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Monday, December 10th 2007, 9:55pm

But he's not in the street....and how do we know he is a man?.... :P


Thursday, December 13th 2007, 3:08am

Lithuanian-German Diplomatic Affairs

20th June, 1935 - The Royal Palace, Stockholm, Nordmark

President Antanas Smetona looked across the conference table at President Hugo Eckener, both made a wry face. Things had gone surprisingly smoothly, there had been some last minute arguments and wranglings over the articles, there always was in treaty negiotations, especially ones as important as this one was. The King of Nordmark, had been invaluable in poring oil on the sometime troubled waters, and been the perfect host, making the atmosphere both friendly and productive.

The Seimas, had suggested that if the negiotations were successful that the award of a Lithuanian decoration to both the German and Nordish heads of state would be very much in order. Smetona was in agreement with that idea and intended to present both of them with the Order of Vytautas the Great, Lithuania's highest Presidential and National decoration.

Smetona noticed Heinsberg and Arbo-Burokus, huddled close together at their end of the conference table, in quiet conversation. Both were obviously pleased that all their hard work was coming to fruitation. This treaty was on reflection, quite a feather in both their caps, and would certainly have a beneficial boost to their respective careers. Gregor Stressemann, was looking rather insufferablely pleased with himself, and why should he not, Smetona mused. He and Urbsys had spent not a few long hours, hammering out the details and working out what both countries could live with in terms of a workable treaty.

The King of Nordmark, cleared his throat at his place at the head of the table.
"Gentlemen, I think everything is finally in order, or at least I hope it is."
Wry laughter sounded around the table and heads nobbed in agreement.
"Good, I should for the record read this aloud, before your signatures and seals are applied."
"Please do so, Your Majesty." Smetona responded. "I think, we're all agreed that we want this matter made clear and final."
"Indeed." Eckener, remarked. "It's strained the relations and patience of both our countries for long enough."
"Very well then, gentlemen if you will turn your attention to the treaty drafts before you, I shall begin, and you can then sign your copies of the treaty."

Treaty of Stockholm (German-Lithuanian Memelland/Klaipeda Treaty):

The German and Lithuanian governments, empowered by their peoples and desiring to remove an irritant in mutual relations, have in solemn discussion and contemplation reached the following agreements, relating both to the general relationship between the two countries and to the issue of the Memelland/Klaipeda County.

I - General Articles
Articles intended to enhance the economic and physical well-being of both countries.

1 - Germany and Lithuania agree, upon ratification of this treaty, to establish a customs union for the purpose of effecting a zero percent tariff on goods and services moving between German and Lithuania, applying to both countries.

2 - Germany to materially assist Lithuania in the acquistion of commercial and military materials from domestic Germany sources.

II - Memelland/Klaipeda County Articles
Articles intended to address the outstanding issue of the Memelland/Klaipeda County

1 - Lithuania agrees, upon ratification, to allow Germany to establish a permanent military presence in the city of Memel/Klaipeda, to consist of one security battalion (not to exceed 500 soldiers & staff) drawn from personnel of the German Kriegsmarine. This battalion will have freedom to operate within the Memel city limits. This is for the express purpose of guarding the safety and security of the ethnic German population in concert with Lithuanian National Police, Security Troops and Armed Forces.

2 - Lithuania, upon ratification, to execute a phased withdrawal of all National Police, Security and Armed Forces units within the Memelland/Klaipeda County starting from 20th June 1935, until 23rd March, 1939. After that date, Germany will accept full & permanent ownership and authority over the Memelland.

3 - Germany will not fortify the borders of the Memelland territory for at least 5 years from the ratification of this treaty.

4 - Germany to build a Type 1 drydock at the Lithuanian coastal settlement of Palanga, the work to be finished not later than December 31, 1937.

5 - Germany to pay restitution to any Lithuanian citizens who wish to remove from the Memelland/Klaipeda County after it returns to German control on/or about the 23rd March, 1939.

6 - Lithuania, upon ratification of the treaty, to pay restitution to any German citizens forced out of the Memelland/Klaipeda County since 1923.

7 - Restitution payments to be determined by a joint German-Lithuanian Restitutions Committee, to be chaired and overseen by commissioners/observers from the League of Nations, and select committee members drawn from Germany and Lithuania respectively.

