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Thursday, June 27th 2013, 5:32am

Italian Tales and News: 1944

News, Events, and Stories from 1944 are here. Note there may be some references to events in the catchup period, and said events will be flushed out if needed.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, June 27th 2013, 7:22am

Excerpts from Sit Pax: The Armed Forces of the Italian Republic, 1940-1950

The state of the Army, Navy and Air Defense forces [1] at the beginning of 1944:

At the beginning of 1944, the state of two of the Republic's three military branches were in states of minor flux. The Army was in the middle of the Celeri division's mechanization process, the first of which was almost completed at this time. The process involved a expansion of the existing motorized transport assets to improve both strategic and tactical mobility. The mainstays of this process were armored cars, lorries, and halftracks; Tanks did not play to great a role, but they were included. A second division was rather far along in the mechanization process, with the third just beginning to procure additional mechanization assets. The fourth Celeri division would not begin the process till late in the year.

During this period, the M34/44 Triarii medium tank [2] was entering limited service. It kept the same four man crew as its predecessor. The design did not mount a upgraded gun at first but featured heavier armor all around in comparison to the M26/39, at 85mm on the front plate, 75mm on the sides, and 50mm on the rear. The turret had 85mm front and 80mm sides with a 60mm rear. Power was provided by a 600hp [3] engine, and speeds of 50kph were recorded during trials. Secondary armament consisted of two 8mm machine guns, one in the front hull and one above the commander's hatch. Still in testing at this point was a larger turret capable of housing a 90mm gun[4] but service entry was still more then a year away as the gun had not yet cleared trials. A second project involving adding two spaced layers of armor to the front plate and gun mantle to turn the design into a sudo-heavy also began. A tank destroyer with a converted 100mm AA gun built on the same chassis was still undergoing trials. Initial results were not encouraging, and it would be almost a year before the type would see limited service, effectivly pushed out by the forthcoming 90mm armed Triarii variants.

The small arms used by the Army changed very little during this era. Most of the so-called improvements came from more universal adoption of the weapons adopted in the late 1930's. The real changes were still on the testing grounds and in the minds of there inventors in 1944, with some man-portable Anti-tank weapons undergoing trials. Assault rifles had yet to enter into any sort of prototyping stage.

[1] Per this post, Italy has its stike aircraft directly attached to the Army and Navy, with air defence assets being under a different perview.
[2] Stats based on the OTL T-43.
[3] A 600hp engine was mentioned by RA to be involved in the successor to the M26/39. Here I am ideally using the additional 100hp advantage over the OTL T-43 to improve its handling, the top speed remains the same.
[4] Will be this gun.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, June 27th 2013, 10:16am

Looks good to me, the T-43 fits the aesthetic and technical route RA was taking back in the 1930s.


Wednesday, July 3rd 2013, 10:05pm

January 17th, 1944: Rome

Footfalls echoing in a empty corridor tended to have a ominous sound, only magnified when you knew who was behind them. Alessadri Doge was that kind of man. Possessing both a intimidating body and a more intimidating voice caped by a sharp mind, he was a man who rarely had things go against his wishes. The man who heard the footfalls was one of the few men who could keep things from happening as Alessadri demanded it. The door to this man's office was suddenly thrown ajar with little disregard for the damage resulting, and Alessadri strode confidently into the room. Alessadri left no room in the air for the desk's occupant to speak, as Alessadri practically shouted "Protests? BAH! Those Yugoslavians" he practically spat the word "think they can bend us to there will, we will show them. There must be a grand response!"

Mario Petruzzo finished stacking some papers neatly on his desk, then looked up at Alessadri. "Its hardly even nine in the morning, and on a Monday of all days. Can this at least wait until lunch?" Mario was use to these sort of, intrusions, on his morning rituals. "No, I guess you cannot. What sort of response do you have in mind? Let me guess, send our tanks rolling over the boarder and our warships to turn the coastline into the surface of the moon?" These statements were layered with sarcasm thicker then jam on toast, but even then it just bounced of Alessadri.

