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Saturday, October 1st 2005, 2:23am

Filipino News November-December


-31 October-
The Indian cruiser Trincomalee arrived at Butuan yesterday, and has been attached to Third Battle Squadron, joining the battlecruisers Presidente Malvar and Samal...

(ooc: not exactly the best place for a light cruiser, perhaps, but the only Filipino ships larger than destroyers that won't unduly hobble her speed...)

This is the second group of SATSUMA-allied ships to arrive in the Philippines, following the Japanese Mikasa, now attached to First Battle Squadron (Fernandop, Manila) and two cruisers which have been detached for independent operations, reportedly "policing" the 'D.O.R.P.'-claimed waters...

-15 November-

There has been confirmation that Generale Juan Greco has been "removed" from the position of Presidente of the breakaway "People's Oriental Republic" and has been replaced by - surprise! - Señor Roberto Jourdain, the Socialist canidate who lost the election!

There is no news on the "status" of Señor Greco...

-21 November-

Reports are that Japanese long-range aircraft basing out of Formosa scouted the Manila area yesterday, and dropped a few small bombs on the incomplete battlecruiser Bohol, captured by 'Revolutionary' forces in the initial coup, reportedly without effect...

-4 December-

While fighting continues in the jungles of northeastern Mindanao, it appears that the Army forces that defected to the "Revolutionaries" are running out of steam. Prisioners taken reportedly have very low morale...

Meanwhile, Filipino, Japanese and Indian commanders are engaging in extensive discussions; while they refuse to comment on exactly what is being discussed, scuttlebutt is that plans for the "reconquest" of the northern islands are on the table.

-16 December-

First Battle Squadron and First Destroyer Squadron sailed from the naval base at Butuan yesterday; it is believed that the 'Reds' have sailed the renegade battleship San Pablo and this force is intended to bring her to heel...


Saturday, October 1st 2005, 2:27am


Reprinted in the Puerto Princesca Gazette - 19 December



Saturday, October 1st 2005, 3:51pm

'The Battle of the South China Sea' - I

18 December 1928, roughly 0945 local time, somewhere in the northern South China Sea...

Contre-Almirante Wilhelm Adama stood on the bridge of his flagship, the pre-dreadnought battleship Fernando, and looked back over his battle squadron. All pre-dreadnoughts, and two of them old, but against a single "semi-dreadnought" they should prove to be enough.

Directly behind Fernando was His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship Mikasa, the first sign of assistance to arrive from the Philippines' SATSUMA allies. Adama shook his head slightly; the IJN had given command of Mikasa to a woman - what was the world coming to? But Capitan Togo Ryoko was certainly agressive enough - perhaps too much so! - so he didn't worry too much on that account.

Behind her was Manila, the oldest of the three battleships. Built in England at the turn of the century, the Philippines' first battleship was due for retirement in the coming year, but fate had given her one last chance to engage an enemy. There was already one silhouette painted on her bridge, that of a pirate cruiser, would another be added when this day was out?

Following the battleships were the three Cerceta-class "tin cans" of Destroyer Flotilla One. Their torpedoes could help bring about a speedy end to the engagement, but their primary mission was to prevent the Revolutionaries' destroyers from doing the same to Adama's battle line.

Earlier that morning a S.55 had discovered the enemy fleet - the "semi-dreadnought" San Pablo and three Rabihorcado-class 'cans - skulking in the winter fog to the northwest of First Battle Squadron, and for its trouble had been greeted by a flak barrage that was as enthuiastic as it was inaccurate. Adama had immediately ordered fleet flank speed - 16 knots, limited by Manila - to engage, and the lookouts were straining their eyes through the morning mist. According to the sighting report, and assuming a steady course for the enemy, they should be in sight any time...

"Sir, Mikasa reports Enemy in Sight!"

That was mildly surprising; Adama had expected that Fernando would be the first to get a good look at their foe. There was a widespread rumour (not entirely discouraged by the IJN) that the Japanese had better night vision than the average; perhaps they were better in daylight, too?

"Sir, our lookouts have the enemy!"

Capitan Franco Barbaroza, Fernando's CO, acknowledged the messenger and pulled out a cigar.

"Signals! To First Destroyer - 'engage enemy destroyers'. To Mikasa, Manila - 'engage the enemy as he becomes available'.

San Pablo was now becoming visible from the bridge. Suddenly her silhouette was wreathed in flame.

"Why is she opening fire at this range?" the helmsman wondered.

Capitan Barbaroza lit his cigar. "She has the new 55-calibre guns. They outrange ours a bit, so they're trying to hit us before we can get in range of our own guns. But her advantage will be short, the fog didn't help them. We'll be in range soon."

