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Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Sunday, August 27th 2006, 2:45am

The Netherlands Q1/32

The Netherlands Q1, 1932

The Amsterdam Advocate, January 2

The annual laying of keels occurred today, with a pair of gunboats, a pair of sloops, three variants of the K17 class submarines – for target, experimental, and training purposes, and the laying of keels of four new Erzatz Amsterdam class light cruisers. Four of the Z13 class destroyers were taken into drydock for conversion into training, target and experimental vessels as well. Once these are completed, the Palembang class is expected to be taken into hand for conversion.

The Hague Herald, January 6th
The Foreign Ministry issued a statement today “ The revolt in Mexico is likely to cause great hardships for the inhabitants of that country. We have seen the results revolts in the Philippines and communist aggression in Sulawesi and the common people suffered in both cases. The Netherlands is particularly perturbed that the apparent leader of the revolt approached the government regarding surplus warships, indicating considerable financial backing from some source. The Netherlands declined that bid on the grounds that the individual lacked legitimate credentials. The Netherlands issues a travel warning regarding the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

The Hauge Herald, January 10

The new coalition government faced severe internal strains in addressing the budget. The budget presented to the Tweede Kamer by the cabinet has finally passed, though temporarily loosing three representatives from the coalition but gaining the votes of four Freedom league members to pass.

The primary point of contention has continued to be the disposition of the surplus of funds. The budget does not seek to establish the expanded social programs advocated by the prior government, but has significant increases in expenditures on civilian and military infrastructure and supply items, and increases the discretionary aid and research budgets. The budget accounts for the proposed tax breaks allowing flexibility in agricultural taxes and discounting for new equipment purchases.

A substantial portion of the Tweede Kamer is inclined towards implementing or improving domestic programs for the unfortunate. The government the case that the revenue increases of recent years are not necessarily long term in nature, and that the prudent course of action is to expend them to fund one-time cost items in the near term and consider the domestic programs should the revenue increase prove persistent. The recent collapse of the Belgium economy appears to have been a pointed lesson, as the more prudent and less popular approach won out.

Major budget items include funds for the closure of the Afsluitdijk to finish separating the Ijsselmeer from the North Sea, while the Afsluitdijk will still require raising, the Ijsselmeer will be finally isolated. The budget provides funds to commence the second polder, the Noordoostpolder. Contracts are to be issued for twin evaluations by outside consultants of the dike system to provide suggested improvements.

Funds are allocated for transportation improvements throughout the Benelux countries, the theory being that increased trade is most likely to benefit the Netherlands. This includes funds for the improvement of transportation links both within the Netherland and connecting to Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany

The Belgians will be receiving aid in the form of increased orders and need for workers. Many of the infrastructure and military development projects will preferentially treat Belgian sources and a statute has been presented to allow greater access by Belgian workers. While concerns were expressed by some regarding the effect of “the Belgian focus” the cabinet was able to present figures showing that domestic industry was near capacity, and would require expensive short term expansion, while Belgian sources were at 50% or less capacity and could cheaply be utilized for mutual benefit.

The budget included a new item, funding for a blue-ribbon commission. The “Territorial Infrastructure and Development Evaluation Commission” is to include five scholars at the Linden University, ten political appointees from the Staten-Generaal, and three individuals appointed by the Queen. The TIDE shall set to sea in a month and the TIDE report is expected to be in by Q1, 1933.

In a departure from previous administrations, where roughly 33% of revenue was returned to the territorial administrations, the burgeoning receipts have not been tapped for use in the Netherlands, but rather a higher proportion, roughly 55%, returned to the territorial administrations.

Militarily, funds are provided for refurbishment of the Army’s weaponry and replacement of outdated material. Planning work is to start in updating the defensive works completed in 1919, with an emphasis on better addressing the aerial threat. New construction is forecast for 1933. Pioneer units remaining in the Netherlands shall be tasked with surveying the 1919-23 defensive lines and evaluating any needs for upgrades.

Military engineers will be dispatched from the Netherlands to Paramaribo, Matadi, and Dutch Indonesia to survey for new fortifications, airfields, and bases. The Engineers will also serve as mentors. While several battalions in DEI began transitioning to Pioneer battalions last year, there is a lack of available instructors which will be somewhat remedied by this plan.

