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Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, 12:05pm


“I believe we might have pushed Bobi too far,” Baldini suggested. “Next time he comes here he will be prepared for us to squeeze him.”

Czarnecki may have underestimated the Ubangi rebels, when the President-General hears about this, he ain't gonna be happy and he knows "friends" too elsewhere in Africa. Besides he has more than one supplier and can afford to loose one.

You could be correct. General N'dofa has led the Dutch on a merry dance for a year now, and only recently does it appear that the Dutch might be gaining traction in their campaign against him. Yet I would caution him against taking on the Camorra as well as the Dutch; the former have no rules to play by.


Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, 2:26pm


Yet I would caution him against taking on the Camorra as well as the Dutch; the former have no rules to play by.

I think that the Camorra will wonder whether it was a good idea not to play by any rules when they end up in the cooking pots of those "friends" of N'dofa. :D


Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, 4:37pm


Yet I would caution him against taking on the Camorra as well as the Dutch; the former have no rules to play by.

I think that the Camorra will wonder whether it was a good idea not to play by any rules when they end up in the cooking pots of those "friends" of N'dofa. :D

<Sighs, shakes head>

Such stereotyping... again, humor is misplaced...



Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, 7:01pm

Stereotyping? Are you suggesting that I think that everyone in Africa owns a restaurant which secretly serves human meat dishes to customers who have no idea what the real source of their food is?


Wednesday, November 4th 2015, 4:12pm

Hamburger Abendblatt, Editorial Page, Wednesday, 16 October 1946

Berlin, Abwehr Headquarters, Thursday, 17 October 1946

Very little occurred in the Czech Sudetenland that did not, by some means, become known in Berlin. Activity in the mining town of Jachymov was no exception. Known as Joachimstal before the events of the Great War the local population was chiefly of German extraction, particularly among the work force at the various mines in the area. It was this fortunate circumstance that Major Georg Nikolaus had exploited to track the source of pitchblende flowing to Nordmark. Not surprisingly, when the Nords had cut back their purchases in Germany they had turned to Czechoslovakia, and the Czechs had been all too happy to oblige. Inquires had provided Nikolaus with data on purchases, shipments, consignees, and, most important of all, destinations – among which the town of Skövde appeared frequently.

Erprobungsstätte Lipetsk, Friday, 18 October 1946

The initial flight of the second Bf329 prototype had gone successfully. For Hans Multhopp this was a triumph; he initialled the recommendation being made to the home office in Augsburg to proceed with a pre-production batch of the new aircraft, even without prior approval of the Defence Ministry. He was convinced that the Russo-German project was the equal, if not the superior, of any fighter in Europe.


Thursday, November 5th 2015, 12:22am

Sooner or later, Nikolaus' uranium trail is going to run dry - the entire decision to pursue nuclear power, at least in internal logic, is based on Sweden's extremely extensive reserves of (Admittedly, low-purity) uranium ore - but I suppose that the processing plants and so on may be scheduled for later in the program.

From Wiki's article on the OTL Swedish nuclear weapons' program:


During the final phase of World War II, the Swedish Government saw value in the future of nuclear energy, especially the Allied interest in Sweden’s uranium-containing black shale deposits. This led to suggestions that Sweden should establish state control over its natural resources, including uranium. Specifically, such controls would include export controls on uranium in collaboration with the American and British governments, exclusive Swedish controls over uranium ore, and a ban on commercial mining of uranium.[1]

Through its advisors, including Manne Siegbahn among others, the government realized the link between its ore and nuclear weapons. After American Ambassador Hershel Johnson brought up that question in a conversation with Cabinet Secretary Stig Sahlin on July 27, 1945, the issue was raised at the government meeting on August 2. On September 11, Sweden committed itself to establish state control over mining and export of uranium. Sweden rejected the American suggestion of a right to purchase Swedish uranium as well as a right to veto proposed Swedish uranium exports.[2]

From Wiki's article on alum shale:


As alum shale contains kerogen originated from algae, it is also classified as marinite-type oil shale. At the same time it is rich in aromatic hydrocarbon attributed to post-depositional irradiation damage induced by uranium concentration in the shale.[1] Alum shale also contains enhanced levels of radium as a result of uranium decay.[2] Between 1950 and 1989, Sweden used alum shale for the uranium production.[3]
Carnival da yo~!


Thursday, November 5th 2015, 1:19am

Perhaps, perhaps not.

