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Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 4:23am

Ships for World Tsar Michael version 7

Good day everyone. I want to show the ships that I drew for the alternative World Tsar Michael. First battleships ...

1. Battleship "Andrej Pervozvannyj"

Displacement of the normal 16 715, the total 18 700 tons, dimensions 142,6 x 24,38 x 8,53 / 8,88 m, 2 steam engines, 25 boilers, 18 367 hp, 19,5 knot, max stock 2 550 tons of coal, the range of 4,000 sea miles at 12 knots. Armor: Belt 75-229-75 mm, the upper belt 125 mm, anti-torpedo bulkhead 38 mm, 254 mm turret, roof towers of 51 mm, the deck 38 mm, bevel 51mm, 229 mm conning tower. Armament: 4x2 305/40 (80 rounds per gun), 16x105/55 (225 rounds per gun), 2x1 75/50 anti-aircraft, 2x1 37/30 anti-aircraft machine Maxim. The crew of 931 people.

Discussions on some elements of the ships still in progress, with the result that may be changing ...

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 5:25am)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 4:32am

2. Battleship "Petropavlovsk"

Displacement 19 055 tons, normal 20 906 tons, the total 22 470 tons, dimensions 165x26x8.6/9.1 m, 22 Yarrow boilers, 4 PTA Parsons, 4 screws, the power of 25 000 hp, as they crossed to 29 200 hp, rate of 21.25 knot. Maximum supply 3330 tons of coal, the maximum range of 5 000 sea miles at 12 knots. Armor: belt 280 mm, 100 mm in the extremities, the upper belt 152 mm, TAP 38 mm tower: 254 mm forehead, side 203 mm, rear 305 mm, the roof of the tower 75 mm. deck 25.4-38-12.7 mm, 51 mm bevels, conning 254 mm, 125 mm cutting roof. Armament: 5x2 305/52 (100 rounds per gun), 16x1 105/55 (250 rounds per gun), 4x1 75/50 (250 rounds per gun) (converted for anti-aircraft fire in the spring of 1915), 2x37/30 Maxim machine (converted for anti-aircraft fire in autumn 1915) 300 rounds per gun. The crew - 999 people.

This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 6:44am)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 4:43am

Beautiful! What program do you use for your drawings?


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 4:53am

3. Battleship "Tsushima"

Displacement 22 611 tons, normal 24 350 tons, the total 25 728 tons, dimensions 169x29x8.85/9.17 m, 24 Admiralty boilers, 4 PTA Parsons, 4 screws, the power of 32 000 hp, rate of 21 knot. Maximum supply 2180/968 tons coal/oil, the maximum range of 5 000 sea miles at 12 knots. Armor: belt 280mm+38 mm bulkhead, 152 mm in the extremities, the upper belt 178 mm, traverse 203 mm, TAP 38 mm, upper deck armor 25.4 mm, main armor deck 51 mm, 51 mm bevels, lower deck 12.7 mm, tower: 280 mm forehead, side 178 mm, rear 305 mm, the roof of the tower 125 mm, barbette 254 mm, casemates mine fire 125 mm. Armament: 4x3 305/52 (105 rounds per gun), 16x1 120/50 (250 rounds per gun), 4x1 75/50 anti-aircraft, 2h37/30 Maxim machine (converted for anti-aircraft fire in autumn 1914). The crew - 1242 people.

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 6:44am)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 4:54am


Originally posted by CanisD
Beautiful! What program do you use for your drawings?

Thank you!

CorelDRAW X3, shadows in Photoshop :)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:12am

4. Battleship "Empress Maria"

Displacement 23 462 tons, normal 24 730 tons, the total 26 120 tons, dimensions 169.5x29x8.6/8.9 m, 20 Admiralty boilers, 4 PTA Parsons, 4 screws, rate of 21.5 knot. Maximum supply 1600/700 tons coal/oil, the maximum range of 4 000 sea miles at 12 knots. Armor: belt 305 mm+38 mm bulkhead, 152 mm in the extremities, the upper belt 178 mm, traverse 203 mm, TAP 38 mm, upper deck armor25.4 mm, main armor deck 51 mm, 51 mm bevels, lower deck 12.7 mm, conning tower 305 mm, tower: 280 mm forehead, side 178 mm, rear 305 mm, the roof of the tower 125 mm, barbette 280 mm, casemates mine fire 125 mm. Armament: 4x3 305/52 (120 rounds per gun), 16x1 120/50 (250 rounds per gun), 4x1 75/50 anti-aircraft, 2x37/30 Maxim machine (summer and autumn of 1915 replaced by 2x1 37/70 anti-aircraft machine Macklen). The crew - 1297 people.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 6:44am)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:19am