For the Republic of Lithuania:

/s/ Antanas Smetona, President of the Republic

/s/ Juozas Tubelis, Prime Minister of the Republic

/s/ Juozas Urbsys, Minister for Foreign Affairs

/s/ Darius Arbo-Burokus, Ambassabor to Germany

For the Republic of Germany:

/s/ Hugo Eckener, President of the German Reich

/s/ Gregor Stressemann, Minister for Foreign Affairs

/s/ Volker Heinsberg, Ambassador to Lithuania

This post has been edited 10 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Dec 13th 2007, 4:45am)


Thursday, December 13th 2007, 3:26am

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection 18th-19th June, 1935

June 18th: Ethnic Poles in Southern and Southeastern Lithuania begin a series of nationalist uprisings. Lithuanian National Police and Security units are intially caught off guard by both the suddenness of the insurrection and it's scale. Early estimates put the number of armed Polish-Lithuanian Irregulars at 20,000. The city of Vilnius,is at the epicenter of the Insurrection, some 5,000 Polish-Lithuanian irregulars attempt to seize control of the city. The National Police, Security and Army units stationed within Vilnius are at first nearly overwhelmed by the irregulars. However, the Lithuanian governmental forces manage to hold on long enough to begin organized resistance. Polish irregular detachments from 10:00 AM on attempt to take key parts of the city: Radio Vilnius, the city airfield, the gas works, the power station, the banks, the general post office, the New Presidential Palace, Gediminas Tower, the University of Vilnius, the Vilnius Military School, etc.

The Polish-Lithuanian Irregulars efforts are met with mixed results, they are lightly armed and equiped, having only old rifles, shotguns, and improvised explosives and incendiary devices. Lithuanian Governmental forces within the city met their attacks with rifles, submachine-guns, machine guns of various types and field artillery, even armoured vehicles. Sheer weight of initial numbers and fierce fighting win, the Radio Station, the City Water Works, the Post Office and airfield and several of the city's banks. The University of Vilnius becomes a disputed battle ground as the building complex changes hands a dozen times in as many hours. Police and Security troops repulse attacks on the other key city public utilities buildings, and governmental offices. The Lithuanian 3rd Life Guard Battalion, repulses six attacks on the New Presidential Palace and their nearby Life Guard Barracks.

The Polish-Lithuanian Irregulars expect to take both buildings with a seventh attack, but are beaten back by the advance a relief column formed by 220 cadets and staff from the Vilnius Military School, equiped with carbines, light and heavy machineguns, several armoured cars and eight 75-mm field guns. A similar detachment of cadets storms the Gediminas Tower, occupied by 80 Polish irregulars, which overlooks much of the city of Vilnius. Much of the city center, or Old Town becomes a no man's land as Governmental and Irregular troops fight and jostle for control of the area. The Town Hall and Governor's Palace become scenes of particularly deadly fighting. When night falls, the positions taken by the Governmental troops and the Insurrectionists are sometimes mere feet apart. The Polish-Lithuanians gained control of all main roads, railways and waterways into Vilnius however, and have barricaded many of the main and side-streets with whatever comes to hand. More importantly, from the Insurrectionists point of view, they have also gained control of several police or military storehouses within the city limits. Governmental troops find themselves divided into several isolated pockets deep inside the insurrectionist lines.

In the countryside, Polish-Lithuanian Insurrectionists skirmish with National Police, Security and Frontier Guards units for control of the villages and important tactical landmarks. In general units of the Lithuanian Army are avoided by the Insurrectionists, their firepower and discipline is too great to be easily overcome. The 20,000 Insurrectionists organize themselves into seven 'regional' armies: Wilno Army: 5,000, Rudaminia Army: 5,100, Merkys Army: 2,000 , Verserka Army: 4,000, Ulla Army: 900, Gruda Army: 1,500, Seria Army: 1,500

June 19: Lithuanian Gov't begins to move National Police and Security battalions from unaffected areas into southern and southeastern Lithuania, after declaring Martial Law, thoroughout Lithuania. Armed Forces units take up positions guard positions in the unaffected town, villages and cities of Lithuania. The Frontier Guards move to seal the Lithuanian borders. Hetmen of Lithuanian Tartar communities in eastern Lithuania offer their services to Lithuanian government, this is immediately accepted and Lithuanian Tartar units of horse, foot and artillery (organized on Cossack lines) are organized to supplement National Police, Security and National Guard units. The 1st Lithuanian Cavalry Division is broken up into mobile detachments of horse, men, artillery and armoured car units. These Cavalry columns are to function as fire-brigades for the Police and Security commanders within the area affected by the 18th of June Insurrection.

So many Lithuanian volunteers come forward that National Guard recruitment centers are overwhelmed, the Ministry of National Defense authorizes the excess manpower to be diverted into a special auxiliary corps under the control of the Ministry of Interior Affairs. This supplementary volunteer force is to be entitled the Security Auxiliary Corps.

