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Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 3:28am

Except for Cameron in the recent series. Because she's HAWT.


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 5:58am


Originally posted by thesmilingassassin
I've always said, the level of special effects today BEGS for a new movie about the hunt for the Bismarck.

Have you seen Expedition Bismarck? Not really a new movie, but it's got some interesting 'reenactment' stuff. James Cameron seems to really have gotten into Oceanography after Abyss, and seems moderately obsessed with it after Titanic; He went down for the film, went back for another Documentary, did a documentary for the Bismarck, and I've heard he's working on one for the Britannic (To the point that a diver recently died filming the wreck for him). Dogfights has also done a few Naval battles, including the Bismarck chase and the Yamato.

Of course, the real problem with doing a new Bismarck movie would be that Hollywood would need to somehow depict the PBY with the American pilot as somehow sinking the ship all by himself...


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 6:23am

Yup I've seen James Camerons Bismarck documentary along with the British one on both her and Hood. If anyone weeps for Bismarcks condition after sinking they have to cry rivers for Hood's. The only thing that really sticks out, litterally, is her stern with her rudder still turned.

I've also seen dogfights episodes related to ships, and I have battlefield 360 on DVD which is a great series.

I'd hope that if anyone did a movie on Bismarck again it would be Cameron, seeing as he's on this stint of ship related documentary's and seen the humanitarian asspect of each ships life.


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 6:51am

With all the money spent on Pearl Harbor, they could have at least GCI the destroyers. Not like it's hard to GCI something that doesn't move.

A movie that could use a remake is Midway. The original one was crappy enough that even a remake would be an improvement.

Thought if there is a battle I want to see made into a movie, it would have to be Leyte Gulf. The US battleline blazing away at Suriago and the destroyers charging the Imperial Japanese Navy... Since US units where involved, Hollywood would have no need to screw up history, but I guess they would find a way to do so.


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 7:02am

When I was in fifth grade I read a fiction book about five or six different sailors who were at Leyte Gulf. I said "No way this could be true." I grew up and found out that it WAS.

Personally, I'd like to see something with one of the battles of Guadalcanal. Maybe start off with Savo or Tassafaronga, then move into act two, with Arleigh Burke taking command of DesRon-23, and then in act three, blowing the unholy tar out of the Japanese at Cape St. George. Yup, took us a year and half our cruiser force, but we learned how to use torpedoes!


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 7:03am

Whoever weeps over Bismarck's condition needs to broaden their knowledge of shipwrecks a bit; Almost every other major combatant I'm aware of is in multiple barely (if at all) recognizable peices, and most of those are upside down to boot. The only exceptions I can think of offhand are Yorktown and Saratoga. Liners don't fare much better; Britannic is supposed to be in horrid condition, Lusitania not much better off. Andrea Doria is under a few tons worth of fishing nets, etc, etc.

Battle 360 is a pretty decent show; I actually have two copies on DVD (Amazon error in my favor, haha!). I missed the new season when it came on (Patton 360), and keep looking to DVR it.

Cameron seems pretty busy nowadays; He's still working on Avatar, and wants to do Battle Angel Alita after that.


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 8:06am

They haven't shown Patton 360 here yet, then again I'm still waiting for Stargate Atlantis season 5 to come out on DVD as that will likely happen before it hits TV. The Canadian stations are really clueless right now and I'm kinda wishing I lived just south of the border just so I could catch the good stuff.


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 8:40am

Avatar looks both interesting and amusing... and like an approaching train wreck. Any movie that has "military industrial complex" in the summary, particularly in relation to the baddies, is soooo five years ago; and that whole bit about "noble savages" is just asking for trouble.

I wanna see a movie where the humans invade an alien planet for sound, logical reasons and not just because we're evil greedy planetary strip-mining gangsters. I'd love to write a script but I know right now Hollyweird would never approve of it, because my baddies would be a tad more complicated than the movie-standard "all your planet are belong to us, ha ha ha ha." Actually, I have the preliminary outline already drawn up for a good sci-fi book. Some quotes:


Good-guy: "So what do you want from me?"
Baddie: "One of our planets is missing."
Good-guy: *Pats down his pockets* "I don't have it on me just now, but I'm sure it will turn up eventually..."


Starship captain: "Maybe we should nuke it."
Political officer: "No."
Starship captain: "You ruin all my fun."


