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Monday, May 3rd 2010, 5:09am

To put a bit of prespective on things, my posting has been rather erratic because of severe illness. I'd mentioned this to a few fellow members in pm or the irc channel, but it is evident that the wider Wesworld membership is unaware of certain personal events that have affected me.

At the turn of 2009/2010, I was seriously ill - I spent several days over the Christmas holidays in emergency rooms more often then not. I'd suffered a long period of illness before that, mostly severe diarrehea, as well as chronic exhaustion, and not a little back and shoulder pain. I spent nearly a month off work, because of this - without understanding what was causing it, as for the most part very little seemed to be wrong with me and several physical examinations had been inconclusive up to that point.

What I didn't know at the time, and only became clear after extenstive blood testing was that I had a serious case of ulcerative colitis. My red blood cell count was hitting rock bottom, I was 85 when I was admitted to hospital for nearly two weeks - I had practically collapsed physically at this point. I'd only been anything like this ill before when I was diagnosed with Diabetes in 2006. The minimum average red blood cell count for a person my height, age and weight is about 120, which mean I was literally bleeding to death internally - the dirrehea had been hiding it, I was also at that point in danger of suffering a heart attack, due to my blood levels being so low. I received several blood transfusions before they passed me out of danger.

My colon, looked rather like a tube of swiss cheese, as one doctor put it, I had more mirco-ulcers covering the lining of my colon then colon. The colitis which is a severe form of inflammation involved the whole of my colon and part of my lower intestine.

I've recovered from this with a regime of several drugs - including powerful steroids, which have done nothing for my temper or moods. It's been a slow recovery and I'm still on an extensive cocktail of drugs since December/Janurary, and my ongoing problems with type 1 diabetes and an out of kilter thyroid, haven't helped or been helped by this and only recently have I been feeling consistantly energetic - both in a physical and mental sense - enough to resume regular writing/posting.

I apologise if this results in posts that are late - 3 Wesworld years is a heck of a gap to cover - and undoubtablely this is incoviently timed for some. That said I m committed to catching up for the lost time and lost writing.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent148" (May 3rd 2010, 5:31am)


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, May 3rd 2010, 7:41am

I think there is no need to say sorry. To recover your health, or what is left of it, surely is priority 1. There is nothing in WesWorld that will ever be more important than real life.

I am very glad to hear you are able to recover. Focus on that. I don´t think it is necessary to recap three years in WesWorld. Just jump to where we are today, participate and forget your sorrows for some minutes. Whatever confusion the gap might cause later on - it surely can be dealt with then.


Monday, May 3rd 2010, 1:16pm

Unless I'm outta the loop, I'm not aware of any FAR exersizes taking place in the Indian ocean.

...and further more I don't see the problem here. Any retconed news can be responded to IC in the same thread or in a completely new thread need for all the petulant comments.

I've had to live with retconned ships being built in Iberia, which by the way garnered ZERO negative comments.


Monday, May 3rd 2010, 2:50pm

Relieved to hear you're getting better.

And looking forward to a good tale!


Monday, May 3rd 2010, 3:12pm

RE: Relieved to hear you're getting better.


Originally posted by AdmKuznetsov
And looking forward to a good tale!

Seconded, glad to see your back in reasonable shape and I've had fun chatting with you on IRC!


Monday, May 3rd 2010, 11:51pm


Only thing I would complain about is the pain in having to wait for the Lithaniuan storyline. It's so good, I just can't wait! :D [SIZE=1]Not truely mad, just trying to exemplify just how much I enjoy reading those.[/SIZE]


Thursday, May 6th 2010, 2:28am

Concerning that Tex, and any other interested parties, I would refer you to the October 24th, 1935: The Battle of the Crooked J Redoubt: Part Two & Three in the Lithuanian Q4/35 which I have expanded upon, and will add more posts to as soon as possible. Enjoy.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Agent148" (May 6th 2010, 6:17am)