Would love to hear more about your AU. Sounds like the Battle of Tsushima had a decidedly different outcome.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:24am

5. Battleship "Emperor Nicholas II"

Displacement 23 462 tons, normal 24 730 tons, the total 26 520 tons, dimensions 175.2x29x8.8/9.06 m, 20 Admiralty boilers, 4 PTA Parsons, 4 screws, rate of 21 knot. Maximum supply 2100 tons oil, the maximum range of 4 000 sea miles at 12 knots. Armor: belt 330 mm+38 mm bulkhead, 152 mm in the extremities, the upper belt 203 mm, traverse 280 mm, TAP 38 mm, upper deck armor 25.4 mm, main armor deck 57 mm, 51 mm bevels, lower deck 12.7 mm, conning tower 305 mm, tower: 305 mm forehead, side 178 mm, rear 305 mm, barbette 305 mm, tower of mine fire 25.4 mm, barbet towers mine fire 38 mm. Armament: 4x3 305/52 (120 rounds per gun), 8x2 120/50 (250 rounds per gun), 4x1 105/40 anti-aircraft, 4x1 37/70 anti-aircraft machine Macklen. The crew - 1344 people.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 6:44am)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:30am


Originally posted by CanisD
Would love to hear more about your AU. Sounds like the Battle of Tsushima had a decidedly different outcome.

Yes, in this alternative, the Japanese lost the war. If You are wondering, when more time, I try to translate into English description of the Battle of Tsushima.

But the language I know is very bad, sorry :)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:50am

Impressive work.


Originally posted by GromoBoy
But the language I know is very bad, sorry :)

It's not so bad as to be unreadable. I've understood everything you've said so far. Your online translator must be pretty good. Your sentence structure is the only thing which hasn't translated over - and I've yet to find an online translator that can manage such a feat reliably.

In any case (our forum software doesn't seem to like Cyrillic letters):

(I hope that's correct! In English it should be "Greetings! Pleased to meet you!")


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:51am

No problem.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 5:59am


Originally posted by Brockpaine
Impressive work.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Brockpaine
(I hope that's correct! In English it should be "Greetings! Pleased to meet you!")

Yes, there it is :)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 2:40pm

And I can put here the ships that do not belong to the World Tsar Michael? I have them just for myself to paint.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 2:43pm)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 2:42pm


Originally posted by GromoBoy
And you can put here the ships that do not belong to the World of Tsar Michael? I have them just for myself to paint.

You can put whatever drawings you please here.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 2:55pm

Thank you.
On these ships, I did not impose the shadows. Lazy, it is painstaking work :)

I tried to imagine what might look like a French dreadnought, made on the model of old battleships.

Le Incroyable, France, Battleship laid down 1910

22 665 t light; 24 240 t standard; 25 648 t normal; 26 774 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(545,51 ft / 540,75 ft) x 91,86 ft x (29,53 / 30,60 ft)
(166,27 m / 164,82 m) x 28,00 m x (9,00 / 9,33 m)

8 - 12,00" / 305 mm 45,0 cal guns - 871,37lbs / 395,25kg shells, 150 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1910 Model
4 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
4 - 12,00" / 305 mm 45,0 cal guns - 871,37lbs / 395,25kg shells, 150 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1910 Model
2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
18 - 5,43" / 138 mm 55,0 cal guns - 86,55lbs / 39,26kg shells, 220 per gun
Breech loading guns in casemate mounts, 1910 Model
18 x Single mounts on sides amidships
Weight of broadside 12 014 lbs / 5 450 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 12,0" / 305 mm 328,08 ft / 100,00 m 7,87 ft / 2,40 m
Ends: 7,87" / 200 mm 212,66 ft / 64,82 m 7,87 ft / 2,40 m
Upper: 7,87" / 200 mm 540,75 ft / 164,82 m 5,91 ft / 1,80 m
Main Belt covers 93% of normal length

