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Friday, October 8th 2004, 8:00am

PM's...a wonderfull thing!

In the future, if you have a greivence or disagreement with another player, please use your PM box to discuss the matter if you are getting frustrated. I expect all of us, veterans and newbies, to treat each other with respect. If the matter persists contact either myself or Hooman and discuss the problem with us. Hoo may be fairly busy because of his work shedual, so contacting me will be your first option. I'm more than happy to help settle issues, and I'm even willing to delay my work to do so, don't hesitate or wait till the issue gets out of hand because they tend to irritate others and drag them into the discussion.


Friday, October 8th 2004, 2:55pm

They can be a useful tool, to be sure.

It wasn't my intention to be cross with anybody in recent discussions, but if I have been snarky, I do apologize.

Everybody is welcome to PM me - if my inbox has room that day - to discuss whatever is on their minds. PM's that don't include proposals to sink my ships are particularly appreciated.


Friday, October 8th 2004, 11:06pm

I also aplolgize if I came across as rather harsh last night. Having Irish/Cherokee mixed ancestry (with Scottish and German in there too!) is not always such a good thing...


Everybody is welcome to PM me - if my inbox has room that day - to discuss whatever is on their minds. PM's that don't include proposals to sink my ships are particularly appreciated.

Same here, and same here - when radical German communists notice how many ships you're losing, you're losing too many. ;)


Saturday, October 9th 2004, 11:14am

I'm English/Irish/Ukrainian, need I say more?


Thursday, July 7th 2005, 2:48am

Remember this post? how the heck do make this a sticky post?


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

  • Send private message


Thursday, July 7th 2005, 9:11am

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you´ll find a box for administrative option in the left corner. There you can stick/unstick or open(close a thread etc.


Tuesday, December 13th 2005, 4:44pm

Is there a way to send PMs to multiple people at the same time? If, for instance, you're discussing a treaty that involves more than one other country, it would be handy....


Tuesday, December 13th 2005, 6:12pm

I've never been able to make it happen; I end up using email in such a situation.


Tuesday, December 13th 2005, 8:05pm

I just copy, paste and edit.


Tuesday, December 13th 2005, 8:24pm

I'm trying an experiment:

If you have two different email addresses, you can create two seperate usernames. It happens that I have two variations on my email address, so I just used the second to create a new username for SATSUMA. Since I'm an admin, I also just activated that username.

If I provide the password to Swampy and Walter, they too can use the SATSUMA they can also access the SATSUMA PM archive, and read the messages there. True conversation will be a problem, but as The Rock Doctor, I can send a single note to SATSUMA that both allies can read...if they think to look in the inbox.


Wednesday, December 14th 2005, 6:39am

Hmm, sounds like an interesting way to comunicate between allies.


Thursday, March 30th 2006, 9:48pm

Just how many PMs can we have in out inbox?

And it there a quick way to save them in bulk?


Friday, March 31st 2006, 12:49am

I think the limit is 200. As for saving in bulk, I don't think there is a way as far as I can tell.


Friday, March 31st 2006, 9:09am

Yes 200 is the limit. As for saving PM's I use the old and tedious method of copy and paste into a corisponding wordpad file. I likely still have the Atlantean/Chilean cruiser deal saved somewhere.......


Friday, March 31st 2006, 4:24pm

People usually start screaming at me to empty the PM box when I am at 201 PMs. I myself just right-click on the download button and then 'save target as' to store the file in the proper dircetory. I find that easier than to copy/paste each and every PM that I have.