Starship captain: "Can I nuke this, or do we need to be diplomatic?"
Political officer: "We don't want to start a war, captain."
Starship captain: "Sooo... 'yes' with the nukes?"
(Political officer sighs.)


Baddie: "It was unwise of you to come here. I have forty elite commandos ready to shoot you."
*All the commandos suddenly pass out from knockout gas*
Good-guy: "Yes?"
Baddie: "I have forty elite commandos taking a nap in my atrium. Can I get you some coffee? What would you like to discuss?"


Political officer: "How did you ever end up with launch control codes for strategic weapons, anyway? That's like giving a ten-year old a running chainsaber."
Starship captain: "Unlike your hypothetical ten-year-olds, I have the appropriate seniority for strategic weapons. I even passed a psychological exam."
Political officer: "Administered by who? A bureaucrat? A computer? A poo-flinging monkey?"
Starship captain: "God, I hated that monkey..."


Starship captain: "Can't wait to see how we're gonna deal with this..."
Political officer: "We should shoot it."
Starship captain: "...What? You must be joking."
Political officer: "No. Nuke it until it glows."
Starship captain: "...right! Weps! Ready the smite button! Oh happy day!"
Political officer: "God have mercy upon me, God have mercy upon us all..."


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 10:02am

You've been reading too much New Frontier, I think. :P


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 10:28am

That or you've been watching too much Firefly ...


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 10:38am


Originally posted by ShinRa_Inc
You've been reading too much New Frontier, I think. :P


DC Comics?

Actually, those humorous outtakes aside, it's not really intended to be a comedy. More like... Das Boot meets Ronin. :rolleyes: And yeah, I guess there's a bit of the Firefly-style humor in there...


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 6:02pm


Also, the Star Wars stuff seems to do pretty well when it comes to being translated and such, but I'm not too sure if it's in Dutch.

Don't know about that, but I usually go for books in English anyway so the American Book Center in Amsterdam and The Hague are excellent stores to go to for Sci-Fi and Fantasy books.


That's all from a show called "The Venture Bros." If you get an opportunity to watch it somehow, I'd highly reccomend it

If they were to show it here, they'll probably butcher it by dubbing it in crappy Dutch. :(

Back in the good ol' days, when one watched cartoons here, they were usually in English with subtitles (I would guess about... 100% of the stuff from the other side of the Atlantic was subtitled). Looking at things now, I would say that about... 100% is being dubbed these days.

There will be one day when everything is dubbed here. Looks like I will need to buy an assault rifle and make sure that that never happens! :)


And show Knox class FFGs all over the place.

Yup. That was pretty much the point when I switched back to the commercials on the other channel. :)


I suppose thats why I'm such a fan of the Terminator series because they, like Zombies, make the ultimate enemy, uncaring, unreasonable, systematic killers.

Hmmm... Sounds to me like you want to see a Terminator take on a huge army of Zombies. :D


Of course, the real problem with doing a new Bismarck movie would be that Hollywood would need to somehow depict the PBY with the American pilot as somehow sinking the ship all by himself...

I hope not, but I think that would happen.


Whoever weeps over Bismarck's condition needs to broaden their knowledge of shipwrecks a bit; Almost every other major combatant I'm aware of is in multiple barely (if at all) recognizable peices, and most of those are upside down to boot.

Gotta love the Rusalka's condition then. :D


Cameron seems pretty busy nowadays; He's still working on Avatar, and wants to do Battle Angel Alita after that.

Early parts Alita or later parts Alita or a mix of both?

I wonder how he plans to handle Alita's octopus lips. :D


Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 6:37pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine


Originally posted by ShinRa_Inc
You've been reading too much New Frontier, I think. :P


DC Comics?

Actually, those humorous outtakes aside, it's not really intended to be a comedy. More like... Das Boot meets Ronin. :rolleyes: And yeah, I guess there's a bit of the Firefly-style humor in there...


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 12:54pm


Originally posted by Brockpaine
When your fans can make a lightsaber fight every bit as awesome as your megamillion dollar director, it's time to rethink your strategy.

