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Wednesday, November 29th 2006, 5:35pm

Mexican Navy Drawings

Shows most of the ships under 2,000 tons. I still have to do the Nordmark destroyers.



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, November 29th 2006, 6:05pm

The GB looks best, methinks. I´d use vertical masts and cut down her second one aft a bit. Teh O´Brian´s layout aft doesn´t make much sense ...


Thursday, November 30th 2006, 5:28am

Sounds strange but as far as I can tell from CanisD's drawings thats the arrangement on the O'Briens.


Thursday, November 30th 2006, 7:12am

O'brians stern is definately too fat, the four stackers and their predesessors were fairly fine hulled vessels particularily aft at the stern.

That being said I'd have to see what the SS file Canis has used to depict the four stackers before I make any definiative comments.