Three plumes of water jetted up well short of Mikasa, as San Pablo fired again. A moment later, Mikasa's main turrets belched fire.

Again, three waterspouts short of Mikasa - and three more in the general direction of Manila.

"If he was engaging only two ships, that would be a smart move," mused Adama.


"Each of those ships has four main guns. Even split, he can shoot at them with three apiece. But he's fighting three ships - which means we get target practice."

Again Mikasa's main battery barked defiance at the Revolutionary battleship.

"He's hoping to kill or cripple the two weaker ships quickly so he can then take us on mano-a-mano. Let's not give him the chance, shall we Capitan?"

"Aye, Almirante. Guns! Do we have a range?"

"Yes, sir! 16,000 yards sir!"

"Open fire!"


Saturday, October 1st 2005, 9:15pm

Nice writing!

Interesting news re: Señor Jourdain! I almost feel bad for General Greco. Almost.

A woman in charge of Mikasa? Hmm..

Whichever BB was heavily damaged - hopefully she makes it home. This could be the last ride of the predreads, no?


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 12:23am

... unless we plan to keep the oldies around for a while longer. ;-)


A woman in charge of Mikasa? Hmm..

Yes. I wonder what I was drinking... I mean thinking when I started with those unusual ideas.
(All the Manga, all the Anime, all the games... very bad influence...)


Whichever BB was heavily damaged - hopefully she makes it home. This could be the last ride of the predreads, no?

Most definitely! Even if the crew has to get off and push!
BTW, welcome to the insanity.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 2:21am

Welcome aboard the S/S Minnow - *ahem* WesWorld, Alikchi. Please check your sanity outside the door... :-)

Thanks for the compliment, writing is not my strong suit. Rocky (The Rock Doctor), on the other hand, is the maestro of that here.

There are wheels within wheels of the power structure of this particular coup/revolution/whatever; so far we've reached Level Two (of...?).

You will find WesWorld Japan to be rather...different from historical. ;-)
(Of course it's not like the Philippines is any better, with characters 'kidnapped' from Zorro, Battlestar Galactica, Sherlock Holmes, Schlock Mercenary, one (so far) from Marvel Comics, etc., etc., etc...and also some historicals 'swapped in', too... ^_^ )

'The Last Hurrah of the Predreads' is exactly my intention. Further details of the battle will be posted tomorrow morning.
Or not. :-)


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 7:34am

Well there are what are probably the last two British built pre-dreadnought still in existance in WesWorld...Swiftsure and Triumph. (ex actually, but that's what I call them most of the time). I don't know how much longer they'll be with the Chilean Navy, but they won't be replaced until I have something to replace them with.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 10:20am

Thanks for the welcomes!



Originally posted by Rooijen10
Yes. I wonder what I was drinking... I mean thinking when I started with those unusual ideas.
(All the Manga, all the Anime, all the games... very bad influence...)

Oh, I like it! It's your Japan, you can do what you want ;) I'm an Anime freak myself so it made me cackle. :)


Most definitely! Even if the crew has to get off and push!

Sound like some trips I've taken! They might have to stop and ask for directions... :p



Originally posted by Swamphen
Thanks for the compliment, writing is not my strong suit. Rocky (The Rock Doctor), on the other hand, is the maestro of that here.

There are wheels within wheels of the power structure of this particular coup/revolution/whatever; so far we've reached Level Two (of...?).

Well, it impressed me at least! Not saying much, but still ;) Well done. Rocky's writing is as you said extremely good as well.

Oh and, whatever the driving force behind this people's revolution is, we know it isn't the people.. :)


You will find WesWorld Japan to be rather...different from historical. ;-)
(Of course it's not like the Philippines is any better, with characters 'kidnapped' from Zorro, Battlestar Galactica, Sherlock Holmes, Schlock Mercenary, one (so far) from Marvel Comics, etc., etc., etc...and also some historicals 'swapped in', too... ^_^ )

XD I see, I see. I think I follow everything, except who's this Manzo character I keep hearing about? I've been lurking for a while, and I managed to decipher the Incredible Exploding Filipino Warship, the ghost ship Kongos, the crazy anime references and the pirate pre-dreadnaught, but.. ;P


'The Last Hurrah of the Predreads' is exactly my intention. Further details of the battle will be posted tomorrow morning.
Or not. :-)

*tunes in his wireless set, listens closely*


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 11:43am


but they won't be replaced until I have something to replace them with.

Seems obvious. No need to weaken the battleline. ;-)


I think I follow everything, except who's this Manzo character I keep hearing about?