From the Wiki article – Uranium mining by country


In Sweden, uranium production took place at Ranstadsverket between 1965 and 1969 by mining of alum shale (kind of oil shale) deposits. The goal was to make Sweden self-supplying with uranium. The high operating costs of the pilot plant (heap leaching) due to the low concentration of uranium in the shale and the availability at that time of comparatively cheap uranium on the world market caused the mine to be closed, although a much cheaper and more efficient leaching process, using sulfur-consuming bacteria, had by then been developed. Since 2005 there have been investigations on opening new uranium mines in Sweden

And I would not go so far as to describe Sweden's uranium reserves as "extensive". The Wiki article – List of uranium projects notes that the mines at Ranstadverket produced a total of 120 tons of uranium in the four years of their operation - that is an average of thirty tons per year. That is nothing compared with output elsewhere, due to the very low concentration of the ore.

In any event, that is but one line of inquiry that is being followed.


Thursday, November 5th 2015, 3:28am

Perhaps, perhaps not.

From the Wiki article – Uranium mining by country


In Sweden, uranium production took place at Ranstadsverket between 1965 and 1969 by mining of alum shale (kind of oil shale) deposits. The goal was to make Sweden self-supplying with uranium. The high operating costs of the pilot plant (heap leaching) due to the low concentration of uranium in the shale and the availability at that time of comparatively cheap uranium on the world market caused the mine to be closed, although a much cheaper and more efficient leaching process, using sulfur-consuming bacteria, had by then been developed. Since 2005 there have been investigations on opening new uranium mines in Sweden

And I would not go so far as to describe Sweden's uranium reserves as "extensive". The Wiki article – List of uranium projects notes that the mines at Ranstadverket produced a total of 120 tons of uranium in the four years of their operation - that is an average of thirty tons per year. That is nothing compared with output elsewhere, due to the very low concentration of the ore.

In any event, that is but one line of inquiry that is being followed.

Let's see if I can relocate my reference from back when...

Not really but I did turn up this PDF, which talks about the total volume of the deposits as follows:


Scandinavian alum shales
Low-grade black shales of Middle and Late Cambrian and locally of earliest Ordovician age are developed extensively in Scandinavia. This shale facies composes a characteristic formation that can be recognised from Finnmark in northernmost Norway to Skåne (Scania) in southernmost Sweden. In general, the unit is about 20m thick, but greater thicknesses occur (up
to 100m). The extent of the shale in Sweden is estimated to over 18,000km2 and can be considered to be the largest uranium resource in Europe

Even at parts per-million, the sheer volume of material involved would make the total quantity of uranium involved... enormous. The site that led me to that PDF also had a chart summarizing what it called the top ten known undeveloped uranium deposites in the world, in millions of pounds of the element. Two were in Sweden, two more were in Greenland.

Certainly, the reserves might not be economical to exploit, but I intend that the infrastructure needed to do so be put in place for, well, strategic security reasons, even if they're mothballed and the actual material is imported because that way is cheaper than operating their own mines.
Carnival da yo~!


Thursday, November 5th 2015, 6:18pm


Even at parts per-million, the sheer volume of material involved would make the total quantity of uranium involved... enormous.

And with enormous costs. This is the difference between "reserves" and "economically recoverable reserves"; cost being one of the primary reasons OTL Sweden abandoned its nuclear weapons program.


Thursday, November 5th 2015, 10:33pm

And with enormous costs. This is the difference between "reserves" and "economically recoverable reserves"; cost being one of the primary reasons OTL Sweden abandoned its nuclear weapons program.

I repeat: Immediate-term and/or direct economic concerns are not dominant in this decision. The cost of building and maintaining in a 'mothballed' state the mining and refining equipment required is considered secondary or tertiary in comparison to the potential costs of complete dependence on external energy sources. For reasons of national security and independence, Nordmark requires its own uranium supply line. That being the case, and given that running the equipment and institutional expertise enough to shake the bugs out is only good sense, there results a highly 'subsidized' pool of uranium for the program's use without recourse to external suppliers.

The data I lack is how long that pool would take to become available and replace external purchases.
Carnival da yo~!


Friday, November 6th 2015, 3:07am

Few nations are so richly endowed with resources that autarky would be a viable proposition, whatever the cost. Nordmark is not one of them. You have set yourself upon a particular course, which is your right. The rest of us will use the means available to us to monitor that course of action, and respond as circumstances dictate.


Friday, November 6th 2015, 12:26pm

Frankfurter Zeitung, Saturday, 19 October 1946

Axel Springer Verlag, publisher of the Hamburger Abendblatt, yesterday announced that it had acquired the Münchener Post, one of the leading newspapers of southern Germany. This follows on the establishment of several newspapers abroad, including the Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung für Rumänien. The move represents a response to the growth of the Berlin-based Der Tagesspiegel.

