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Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 2:58pm

10. No Filipino warships explode.

9. Pokemon are granted voting rights in Japan.

8. The sim finds a new player for Andorra, which promptly joins FAR. In retaliation, Monaco joins AANM.

7. An object crashes near Roswell, New Mexico. No aliens are found, but three polite Canadian servicemen show up at a nearby US military base later on, looking for a ride north.

6. On a related note, Italy successfully puts a man into orbit.

5. Global warming begins to manifest itself as the Polar ice cap recedes, prompting Russia to convert all of its icebreakers into attack transports.

4. The 1936 American election is a statistical draw, and is ultimately determined by a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

3. Atlantis flies off in search of a different planet to call home.

2. India and the Netherlands reveal that they are, in fact, best friends, and have merely been faking the whole mutual hatred thing for the past two decades.

1. Coldmere wins the 1936 Olympics.


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 4:44pm


Originally posted by The Rock Doctor
10. No Filipino warships explode.

Leading to riots in Rotterdam as unemployed dutch technicians return home?


3. Atlantis flies off in search of a different planet to call home.

Planet ditches Atlantis in search of Mu?


1. Coldmere wins the 1936 Olympics.

In ?


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 5:40pm

No! No! No!


5. Global warming begins to manifest itself as the Polar ice cap recedes, prompting Russia to convert all of its icebreakers into attack transports.

Get it straight! Russia fills all their fuel tanks with nitroglycerin, creating "BOOM" beyond the wildest dreams of any smoking Filippino!


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 6:54pm

Romania and Poland will

Romania will continue being the #3 naval power in the Black Sea. Were getting our first battleship, which will hopefully be able to participate in the PR summer maneuvers in the Black Sea. Romania will also be playing host to the PR land maneuvers, which will attempt to find a way for the old school (cavalry) and the new school (tanks) to work together. Tempers will heat, and it will culimate in a one on one faceoff between the cavalry and armoured forces. Imagine this, a Polish cavalry brigade charging the Romanian armoured brigade. Should hopefully be interesting.

Poland will finally get a capital ship, and begin the "small ship" program. They are also going to attempt to regain their pre-Lithuanian crisis good reputation by sending Lithuania a massive onetime monetary payment (rumors are 1/2 of the 1936 budget). This will most likely drive to Poles to bankrupcy, forcing the Romanians to cut oil production from the Ploesti fields to 1/4 of its 1935 production in an effort to raise the price of oil to raise funds to bail out the Poles.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:12pm

What are you all waiting for? Building up navies, armies, airforces - for what?

I want to see another war or two in 1936. There are enough places that could cook up (No, not India and the Netherlands. This one we already had.....)


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:26pm

Exacly! (Hey don't look at me. I barely have enough ships to play with!)


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:30pm


Originally posted by HoOmAn
What are you all waiting for? Building up navies, armies, airforces - for what?

I want to see another war or two in 1936. There are enough places that could cook up (No, not India and the Netherlands. This one we already had.....)

Heh. Germany has already looked around and realized that the only plausible target for German aggression in 1936 is Hungary, and who wants the annoyance of having to rule the Hungarians?

The US is busy building up in 1936 after being very quiet through the 1920s and 1930s. Barring surprise issues to the South or North, the US isn't likely to be starting anything in 1936.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:32pm

How about invading Canada?^^

Seriously, why is it, that WesWorld is such a peaceloving place. With all those arms around I´d thought there would be a lot of shooting sooner or later.......?!


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:35pm


Originally posted by HoOmAn
What are you all waiting for? Building up navies, armies, airforces - for what?

I want to see another war or two in 1936. There are enough places that could cook up (No, not India and the Netherlands. This one we already had.....)

War is suicidal for most countries, if we take Persia as an example: War with Turkey=War with FAR, War with Azerbaijan = War with FAR, War with Saudi =War with FAR/SEAR, War with Afghanistan = War with FAR.


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:43pm

True. Very knit alliances in WW. A SEAR/Satsuma war could happen but it will be so bloody that eventually all sides will be exhausted. Also a war like that will mainly bring the SAE and the rest of Nato into the fray eventually. A true World War.

But the Karachi Agreement has shown Satsuma that thru negotiations some of their objectives could be achieved. And war with Afghanistan will not bring FAR into the fray. :rolleyes:


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:47pm

Really? FAR has no formal agreements with Azerbaijan and Turkey either and yet have been very clear that any war with them will lead to an FAR attack


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:49pm

I would think that it is more a "You're coming awfully close to our borders, buddy!!" kind of thing when it comes to Azerbaijan and Turkey.


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:49pm

I'd put it a little differently


Seriously, why is it, that WesWorld is such a peaceloving place. With all those arms around I´d thought there would be a lot of shooting sooner or later.......?!

Its because by and large, the powerful countries aren't upset enough with the way things are to try to really change things ...durch blut und eisen...

For instance, the Russian government was willing to invest a bit of blood and treasure to prevent a breakup or conquest of Lithuania against Russian interests. The Russian government did not want the consequences of continuing her riposte into Poland proper, and the Polish government saw no prospect of success once Russia intervened, so the war stopped there.

The Russian government is sensitive to actions of other countries against countries that used to be part of the Russian Empire.

Afghanistan, not so much. You're welcome to try your luck there :D

And you might have some luck, if you stay out of the Pushtun Belt...

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "AdmKuznetsov" (Apr 16th 2008, 8:56pm)


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:51pm

Another problem is the close ties between SEAR and FAR making war outside South America unlikely


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:56pm

Close ties?? FAR is almost SAER...


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:57pm

If Coldmere is gonna win the olympics, they'll need an olympic team!