The Insurrectionists, ransack all available sourses of armaments within the territory they control - police and security stations, armed forces outposts and barracks, civilian gunshops, etc. - to build up their own reserves of manpower. While they have managed to obtain a significant amount of weapons from seized towns and villages, not all of their troops, can wield them without at least a few days of training.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Dec 13th 2007, 5:14am)


Thursday, December 13th 2007, 2:30pm

June 19th 1935- It was announced today the recall of the first wave reserves to active duty in response to the growing tension in both Lithuania and Russia. A spokesman for the War Ministry stated "We were forced to do this due to want it seems the aggressive moves by the Russian nation. We only want peace and we hope the Russian nation also agrees with our desires."

In related news Foreign Minister Mital stated that his Chinese counterpart reassured him that China will abide to their just concluded agreement to help ensure the Polish borders."I'm confident the Chinese will honor their agreements if it comes to protecting our borders," Minister Mital is quoted as saying before boarding a car for the German Embassy.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Dec 15th 2007, 2:08am)


Friday, December 14th 2007, 11:27pm

Report from Commander,

Western Special Military District



19 JUNE 1935 0812 HRS

Active Corps is prepared for all combat operations on 12 hours warning, as directed.

All Fortified Areas are activated, with their associated Rifle Divisions reported at full strength in their barracks, and prepared to occupy field fortifications immediately.

Mobilization of remaining Inactive forces commenced.

Most forward forces are those taking defensive positions on Fortified Areas. Border regions remain under control of Border Guards. Measures in place to ensure against response to action by provocateurs.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Dec 14th 2007, 11:27pm)


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 12:50am

June 20th 1935- Excerpts of report from Polish Intelligence to General Staff.

"The Russian forces available for any offensive operations at this time are only three divisions, with another eight being only good for static defensive operations in their Fortified Regions. Forces in the region are not expected to reach their full strength until the end of July at the earliest but more realistically by the beginning of August."(1)

"Even the Lithuanians are wary of the Russians intentions...Peaceful resolution is possible but Russians actions are a threat to peace in the region."

(1) info based in the Admiral's posting in the Russian Armed Forces.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Dec 15th 2007, 2:09am)


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 1:31am

Make that 6 Divisions...

The Active Corps of Kiev Special Military District was also alerted.


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 2:01am

OOC: But three of those will be facing Romania.


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 2:26am


Not necessarily. One note from Shaposhnikov and they're chopped to the Western District.


Saturday, December 15th 2007, 2:28am

True, but they are expected to stay there. It's the problem with intelligence reports. :D


Monday, December 17th 2007, 3:08am

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection 20th-21st June, 1935

June 20th: The day begins with heavy skirmishing continued from the previous day between Lithuanian Governmental forces and the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrectionists. The Wilno Army (lead by Army Commander Alfred Halwic) reinforced by new recruits from within the city to a strength of 10,000 irregulars supported by looted mortars and field and flak guns launches a series of offensives against the the 3rd Life Guards Battalion and 1st Vilnius Military School Demi-Battalion holding out in Life Guard Barracks and New Presidential Palace, followed by probing attacks against the 2nd Vilnius Military School Demi-Battalion positioned at the Gediminus Tower. Other Governmental positions are screened by blocking detachments to prevent them from breaking out of their isolated pockets.

The remaining cadets and instructors of the Vilnius Military School, formed into the 3rd Vilnius Military School Demi-Battalion make repeated sorties to break the seige around the New Presidential Palace, without success, before retreating to their defensive position within the Vilnius Military School.

National Police counter-attack the Insurrectionists holding out in the University of Vilnius and drive them from the building, only to be thrown-out of it an hour later by a fierce counter-attack supported by artillery. The 3rd Security Battalion joins up with the City's police for a second attempt and once again the Univerity changes hands. The Insurrectionist hurl three attacks into the University but fail to dislodge the Governmental troops now firmly ensconced within the now battered building. Insurrectionist troops manage to eject National Police and Security Troops from their holdout positions in the Governor's Palace and the Town Hall, securing an enlarged holding in the city center for the Insurrection.

