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Friday, December 2nd 2016, 6:54pm

Moving Forward

Does anyone object to moving forward into 1948?


Friday, December 2nd 2016, 9:01pm

I object...

.... to anyone objecting to moving forward into 1948. :)

I have a few news bits here and there still for 1947 that I should have already posted weeks ago, but my Q1/1948 report should already be mostly ready... except for probably the scrapping stuff...


Saturday, December 3rd 2016, 12:31pm

I think we should wait for Brock who is two quarters behind at least.

I don't think there is any need to rush, its not as if there are many people actually active at the moment. Given the lack of any interaction lately I doubt whether anyone else will ever catch up. I think we might need to discuss if there is any point continuing even to 1950, I'm not sure a quartet can keep anything interesting ticking along and I don't feel Wes or Rocky are likely to ever realistically catch up now, even looking ahead to 1950 (1.5 real years away?).
Shin, Foxy, Hoo, Snip, Jason are all AWOL, we have only eight active nations and only one functioning alliance structure. Nearly 99% of all news and ship designs get no comment or response at all. I think we need to look if this is sustainable, there is no point flogging a dead horse for two game years. No new players are forthcoming and seem unlikely to ever come on board. With World of Warships maybe this kind of RPG is no longer sexy enough?

Sorry to be so downbeat but I think we need to discuss this, I brought this up some months ago and the situation hasn't improved, if anything its worse.


Saturday, December 3rd 2016, 12:49pm

Well to be honest my own lack of participation really comes from the insane amount of work I have been doing to my new house, which is starting to slow down. I will make an attempt to start catching up and most likely will have more time on my hands after Christmas.


Sunday, December 4th 2016, 5:47pm

I'll try to be catching up as soon as I recover from bronchitis.


Monday, December 5th 2016, 9:24am

Sorry to hear you're not well. Hope you get well soon.


Monday, December 5th 2016, 3:03pm

Yeah, me too. Bronchitis is definitely among the least fun of the un-fun things that have happened to me in December. I'll try to keep pushing out some news, but real life stuff has been repeatedly appropriating the time I've traditionally used for WW stuff. I'm still checking in pretty regularly, though.


Saturday, December 24th 2016, 5:07pm

I'm going to see if I can catch up over the holidays. Persia and Bharat are not too difficult, but Iberia's a bit of a bloated pain in the butt.

I don't disagree with Hood's observations about sim health, but from my perspective, it's done at the end of 1950 anyway.



Wednesday, December 28th 2016, 5:30pm

I'm not moving ahead as such but I'm posting some 1948 ships in the encyclopaedias while its on my mind so I don't forget anything later!


Saturday, December 31st 2016, 9:31pm

I wouldn't say I'm AWOL, I've been posting batch updates for Canada when needed, and if I'm needed for anything, pinging me in the IRC channel will get me fairly quickly. There isn't much new to post for Canada, short of a war breaking out.


Saturday, December 31st 2016, 10:03pm

I thought you were planning to start one in order to get Vinland back. :D


Saturday, December 31st 2016, 11:23pm

None of the Nord players have ever been interested in letting me start my evil domino-chain global conflagration plan.


Saturday, February 25th 2017, 2:22pm


What are folk's thoughts about moving forward at this time?


Sunday, February 26th 2017, 11:56am

Well its nearly 3 months we've paused and a lot of work has been done in that time.
From my perspective I'm more or less ready for 1948 but my time is limited beyond posting stuff I've already worked on.


Monday, February 27th 2017, 4:24pm

No objections. I think I have one sim report still for 1947, but sim reports are easy and news is hard (time-consuming). Most of the time it's just a matter of having both motivation and time available at the same moment...

I've got Chilean 1947 news that I'm going to post as Bruce brings out his 1947 Peruvian news - I just don't want to get too far ahead on that.


Monday, March 6th 2017, 9:40am

Yeah, I'll wait for you two to finish 1947 before I post anything.
The boards seem dead as a dodo lately anyway, so there seems to be no rush.


Monday, March 6th 2017, 12:00pm

Yeah, I'll wait for you two to finish 1947 before I post anything.
The boards seem dead as a dodo lately anyway, so there seems to be no rush.

I've been hoping that Walter or Rocky might chime in one way or another, which is why I've been slow on Peruvian 1947 news. But it seems they are busy elsewhere...


Monday, March 6th 2017, 12:28pm

Chime in in what way? That Japan should be telling Peru that they are acquiring all kind of expensive garbage from other nations while in reality they should be buying high quality affordable Japanese garbage? ... and the one thing I did throw you way was shot down before it took off. :)

I am kinda waiting for 1948 though keep my eye on the stuff you and Brock throw out for Peru and Chile but so far there isn't really anything of which I think I should jump on... and as I am waiting for something to come along that would be of any interest to Japan or for 1948 to arrive, I will keep messing around with some Navalism stuff...


Monday, March 6th 2017, 3:00pm

I was referring to my question, as to whether it was time to proceed or not.


Monday, March 6th 2017, 3:17pm

Okay, misunderstood that... but then, I already made my thoughts clear about moving on last year...