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Monday, May 28th 2007, 4:23pm


We as You know I'm in the military and my time behind a PC is limited and far in betwin. I cannot say when I be able to use the internet.So as of now I will be leaving the Sim as an active player.

I will visit as often as I can but and post but that's that, unfortunetly, as of october I will be going to Afganistan

I had fun playing with you all

Good luck and fair wether.


Monday, May 28th 2007, 6:56pm

Do good, and stay safe Marek.

And drop by now and again, when you can!


Monday, May 28th 2007, 8:25pm

A pity to see you go. You made Europe more interesting. Try and keep safe whilst on tour.


Monday, May 28th 2007, 8:52pm

Good luck, keep your head down, and check in if you can!


Tuesday, May 29th 2007, 12:13am

Good Luck Marek, proud to know you. Stay safe and give em hell!


Tuesday, May 29th 2007, 5:36pm

Thank You all for Your kind words


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
Good Luck Marek, proud to know you. Stay safe and give em hell!

I intend too :evil:


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, May 29th 2007, 11:17pm

Too bad you´re leaving.

Take care and come back whenever possible....



Monday, June 4th 2007, 9:11pm

"You old gout what are You speechless?Every day You go on and on and now what, can eaven form a sentence"
"What can I say the entire PRJ is silent no new ships no new news nothing. Its sad realy"
"See that what I am talking about."
"It looks like a change of manegement is comming."
"So nothing new."
"There are lots of new stuff going on like the treaty talks."
"Yes but Im out of the loop with that."
"You ware out of the loop for the last 30 years, old gout"
"Ow yeah your not the all knowing your self, and Im younger that You,Old fart."
"Call me that name again and You will regret that..."
"What will You stop talking too me for an hour like You always do?"
"Why do I talk to You any way?"
"Becose no one else is willing to talk to You."
"That is not true my grandson talks to me.My son's wife."
"And why do they help You to this bench every day for the last 10 Years?Becose You call them names at home.They dont want You around the house...Old fart"
"I'd go away but that will requier to much efford"
"Well I dont have any thing else to do also..."
"So we stuck here with each other?"


Well I will post as much and as oftain as I can.
Was about post some comment or some thing but real life kicked in I got distracted by a lovely lady(lucky me)now I have even more motivation not to get killed :P like I neaded more.
I will try to visit the site when im in Afganistan.(We got an internet connection there and Im looking at an long uneventfull tour."
I hope.


Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 3:52pm

Good luck, and stay safe!!