- Torpedo Bulkhead:
1,57" / 40 mm 393,70 ft / 120,00 m 26,25 ft / 8,00 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 12,0" / 305 mm 9,00" / 229 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
2nd: 12,0" / 305 mm 9,00" / 229 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
3rd: 5,00" / 127 mm 2,00" / 51 mm -

- Protected deck - single deck: 3,94" / 100 mm For and Aft decks
Forecastle: 3,94" / 100 mm Quarter deck: 3,94" / 100 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 11,81" / 300 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm

Coal fired boilers, steam turbines,
Direct drive, 4 shafts, 35 954 shp / 26 822 Kw = 21,50 kts
Range 3 000nm at 14,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 2 535 tons (100% coal)

1 013 - 1 317

£2,088 million / $8,354 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 2 571 tons, 10,0%
Armour: 9 710 tons, 37,9%
- Belts: 2 812 tons, 11,0%
- Torpedo bulkhead: 602 tons, 2,3%
- Armament: 3 381 tons, 13,2%
- Armour Deck: 2 694 tons, 10,5%
- Conning Tower: 221 tons, 0,9%
Machinery: 1 634 tons, 6,4%
Hull, fittings & equipment: 8 749 tons, 34,1%
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2 983 tons, 11,6%
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
45 619 lbs / 20 692 Kg = 52,8 x 12,0 " / 305 mm shells or 7,6 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,14
Metacentric height 5,6 ft / 1,7 m
Roll period: 16,3 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 81 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,88
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,62

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has low quarterdeck ,
a ram bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,612 / 0,616
Length to Beam Ratio: 5,89 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 23,25 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 20,00%, 27,00 ft / 8,23 m, 24,93 ft / 7,60 m
- Forward deck: 25,00%, 24,93 ft / 7,60 m, 24,93 ft / 7,60 m
- Aft deck: 25,00%, 24,93 ft / 7,60 m, 24,93 ft / 7,60 m
- Quarter deck: 30,00%, 17,06 ft / 5,20 m, 17,06 ft / 5,20 m
- Average freeboard: 22,74 ft / 6,93 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 77,4%
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 172,3%
Waterplane Area: 36 740 Square feet or 3 413 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111%
Structure weight / hull surface area: 189 lbs/sq ft or 925 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 0,96
- Longitudinal: 2,37
- Overall: 1,05
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

On your forum can be a message "hidden text"? Long messages are obtained.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 3:10pm

I sure would be nervous with those big wing turrets!


Originally posted by GromoBoy
On your forum can be a message "hidden text"? Long messages are obtained.

Spoiler tags? No, our forum software doesn't provide spoiler tags, sorry.


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 3:23pm

The following four ships I drew for my little story. The action happened in a very alternative world :D Unfortunately the story was never finished.
One colleague decided that my story is very suitable for her World Without Habsburg Spain :)

1. Linear galleon "Tsar Ivan the Terrible", Muscovy.

Laid down 1913

50 239 t light; 53 832 t standard; 55 020 t normal; 55 971 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(783,14 ft / 765,42 ft) x 133,20 ft x (31,17 / 31,61 ft)
(238,70 m / 233,30 m) x 40,60 m x (9,50 / 9,64 m)

8 - 15,00" / 381 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 701,89lbs / 771,96kg shells, 90 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1913 Model
4 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
8 - 15,00" / 381 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 701,89lbs / 771,96kg shells, 90 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1913 Model
4 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
16 - 6,00" / 152 mm 50,0 cal guns - 114,33lbs / 51,86kg shells, 220 per gun
Quick firing guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1913 Model
8 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
Weight of broadside 29 060 lbs / 13 181 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 13,0" / 330 mm 492,13 ft / 150,00 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
Ends: 7,99" / 203 mm 272,31 ft / 83,00 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
0,98 ft / 0,30 m Unarmoured ends
Upper: 7,99" / 203 mm 610,89 ft / 186,20 m 7,87 ft / 2,40 m
Main Belt covers 99% of normal length

