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Thursday, May 26th 2005, 7:40pm

My apologies

At least I think I owe you all an apology and one explanation for my dissapearance from the sim.

Apart from work, and the fact is that these last months have been very hard..., and personal matters, the main reason is that I had no way to connect my computer to the net until yesterday... I´ve been simply away from almost everything... so as I told you my most sincere apologies if I have disrupted the sim in any way.

And as I can see you´re well into 1927... I guess It would be very hard for me to cacth up with you all, even If you´d allow me to return...


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 7:48pm

There ya are!

Life happens. It has to be dealt with first. If you think you're willing and able to rejoin the sim, I, for one, would be happy to have you back.

We had a condensed form for some people's catch-up work, I'm sure you could do much the same.

There's been a bit of talk about splitting Oz and Canada away from the Empire again, that might help if you were game for it.



Thursday, May 26th 2005, 7:57pm

Thanks for your support... and I won´t mind trying I the rest of the people agrees to my return


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 8:04pm

I'll make 'em agree...


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 8:05pm

Whatever works best....

Just having someone is good. Though you have a lot of catch up reading to do.

As stated earlier we'd started a plan to split the Commonwealth into three parts for easier management. We have a taker for Austrailia (Desertfox) if that path is still prefered. The three would still be one as part of the British Empire, but each would be more locally minded, at least for the Dominions.

But a full United Kingdom under one ruler would still work as well.


I'll make 'em agree...

Is that, legal?


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 8:06pm


I'll make 'em agree...

You and what army!
*Gets run over by the entire population of India*
... I... agree....

Seriously, good to know that you are still alive. Hope you can make some time to catch up a bit.


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 9:49pm

Welcome back!

No problems here with either picking up where you left off, or with becoming part of a Three, Three Amigos setup. :-)


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 9:59pm

Stooges or Amigos... not sure which threesome is more disastrous...


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 10:03pm

I'm sure certain Frenchmen would vote "neither". :-)


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 11:10pm

Welcome back Gravina! I was giving up all hope of your return but now that your back its a good thing!

I have no problem with you continuing on in the sim, real life happens and it sometimes sucks but as you can see we're all happy your back so no appology's nessassary IMO.

If it makes things easier perhaps we can continue with the split OZ, Canada idea with players linked to jolly ol England, a pre determined alliance in wesworld terms.

Lets discuss how to move on!


Thursday, May 26th 2005, 11:11pm

A hearty welcome back, and no need for apologies

Although having only one naval-industrial behemoth around has taken a bit of the edge off, and I'll be glad to have you back. Personally, Gravina, I've missed the quarterly twinge of fear as I see how fast your already terrifying factory count is growing... ;-)


Friday, May 27th 2005, 2:08am

The Lion has returned?

Or is it Revenge of the Lion?


Friday, May 27th 2005, 3:32am

perhaps The Empire Strikes Back? ^_^


Friday, May 27th 2005, 5:08am

Spam alert!!!


Friday, May 27th 2005, 5:25am

Welcome back! I was beginning to think something (awful) may have happened. People tend to drift off (even revert to lurking) not usually abrupt silence, especially after all the effort and excellent work you've put in.

Anyway, I hope everything is OK now on the home front. I find that sometimes running Greece becomes a bit too much work (possibly I make too much work for myself with a spreadsheet) so I don't know how others do it with more infrastructure and bigger navies. Other times the pace is too fast (note I haven't posted Q3).

On the subject of big navies, I'm willing to help if you do want to lighten the load. Probably in the report/spreadsheet area as I guess that becomes the most tedious part of the Sim. I'm sure there is a relatively painless way to spawn two other players from the RN if that's what you want to do. That would bring GB into line with Atlantis - US - Russia - SAE etc. but GB + Empire is still the largest entity (a military alliance of 1 large and 2 small powers).



Friday, May 27th 2005, 7:16am

Well as one of those bigger navy's you mentioned I find it fairly easy to keep trackof things mainly because of Rocky's format. I save each quarterly report as I go and when moving to the next I simply edit the last quarterly report to reflect the current workload, simple but not fool proof.

The downside is sometimes dates mentioned are a little off and other needless info gets posted repeatedly till I catch it! the upside is no pesky spreadsheets to slow you down!

If I just had Turkey I'd be terribly bored, except if Greece became irritated of course.


Friday, May 27th 2005, 8:49am


If I just had Turkey I'd be terribly bored, except if Greece became irritated of course.

Glad to hear I keep things interesting ; )


PS. I use a spreadsheet to build a fleet half the size of an Atlantis/Russia/US with only a quarter of the treaty allocation and a fraction of the infrastructure.


Friday, May 27th 2005, 11:19am

Well I can't vouch for Admiral K. but I'm glad I don't use a spreadsheet, it would likely take longer!


Friday, May 27th 2005, 2:14pm

I've been using a spreadsheet since the start. I'd be lost without it and its twenty pages. I've got pages for the roster, deployments, future deployments, building times, my construction estimates, and other pages where I just compare different designs. The heavy cruiser page, for example, has about thirty different designs together so I can evaluate what suits my fancy.

I find - probably as Roger does - that the spreadsheet, if I project the construction program ~3 to 4 years in to the future, lets me optimize my factory assignments and optimize my infrastructure usage. Even going balls-to-the-wall, I rarely, if ever, need additional slipways to build what must be built.

The challenge right now is to get my drydocking facilities up to snuff, but that's going to be a few years in the making.


Friday, May 27th 2005, 2:19pm

No spreadsheets here. I just type up the reports years into the future. ;-)

(I'm currently revising them...again...and I'm up to Q4/31)