"Why of course!" the words spoken in far to loud of volume told just how deeply rooted Alessadri's ideals were. "What else should we do?"

Mario sighed, it was far to early for this argument. "Maybe continue to ignore them, as we have. We are working on an appropriate diplomatic response to the issue."

"YOUR RESPONSE BE DAMNED!" Alessadri roared "All you do is give them time, time to build courage, resolve and above all hope; that cancer that cannot be eradicated without crushing force. I ask you this Minister, will you have the courage to stamp out there hope like a cigar when war comes, or will you have to call on men like me to do so? Good day!" With that, Alessadri stormed out of the office. Mario went back to shuffling his papers thinking The sooner I can retire from this post, the better. Let someone else deal with this blowhards hawkish ways. Even better, let the people see what kind of monster he is so they throw him out of office faster then I can have it packed for him.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Wednesday, July 3rd 2013, 10:13pm

Oh sad, sad Alessadri
He drove poor Mario mad
Rant and fume, it's visible clearly
That sad Alessadri is BAD.


Wednesday, July 3rd 2013, 10:20pm

... now I know why Mario was trying to get into the Super Café. :D


Thursday, July 4th 2013, 2:36am

Early Morning of Sunday, January 30th. Rome

Mario Petruzzo sat with a co-worker at a outdoor food stand. Despite the cold, it was nice enough to abandon the warmth of their office. "So, there were continuing protests in Belgrade yesterday, and we can asume today as well"

The other man replied "Yes, I don't know why but they seem intent to cary on despite the cold. Must be miserable for them."

Mario nodded. "Still, we should make overtures as they are still behaving in peaceful ways. Ensure that should the protests continue that blankets are available. The last thing we want is people dieing due to exposure. Also tell them to render medical assistance to any who are harmed to the point of mortal danger by the cold. Compassion and charity above all."

"I will see that those instructions are conveyed personally." The other man replied. "How long until we are ready to issue an official statement on the matter?"

"Some time still" Mario replied. "The bigest hurdle will be convincing Alessadri and his rabble should the agreement not meet approval by all of the members who don't want to send our young men to their deaths on some meaningless crusade. We must avoid having to involve them at as much as posible." Church bells began to ring around the city, there tones forming a fitting backdrop to the cold air. "If you will excuse me," Mario said on standing up "I must go."
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 11th 2013, 8:49pm

February 14th, 1944. Western Mediterranean

A single Caproni Ariete fighter gracefully worked its way through the sky west of Sicily. The day was prefect and visibility stretched for miles. Below the single aircraft, the aircraft carriers Guiseppe Garibaldi, Cavour, Francesco Morosini and Andrea Doria along with several escorts plowed troughs into the glass like surface of the Mediterranean. On the decks of the four carriers, more aircraft were being readied for action. The single Ariete would not be alone for long, joined in flight to ensure the continued readiness of the Italian Navy's premiere carrier strike force in both the air and on the sea.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "snip" (Jul 11th 2013, 8:49pm)


Wednesday, July 17th 2013, 1:30am

February 20th, 1944. Rome.

Late in the evening the holy churches of Rome were hardly occupied, most having gone on with other Sunday activies or to bed early in preparation for the new week. For those who seeked to comune with God, or others, privately there was no better time. The latter is why Alessadri Doge found himself sitting in the back of a small out of the way church. Hearing the door open, he did not turn around. Those who he was here to see would come to him. He felt the small man sit down next to him before he heard the footfalls. Blasted midget he thought to himself someday I may accidentally snap him in two should he keep sneaking up on my like that. Speaking aloud "Your late."

"The passage of small time means little to me" The small man spoke "you should know this, as our goals reside at a distance."

"Why did you ask me here?" Questioned Alessadri "You obviously have more spies around then you let on."

"Because it matters little how many ears one has if the messages are only fragments of the picture. Puzzles make no sense without the majority of the pieces."