Engineering teams shall also be dispatched to Dutch Guiana to survey for a new armor and artillery testing range to be located on the south shore of Lake J.W.Blommestien. Ferrys from Brokopondo and a new rail spur from Goddo (located on the main Paramaribo- Majoli Twee railroad) will provide access to the base. This is the second new experimental base located in the provinces when the Tikapoo Valley Air Force Flight Test Center is considered.

The military research budget has been expanded, with funding commitments to bring the Netherlands to the new treaty limits on training, target and experimental vessels. Funding has also been provided for a transition to the new shells first tested in 1931. The shells are said to have a superior ballistic form and are to be procured for guns 210mm and less.

A large amount of money has been devoted to Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. and their subsidiary Westerborkse Electro Industrie for undisclosed research and development. Westerborkse Electro Industrie is primarily a research laboratory founded by Christian Hulsmeyer in 1905, originally in Westfalen, but acquired by Koninklijke Philips Electronics after the Great War and moved to Westerborke.

The Batavia Bugle, January 15th
The situation in Sorong has apparently been contained, extensive surveys by military personnel of surrounding villages have not found evidence of the disease elsewhere. Several battalions have landed to establish a perimeter and Nicobar and Adaman have commenced unloading gear and personal from Medan.

The Amsterdam Advocate, January 25th

The Foreign Minister answered several questions today,
“Minister, what do you have to say regarding the events in Asir and the subsequent condemnation by the Turkish government?”

“The Netherlands views this incident as unfortunate and the invasion of Asir as ill advised. The Saudis have claimed increased harassment fire by the Indians, and encroachment across their borders by the Asir garrison and appealed last October to the League of Nations to secure their borders. The Indians have claimed mistreatment of their pilgrims in the camps. However, they appear to have landed additional troops a mere nine days before fighting escalated. We continue to find the discrepancy in the news reports issuing from the various parties troubling and wonder as to the real truth of the situation. The Netherlands supports calls for both sides to withdraw at to their respective territories and members of the IRC to inspect the pilgrim camps.

In regards to the opinions of the Turks, the Netherlands finds the Turkish stance puzzling. We find the characterization of the Saudis as oppressors of good Muslims rather innovative, as we are under the understanding they are Muslims as well. As for the condemnation for arms sale, in a time where warships, planes, and tanks are bought and sold among nations, the sale of a couple thousand small arms last November to two legitimate governments who- at that time- are not involved in active hostilities hardly seems unreasonable.

The Netherlands recently declined a sale of three cruisers and eight destroyers as we could not establish the that the bidder represented either a legitimate scrap yard, nor a government. This individual now appears to be a leading element in the unfortunate conflict in Mexico. Lacking a legitimate receiver, the Netherlands could not reasonably complete that sale. Comparatively, we have agreed to sell the cruiser Amsterdam to the Philippines, a fully legitimate government. Would the Turks also condemn this sale to the Filipinos?”

The Amsterdam Advocate, January 26th
The new sloops, S29 and S30, were commissioned today.

The Hague Herald, February 6th
The Foreign Minister spoke today on the outbreak of war in Chile. “ The Bolivian aggression is most unfortunate. While the Netherlands is neutral in this conflict, the Netherlands believes that territorial issues dating from the last century are not an acceptable reason for launching a war. In the opinion of the Netherlands, the Bolivian need for a Pacific port would best be met through negotiated access, or perhaps a ‘Danzig corridor’ acquired peacefully.

The Brussels Bagel, February 10th
The introduction of a financial reform bill last week was initially met with acclaim, but the morning’s newspaper publication of subsection 14 BCR 916.9(X)(3)(v)(II), effectively granting amnesty for all financial crimes committed prior to January 1st of this year has led to rioting. The Prime Minister and opposition are both defending the measure “The bill substantially raises penalties as well, we strongly feel that amnesty is the proper course of action to avoid future recriminations of what should have been and provide a clean slate for the future”. The paper noted that should the bill be passed, there will be no means to overturn the amnesty.

