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Tuesday, February 22nd 2011, 6:49pm

Player List

The Rock Doctor (emeritus)

Nations and their players:

Argentina - Hood
Armenia/Azerbaijan - Admiral Kuznetsov
Atlantis - Thesmilingassassin
Australia - Desertfox
Belgium - Kaiser Kirk
Bulgaria - Brockpaine (Caretaker until Q3/41)
Brazil - TheCanadian
Byzantium - Thesmilingassassin
Canada - ShinRa
Chile - Brockpaine
China - Parador
Chosen - Rooijin (caretaker)
Colombia - Thesmilingassassin
Denmark - Commodore Green
EAS (Ethiopia) - Red Admiral
France - BrockPaine
Germany - BruceDuncan
Greece - Sachmle
Iberia - Commodore Green
India - Perdedor99
Ireland- Brockpaine
Italy - Red Admiral
Japan - Rooijin
Latvia - TexasCowboy
Lithuania - Agent148
Luxembourg - Kaiser Kirk
Mexico - Desertfox
Netherlands - Kaiser Kirk
Nordmark - Earl822
Paraguay - NPC (Hood)
Persia - Perdedor
Peru - Alvama
Philippines - Perdedor99
Poland - Marek Gutkowski (inactive)
Romania - TheCanadian
Russia - Admiral Kuznetsov
Siam - Snip
South Africa - Hooman
Turkey - Thesmilingassassin
United Kingdom - Hood
United States - CanisD
Yugoslavia - BruceDuncan