Bremer Nachrichten, Sunday, 20 October 1946

The air defence destroyers Wiesbaden and Kolberg are due to be completed today in the Deschimag yards at Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven respectively. They are expected to join the fleet in the early spring of next year.

Vicinity of Konso, East African State, Monday, 21 October 1946

The indignities he had suffered at the hands of Czarnecki and his cohorts still rankled in Bobi’s mind. The long journey over the winding tracks of the savanna did not make him feel any better. At least he was riding in the lead vehicle; those driving in the remaining trucks suffered in the choking dust. With luck they would make the settlement of Konso before nightfall.

He saw movement ahead… a herd of goats was being driven down the road, blocking the way. The driver pulled up and stopped, signalling the remainder of the convoy to do so as well. For his part Bobi got out and began remonstrating with the goat-herd to move out of the way; to the latter, Bobi’s words were unintelligible gibberish, though his intent was clear. It was no matter – the plan was working.

With the attention of Bobi and the rest of his men focused on the herd of goats ahead of them, the covert approach of Gamo tribesmen went unseen; until too late. Long knives were plunged into bodies or employed to slit throats; in moments the arms smugglers lay dead.

Gamo tribesmen swarmed over the trucks, breaking open boxes of rifles and cartridges, and passing them on to others who loaded them on the backs of donkeys. The operation would go on for hours… there was no question that banditry would take an upswing in the region in the future. One man leaned down over the body of Colonel Bobi and carefully turned out his pockets, looking for documents and other valuables. He likewise checked the cab of the truck Bobi had been riding in. Satisfied with what he found he called to the leader of the bandits.

“I have what I was looking for. Take the weapons as your payment.” This raised a cheer of exultation from the raiders. The man made his way over a hillock and mounted his horse. Throwing back the hood of his robe he revealed his European features…


Friday, November 6th 2015, 4:49pm

I guess General N'dofa is not going to be happy that one of his associates has been assassinated. :)


Friday, November 6th 2015, 6:03pm

I guess General N'dofa is not going to be happy that one of his associates has been assassinated. :)

Whoever orchestrated the ambush of the convoy cares not a fig for General N'dofa's likes or dislikes. See barbouze.


Friday, November 6th 2015, 6:15pm

I guess it is safe to assume that this person also doesn't care whether N'dofa succeeds or fails or whether he lives or dies...

Getting paid is the only thing that matters. :)


Friday, November 6th 2015, 6:20pm

I guess it is safe to assume that this person also doesn't care whether N'dofa succeeds or fails or whether he lives or dies...

Getting paid is the only thing that matters. :)

Not necessarily. It may have been one of the Patriots.


Sunday, November 8th 2015, 6:36pm

Berlin, The Cabinet Meeting Room, Tuesday, 22 October 1946

The Chancellor was dealing with a number of items today.

“Herr Blank” he asked. “The proposed novella for the naval programme – this will not set well with the opposition in the Reichstag. We had trouble enough passing the original requests for the next fiscal year.”

Blank nodded. “Yes Herr Chancellor, but the immediate tensions in the Far East have eased at the moment, and the deficiencies noted need to be addressed at this time. Our scouting forces are notably weak.”

“Very well,” Adenauer responded. “Work with my staff the draft the proper language so that it can be introduced at the next session. Next!”

Gottfried Treviranus, the Minister of Transport, gave his report on the progress made this season on the National Motorways. With the exception of Lubke, the Minister of Labour, the members seemed satisfied.

“Herr Chancellor,” Lubke said. “We have expended much treasure construction the motorways to the Polish frontier, both in Pomerania and in East Prussia, but they remain unconnected. Lubke represented the agricultural interests in East Prussia and had clamoured long to have the motorways extended there. There was a collective sigh from the cabinet.

“The Poles,” observed Treviranus, “do not have the same priorities as we do. They are constructing their own motor roads, but see no great reason to finish the autostrady across West Prussia.

“Herr Dehler,” Adenauer inquired, “would you please take up the matter with the Polish ambassador?”

“Of course,” replied the Foreign Minister.

Der Tagesspiegel, Wednesday, 23 October 1946

Minister of Transport Gottfried Treviranus gave his semi-annual report to the Reichstag on the progress towards completion of the National Motorways System. The port of Emden has been linked with the industrial centre of the Ruhr, and the main east-west motorway across Franconia has been completed, linking Heidelberg with Nürnberg. Several sections have been completed in the South, and the motorway eastward from Berlin has reached the Polish frontier.

