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Saturday, February 17th 2007, 2:47am

South American Naval News: December 1933

October 4, 1933

Scrapping began today for the destroyer leaders Almirante Lynch and Almirante Condell.

October 9, 1933

Supplies finally reached the tired soldiers of the Armies of Coquimbo and Valparaíso-O'Higgins around Sucre. "The Bolivians are giving us their all".

October 19, 1933

Heavy Destroyer Almirante Lynch was commissioned today into the Chilean Navy. She will be on trails with her sister ship, the Almirante Zero until December when the Zero will join the fleet along with the first three members of the Capitan Thompson-class destroyers.

November 1, 1933

The final payment on the Nordmark Battlecruiser Folkunga Lion was sent today by the Chilean government. They hope the money was well spent on the aging but still powerful Battlecruiser.

Novmeber 3, 1933

Elements of the Armies of Santiago and Araucania have secured the cities of Tarija and Oruro and have begin attempting to secure the surrounding territories.

Novmeber 21, 1933

Rumors of Brazilian troop movements have encouraged the Chilean Army and Air Force to finish what they have started in Sucre.

December 2, 1933

An air raid on Bolivian positions outside of Sucre have broken the line after nearly six months of seige. Unfortunately the Army is not mobile enough to capitalize on the break, leaving the Bolivians time to reform a line half a mile behind their old line.

December 14, 1933

Another air raid followed by a cavarly strike has broken the once great Bolivian Army. The Chileans are moving into the City of Sucre.

December 20, 1933

Four destroyers entered full service with the Navy today greatly increasing Chile's light forces.

December 21, 1933

Chilean troops have taken most of Sucre, but the Bolivian government has not yet surrendered. The Army of Santiago has been moved to the secure the state borders and heading for Santa Cruz while the Army of Araucania ahs been sent to see just how far the Peruvians and Iberian have gotten into Bolivia.

December 24, 1933

A ceasefire has been declared in Sucre for all of Christmas day.

December 27, 1933

The ceasefire ended today when the Bolivian government and the remains of the Bolivian Army around Sucre surrendered to the Chilean Army of Coquimbo.

December 28, 1933

The announment that the war is over seems to have fallen on some deaf or defiant ears as troops from the Armies of Santiago and Araucania encounter resistance farther way from the capital of Sucre.

December 31, 1933

Chilean Forces have encountered Brazilian troops near Santa Cruz, Bolivia. With the formal surrender of Bolivia to take place within the next two months and word that the League of Nations want to put "peacekeepers" (whatever that means) in Bolivia, the Chilean governement wishes to know the intensions of all parties involved in this war. The Formal Surrender is scheduled for February 3, 1934, to make the war have had lasted almost exactly two years.


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 4:06am

Brazil intends to incorporate the provinces of Beni and Santa Cruz on a provisional basis for a period of five years, at which time a plebicite* will be held to determine whether to incorporate them formally into the Empire, to merge with Bolivia, or form their own independent state.

* Is that the Imperial March I hear playing?


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 5:16am

Chile would call for a partitioning of the country of Bolivia in an effort to remove the threat caused by its saber rattling. Chile would call for a split as it only managed to take the southern capital, though the government did surrender to Chile. Chile is not certain on the Brazilian claims as they came into the war only in the last one to two weeks of it. Peru, having been the first to invade has a much higher claim to land in Bolivia.


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 6:45am

Atlantis is also wondering about the legitamacy of Brazilian claims. Such a late entry into a war, already clearly lost even in the Bolivians minds, seems highly opertunistic.

OOC: is there anything of worth in Beni and Santa Cruz other than timber?


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 7:06am

Two small population centers...maybe a piece of Gran Chaco depending on how the border was drawn back then, though I don't think that was where the "oil" is suppose to have been.


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 7:19am

When was that oil discovered?


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 7:43am

If I recall Standard Oil and Shell Oil were speculating about oil in that region in the 1920s, leading to pressures from Paraguay and Bolivia, Bolivia wanting to exploit the resource. It turned out to not be as large of a find as the oil companies thought if any at all, but the oil companies didn't find that out until later. (opps).


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 1:41pm

Santa Cruz on the hands of Peru since December 9th. Just the city and parts of the province, not the whole province.


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 3:21pm

Peru understand the concerns of the Chilean nation of what a revanchist Bolivia could do and as such understand territorial adjustments need to be made to benefit Chile and ensures their continued safety.

But also Peru agrees with the League's interests in ensuring a continued existance of the nation of Bolivia and see the claims of the Brazilian nation as excessive and need to be discussed.

Peru also ask the League's members to help in the policing of post-war Bolivia and to ensure that nation abides to the terms of any treaty imposed on them.

Finally Peru ask for a reduction of the Bolivian military to the size only capable to defend themselves and incapable of offensive operations, with no tanks or bombers being in their military inventory and to the nation of Bolivia to pay reparations to Peru for a period of ten years.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "perdedor99" (Feb 17th 2007, 3:23pm)


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 6:54pm

Well Brazil did enter the war because they were attacked first. :evil: They can't help it that they were able to chomp off so much because the Bolivians were occupied elsewhere. :D


Saturday, February 17th 2007, 10:18pm


Originally posted by Swamphen
Well Brazil did enter the war because they were attacked first. :evil: They can't help it that they were able to chomp off so much because the Bolivians were occupied elsewhere. :D

Soooooo if they were elsewhere how did they attack the Brazilians? Even the Bolivians as paranoid as they are do not have enough forces to protect against a three front war.


Sunday, February 18th 2007, 2:56am

(stated position)
"That question cannot be answered using the rules of logic."

(actual position)
"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."


Sunday, February 18th 2007, 10:49am

Either position does not explain the situation adequately. The government of Atlantis awaits a more plausable explanation....