Brigadier-General Vicas Apanivius, leads a column of Governmental troops from Kaunas to Vilnius to Lift the siege. Apanivius in contridiction of his orders, divides his column into to attack groups ancd approaches the city from the west. Apanivius's forces collide at midday with the Rudiminas Army (Lead by Army Commander Bartold Jasunski) at Lentvaris, and the Merkys Army (lead by Army Commander Bogdan Kawecka) at Grisgiskes. The Polish-Lithuanian Insurrectionists field approximately 5,100 men (4,550 foot, 450 mounted, 100 artillerymen with 12 x 75-mm guns, 4 x 76.2-mm guns, 4 x 105-mm guns) in the former army and 2,000 men (1,400 foot, 560 mounted, 40 artillerymen with 8 x 76.2-mm guns) in the later.

Apanivius, leads his I Field Corps's 2nd Field Column (the 14th, 15th and 16th Security Battalions, 1st and 3rd National Guard Battalions, seven mounted National Police companies supported by 40 x 75-mm guns, and 18 armoured cars: approximately 3,422 men) towards Lentvaris. He is confident he can sweep aside an Insurrectionist force between him and Vilnius. Jasunski launches a series of probing attacks with his mounted troops and uses his 105-mm guns to harass the advancing 2nd Field Column as it makes it's way into Lentvaris, where he has entrenched the bulk of his infantry and artillery. Apanivius, groaded by these pin-prick attacks, launches a series of repeated attacks upon the entrenched positions in and around Lentvaris. These fail with heavy loss. Apanivius losses 1,800 of his men dead, wounded and missing by the end of the day, along with 9 x 75-mm guns and six armoured cars. Jasunski losses 1,700 dead, wounded, missing or taken prisoner along with 3 x 75-mm, 1 x 76.2-mm and 1 x 105-mm guns. Baffled Apanivius starts to withdraw his bruised force, his withdrawl is nearly turned into a route by the nightfall arrival of the Ulla Army (600 mounted, 220 foot and 80 artillerymen with 16 x 77-mm guns) under Insurrectionist Army Commander Teodor Rybak which has been forced marched from the south to Rudaminas Army's aid.

At Grigiskes, Merkys Army holds out against ferocious attacks by Apanivius's 1st Field Column (17th, 18th and 19th Security Battalions, 13th National Guard Battalion,two mounted National Police companies, and 28 x 75-mm guns and 20 armoured cars: approximately 2,362 men). Hearing of the defeat of Brig.General Apanivius, the commander of the 1st Field Column, Colonel Letas Milkus decides to withdraw from the field, after suffering the loss of 900 men killed, wounded or missing, and the loss of 5 x 75-mm guns and 8 of his armoured cars. The Merkys Army suffers the loss of 560 men killed, wounded or missing and 3 x 76.2-mm guns.

Insurrectionist Army Commanders Jasunski, Kawecha and Rybak confer after the twin battles and discuss the possiblity of pursuing the beaten I Field Corps as it withdraws to Rykantai. However the Rudiminas and Merkys Armies are in no fit state to move, much less fight after the battles of Lentvaris and Grigiskes. The Ulla Army is too exhausted by it's forced march to move for at least a day or two.

21st June: After much argument, Rybak decides against the better judgement of his fellow Insurrectionist army commanders to advance from Lentvaris to catch withdrawing elements of the Lithuanian I Field Corps. Jasunski and Kawecha point out their armies are physically exhausted, and lack ammunition and medical supplies. They must withdraw themselves to rest and refit. Rybak vehemently disagrees and believes his Ulla Army must advance to keep up the pressure on Governmental forces near Vilnius.

The Ulla Army advances sluggishly throughout the day, they men and horses of the Ulla Army have not sufficiently recovered from their march of the previous day. Apanivius's armoured cars and mounted troops keep him appraised of the unexpected and unsupported westward movement of the Ulla Army. At Dedeliskiai and Matiske the I Field Corps comes to a halt. Apanivius decides to move to trap the Ulla Army, he orders the 1st Field Column to leave Dedeliskiai, and march westward to Karatiskiai, then southwestward to Kariotiskes, then march eastward to join his 2nd Field Column at Matiske. The march by the map is 5 miles, but it remains to be seen if Colonel Milkus's troops can manage it in the time Apanivius requires. Apanivius realises his I Field Corps has been badly mauled and is not really fit for another battle, but his reputation is on the line, and his anxious to repair his blunder at Lentvaris and Grigiskes.