- Torpedo Bulkhead:
1,57" / 40 mm 656,17 ft / 200,00 m 32,81 ft / 10,00 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 12,6" / 320 mm 9,84" / 250 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
2nd: 12,6" / 320 mm 9,84" / 250 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
3rd: 5,98" / 152 mm 3,94" / 100 mm 5,00" / 127 mm

- Protected deck - single deck: 3,94" / 100 mm For and Aft decks
Forecastle: 3,94" / 100 mm Quarter deck: 3,94" / 100 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 12,01" / 305 mm, Aft 6" / 152,4 mm

No fuel, Internal combustion motors,
Direct drive, 6 shafts, 68 611 shp / 51 184 Kw = 23,00 kts
Range 3 000nm at 12,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 2 140 tons

1 796 - 2 335

£4,897 million / $19,589 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 6 101 tons, 11,1%
Armour: 21 125 tons, 38,4%
- Belts: 5 214 tons, 9,5%
- Torpedo bulkhead: 1 254 tons, 2,3%
- Armament: 8 788 tons, 16,0%
- Armour Deck: 5 495 tons, 10,0%
- Conning Tower: 374 tons, 0,7%
Machinery: 0 tons, 0,0%
Hull, fittings & equipment: 23 012 tons, 41,8%
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 4 782 tons, 8,7%
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
153 702 lbs / 69 718 Kg = 91,1 x 15,0 " / 381 mm shells or 31,9 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,19
Metacentric height 10,6 ft / 3,2 m
Roll period: 17,2 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 84 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,80
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,67

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has low forecastle, low quarterdeck ,
a ram bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,606 / 0,608
Length to Beam Ratio: 5,75 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 27,67 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 42 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 30,00%, 28,54 ft / 8,70 m, 28,54 ft / 8,70 m
- Forward deck: 20,00%, 36,42 ft / 11,10 m, 36,42 ft / 11,10 m
- Aft deck: 20,00%, 36,42 ft / 11,10 m, 36,42 ft / 11,10 m
- Quarter deck: 30,00%, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m
- Average freeboard: 29,33 ft / 8,94 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 55,5%
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 289,6%
Waterplane Area: 74 987 Square feet or 6 967 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 117%
Structure weight / hull surface area: 261 lbs/sq ft or 1 273 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 0,94
- Longitudinal: 1,94
- Overall: 1,01
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
Excellent seaboat, comfortable, can fire her guns in the heaviest weather

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 3:23pm)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 3:26pm

2. Light caravel "Varna", Muscovy.

Laid down 1913

8 131 t light; 8 475 t standard; 8 820 t normal; 9 096 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(551,44 ft / 534,68 ft) x 52,82 ft x (20,90 / 21,40 ft)
(168,08 m / 162,97 m) x 16,10 m x (6,37 / 6,52 m)

8 - 6,00" / 152 mm 50,0 cal guns - 114,33lbs / 51,86kg shells, 220 per gun
Quick firing guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1913 Model
4 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
4 - 6,00" / 152 mm 50,0 cal guns - 114,33lbs / 51,86kg shells, 220 per gun
Quick firing guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1913 Model
2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
Weight of broadside 1 372 lbs / 622 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 3,00" / 76 mm 374,02 ft / 114,00 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
Ends: 2,00" / 51 mm 80,05 ft / 24,40 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
80,61 ft / 24,57 m Unarmoured ends
Main Belt covers 108% of normal length

- Torpedo Bulkhead:
1,57" / 40 mm 459,32 ft / 140,00 m 22,97 ft / 7,00 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 6,00" / 152 mm 3,94" / 100 mm 5,00" / 127 mm
2nd: 6,00" / 152 mm 3,94" / 100 mm 5,00" / 127 mm

- Protected deck - single deck: 2,00" / 51 mm For and Aft decks
Forecastle: 2,00" / 51 mm Quarter deck: 2,00" / 51 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 6,00" / 152 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Direct drive, 4 shafts, 55 191 shp / 41 172 Kw = 29,00 kts
Range 3 000nm at 12,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 621 tons

