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Saturday, November 27th 2004, 3:39pm


AWNR:J - January 1
Today, Japan has shifted its focus in shipbuilding by laying down the keels of the Battle Cruisers Dairen and Tai-Pei, the Heavy Cruisers Rashomon and Yojimbo and the Light Cruisers Tange and Horie. The Dairen, Rashomon and Tange are for the Royal Chosen Navy while the Tai-Pei, Yojimbo and Horie are for the Royal Formosa Navy. This is all part of the building plan that was announced April last year. One thing is for sure: Japan’s factories will be quite busy creating the warship materials needed to build all these ships.

AWNR: J - January 16
Today it has been announced that the Kingdom of Chosen and the Kingdom of Formosa are now officially part of the SATSUMA Alliance.
With the signing of the SATSUMA treaty by Chosen and Formosa also came the unification of the two nations news leaders, the Chosen Herald and the Formosa Sentinel, with Japan’s AWNR: Japan. From now on, they will continue under the banner of AWNR: CFJ.

AWNR: CFJ - February 1
Today the Bakufu has put in an order with Auto Ordnance from the United States for an unknown number of their Thompson Sub Machine gun Model 1921. This decision was made after the Shogun witnessed various impressive displays by one of Japan’s leading weapon user (yours truly) of the weapon in action. Despite coming from an unexpected client, Auto Ordnance hopes that with this deal, the interest in the Thompson Sub Machine gun will receive a good boost.

AWNR: CFJ - February 27
A rather quiet period (as usual) when it comes to the Jigoku no Tenshi activity. On the other side of the world (roughly), Atlantis’ national holiday Anthesteria has arrived. As it has become a custom over the last few years, the Jigoku no Tenshi usually hang out along the Atlantean roads during Anthesteria. They always manage to keep a low profile despite all the bonfires they create as well as all the noise with all the drinking.
Yours truly, being a honorary member of the Jigoku no Tenshi, was part of their posse three years ago and my head still hurts when I think back of those wild days. I seem to remember tying something to the back of my motorcycle (which later turned out to be a bull) and race around a field in circles a couple of times. The next day a few of the gang were in a nearby hospital, recovering from a few nasty injuries somewhere below there.

AWNR: CFJ - March 1
It is funny as I look at what is going on in Asia that Japan’s allies India and the Philippines have a lot of ‘internal’ troubles with groups that are rather bothersome to the governments. On the other hand when one looks at the other three SATSUMA members, they do not appear to have any problems with any such groups.
Of course there are a few reasons for that.
Reason number one: the governments make sure that no stories of such groups are published and if they do, the articles are usually rather small.
Reason number two: Everyone fears the Shinsengumi. If one does not, then that one is the biggest fool in the Region.
Reason number three: Nobody wants a special ‘interview’ by the Bakufu.
Reason number four: Nobody wants the Koku Kisentai to ride out.
Even so, there are the occasional ‘problems’ now and then. And sometimes more experienced people are needed to eradicate certain ‘problems.’ Sometimes the job is done by Ninja and sometimes the job is done by Hitokiri (depending on the situation).
AWNR: CFJ has done some investigations and came with the following estimates.
Shinsengumi activity
Empire of Japan: 18,000
Japanese Pacific Mandates: 800
Chosen: 3,200
Formosa: 2,300
Ninja activity:
Empire of Japan: 10,000
Japanese Pacific Mandates: 350
Chosen: 1,800
Formosa: 1,100
Hitokiri activity:
Empire of Japan: 1,500 (*)
Japanese Pacific Mandates: 5
Chosen: 30
Formosa: 20
(*) of these, 700 belong to the Koku Kisentai, a special unit of the Imperial guard.
There are rumors that some Ninja and Hitokiri are active in the Philippines and India as well but in very small numbers. It is said that one of the greatest of the Hitokiri is active in Manchuria and the northern parts of Chosen.
So, looking at these figures and compare them to an investigation done by the Chosen Herald ten years ago, the number of Ninja and Hitokiri has only slightly gone down while the number of Shinsengumi has gone up somewhat. However the average Ninja, Hitokiri and Shinsengumi seem to be much better that ten years ago. Also the use of firearms by these groups has dramatically increased. While back then only 15 percent had the skill to use a firearm, today over 80 percent can handle a firearm (but not necesarily use one; after all, a Ninja's greatest weapon is stealth)
Times change and the Ninja, Hitokiri and Shinsengumi change with time. All in all, there are enough out there to leave a nice bright red trail of blood all across Eastern Asia, either made by a sword or a rifle.