Rybak drives his troops forward to maintain contact with the 2nd Field Column, his tired troops begin to straggle, as men and horse start to lag and fall behind in ones and twos along the route of march. Rybak rides up and down urging his dusty, limping army forward. He desires to strike a blow upon the retreating Government force before it can withdraw beyond reach. At Matiske, the Ulla Army runs head long into a hurriedly thrown up field work across the road. Apanivius has posted 400 of his fittest men and 10 of his artillery pieces within the work, dubbed by the men Fort Vicas. The 200 mounted men of Rybak's Vanguard fall back under shell and machinegun fire from Fort Vicas. Rybak arrives upon the scene to examine the situation, furious he orders an attack. The fort will not hold his army for half an hour, he remarks to an aide. Matiske, will be his by late noon. The Ulla Artillery is brought up and sited upon the fort. 16 77-mm guns and 10 75-mm guns begin a duel that will last over an hour, without decisive result for either of the combatants. Apanivius manovers the rest of his forces at Matiske, forming up behind and to either side of Fort Vicas. He manages to put 1,000 men and 17 artillery pieces into the line. He holds his 12 remaining armoured cars, 4 artillery pieces and 200 men in reserve in Matiske itself. Rybak does not realize his danger, he can only see Fort Vicas, much of Apanivius's other troops are screened by forests.

After wasting over a hour trying to hammer Fort Vicas into submission, Rybak decides to attack the work with his infantry, all 220 of them, supported by the artillery and 400 of his mounted troops making dismounted attacks on the on the fort's left and right flanks. Apanivius observes the attack going in and orders his battle line forward. He has recieved a message from Milkus, the 1st Field Column has only gotten as far as Karatiskias. The Merkys Army had moved forward to probe his former position at Dedeliskiai, Milkus will not continue to withdraw before them he digs in and prepares to fight them off. Milkus has however sent 500 men, 10 armoured cars and 8 of his guns to help. The commander of the Lithuanian I Field Corps is annoyed by this development but there is nothing for it, he must fight Ulla Army with what he has available.

Apanivius's troops advance out of the tree line, firing as they come. The Ulla Army caught in the act of surrounding Fort Vicas is raked by heavy small-arms fire, it's lines buckle and wobble, then they brake as Apanivius throws in his reserve. Rybak frantically tries to rally his army, but he has no reserves and his losses are mounting by the minute. A Lithuanian sniper solves Rybak's dilemma, a moment later, when Teodor Rybak is shot through the head. His men seeing him fall from his horse, break and begin to run. Milkus's detachment arrives in time to help Apanivius's reserve overrun the Ulla Army's fragile battle line. The smallest of the Insurrectionist armies loses all 16 pieces of it's artillery in the resulting rout, of it's 900 men: 440 are killed or wounded, 400 are captured and 60 go missing in the battle of Fort Vicus.

This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Dec 17th 2007, 7:32am)


Monday, December 17th 2007, 7:26am

Lithuanian National News Service

June 21st, 1935

The LNS President Smetona is scheduled to leave Stockholm today, with President Antanas Smetona, and his delegation following the successful conclusion of the Lithuanian-German negiotations, Hosted by the King of Nordmark.

President Smetona presented the Nordish King, and German President Hugo Eckener with Lithuania's highest honor, the Order of Vytautas the Great in recognition of the parts played by both heads of state in the Treaty of Stockholm. German Foreign Minister Gregor Stressemann and Ambassador to Lithuania Volker Heinsberg where also inducted into the Lithuanian Order.

The men and officers of the escort division of the 3rd Torpedo boat Flotilla of the Nordish Royal Navy, will also be recieving a decoration, upon the President's return to Klaipeda, The Order of the Cross of Vytis.

The LNS President Smetona is expected to arrive back in Lithuania by the 22/23rd of June.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Dec 17th 2007, 7:36am)


Tuesday, December 18th 2007, 8:21pm

RE: Lithuanian National News Service


Originally posted by Agent148
"Bismarck was wrong, the next war in Europe won't be triggered by some damned fool thing in the Balkans. It will be some damned fool thing in the Baltic!"

<snicker, chortle>

Good grief, Germany certainly hopes this isn't the case.