454 - 591

£0,798 million / $3,192 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 435 tons, 4,9%
Armour: 2 433 tons, 27,6%
- Belts: 505 tons, 5,7%
- Torpedo bulkhead: 615 tons, 7,0%
- Armament: 543 tons, 6,2%
- Armour Deck: 715 tons, 8,1%
- Conning Tower: 55 tons, 0,6%
Machinery: 2 163 tons, 24,5%
Hull, fittings & equipment: 3 100 tons, 35,2%
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 689 tons, 7,8%
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
10 615 lbs / 4 815 Kg = 98,3 x 6,0 " / 152 mm shells or 1,8 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,07
Metacentric height 2,2 ft / 0,7 m
Roll period: 15,0 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 54 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,54
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,08

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has low quarterdeck ,
a ram bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,523 / 0,527
Length to Beam Ratio: 10,12 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 23,12 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 54 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 35,00%, 22,24 ft / 6,78 m, 19,69 ft / 6,00 m
- Forward deck: 20,00%, 19,69 ft / 6,00 m, 19,69 ft / 6,00 m
- Aft deck: 20,00%, 19,69 ft / 6,00 m, 19,69 ft / 6,00 m
- Quarter deck: 25,00%, 11,81 ft / 3,60 m, 11,81 ft / 3,60 m
- Average freeboard: 18,07 ft / 5,51 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 153,9%
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 158,7%
Waterplane Area: 19 220 Square feet or 1 786 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 108%
Structure weight / hull surface area: 103 lbs/sq ft or 505 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 1,02
- Longitudinal: 1,39
- Overall: 1,05
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is cramped
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "GromoBoy" (Nov 2nd 2010, 3:33pm)


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 3:30pm

3. Armored caravel "Prince Ulrich," The Great German Kingdom.

Laid down 1912

23 362 t light; 24 839 t standard; 26 544 t normal; 27 908 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(653,05 ft / 651,05 ft) x 85,96 ft x (30,18 / 31,41 ft)
(199,05 m / 198,44 m) x 26,20 m x (9,20 / 9,57 m)

4 - 12,99" / 330 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 105,85lbs / 501,61kg shells, 85 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1912 Model
2 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
4 - 12,99" / 330 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 105,85lbs / 501,61kg shells, 85 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1912 Model
2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
12 - 5,91" / 150 mm 50,0 cal guns - 109,02lbs / 49,45kg shells, 220 per gun
Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1912 Model
12 x Single mounts on sides amidships
Weight of broadside 10 155 lbs / 4 606 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 9,84" / 250 mm 418,18 ft / 127,46 m 10,50 ft / 3,20 m
Ends: 5,91" / 150 mm 215,19 ft / 65,59 m 10,50 ft / 3,20 m
17,68 ft / 5,39 m Unarmoured ends
Upper: 5,91" / 150 mm 307,48 ft / 93,72 m 7,87 ft / 2,40 m
Main Belt covers 99% of normal length

- Torpedo Bulkhead:
1,97" / 50 mm 557,74 ft / 170,00 m 34,45 ft / 10,50 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 9,84" / 250 mm 9,06" / 230 mm 9,84" / 250 mm
2nd: 9,84" / 250 mm 9,06" / 230 mm 9,84" / 250 mm
3rd: 5,91" / 150 mm 3,94" / 100 mm -

- Protected deck - multiple decks: 3,19" / 81 mm For and Aft decks
Forecastle: 3,19" / 81 mm Quarter deck: 3,19" / 81 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 9,84" / 250 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm

Coal fired boilers, steam turbines,
Direct drive, 4 shafts, 79 708 shp / 59 462 Kw = 27,00 kts
Range 4 000nm at 14,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 3 068 tons (100% coal)

1 039 - 1 351

£2,201 million / $8,805 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 2 134 tons, 8,0%
Armour: 9 015 tons, 34,0%
- Belts: 2 978 tons, 11,2%
- Torpedo bulkhead: 1 399 tons, 5,3%
- Armament: 2 130 tons, 8,0%
- Armour Deck: 2 319 tons, 8,7%
- Conning Tower: 189 tons, 0,7%
Machinery: 3 496 tons, 13,2%
Hull, fittings & equipment: 8 718 tons, 32,8%
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3 182 tons, 12,0%
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
37 112 lbs / 16 834 Kg = 33,8 x 13,0 " / 330 mm shells or 5,8 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,18
Metacentric height 5,5 ft / 1,7 m
Roll period: 15,5 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 58 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,64
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,17