The Hauge Herald, February 11th
An early morning session of the Belgian Parliament, apparently convened to hurriedly pass the financial reform bill with a bare quorum, was interrupted in the process of voting by the arrival of King Albert. The King reportedly had been informed of the session by members who disagreed with forcing passage of the bill. The King was reportedly furious with the attempt and took the lectern to scold the Parliament, ending the session with the dismissal of the cabinet and dissolution of Parliament. The announcement of the King’s action was met with loud acclaim by the citizenry.

Unlike the Netherlands, the Belgian Monarch’s signature is not required for a bill to take effect, leaving little recourse in such situations. The effectiveness of disbanding the Belgium parliament is questionable due to the hold party bosses have on Belgian politics, but given the discontent of the electorate, changes may occur in the next election, now scheduled in one month.

The Batavia Bugle , February 14th
Governor-General A.C.D. de Graeff announced the creation of Raad van State for the Dutch East Indies. The Raad van State is to consist of community and business leaders, a pair of military attaches, and scholars from the University at Yogyakarta. Most surprisingly, the invitees include Suwardi Suryoningrat who wrote a scathing critique in 1913, and Sutan Sjahrir an Indonesion student activist recently returned from Leiden to Yogyakarta and involved in the PNI. .

The Brussels Bagel, February 18th
A second attack on a party boss (name withheld) occurred today. The boss and his entourage were attending a circus in Brussels when they were recognized by one of the clowns. The clown seized the ringmaster’s megaphone and proceeded to berate the party members. Reportedly the clowns had held a communal stake in one of the many bankrupted firms in which this boss had been linked for stock manipulation. Sensing the mood of the angry clowns and crowd, the party members attempted to leave. When almost out of the tent, the ringleader clown announced “ I’m miffed as heck and I’m not going to take it anymore” and ran after them, followed by the remainder of the clowns. One witness described it as “An insane clown posse” which pursued the party members for several blocks until blocked by patrolmen.

The Batavia Bugle, February 24th
The commissioning of KBL 17-20 of theGruno class and KBH 3-4 of the Tigjerhaii class gunboats in various anchorages in the DEI was met with little fanfare today as the harbors and much of the shore facilities have been substantially emptied to respond to the demands in Sulawesi and New Guinea.

The Hague Herald, February 28th
The Permanent Court of Arbitration (Hague Tribunal) offers it’s services in the resolution of the conflicts in the Asir Mandate and Chile.

The Hauge Herald, March 1st
The membership of the “Territorial Infrastructure and Development Evaluation Commission” was announced today. The parliamentary members appear to be primarily those of lesser stature or who have not hewn the party line well. The Leiden Universiteit has designated an economist, two engineers, an agriculturalist, and a political scientist. The queen has designated her retired advisor, Dr.C. Snouck Hurgronje, the current Royal Constabulary commander in the DEI, Jacobus Golius, and the heir, Prince William. The Queen has provided her yacht for the journey.

Whispers are that Princess Charlotte is not pleased that the Queen is sending the Prince away while Princess Irene is just past her fourth birthday.

The Amsterdam Advocate, March 2nd
The government announced a contract with Fokker subsidiary Avia for production of the F.29 variant of the Fokker XX. Fokker has also received funds to proceed with development of the C.X. aircraft.

The government also announced that orders for a further 8 M1931 Carden-Llyod amphibious tanks, armed with the 13.2mm HMGs, has been placed. The 34 copies ordered last year were assigned to two Marine reconnaissance companies, and have been well received. The additional vehicles are to few to equip another company and may be intended for spares or experimental purposes.

The Ghent Gazette, March 10th
The electorate headed to the polls, but turnout appears to be low in the Walloon areas, where almost all candidates are former parliament members. Within the Flemish regions there is greater variability, but fully half the candidates are party anointed as well. Numerous legal challenges have been made to the system and are still pending.