I saw this documentary serie on the BBC about comedy (can't remember the name of that serie). The first episode was presented by Rowan Atkinson and something he said at the end really stuck: "The comical hero is indestructable". It stuck and when I was looking at a lighter, funnier side to the Wesworld thus Oonishi Manzo was born. He does some odd stuff like flying across the Atlantic and well before anyone else does... though it is really unintentional. He flies underneath the arches over the road deck of Tower Bridge (I've been over it twice and I did some searching on the internet about the sizes of those arches as well s the dimensions of the SPAD XIII. As long as the lantern poles aren't there a good pilot who is crazy enough should be able to pull off that trick with a small WW 1 Biplane)... and he has this habit of crashing his plane... and being the comical hero that he is, he would walk away from crashes that would kill a normal man.
Of course occasionally he does break something which is considered to be good news.

A few old ones,
His tower bridge stunt can be found in the thread here
His arrival at Coldmere can be found in the threadhere. This also includes the bit of Manzo being seen flying circles around the Statue of Liberty, while he has to be on the other side of the Atlantic.
Manzo's fortunate accident breaking his leg can be found in the thread here which also incudes his unfortunate recovery.
Manzo foiling the suicide attempt of the Director of AWNR: Japan can be found in the thread here
There are a few more, but it seems I've been neglecting him a bit the last time.


Oh, I like it! It's your Japan, you can do what you want ;) I'm an Anime freak myself so it made me cackle. :)

Surprises me that with all the bad influence I have an Emperor instead of an Empress...
There are the obvious ones there like Professor Tomoe from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon as well as one of his assistants, Arimura Yuuko aka Eugeal of the Witches 5 (dug throug the manga to get that name), Shazard Rugandy's Shadow Reflector from Slayers, and the Hanagumi from Sakura Taisen. With Yukimura I tried to think a bit of the Yukimura from Samurai Deeper Kyo. And of course let's not forget Raquelle and Pacifica Kasull from Scrapped Princess and Misumaru Yurika form Nadesico.
Also if you happen to be familiar with The Five Star Stories, you might recognize some names of the FSS class destroyers (a few if you know the Anime, a lot if you read the Manga).
... which anime/manga will be featured next... who knows... who cares...


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 5:53pm

Aiiii! Threadjack!!

And, they're coming to take us away, ha! ha!...

Next 'on topic' (what's that?) installment will be I stayed up until 0230 last night...must...keep......eyes.........


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 6:09pm

Topic??? What's that? Could you repeat that in proper English please?


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 7:25pm

A bit more rusty when it comes to stuff like this...


"Sir, smoke on the horizon" the lookout reported. "Bearing o-six-six"

All binoculars turned into the indicated direction to the right. It was hard to see with the fog, but aboard the Mikasa it was well known that lookout Mokeda was an Iga Ninja and had excellent sight. If he said that there was smoke there, then there was smoke in that direction.

"Could be the enemy," commander Futareda mumbled lowering his binoculars. He was unable to see the target yet.

Marshal Sanada Yukimura took a swig from his sake jar while peering through his binoculars. "Could be... can't be for sure until we can see it a bit better," he replied.

"Keep looking, Mokeda," Futareda told. "Maybe you can recognize something in a while." Futareda looked at Yukimura. "Do we signal the others?"

"Until we are certain of it."

"Tokito-kun, you know something?" Futareda asked the young man sitting on the floor of the bridge.

The white-haired man shuffled with some cards and then held one up, turning it around. It was the skull representing Death. "The enemy... and it wants to fight eagerly," Tokito informed with a smile. "Death is imminent..."

"For us of for them?"

"Who knows..."

"It's hard to see, but the big ship looks like an American built Mississippi class ship," Mokeda informed. "Two or three smaller units with it... possible Destroyers."

If it was a Mississippi class ship, then it was most likely the San Pablo.

"Signal the other ships that the enemy has been sighted," Yukimura told.

"Yes, Lord Sanada," Futareda gave a quick bow before he turned to the signal man on the bridge, ordering the man to send out the message of the enemy sighting to the other ships sailing in the battle line.

"Sound action stations," Yukimura ordered.

A bell started ringing numerous time, signalling the crew to get ready. The two main turrets of the Mikasa began to train to the Starboard side into the dircetion of the enemy.

"Enemy ship confirmed to be Mississipi class," Mokeda reported. "Bearing o-six-eight now."

"Time?" Yukimura aksed.

"Nine forty-five, sir," someone on the bridge informed.

"Do we open fire?" Futareda asked.

"Not yet..." Yukimura looked at his wife, who stood at the rear of the bridge with her eyes closed in concentration. "You're all right?"

Opening her eyes, she replied: "Naturally." She then closed her eyes again. "Now be quiet!"