Thursday, December 20th 2007, 1:08am

Lithuanian Governmental Meeting

Old Presidential Palace, Kaunas, Lithuania

June 22nd, 1935

Smetona walked into the conference room, hurriedly adjusting his fine clothes, he nodded politely to his National Defense and Interior Affairs ministers.
"I have to make this a brief meeting, I need to be at the German Ambassador's soiree in an hour, so hit the high lights for me."
"Understood, your excellency. Ambassador Heinsberg, is very much the man of the hour, after the signing of the Treaty of Stockholm." Skucas remarked as he searched through the assembled papers and maps for what he was looking for.
"One of them at the moment." Smetona agreed with a slight smile.
"The situation is complex, and likely to get more so." Skucas continued after a measured pause. "Most of Vilnius is in Insurrectionist hands, as is a fair amount of the Alytus and Vilnius Counties. And the recent actions between their armies and the I Field Corps, tends to confirm that."
Smetona nodded, then looked questioningly at his senior military advisor.
"Hm, I understand you want to relieve the commander of the I Field Corps?"
"Yes, the idiot disobeyed his instructions." Liatukas shrugged at Smetona's questioning expression. "Yes, I know he won a victory, and practically destroyed one of the Insurrectionist armies that we've so far identified, but that was only after lossing two battles, he need not have."
"I understand that General, however one does have to consider the politics of the situation. If Apanivius is releaved outright, it wouldn't help our troops morale much, and may hearten the Insurrectionists." Smetona went on quietly. Liatukas grimaced as he reflected on what the President had just said.
"I suppose.... what did you have in mind?"
"Reassign him to my personal advisory staff, I'll give him a decoration for his efforts and we can avoid anything that smacks of a dismissal."
"Hm. I can live with that." Liatukas, mused as he mulled the idea over.
"Skucas, I understand from your reports that you were considering a reorganization of our forces for dealing with the Insurrectionists?"
"Yes." A pause. "We've assembled our available National Police, Security, National Guard and Security Auxiliaries into ten field corps. The I Field Corps was supposed to drive straight to Vilnius and relieve the garrison there, but that is no longer possible, so we've recalled the outposts, pickets and roadblock detachments around Vilnius."
"That leaves our troops there pretty much on their own." Smetona observed as he surveyed the maps of the contested city.
"They already are on their own, and we need to concentrate our efforts more effectively elsewhere before we can help them. If we left the detachments outside the city where they are, we're afraid the Insurrectionists will snap them up one by one..."
"And defeat each one in detail. I see what you mean." Smetona stared fixedly at the maps for a moment. "What do you plan on doing?"

Skucas looked at Liatukas, then spoke for both of them.
"The IX, X, and VI Field Corps will sweep through Alytus County, while the I, III and VII Field Corps will hold in Kaunas County, just in case, the Insurrectionists are feeling adventurous and try and make for the Capital."
"Do you think that is likely?"
"On the face of it no, but then I would have said an insurrection wasn't too likely either." Skucas returned wryly.
"The II and IV Field Corps will clear the Ukmerge Municipality of Insurrectionist troops, while the V and VIII Field Corps does the same in the Svencionys Municipality."
"I take it the governmental troops trapped in Vilnius consitute a corps of their own?"
"Yes, for lack of any other title, they are the Vilnius Corps."
"Sounds like a reasonable plan of campaign. You have my premission to execute it, then." Smetona said after a final glance at the maps.

"Military Aviation is running reconnaissance flights over the areas known to have Insurrectionist activity. We've beginining to develop good intelligence on their numbers and equipment. Judging by air and ground recon, of their camps and outposts, they have something like 30,000 to 50,000 armed irregulars. They have some field artillery, mostly light guns or howitzers, some heavier pieces but not many. They are putting together some armour, mostly salvaged armoured cars captured from us, or lost by National Police or Security Troops in recent actions. They may have a few light tanks from the arsenals they've overrun as well."
"Sounds like they are getting organized." Smetona observed. Liatukas nodded emphatically.
"Yes, rather quickly, perhaps too quickly."
"You think they are getting outside help?"

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 9th 2008, 6:27am)


Thursday, January 3rd 2008, 5:49am

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection 22nd, 1935

June 22nd:

Following the actions of the previous days, both Insurrectionist and Governmental forces pause to take stock of the situation and reorganize. The Polish-Lithuanian Insurrectionists, declare themselves the Polska Organizajca Wojskowa or Polish Military Organization, appointing Aleksy Letowska as their commander-in-chief. The POW regional armies, now muster some 55,000 armed personnel, 10,000 in the Wilno Army, and 8,000 each in the Rudaminas, Merkys,Verserka, Gruda and Seira Armies, while the reforming Ulla Army musters 5,000.

The POW High Command, decides to withdraw in the face of Governmental advances, to fall back to better prepared positions within the Vilnius County, army commanders are flatly ordered to avoid pitched battles with Lithuanian Governmental troops, the results of the Battle of Fort Vicas are still fresh in many Insurrrectionist minds. Rearguard/delaying actions, feints and ambushes are the order of the day. The Wilno Army is ordered to hold it's ground in the city of Vilnius. General Waclaw argues against this passive strategy, stating that a concentration of several of the armies to establish local superiority in Alytus County is the best course of action. Generals Jasunski and Kawecha voice extreme skepticism of this plan, despite reinforcements, their own armies are far from ready for another bout of military action. The Ulla Army has been destroyed, and while it is being reconsitituted in Salcininkai Municipality as the POW reserve, it is not any more ready for combat. The Seira Army presently being over extended holding ground in the Ukmerge, Sirvintos and Svencionys Municipalities needs to be concentrated if it is to be of any use. General Plontek, the Seira Army commander points out that regrouping his troops will take time. This leaves only the Gruda and Verserka Armies for such a grand concentration.

Letowska overrules Waclaw, although he actually favours Waclaw's plan. He orders Seira Army to fall back to the north of Vilnius Municipality, while the Rudaminas and Merkys fall back to a position just to the west of the city. Gruda Army will move back to a position to the south of Vilnius, in the Salcininkai Municipality.

The Lithuanian Government reorganizes its field corps, into three 'Fronts', the Southwestern Front (General Jonas Sutkus): VI, IX, X Field Corps, the Central Front (General Pranas Tamassauslo): I, III and VII Field Corps, and the Northeastern Front (General Emil Vimieris): II, IV, V, VIII Field Corps. Each Field Corps is composed of several brigades composed of battalions & independent companies of National Police, Security and Security Auxiliary and Armed Forces troops. The Lithuanian Air Force attaches elements from their recon, fighter and bomber groups to each Front to provide air support and airborne reconnaissance. The Lithuanian Navy organizes river patrol and transport forces, to assist the Field Corps, from ad hoc river patrol boats and barges, armed with army or naval guns and protected by improvised armour plate or sand bags and timber. Several Naval Infantry units are formed as well as naval field artillery units be used as support or garrison units.

The Lithuanian National Defense Ministery decides some reorganizing of its available assets is also in order. The 1st and 4th Infantry Divisions of the Lithuanian Army are formed into the I Army Corps, with the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Divisions forming the II Army Corps. The working up 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Infantry Divisions* are assigned to garrison duties until they are ready for action (it is planned to use them to form the III and IV Corps respectively). The 1st and 4th Rifle Division*, are formed into the I Rifle Corps, with the 2nd and 5th Rifle Divisions* forming the II Rifle Corps. The 3rd Rifle Division* is brigaded with the 1st and 2nd Life Guard Battalions to form the Reserve Corps. The forming 2nd and 3rd Cavalry Divisions* are joined to create the I Cavalry Corps, while the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions* compose the II Cavalry Corps. The I and II Army Corps, Reserve Corps are deployed in and around Kaunas to be deployed when and where necessary if the need arises. The I Cavalry Corps and I Rifle Corps is deployed on the Latvia border, while the II Cavalry Corps and II Rifle Corps are deployed on the Russian border.

* Each working up infantry, cavalry or rifle division has a command staff, four one-battalion strength regiments and divisional service and support units at company strength.

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 9th 2008, 6:33am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Friday, January 4th 2008, 5:08am

Actually, I like these size posts. I find myself guilty of posting long ...long...long things which can be a bit hard to read. I've been trying to break them into smaller chunks, and here you've beat me to it :)


Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 5:28am

Record of the Polish-Lithuanian Insurrection - 23rd June, 1935

23rd June, 1935:

Governmental Operations begin at dawn, advances are intially cautious, Lithuanian field commanders are expecting heavy action, they are baffled and a bit surprised, when nothing happens. POW troops fall back from their probes with considerable speed. Intense and often violent skirmishes breakout between Lithuanian vanguard and scouting units and POW rearguards,as the Lithuanians try and overtake their rapidly retreating enemy particularly in Alytus County and to a lesser extent in Ukmerge and Svencionys Municipalities, where POW units are more sparsely deployed. Minor skirmishing is reported on the largely static Central Front, as Lithuanian scouting units try and discover what the Rudiminas and Merkys Armies are doing, but these attempts are rebuffed by active Polish-Lithuanian mounted patrols.

Advancing Governmental units notice, that the POW units have worked feverishly to strip the countryside their are being forced to concede of anything of military use - particular any ammunition, weapons, fuel and motor vehicles. Bridges and roads are damaged or blown apart whenever possible to disrupt the Lithuanian advance. Trees are felled across roads and tracks, or wire entanglements placed to effect the same purpose.

While pleased that the advance is moving forward, the Lithuanian Field Corps commanders and their subordinates are by late afternoon becoming wary that the POW are up to something. The Front commanders are less convinced, with the forces at their disposal, they fell that any POW counter-attack can be stopped handily enough.