Maybe an armed confrontation between Turkey & Greece in the spirit of their treaty of mutual hatred, or Maybe France could get annoyed with Russia and give Admiral K a confusing time


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 9:01pm


Originally posted by HoOmAn
How about invading Canada?^^

Seriously, why is it, that WesWorld is such a peaceloving place. With all those arms around I´d thought there would be a lot of shooting sooner or later.......?!

1936 is an election year, with a sitting President who is unlikely to be running again (FDR has already had two terms, and without the Great Depression and a looming WWII, he's unlikely to buck American political precedent to run again, and not overly likely to win if he does so). So it's unlikely the US will invade Canada (barring, like I said, some unexpected event to the north).

Amount of weaponry doesn't necessarily result in their use, see the Cold War for an example.

One thing that deters most wars in WW is the alliance structure: not only are there lots of fairly or very strong alliances (NATO, SEAR, SATSUMA, FAR, AANM, etc), there are few visible signs of those alliances fraying at the edges. Say Germany was looking North towards Denmark: there's no sign that AANM is fraying, no particular signs that the Dutch or the Italians could be convinced to look the other way.


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 9:16pm

Turkey and Greece make for a match with possibilities. IIRC the forces are about evenly matched if using the historical ground forces as the basis of any conflict and I could see the Turks actually capturing the Izmir area.

Greece is really overextended in WW, with Macedonia (the part that Serbia have before WW1) firmly on the Greeks hands. With must likely Yugoslavia and maybe even the Bulgarians interested in the area Greece will be forced to keep troops in the region. So as I said is a match that I doubt will degenerate into a World War but still good for some heavy fighting.


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 9:20pm

The problem with

having a War in the Balkans is this. Take for example Romania. Romania currently share borders with six other nations, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechslovakia, Poland, Russia, and Bulgaria.

War with the Yugo's? Not likely, considering we are allied with them.

War with Hungary? Romania got most of what it wanted out of Hungary after WWI. No point in taking over the Hungarians. And Hungary is not strong enough to attack Romania without sponsership by a major power. Germany, Italy, and Russia are the only powers with interest in the Balkan region, and somehow I don't see that happening, though such a scenario could lead to a major war in Europe, because an attack by Hungary on Romania would force Romania to invoke the PRJ defensive alliance, which in turn the major power (Germany, Italy, or Russia) would declare war on PRJ.

War with the Czech's? Perhaps the third least likely scenario, because the Czech's and Romania are relatively friendly, and Romania has no reason to want Czech land.

War with Poland? Though such a war would be interesting, because I would be making the storyline for both sides, highly unlikely. Neither has anything the other wants, and both are allies.

War with Russia? Russia is the only nation Romania would like territory from, specifically the Moldovian territories. And relations have been cool towards each other post-Lithuanian crisis. However, Russia is simply too strong for Romania to take on either by herself or even with the other members of the PRJ alliance. And war with Russia means war with Atlantis and France, unless Russia attacks Romania, which if they declare war on Romania following Russia's declaration, would get (hopefully) the same criticism in the LoN as Romania did when she supported Poland. However, such a scenario is extremely unlikely. The only plausible way for Romania to attack Russia is in concert with either Germany/Nordmark (not strong enough yet), or the SATSUMA nations (not strong enough either).

And finally:
War with Bulgaria? While this may have been plausible prior to Dodrich, there no longer is any justifiable reason for Bulgaria to attack Romania, nor is there a reason for Romania to attack Bulgaria. The recent friendliness between the two nations is very much in both nations interests to continue. The only way that I can see Bulgaria and Romania going to war is if Bulgaria attacks the Yugo's and Romania comes to defend her ally. Though if the Yugo's attack Bulgaria, Romania is not obligated to send aid, and probably won't.

Essentially, if you want war in the Balkans, involving Romania, such a war is not realistic at the current

Now as for Poland, Poland shares borders with Lithuania, Russia, Romania, Czechslovakia, and Germany.

War with Lithuania? Tried that already, didn't work. War with Lithuania means war with Russia, and Poland can't beat Russia either by herself or with Romanian/Yugoslav aid.

War with Russia? Though Poland would like some territory from Russia, Poland can't beat the Russians by herself. And attacking Russia means that she's on her own, because Romania and Yugoslavia are unlikely to help. If Russia attacks Poland, then Poland is hoping on a number of things, a) Immediate Romanian/Yugoslav declaration of war on Russia, and as soon as possible Romanian/Yugoslav offensive into Moldovia to "distract" the Russians (more like they'll get slaughtered, but anyhow). and b) The same LoN support that Lithuania got against Polish aggression.

War with Czechslovakia? Poland got what it wanted out of the Czechs, in the recent Teschen debacle, and though the Czechs would probably like their territory back, war with Poland on their side would mean war with Romania and Yugoslavia.

And finally:

War with Germany? Again, highly unlikely. Poland has no territorial aspirations on Germany, and Poland gave Germany land access to E. Prussia. Poland has no reason to attack Germany, and Germany (hopefully) has no reason to attack the Poles.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "TheCanadian" (Apr 16th 2008, 9:41pm)


Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 9:29pm

I was planning a war in 1938 between Yugoslavia and Italy with the Red Admiral. I was getting overwhelmed with having to manage six nations so began to plot to eliminate one of them. :rolleyes: My plan was to increase the size of the Yugoslavian ground forces and conquer the Italian Dalmatian Coast before the Italians could mobilize.

We agreed in some vague details but the end result was going to be the defeat of Yugoslavia and her dismembering. One less nation for me to worry about. :D Of course that all is now academic.