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Sunday, October 23rd 2005, 3:06pm

Transom sterns

OK, looking through the archives and so on, there seems to be a LOT of discussion on just what are the rules for transom sterns, references to the British G3 battlecruisers, etc. I'm working on some provisional German CLs for laying down in 1928, and ran across photos of the German CL Konigsberg (launched in March of 1927), which clearly has a transom stern link here . So, are transoms allowed on CLs in 1927-1928? Could the transom rule, whatever it is, be put into the Design Rules for Gentlemen?


Sunday, October 23rd 2005, 3:17pm

My kingdom for a transom!

The very, very rough "rule" on transom sterns is that they're for ships of 34knt+ until 1930, after which point they're fair game for anyone.

The "authorised exception" is for historical designs, which covers the Invincibles...and I would presume also German light cruisers.

(Not that it particulary there are a number of sub-34knt designs with transoms that have been "built" already.)


BTW, there's some wrinkles in Filipino-German affairs that you should be informed of...both past and my desired future. ;-) Shoot me a PM when you're ready to discuss them.