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has low quarterdeck ,
a ram bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,550 / 0,556
Length to Beam Ratio: 7,57 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 25,52 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 51 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 25,00%, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m
- Forward deck: 25,00%, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m
- Aft deck: 20,00%, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m
- Quarter deck: 30,00%, 14,44 ft / 4,40 m, 14,44 ft / 4,40 m
- Average freeboard: 19,95 ft / 6,08 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 98,1%
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 159,7%
Waterplane Area: 39 056 Square feet or 3 628 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 108%
Structure weight / hull surface area: 170 lbs/sq ft or 828 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 0,96
- Longitudinal: 1,47
- Overall: 1,00
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent


Tuesday, November 2nd 2010, 3:33pm

4. Linear galleon "Österreich", The Great German Kingdom

Laid down 1912

48 923 t light; 51 183 t standard; 52 684 t normal; 53 886 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(760,83 ft / 756,23 ft) x 122,05 ft x (31,17 / 31,77 ft)
(231,90 m / 230,50 m) x 37,20 m x (9,50 / 9,68 m)

8 - 14,96" / 380 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 688,52lbs / 765,90kg shells, 90 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1912 Model
4 x 2-gun mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
4 - 14,96" / 380 mm 45,0 cal guns - 1 688,52lbs / 765,90kg shells, 90 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1912 Model
2 x 2-gun mounts on sides, evenly spread
16 - 5,91" / 150 mm 50,0 cal guns - 109,02lbs / 49,45kg shells, 200 per gun
Quick firing guns in casemate mounts, 1912 Model
16 x Single mounts on sides amidships
Weight of broadside 22 007 lbs / 9 982 kg

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 13,0" / 330 mm 526,51 ft / 160,48 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
Ends: 7,87" / 200 mm 200,13 ft / 61,00 m 9,84 ft / 3,00 m
29,59 ft / 9,02 m Unarmoured ends
Upper: 7,87" / 200 mm 646,33 ft / 197,00 m 7,87 ft / 2,40 m
Main Belt covers 107% of normal length

- Torpedo Bulkhead:
1,57" / 40 mm 656,17 ft / 200,00 m 32,81 ft / 10,00 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 13,0" / 330 mm 10,0" / 254 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
2nd: 13,0" / 330 mm 10,0" / 254 mm 12,0" / 305 mm
3rd: 6,00" / 152 mm 5,00" / 127 mm -

- Armoured deck - multiple decks: 3,94" / 100 mm For and Aft decks
Forecastle: 3,94" / 100 mm Quarter deck: 3,94" / 100 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 11,81" / 300 mm, Aft 0,00" / 0 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Direct drive, 5 shafts, 67 006 shp / 49 987 Kw = 23,00 kts
Range 4 000nm at 12,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 2 702 tons

1 738 - 2 260

£4,067 million / $16,268 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 4 444 tons, 8,4%
Armour: 16 202 tons, 30,8%
- Belts: 5 148 tons, 9,8%
- Torpedo bulkhead: 1 254 tons, 2,4%
- Armament: 4 297 tons, 8,2%
- Armour Deck: 5 145 tons, 9,8%
- Conning Tower: 358 tons, 0,7%
Machinery: 2 672 tons, 5,1%
Hull, fittings & equipment: 25 605 tons, 48,6%
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3 762 tons, 7,1%
Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0,0%

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
105 191 lbs / 47 714 Kg = 62,8 x 15,0 " / 380 mm shells or 20,9 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,31
Metacentric height 10,9 ft / 3,3 m
Roll period: 15,5 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 72 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,36
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,44

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has raised forecastle,
a ram bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,641 / 0,643
Length to Beam Ratio: 6,20 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 27,50 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 43 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 30,00%, 28,54 ft / 8,70 m, 28,54 ft / 8,70 m
- Forward deck: 30,00%, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m
- Aft deck: 25,00%, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m
- Quarter deck: 15,00%, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m, 20,67 ft / 6,30 m
- Average freeboard: 23,03 ft / 7,02 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 61,3%
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 158,8%
Waterplane Area: 70 122 Square feet or 6 515 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 130%
Structure weight / hull surface area: 304 lbs/sq ft or 1 483 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 1,46
- Longitudinal: 1,95
- Overall: 1,50
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
Ship has slow, easy roll, a good, steady gun platform
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily