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Saturday, September 17th 2005, 2:02am


(Absolutely, positivily nothing to do with (water-borne) ships - or books for that matter - but what the heck. ^_^ )

Webcomics I Reccomend

Note that all three of these are serials, so you'll want to read through the archives to figure out all that is going on.

Schlock Mercenary
"Roast carnage, coming right up" - Sgt. Schlock
The eponymous BLAM-loving blob and his fellow 31st century space mercenaries fight governmental corruption, renegade AIs, warmongering koalaoids...and the lawyers of the Partnership Collective!
(A+, Two Thumbs Up, a Must Read, etc., etc., etc...)

'Not your average "little green man in a flying saucer".'
Follow the (mis)adventures of two young, Earth-pop-culture-loving aliens as they roam known space with their game-show-prize ship and its mechanic/mystic/generally weird guy...
(Featuring hilarious spoofs of Lord of the Rings, 2001, Star Trek VI, Space: 1999, and just about anything else you can think of!)

Arthur, King of Time and Space
Arthur Pendragon, King of Britain; Arthur Pendragon, High King of all British Space; Arthur Pendragon...high schooler?
It seems the sword in the stone was more powerful than even Merlin had thought!
(Can be read without resource to the archive, in a pinch)


Saturday, September 17th 2005, 10:47am

I just tend to read Dilbert myself.


Saturday, September 17th 2005, 2:05pm


I just tend to read Dilbert myself.

and it's got pictures too. ; )



Saturday, September 17th 2005, 11:54pm


That one took me a second - then I started ROFLing. ^_^

Here's my favourite (so far, still reading the archive, 1 year to go...) from Zortic:

(you know what she's thinking: 'I so do not know these people!' :-) )


Wednesday, September 21st 2005, 11:21pm

Here's another good one I'm working through the archive of:


This one is not, however, for those who share Chief O'Brien's aversion to temporal mechanics.


Friday, November 18th 2005, 3:34am

One more to reccomend...

For the computer geeks among us.

User Friendly

On a similar topic, this is also good for barrels of laughs:
Computer Stupidities


Friday, November 18th 2005, 4:27am

My favorite

Use to be updated everday now some times thers some breaks
Some of the humour may affend some people but thats why I love it the autor is a good observer and make funny cometaries about modern day (pop)culture and altitudes
Being a forener living a broud(like my self)he got nice sens of prespectiv


Saturday, May 6th 2006, 4:22pm

funny stuff

One of the funniest things ever. A Chinese language version of "Revenge of the Sith" computer-translated back into English with quite disturbing results.

Boris Johnson, probably best politician in the world after Berlusconi. Charity football match between England and Germany. Once a rugby player always a rugby player.


Saturday, May 6th 2006, 4:44pm


A Chinese language version of "Revenge of the Sith" computer-translated back into English with quite disturbing results.

No kidding! O_O
The horror! The horror! :-)


Boris Johnson, probably best politician in the world after Berlusconi. Charity football match between England and Germany. Once a rugby player always a rugby player.

Did he get red for that?


Saturday, May 6th 2006, 5:14pm

For some reason I cannot access this website. I've had this problem before with it.


Saturday, May 6th 2006, 5:20pm

Star War III 'The backstroke of the west'

This is too funny I started crying after the fiftgh pic.
Palpatine warning that dooku is big
The general witty comeback I practycly fell from my chair at that.

There always problems with transaltions.
In the late 90's polish videogames market was filled with games translated to polish by russians that had learn polish by talking to polish costomer in the market.
Funny thing is that most polish people at the time use russian to talk too them so they didnt learn much.
Dialogs in Half Life were just wierd.
When a character was yealing
"take that You out of space octopus" the dub version sead I kill you hard ugly shellfish"

"Gordon You alive thank god for that hazardsuit"
"Gordon You didnt die?Nice suit for dirty work you got"

"forget about Freeman we pulling out and commencing air strikes"
"We lost Freeman,we running away and lobing bombs"

But that was made by people not auto translators.


Saturday, July 8th 2006, 8:42pm

For want of time, I've pared my webcomicing down to AKOTAS and Schlock.

Now, as for Danny Phantom fanfics, however...


Tuesday, July 11th 2006, 8:01am

Two comics:

White Ninja


Tuesday, July 11th 2006, 8:14am

And the greatest comic ever, Dinosaur Comics. The gimmick: he's used the same format and art for two years. Only the dialogue changes.