AWNR: CFJ - March 7
No one really seemed to have missed him the last few weeks, but rumors have it that Colonel Oonishi Manzo has joined his friends of the Jigoku no Tenshi on their trip to Atlantis to join the Anthesteria festivities. The ‘Manzo Taskforce’ has left for Atlantis to investigate these rumors and track down the "Demon of the Sky".


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 8:35am

Well done...allthough I have two major points to raise

1) Nice of your Jigoku no Tenshi chaps to visit Atlantis, allthough I'd like to know more about these guys. As for Manzo as usual rumors of his trip have sparked increased security around every plane from fighter to mail carrier!

2) I'm not entirely convinced that japan would so easily aqire a weapons design from the U.S. espeacially after the expantion of the SATSUMA alliance.


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 11:04am


2) I'm not entirely convinced that japan would so easily aqire a weapons design from the U.S. espeacially after the expantion of the SATSUMA alliance.

Yes, but then I can make snide remarks about the Japanese being gangsters.

SATSUMA is a dire threat to the US, but can still be crushed as they [satsuma] only have 6 Battleships of noteworthy force. Would the US sell them weapons, probably not but when Japan could just buy a few examples from the mob and copy them, it doesn't really matter.


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 11:33am


1) Nice of your Jigoku no Tenshi chaps to visit Atlantis, allthough I'd like to know more about these guys. As for Manzo as usual rumors of his trip have sparked increased security around every plane from fighter to mail carrier!

Know more about them in what way?
"Tear down them houses over there!!! They're blocking my view of the bonfire!!" ;-)
... or do you want to know something else?


2) I'm not entirely convinced that japan would so easily aqire a weapons design from the U.S. espeacially after the expantion of the SATSUMA alliance.

You should also realize that the weapon is not selling the way they were expected to sell. There is a nice bit here about the early days. I wasn't really sure how something like that would turn out, but I think that, when the price is right, AO might sell the weapon.
Now the US government is another thing. They probably do not like it and do not want it to happen with al the SATSUMA stuff disturbing the ballance in that region. Perhaps AO might make use of that to turn it into a win-win scenario for them: "If you do not want them to buy our weapons, then you will have to buy it in their place." Guess it is all about money back in those days (up to a certain point).
It is likely that I will have to find a way around the US government so that would mean that this story is far from over.


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 11:49am

The Jigoku no Tenshi IIRC were a Biker gang you made up correct?


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 11:55am


Yes, but then I can make snide remarks about the Japanese being gangsters.

I could definitely do the same with the Italians.


SATSUMA is a dire threat to the US, but can still be crushed as they [satsuma] only have 6 Battleships of noteworthy force. Would the US sell them weapons, probably not but when Japan could just buy a few examples from the mob and copy them, it doesn't really matter.

If you read that article anyone in 1925 could buy a Thompson submachine gun. So if I can't get it through the more direct route, how hard is it to accuire it in a shop (especially if you step into the right one).
Also I do not think that the Auto Ordnance Corporation would like it if the Japanese were to copy their weapon. They wouldn't get a single dime that way.
Also remember two things: I put in an order with the AO (which doesn't mean it has been approved yet) and Japan will be buying the weapons from the Auto Ordnance Corporation, not the US.

As to the BBs, that means nothing (and I think that you are exagerating with the "of noteworthy force"). While playing P.T.O. IV the Truk region was attacked in January 1942 by a considerable US fleet consisting of 13 battleships, 4 escort carriers, 2 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers and 20 destroyers. I had 4 heavy cruisers, 1 light cruiser and 14 destroyers. I was sure that my pathetic fleet would be sent to DJ's locker (which pretty much was the case) and the remnants were limping along the edge of the battlemap ready to pull back, but no US ships followed. In the end it was the US fleet that pulled back which was something that I did not espect at all (but computers aren't that bright when it comes to that).
I was left with 2 heavily damaged DDs and 2 undamaged DDs in my first fleet and 2 heavily damaged CAs, 1 medium damaged CA and 1 undamaged DD in my second fleet.
The US lost 5 BBs, 3 CLs and 18 DDs. 2 BBs, 2 CLs and 2 DDs were heavily damaged, 1 CA had medium damage and 1BB received only light damage.
Conclusion: "Long live the Long Lance Torpedo!!!" :-)
Of course if I were the US I would have finished the job.


Sunday, November 28th 2004, 11:58am


The Jigoku no Tenshi IIRC were a Biker gang you made up correct?

Something like that, yes. They are part-time scrappers as well.

Jigoku = Hell
Tenshi = Angel(s)
Jigoku no Tenshi = "Angels of Hell" or "Hell's Angels"