"There is movement to resolve the situation" Alessardi replied "but I have been left out of most of it. I figure they delay only to come up with a solution that they need not involve me and my followers in. Cowards, the lot of them."

"You must offer as much resistance as is practical for your position. We are working to ensure that you will have the backing you need whenever you feel it is best to move. Do not take to long, as we grow impatient with the lack of progress. Words only mean so much when action cannot back them up. Do not make us regret our investments." With that the small man left almost as quietly as he arived, the thud of the door the only indicator that Alessardi was alone again.

Someday I will have the power to crush these men he thought and they will rule the day should they ever try and cross me.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Wednesday, July 17th 2013, 3:13am

Monday, February 28th

Excerpt from that afternoon's special addition of Napoli's main newspaper:

Earlier today there was a great deal of news released regarding Senate proceedings of the last two months. The most important document is the official government response to the continued protests in Yugoslavia.

"In opening," the document states "we wish to commend those who have made there voices heard in a peaceful, non-violent manor. Your example is one of upmost character, which we hope others around the world embody when they need those in power to hear them. In response to your continued vigil, we have the following to say. At this time, we are not prepared to change the status of Dalmatia and Slovenia. These regions have been a part of the Italian Republic for many years and have prospered as equal members of the Italian state. The Senators from both regions have been most expressive of these views. We will continue to work closely with the Yugoslavian government to ensure that peace remains the status quo in the regions on both sides of the boarder."

In other news, it has now been signed into law that women may openly enlist into the Italian armed forces. The enlistments are by volunteering only, conscription will not take place among women. At this time only very small numbers of women may undergo officer training, with those selected for the initial program only the best and brightest of any women who chose to enlist. This move follows several other nations, including Canada and Japan, who allow women to serve in the armed forces.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Monday, July 22nd 2013, 10:30pm

Tuesday, March 7th. Napoli Central Police Headquarters

Giacomo Petruzzo sat hunched over his desk, several folders spilling there contents across the wood. There is a pattern here he thought to himself wringing his hair though his hands. I just have to find it. Before him lay pictures, written and typed testimonies, evidence logs, and other scraps of information. Somewhere in these files, be it a person or some other thing, was the link between some very dark aspects of the Italian criminal underground and, if Giacomo's hunch panned out, some well placed members of the Senate. He looked over the documents for what felt like the millionth time and still nothing jumped out at him. Frustration built, and he pushed himself away from his desk to go grab some sort of food. The connection he knew was there still evaded his grasp.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Tuesday, July 23rd 2013, 2:49am

Excerpt from Sit Pax: The Armed Forces of the Italian Republic, 1940-1950

The Fiat Scorpione, after years of development, finally began taking over many of the long range tasks required by the Italian armed forces. What began as a project to bomb India from the Italian peninsula had matured into a very nice multipurpose airframe. While outdone in the pure ultra-long range photographic reconesance role by the highly specialized Ermes, the Scorpione boasted many features which the former would not. Being the first platform to carry airborne surface search radar in the Italian armed forces, a first it would continue with airborne air-search radar later, it proved to be a well placed asset in both the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean environments. While it was capable of carrying a large amount of bombs or other ordinance in a bomber configuration, only a few squadrons were outfitted as such. Powered by variants the common Alfa-Romeo 135 radial at first, the airframe was eventually adapted to use Isotta-Fraschini 2040cv diesels. Self defense armament was light, with just four 13.2mm Breda-SAFAT guns, which would be omitted from late production types entirely. Some aircraft in specialized roles received differing armaments.