"That's going to be dificult when the action starts and the shells start hitting the ship," Yukimura told. Ryoko ignored his remark.

"Signal from Fernando," Futareda called. "'Engage the enemy as he comes available.'" Futareda looked at Yukimura. "With all due respect, but aren't you the senior ranked officer in this fleer, Lord Sanada?"

"Don't worry. Admiral Adama can handle it," Yukimura told.

San Pablo opened fire first. The fire was directed at the Mikasa, but the shots fell well short of the Sanada Flagship.

"Guess it's time to return the compliment..." Yukimura took another swig from his jar. "Raise my banner," he called out. "Guns are authorized to open fire on the enemy. Show everyone why the Mikasa gunners are the best in the world!"

A red banner with six coins with an open square hole in the center of each coin, the six-mon crest which was the crest of the Sanada clan, was raised to the top of the main mast, about 10 feet above the large red rising sun of the Imperial Japanese Navy Ensign.

San Pablo fired again and seconds later the four twelve inch guns from the Mikasa began to return fire, A turret at a higher trajectory than X turret. Again San Pablo's shots fell short of their target, though a bit closer this time. Mikasa's shots from the A turret went over the San Pablo while those of the X turrets fell short of their target.

The guns were lowered a bit in order to reload them.

"Very good, men. Have main guns adjust angle and fire at the target again," Futareda called into the Fire Control communications tube.

"Yes sir," came the reply.

The guns were raised again and fired for the second time at the San Pablo.

"Getting closer..." Yukimura mused as he looked at the San Pable with his binoculars.

"Fernando opening fire," Futerada told as he watched the Filipino battleship join the action. "Lord Yukimura. It just occured to me that we may well be witnessing the last combat action of the Pre-dreadnoughts here."

"Guess this battle is now on its way into the books of military history." Yukimura smiled. "... and we are part of it. Either dead or alive."


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 7:54pm


A slightly off question....why was Kii erased from history? I was looking over the Filipino and Japanese battleships and noticed that remark.

Also it seems that while the one or two London-class ships are still around, as is Mikasa...the Swiftsures are the "newest" old British-built pre-dreads around...unless Brazil's got newer ones.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 8:04pm

There were a few questions regarding the legality of the 410mm guns using liners restricting the bore to 380mm. After some time, I realized I wanted an old ship around and realized the historical importance of the Mikasa so I put in a request removing the Kii and reinstating the Mikasa. The total tonnage spend on the Kii up to that point and the tonnage put into the Mikasa to make her operational again is equal to the Mikasa's light displacment.
Also I would have another mystery story for the newspaper. :-)
So I traded a reasonable new BB for an old and worn out Predread, while actually paying a 'new' price for it. I deliberately did this as it would aviod discussions later in case I were to convert the guns from 380mm to 410mm.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 10:30pm



Also it seems that while the one or two London-class ships are still around, as is Mikasa...the Swiftsures are the "newest" old British-built pre-dreads around...unless Brazil's got newer ones.

Here's the PDs currently in WW service:
Hercules ex-HMS Zealandia (status unknown)
2x Riachuelo (HMS Queen type)
Sofia ex-PRS Angeles (HMS London type)
2x Constitution (HMS Swiftsure type)
Santa Anna (USS Mississippi type)
Manila (HMS London type)
Fernando (SMKuKS Radetzky type)
San Pablo (USS Mississippi type, refit with 2x2/4x1 12")
Amiral Murgescu (SMKuKS Radetzky type)
Turgut Reis (SMS Brandenburg type)


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 10:45pm


Estafey is a gunnery training ship on the Black Sea.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 10:58pm

Regina Elana is in service with the East African Fleet as station flagship. She doesn't have her 305/40 guns anymore though and is considerably different.


Sunday, October 2nd 2005, 11:23pm

If the USA is following some of the historical happenings then Oregon is a museum ship (in Oregon until World War II), and Kearsarge is a floating cane.

But I think he means ships in active duty, that can still be called battleships.


Monday, October 3rd 2005, 12:08am

As Swampy has already pointed out, the Turkish Turgut Reis and Messudiyeh are still in active service.

Columbia also has the two former Brazilian predreads of the Deodoro class. As to what replaced the Brazilain ships I don't recall.


Monday, October 3rd 2005, 1:02am

Oregon and the monitor Canonicus are museum ships due to their exploits in the Iberian American War. Kearsarge is a crane ship as historical. There are a few I-A War era cruisers, like the Olympia, still around as barracks ships in various locations, though they are totally demilitarized. All other remaining US Pre-DN's were scrapped or used as targets in the early 1920's. I've been working on the history of the I-A War and have CG's blessing on the general story, I just need to flesh it out.