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Thursday, January 20th 2005, 7:24am

Coast Defense Ship Tonnage

You can't have more than 40,000 tons in coast defense ships, correct? Or is it the tonnage of the largest capital ship currently in your fleet?


Thursday, January 20th 2005, 7:37am

40,000 tons is the figure, at least to my understanding.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, January 20th 2005, 10:42am



Thursday, January 20th 2005, 6:30pm

You got any weird ideas for those 40,000 tons?


Thursday, January 20th 2005, 8:29pm

I've got a few ideas for reusing the turrets from the Arkansas and Wyoming.


Friday, January 21st 2005, 1:03am


Revenge of the Monitor and Onodaga-classes.


Friday, January 21st 2005, 5:14am

Non-All or Nothing?

I see the number of American Battleships has increased though to the Texas....any reason why?


Friday, January 21st 2005, 5:58am

My initial calculations were based on normal tonnage, not standard, since some of my references did not list standard tonnage, only normal. When I simmed the designs in Springsharp they also came out slightly underweight than their historical counterparts. Those differences combined with my remaining tonnage allowed me to add back the Texas, with the New York becoming a training ship and the Arkansas a target ship. I thought it better to go with Springsharp's numbers for consistency.


Friday, January 21st 2005, 6:04am

Might want to keep some tonnage to spare, should one need to build an Iowa or something later.


Friday, January 21st 2005, 6:13am

Well, an Iowa would blow the doors off the treaty, so that's not a worry. Much will depend on the extent of any refits to my older battleships, which will be eligible for replacement in the early 1930's. If there is the political will to build new ships, then I'll probably scrap the older ones like the Texas and the Nevadas. If not, I've been playing around with some ideas for major refits, or rebuildings to be more exact. Something along the lines of what the Italians did...


Friday, January 21st 2005, 3:08pm


should one need to build an Iowa or something later.

Those ships wouldn't come around until after the Treaty expires (31 Dec 1936) so that's no problemo.

That is, of course, assuming the Treaty lasts that long...