The airframe would prove capable of much more then just general recon duties and long range bombing, eventually it would be utilized in the first implementation of concepts such as in-flight refueling and AWACS. The type is still in government and private service today in research support and firefighting roles, and there are a few historical examples in flyable condition. The East African State still employs a small handful type in limited aerial refueling roles, tho the airframes are due for replacement by modern types within the next 3-4 years.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 8:43am

Thursday, March 16th. Venice

Eva Basso walked down one of Venice's streets with far more confidence then she felt inside. Her nerves were threatening to overwhelm her. You know what you need to say she repeated to herself over and over Just stop thinking about what father will say. Eva came from a very traditional family with a long history of military and political service as well as the rewards of such service. As far back as she knew, the men of her family had volunteered for military duites wherever posible, several had never returned. On the other hand, the women of the family were never used for much more then household upkeep and making more sons to serve. The current generation had seen her three older brothers swept off into the Navy and Army, and the younger had been killed in a accident in paratrooper school. Meanwhile, she had been shopped around to what felt like every man in the city, all while being instructed in the traditional Basso arts like cooking and not worrying when your husband marched off to war.

All of that was about to change. Clutched in Eva's hand was the official announcement that women were now allowed to join the Italian Armed forces. Finally, she could break the cycle of being used soly for baby-making and serve like her brothers. This was assuming of course, that they let her in. Eva knew of the exilent physical condition you needed to be in, memories of how her friends all swooned over her brothers when they were on leave accented this point. While nobody would ever get away will calling Eva fat, one could also not overlook the fact that she was in rather good physical shape and this effected her figure. We will see she thought as the question fliped around her mind there is only one way to find out. Looking up, she saw the recruitment office and walked up to the door with purpace. Taking one last calming deep breath, she opened the door.

Two uniformed men sat behind desks, a older looking Air Defense force Major and a young Army Lieutenant. The latter was clearly thrown off balance by her entrence, but the Major's face remained carved in stone. Both men rose and walked to the front of the office. "I figured it was only a matter of time." The Major said to Eva, "What can we help you with ma'am"

"I..." Eva stammered "I would like to talk to you about joining the Italian armed forces sir." Off to a fantastic start here she thought to herself. Instinctually, she handed the official notice to the Major.

"Yes ma'am" The major replied, turning away the scrap of paper. "If I could just get you to start on some paperwork, we can sit right down." He turned to the Lieutenant "Say Lieutenant Sanna, why don't you go grab us some lunch. It will be time soon enough and I can handle things here." The Lieutenant nodded, tipped his cap to Eva, and then slightly to fast exited the office. "Do excuse him" The Major continued "We are all still getting use to this change."

"Indeed we are" Eva said over the clipboard "Am I the first woman to come in?" She extended the clipboard.

"Yes" the Major replied as he took it. "Now, who do we have here..." Pages flipped. "Ah, so you are a Basso. Why am I not surprised. Now tell me Miss Basso, what can I do for you today?"

Seizing the sudden courage Eva found welling up inside her, she mentally discarded the prepared speech and pointed at the model of a G.55 Centauro on the Major's desk. "I want to fly fighters and I want to be one of the best pilots in the world. I would like to join the Air Defense forces."

The Major smiled "A wise choice. Now, let me tell you a few things, and we can go from there."

Some time later, Eva left the office with a different set of papers clutched in hand. Looking them over again as she walk, I have the chance, now to prove I can do it continually bounced though her head.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 10:08am

Can I just ask, as an OOC question, what year did women get the vote in Italy in WW?


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 6:54pm

Im not sure, will have to check if anything was writen about it.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 6:57pm


Originally posted by snip
Im not sure, will have to check if anything was writen about it.



Thursday, July 25th 2013, 7:01pm

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 7:05pm

Well, technically it was only made universal in 1946; apparently some regions allowed it in 1925 following the takeover of the Fascists. Since the Fascists didn't take over Italy, there's no assurance it actually did occur in 1925.

France is pleased that Italy is allowing women into their military now - it will result in a lowering of Italian military readiness and training. Women do not generally make good combatants.


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 7:24pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine
France is pleased that Italy is allowing women into their military now - it will result in a lowering of Italian military readiness and training. Women do not generally make good combatants.

We are talking a fraction of 1%. Not likely to greatly effect ether of those factors.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Thursday, July 25th 2013, 7:29pm

That's fine. France is still going to laugh at Italian foolishness.