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Friday, October 9th 2009, 6:32pm

WIP. Simming shell hits.

Ok I am working on a program that will sim shell hits on a springsharp file.

Non-penetrating hits on vertical surfices do no damage.
Non-penetrating hits on horizontal are non-critical.

Penetrating hits on vertical armor will,
hitting Belt, will damage engine
hitting Turret face will destroy turret
Barbette destroy Magazine
Conning tower destroys central fire control

Horizontal penetrating hit will
if hit Deck over engine damage engine
if hit Deck under turret destroys magazine
Turret Other above deck destroy turret.

Special occasion.
One in each 100 hits on magazines make them explode.
If magazine is hit there is 100% chance it will explode the shels with in.

Magazine explosion.
Shell weight in magasine added to non-critial hit.
If ship survivability is 40 of its own shells then if there are more that 40 the ships go boom

For instance:
A 10" shell explodes the magasine with 20 8" shells in it
226,8kg of the 10" shell plus 20x116,12kg of the shells in magasine.
1x226,8+20x116,16=2549,2kg of damage

If that ship had 150shell per gun then, triple turret's full magasine will contain 450shells.
No ship will survive that explosion.


Friday, October 9th 2009, 6:53pm

RE: WIP. Simming shell hits.


Originally posted by Marek Gutkowski
If magazine is hit there is 100% chance it will explode the shels with in.

I'm sure someone will correct me, but isn't smart Damage Control a factor here, as well as luck? A somewhat common note when reading on various actions is "prompt flooding of the magazines prevented explosion", or soemthing similar.


Friday, October 9th 2009, 6:53pm

Sounds interesting


*Posting multiple posts within 30 seconds is not allow.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, October 9th 2009, 7:04pm

What about duds?


Friday, October 9th 2009, 7:04pm


Yes that why I decided that magazine hit will destroy the magazine, wet powder is useless.
The damaged magazine will be flooded.
The 1 in 100 is that it will some times go boom anyway.
Not flooding it fast enough or something.

That are the base data.
It can be modified, poor damage control will make a hit that pierce a turret as dangerous as a magazine hit.

@ HoOmAn
good question.
Is one dud in 100 realistic?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Marek Gutkowski" (Oct 9th 2009, 7:07pm)


Friday, October 9th 2009, 7:28pm

Decapping shell will happend if the shell penetrates 10% of its bore-diameter.
Decap shell will penetrate only 10% of its nominal armour penetration.

Exsample 1
Royal Navy 14 inch Mk 7 has 300mm vertical 75mm deck penetration at 20000m.
It hits a cruiser protected by 1 inch belt and 1 inch deck.
The shell penetates the 25mm belt and is not decap.
It retains its nominal penetration.
It penetrates the deck and is now decap.
Explodes in a machine area destroing an engine.
Exsample 2
Same shell same range, this time cruiser has 2 inch belt and 1 inch deck
Shell penetrates belt it is now decap.
Decap has 10% of nominal penetration. so Vertical 30mm horizontal 7,5mm
1 inch deck stops the shell we have a non-critical hit.
Example 3
Some ships have belt longer then spring sharp given minimal lenght.
If a shell penetrates belt in that area, then we have a non-critical hit.


Friday, October 9th 2009, 8:30pm


Originally posted by Vukovlad

*Posting multiple posts within 30 seconds is not allow.

Actually that is a lie. Last bunch of reports I put up required me to wait for at least 60 seconds before I could post the next bit (I know cause I was keeping an eye on the clock).


Friday, October 9th 2009, 10:58pm

Turret damage.
If hit with a shell capable of half the nominal penetration of turrets armor.
Turret damage will resolve in 50% loss of its accuracy.

Turret temporary out of action.
one in every 100 non-penetrating hits, of a shell of 50% turrets buns bore diameter, will take the turret out of action for 10 minutes.

Turret out of action.
If turret ring is hit, with a shell of half of turrets gun bore caliber.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Marek Gutkowski" (Oct 9th 2009, 11:04pm)


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, October 10th 2009, 1:27am


Originally posted by Marek Gutkowski
@ HoOmAn
good question.
Is one dud in 100 realistic?


It depends on the type of shell (caped, windshield, material for nose or body of the shell etc.).

The angle of impact for a shell with a given type of fuze.

Velocity of the shell.

Quality of the shells in general (a matter of manufactoring).

The type of armor or equipment (thus type of resistance) struck.

A matter of luck to a lesser degree.

Size and material of the filler.

You may find information on dud when doing some analysis of the great WW1 and WW2 gun battles. The percentage of duds might be higher than expected.

However, one should remember that such duds still carry a lot of kinetic energy and could do quite some damage.