license production order for the Lehky Kulomet ZB vz.30 7.92mm light machine gun. Around 500 will be made in a new factory in Bahia Blanca. Next he will travel to Switzerland to sign an order for 120 Steyr-Solothurn S1-100 sub-machine guns in 7.65mm Parabellum calibre.
June 3
Today Chilean and Argentine officials have been meeting to discuss future relations. The Argentine Delegation has drawn up an agreement outlining the territorial and political questions and the mutual solving of them. Also included is greater economic co-operation. The Chilean acceptance of most of the proposals and the desire for greater peace has been marred by the refusal to compromise over the Tierra del Fuego issue. Argentina has offered to halve the island but Chile still claims full rights. Some in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fear that failure to reach a compromise will scupper the talks.
June 5
Today the Fuerza Aerea Argentina has confirmed the thirty aircraft order for the new FMA T-514 trainer recently entered into the Filipino contest. The Commando de Aviacion Naval Argentina will also receive trainer and seaplane versions for training and coastal reconnaissance.
The recent British Exhibition in Cordoba has attracted another British aircraft manufacturer. Buoyed by Avro’s recent success the Westland Company have flown their Westland Wapiti V no doubt aided by the expansion of Motores Petter an Argentine subsidiary of Petters Ltd, Westland’s founders. The Prince of Wales on tour mentioned the excellence of the type currently on the Royal Flight for his personal use and Westland Harald Penrose gave a sterling demonstration to Fuerza Aerea Argentina officers. Some of them flew the aircraft for themselves and praised its abilities.
June 7
The National Oil Corporation has ordered three new 10,000grt tankers from Harland & Wolff, Great Britain. These tankers are to have a speed of 14kts, being powered by single-shaft 6000hp turbine. Dimensions are 152.6/20.73/9.11m. They will carry export crude oil to Europe. Being modern ships they will be built with a double keel and fitted with the latest fire fighting equipment. Wing tanks will carry oils and other petroleum products. Delivery of the first ship will be July 1932. The Ministry of Marine has already stipulated that in wartime all three ships may be taken over by the Navy.
After an overland flight to Bahia Blanca Westland’s Wapiti V was fitted with floats and took part in a demonstration to naval pilots. It briefly flew during a mini exercise helping the Libertad spot during gunnery drills. The Navy is now considering ordering eight of these for use aboard warships.


Tuesday, June 27th 2006, 4:36pm

Good stuff. That June 1 news will give me something to work with, I'm sure.




Tuesday, June 27th 2006, 4:43pm

Good story

lean back, eat popcorn and drink coke


Tuesday, June 27th 2006, 7:47pm

Atlantis is very interested in the events on the Paraguayan border and the fact that Argentina and Chile are meeting increases hopes of improving relations in the region.


Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 12:39am


The recent British Exhibition in Cordoba has attracted another British aircraft manufacturer. Buoyed by Avro’s recent success the Westland Company have flown their Westland Wapiti V no doubt aided by the expansion of Motores Petter an Argentine subsidiary of Petters Ltd, Westland’s founders. The Prince of Wales on tour mentioned the excellence of the type currently on the Royal Flight for his personal use and Westland Harald Penrose gave a sterling demonstration to Fuerza Aerea Argentina officers. Some of them flew the aircraft for themselves and praised its abilities.


Oh, hang on, you're supporting my industries. Carry on...


Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 8:41pm

Orders for tanks, aircraft and tankers, Britain is doing well! The British Exhibition is a real world event as are Wapiti demonstrations, I thought I'd add it to spice up things. Anyhow on with the news... (the events of June 14 effect ALL nations).

Noticias Argentinas

June 8
Today a cavalry detachment of twenty-seven men was wiped out. Travelling towards the border with guns and ammunition the small convoy containing three wagons was ambushed. There were no survivors and a smaller patrol found the bodies three hours later. Almost all the guns and ammunition had been stolen.
June 9
General mobilisation of all forces along the Paraguayan border has begun today. Some 1500 extra men will patrol the border along with a flight of six spotter aircraft. Heavier defences are being prepared including heavy machine guns and mortars. The Defence Minister today again stressed these actions were aimed at the terrorists hiding in Paraguay, not the country itself.
June 12
The Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Barbero has visited Paraguay to reassure the Paraguayan government of our peaceful intentions. Already some Paraguayan military forces have clashed with FUM and some combined forces patrols may soon begin.

Are you a mining specialist looking for a new opportunity?
Do you want a share of a growing world market with guaranteed returns?

If the answer is yes then the D’Silva Mining Company is offering the unique chance of investing in a new Tungsten field just north of Cordoba. Here is the chance to invest in a high-tech development over 70sq miles. This new mineral will grow in importance and no other nation can offer this kind of investment potential. In return for capital to begin this great enterprise D’Silva is offering shares and a guaranteed growing export market. New machines and techniques will be needed and market leaders are welcomed. All enquires are to be addressed to S. M. Diego, D’Silva Mining Company, Cordoba.