General Sutkus didn't think that POW would attempt any sort of adventure in his threater of operations, he had however expected them to fight much harder for the parts of the Alytus County that they had occupied, then they seem to be doing. General Tamassaulo, considered that given the three battles fought already in the Central Front, the POW would be extremely leary of trying any major operations for a while. At least until the Rudiminas and Merkys Armies had had some time to reorganize and refit themselves. General Vimieris however disagreed, to his mind - and that of his staff - the POW's best chances for success would be on the central or in his own Northeastern Front, particularly as the Central Front offered the possiblity of capturing the Lithuanian capital (and the chance of perhaps forcing a negiotated end to the insurrection, favourable to the Polish insurrectionists). A major attack into the northeastern municipalities of Lithuania offered the possiblility of closing off the Lithuanian-Russian border. Which would perhaps erase, at least in the POW's mind, the problem of possible Russian intervention in the Insurrection.

After some quite heated arguments in Lithuanian Governmental circles, General Vimieris is ordered to halt his part of the anti-insurrection operations as soon as he has cleared the two municipalities his front has been authorized to attack. In response to these instructions, Vimieris offers to concentrate his IV and Vth Field Corps for an advance towards Vilnius and its beleaguered loyalist garrison (leaving the II and VIII Field Corps to occupy Ukmerge and Svencionys respectively, insurrectionist opposition is so light, these two field corps have advanced rapidly into their assigned municipalities and already begun occupation duties). General Tamassaulo on being informed of Vimieris's idea offers to make a similiar advance of his own, perhaps catching the now obviously retreating POW armies in a pincer movement around Vilnius.

Sutkus doesn't support this idea,he is becoming disturbed by intelligence that his scouts and vanguard units have brought in. Maps and fragments of written orders have been turned up andoned POW camps his troops have overrun, that indicate that POW is in fact planning a major effort in southwestern Lithuania. A concentration of five, perhaps even six, of it's seven armies for an full offensive into the Alytus County area. A few POW prisoners taken confirmed this information under interrogration. The idea that he may be suddenly facing some 35,000-43,000 Insurrectionists has Sutkus somewhat surprisingly rattled. He requests that the III Field Corps from the Central Front as well as the IV and V Field Corps from the Northeastern Front be sent by road and rail as soon as they are available. He is worried that his VI, IX, X Field Corps might not be up to the task. A belief his Front staff, nor his field commanders share. Neither does the Ministries of National Defense and Interior Affairs. Sutkus is flatly overruled by the Government, and is curtly ordered to finish securing the Alytus Counties municipalities as rapidly as possible. Tamassaulo in the meantime is ordered to advance at once with his three field corps, Vimieris's troops will advance to join him as soon as circumstances permit.

Major J. Liorentas, Inspector of Bomber Units of the Lithuanian Military Aviation Service, with the agreement of his civil and military superiors, orders three ad hoc bomber squadrons equiped with a mixture of Ansaldo, De Havilland and ANBO light bombers to bomb the city of Vilnius. The 48 aircraft drop high explosive and incendiary bombs on known POW positions in support of the Lithuanian Vilnius Corps. The bombers make several sorties throughout the day but their effectiveness against the Polish-Lithuanians positions are difficult to establish with an certainty from the air, encircled Governmental troops within the city however are greatly cheered by the show of support.

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Agent148" (Jan 9th 2008, 7:05am)

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 6:56am

Noting the devastation, the Dutch Ambassador cables home there will be some great opportunities for construction companies once the bullets stop....

Mercantile as always. Oh, and he'll send for some observers. This fluid combat is not at all what the Dutch forsee, which is likely just numbers and terrain, but there could still be something to glean.

I don't suppose the Govt. of Lithuania is looking to buy old Ft-17 tanks, Romsfell AC's, or D.XVII biplane fighters.... they take up space in my armories.


Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 7:13am

Looking To Buy...

FT-17, Romsfel Armoured cars and D.XVII fighers, eh. How many do you have on stocks?

The Ministeries of National Defense and Interior Affairs would definitely be interested in adding to their vehicle parks. And the fighters would be useful to some extent even if aging, particularly for training and some operational support duties.

Certainly, such a transfer of military hardware would have a beneficial import on decisions regarding Lithuanian govermental and civil building contracts for rebuilding areas affected by the June Insurrection.


Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 7:21am

Seeing as we are already shamelessly offering surplus weapons Atlantis also has some extra AT-17 (FT-17 clones) and armoured cars it could sell.