Kieler Nachrichten, Thursday, 24 October 1946

The corvettes Drache and Kormoran have finished the last of their training exercises in the North Sea and have formally joined the fleet.


Tuesday, November 10th 2015, 1:07pm

Berlin, Abwehr Headquarters, Friday, 25 October 1946

Kurt Diebner sat opposite Major Nikolaus reading the file the latter had given him; the Abwehr officer remained silent – he knew the difficulties inherent in digesting the incomplete information it contained. At last Diebner spoke.

“You are confident regarding the Russian suspicions?”

Nikolaus nodded. “I do not believe our Russian allies would respond to shadows. They certainly have sufficient information of their own to believe that Nordmark could be attempting to develop atomic weapons. What we have found so far is that they are doing something…”

“It could merely be research,” cautioned Diebner, “much like we are doing at Haigerloch.”

“It could,” Nikolaus admitted, “and I hope it is. But we are paid to determine intent and capabilities; and intent can change if capabilities permit.”

Diebner had to agree that construction of an atomic weapon was possible in theory. The cost to develop it would be astronomical, but governments have vast resources available to them. “What do you need of me?”

“To help me sift the possible from flights of fancy,” Nikolaus replied. “To suggest lines of inquiry and to ask questions of those who might have insight into what is going on in Nordmark. Scientists will talk to a fellow scientist far more readily than an officer.”

Bremerhaven, Saturday, 26 October 1946

The aircraft carrier Wallenstein cast off from the pier and was nudged into the harbour by several tugs. She had spent the last week taking on special cargo, which was now safely stowed on her hangar deck. Cocooned for the voyage were examples of Germany’s latest combat aircraft, including the Ar234, the Bfw262, and the Fw340. Examples of the Heer’s Panther battle tank and Hummel self-propelled howitzer had been brought aboard by crane, together with a collection of Mercedes Benz Unimog trucks. Civilians occupied a number of the berths in officer country, and many of the Wallenstein’s crew wondered why their ship had become a floating bazaar for the defence industry.

Accompanied only by four corvettes and a supply ship the aircraft carrier made her way into the North Sea to take aboard her much-reduced air group – only a small number of Fw190M fighters and several of the new Fi220 strike bombers. Once her aircraft were safely aboard the Wallenstein set a course to the west-southwest, heading towards the Channel.

Hamburger Abendblatt, Editorial Page, Sunday, 27 October 1946

It is with deep regret that we read reports of South African involvement in the continuing guerrilla war in Oubangi-Shari. South Africa’s decision to prop up the colonialist forces there reverses decades of leadership in the integration of Europeans and indigenous peoples in southern Africa. The Dutch have found it necessary to hire foreign mercenaries to protect their economic stranglehold on Oubangi-Shari; has South Africa sunk so low as to be numbered with such bands of adventurers? Belgium, subject to the same monarch as the Netherlands, has refused to do such; and South Africa ought to do likewise and recall its troops. Despite its best efforts the bright reputation of the Royal South African Army will be tarnished by employment in repression of the aspirations of the people of Oubangi-Shari, to the detriment of peace in its homeland.


Thursday, November 12th 2015, 12:12pm

Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Monday, 28 October 1946

A novella to modify the naval programme laid down for 1947 was introduced into the Reichstag today. It calls for the deferral of the construction of a number of auxiliary warships and service craft in favour the construction of additional light cruisers – two to be laid down in 1947 and two the following year. Minister of Defence Theodor Blank cited weaknesses in the Kriegsmarine’s scouting force as the reason for the proposed change. Representatives of the SPD registered their immediate opposition but with the Government’s majority passage is likely.

Frankfurter Zeitung, Tuesday, 29 October 1946

A delegation of senior officers of the Luftwaffe and the Ministry of Defence inspected a mock-up of the proposed Arado Ar334 bomber aircraft at the firm’s Brandenburg-Havel works. The new design derives from the Ar234 light bomber but is reported to be optimized for night operations; details however are yet to be released.


Friday, November 13th 2015, 4:51pm

Kieler Nachrichten, Wednesday, 30 October 1946

The aircraft carriers Karl der Große and Friedrich Barbarossa have finished their operational training and are now assigned to the Flugzeugträgerstreitkräfte as the Fifth Aircraft Carrier Squadron.

Bremer Nachrichten, Thursday, 31 October 1946

Officials of the Defence Ministry visited the Focke-Wulf factory here to witness the roll-out of the first production Fw340 fighter.