June 14
The Navy is backing Customs forces in beginning a systematic search of suspicious merchant ships. Talks are underway with SAE naval forces for co-operation in searching the River Plata area. All suspicious merchant vessels of ALL nations heading for Paraguay and Uruguay will be stopped and searched. Any vessel violating Argentine territorial waters will also be stopped, searched and escorted to international waters. Pirates will be automatically attacked and either destroyed or captured.
June 15
A small whaler refused to heave-to and was sunk by the destroyer Mendoza (old ship). Seven survivors are being questioned.
Today Christen Frisvold and four others were executed for treason and sabotage in a military prison. His body will be sent back to his relatives in Nordmark. Officials from Nordmark have proved very helpful in the swift conclusion of the case and Argentine Minister Chico thanks them for their understanding and desire to punish those who do wrong whatever their nationality.
June 18
The first Vickers Type B tanks have arrived and new crews are being chosen from the cavalry ranks. On the switch from horse to track one officer commented, “The Great War showed how the horse was flesh and blood like us, one bullet and your down. In our little tin cans we can endure the bullets while inflicting punishing fire on our enemies.” However not all cavalry officers agree with the decision to switch to a purely motorised force by 1940.

Are you a former soldier of the Great War made redundant or newly retired from Colonial duties?
Have you had experience of leading men into the heart of battle with valour and training them into world-class soldiers?
Do you want the chance and excitement of doing this again?

If so then the Army of the Argentine Republic is offering the chance to train a new generation of fighting men. There are currently thirty positions as Military Instructors. Technical positions also exist. All applicants must be under 35 years of age, in good health and physical condition, had previous combat or training experience and be at least of lieutenant rank. Nationality is no problem and the Argentine Government will provide accommodation for families and a good wage in accordance to rank. Apply at your nearest Argentine Military Commission.

June 24
Paraguayan military forces have clashed with FUM and Argentine cavalry units have been sent to help. Eight Paraguayan soldiers were killed. The Air Force has bombed a small camp near Esteros. All day artillery had been bombarding a small camp near the border, this evening a surprise assault by infantry captured eight FUM members and killed eleven others. Our losses were light.
In response to earlier Army requirements orders have been placed and others restricted because of monetary restrictions. The Requirement for a fast attack tank has been abandoned until 1933; a variant of the license built 75mm is to fill the mountain howitzer role. The 105mm gun contest will go ahead but the 150-200mm gun has been dropped and only 12 will be brought. The rifle contest has been abandoned and instead 500 more Mauser 7.65mm K 98 will be brought.
June 27
A Nordmark registered whaler was intercepted in Argentine waters today. Suffering from engine trouble the Anna Fulchenk had drifted into our waters and was discovered by a patrolling destroyer, the San Juan. The Capitan sent a repair party to the stricken ship in heavy weather. After two hours repairs were completed and the Anna Fulchenk went on her way.


Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 10:17pm


June 14
The Navy is backing Customs forces in beginning a systematic search of suspicious merchant ships. Talks are underway with SAE naval forces for co-operation in searching the River Plata area. All suspicious merchant vessels of ALL nations heading for Paraguay and Uruguay will be stopped and searched. Any vessel violating Argentine territorial waters will also be stopped, searched and escorted to international waters. Pirates will be automatically attacked and either destroyed or captured.

Does this mean that Paraguay is being blockaded (an act of war)? As far as I can tell, there IS no Uraguay in WW, it's part of the SAE, so is the South American part of the SAE being blockaded? What is it that is being declared as "suspicious" or "contraband"?


Wednesday, June 28th 2006, 10:39pm

Last time I looked at the map Paraguay was landlocked and South Africa controls the entire Rio Plata estuary. BTW, tried to work on the Big Ass Map... lets just say that a P3/450 with 192 megs of RAM is not the recommended platform for working on a multi-megabyte picture file. Further updates will wait until my other PC is fixed.


Thursday, June 29th 2006, 8:51pm

I'm going to clarify a few things.
I know Paraguay is landlocked. In the background to the story (see first post in this thread) the D'Silva family dislike the current government and have their own foreign policy agenda. They are supporting the Free Uraguay Movement, a group who envy the freedom of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Boliva, Peru etc and want to be free from the SAE empire. This group is funded by the D'Silva family who could overthrow the government with Army backing if they so wished. The D'Silva's have a private army of "ranch hands" and they legally import weapons to arm them for ranch duties, shooting rabbits etc. The Argentine Customs have been suspicious of these ranches importing Thompson sub-machine guns and Madsen MGs, not the kind of legal hunting weapon they expect. These weapons are going to FUM through Argentina, as are consignments of explosives ordered by the D'Silva Mining Company for legal blasting activities. They also pay foreign mercanares to train FUM members.
The naval action is not a blockade of any country but a stop and search of some shipping. The SAE can deal with their own waters we are patrolling our territorial waters for such ships. These are the reasons for stopping a ship. Most normal traffic will be unaffected.
1) Unidentified, no Ensign or dubious paperwork or no name.
2) Not expected to arrive and appears lost or gives wrong destination
3) Carrying weapons for anyone other than the Argentine Armed Forces or the Paraguayan armed forces. Other cargoes include explosives and chemicals.
4) Ships under the command of dubious Captains which the Police/Customs know to be involved in criminal activities.
5) Suspect pirate vessels.

The government is acting against FUM on Paraguay territory to stop any pre-emptive war with the SAE, Paraguay too is staying neutral and wants these people out of its land. We are trying to keep the peace. If Pres. Gomez can overcome these problems by the 1932 Presidential Elections then D'Silva (who will offer a candidate to stand) will lose out. In the end it all boils down to internal politics. FUM stands no chance of success at all but it shows how former enemies can work together. Perhaps the fragile balance of power will collapse or perhaps success will make any more wars in South America less likely.