The Amsterdam Advocate, March 15th
Governor-General A.C.D. de Graeff announced today that the last case of El Derretir in the Manado quarantine area was last detected on February 21st, and that consideration was being given to relaxing the quarantine in coming weeks. The plague continues to ravage Sorong, but the outlying areas appear to be free of the dread disease. While “scares” continue throughout the DEI, the extensive education campaign, as well as the education and deployment of the armed forces throughout the islands, have led to quick responses and diagnoses. The most critical problem is the lack of sufficient medical personnel.
“In coming weeks we hope to conquer this beast, and set our course back to normal. As god wills, this dread plague will not spring to life in a new part of our land. We must extend our sympathy, prayers, and help to all those that suffer from El Derretir , Dutch and Foreign alike.


Sunday, August 27th 2006, 2:55am

No news from the South American situation? Considering that you have a colony on the northern border of Brazil, I find this surprising.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Sunday, August 27th 2006, 3:08am


Edited first post for the missed SA announcements.

added :
January 6
February 6
February 28


Sunday, August 27th 2006, 4:51am

OOC: Yes the Turks have a very large Muslim population but so does India. When faced with Muslim vs. Muslim conflicts a somewhat secular Turkish government will support the more promising party.


Sunday, August 27th 2006, 5:06am

"Insane Clown Posse"

Good stuff. Interesting news on the political front re: Belgium.

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Thursday, August 31st 2006, 4:38am

“War in Arabia”

The Amsterdam Advocate

[The story covers the background of the war, and includes a timeline.]

October 14th : Indian news reports indicate their patrol was ambushed. The Saudis and Indians appear to both claim the other nation was in violation of borders. The Saudis call for League of Nations involvement with the statement ““There is no evidence to prove the outrageous implication that we have committed any wrongdoing. The Saudi government appeals to the League of Nations to ensure that India respects our borders and international law.”

October 16th :

October 21st : The Dutch government made the surplus warstocks available. Available information indicates that arms were received in Yemen and Saudi Arabia by November 25th .

November 26th : Saudi Arabia turns back passenger liners sent to bring Indian Pilgrims home. No such measures are announced in regards to pilgrims from other areas. 35,000 Indian Pilgrims are stranded, to eventually be placed in pilgrim camps outside Jiddah.

December 1st : Belgium’s Fabrique Nationale announced an unspecified arms deal with Saudi Arabia, indicating further arming by that state.

December 8th: Indian-Yemeni skirmish reported.

December 10th : While not publicly announced information, the Indian troops landing in Asir on January 13th, presumably departed December 27th, commenced loading December 24th, and entered quarantine on December 10th.

December 21st : Reports indicate Saudi & Yemeni troops gathering along the border.

December 27th : Departure of Indian warfleet and troops for Asir.

January 2nd –17th: Skirmishing reported.

January 13th : Indian troops, presumably prepared for deployment since December 10th, start debarkation.

January 22-24th : Saudi – Yemeni invasion of Asir Mandate begins. The Saudi Arabian government issues statements to the effect that the invasions are “pre-emptive defensive actions”.

January 30th : Indian Army announces four divisions placed in quarantine. The official time for these divisions was used to deduce when the initial reinforcing regiments were first mobilized for deployment.

February 15th : First of the four divisions placed in quarantine on January 30th departs for Asir.
February 24th : First of the four divisions placed in quarantine on January 30th departs for Asir.
February 25th : Dutch and IRC aid in the relief of the trapped pilgrims rejected by Saudi officials.

January 31st – Now : Heavy fighting in Asir Mandate

The story concludes :
Unfortunately, from the information available it is not clear ‘who is to blame’ for the initial incidents. The League of Nations must shoulder some responsibility for ignoring the Saudi plea in October of last year, had the League acted, the entire unfortunate series of events may not have occurred. The sale of armaments by our own government may have emboldened the Saudi Arabian and Yemeni governments, as both sides report increased skirmishing afterwards.

The validity of the Saudi Arabian claim of “pre-emptive defensive actions” is dubious, as the escalation in tensions and troops appears to have occurred after the Saudi Arabian internment and subsequent refusal to release the Indian pilgrims. The Indian Government has been given no assurances regarding the safety of their citizens.

However, given India’s history of launching wars, and given the apparent December 10th mobilization, the Saudi Arabian allegation that the Indian Army was planning action may be well founded.

Unfortunately, regardless of who is the true aggressor, it is the common people caught up in the war which suffer.