It's a matter of perspective really. As an actual fencer, I find any movie scene involving swords to be ridiculous. Swinging a sword around is pointless. Getting close enough to use hands or feet is ridiculous. If the guys are meant to be any good, the fight would be over in seconds and you'd barely see any blade movement - it is that fast. Stab the bugger in the chest with the pointy end, don't try to slash his head off.

On the movie front, I'd recommend Inglorious Basterds. Its definitely the best film I've seen this summer.


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 8:44pm


Originally posted by Red Admiral
On the movie front, I'd recommend Inglorious Basterds. Its definitely the best film I've seen this summer.

Seconded. My mom even liked it, which somewhat shocked me considering how much she hates violence and language.


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 10:31pm


Stab the bugger in the chest with the pointy end, don't try to slash his head off.

When I think of a saber, I think of a slashing weapon not a piercing weapon like a rapier so naturally you are going to try an slash someone's bits off with a slashing weapon... no doubt the Hollywood thoughts then were "this is a lightsaber thus it is a slashing weapon, so the objective is to slash your opponent's head off."


Sunday, August 30th 2009, 10:37pm

You can still stab with a sabre. Lightsabers are especially ridiculous. They'll cut through anything and have no handguards. Slide down the blade of the first parry and cut the bloke's hand off.

I was surprised at just how violent Inglorious Basterds was; definitely a step more from Tarantino's other films. Then again, it didn't seem to bother me as it was such good fun to watch.

Kaiser Kirk

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Monday, August 31st 2009, 1:12am

I've tried fencing, during one class they brought in a video of a Olympic fencing bought. I could barely follow the movement they were so darn fast.

So, they slow it down and make it showy. I can live with that.

It's when person "a" extends the blade into a blocking position, and then person "b" goes and hits the blade that it really bugs me.

As for lightsabers...the no hilt bit has bugged me also. As I recall, one bounced off Vader's shoulder once, so his armor is at least resistant, make it out of that.


Monday, August 31st 2009, 12:53pm

Yes its strange that there was criticism over Pearl Harbour because someone was wearing the wrong luminous watch for the 1940s which you could see for maybe two seconds when there were all those modern warships lurking around the background... sigh.

I forgave Tora Tora Tora using an Essex (with angled deck) as a Jap carrier (way different to the excellent Japanese unit models of the carriers) since at least they did fly off it (and the 1950s frigate representing the Ward).

Talking of remakes another was annouced recently, by the BBC of all people. The subject is Brighton Rock, the original is possibly one of Richard Attenbourgh's most chilling parts as a psycho young gangster in 1930s Brighton. A Graham Greene book and a good film. Now the BBC wants to remake it and "update it" to 1964 with Mods and Rockers kicking *it* out of each other. The producer saying that its a powerful theme and highly relevant and so doesn't belong in the 1930s; more or less a dumb statement saying such characters could not exist in the 1930s which is obviosuly crap because they did and Greene wrote about that. Mods and Rockers in the bckground does not add to the story at all (the actual Bank Holdiay of 1964 was mainly media hype there was never thousands of crazed thugs roaming about. It has become urban myth).
If you want a violent film about mods and rockers then why not just make a new film with an original title and character names rather than re-use an exisiting film title and characters to add into your own script.

If you want to see mods and rockers watch Quadrophenia, better still listen to the album (IMHO the best ever recorded!) :D

Re lightsabers; Obi Wan says there less clumsy and random than a blaster. He should know!
Actually Han blasts Freddo under the table pretty quickly while Luke fights with Darth for half and hour and gets his hand sliced off... yeah that's less clumsy and random...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hood" (Aug 31st 2009, 12:56pm)


Monday, August 31st 2009, 8:36pm

Can't say much about the new QT movie as I haven't seen it...


You can still stab with a sabre.

You can stab with that as much as you can slash with a rapier but I would think that if you want to stab someone, you'd prefer to use a rapier for that.


Lightsabers are especially ridiculous. They'll cut through anything and have no handguards. Slide down the blade of the first parry and cut the bloke's hand off.

No doubt there would be one who says "Yes, but there is so much resistance when the two blades rub against eachother, that that would never happen."... Yeah, right!

But when I look at a lightsaber, its straightness tells me that it is more a stabbing weapon than a slashing weapon. And that brings us back to what you said before "Stab the bugger in the chest with the pointy end, don't try to slash his head off."

No doubt Holywood ideas of sword fights are: "Slashes are way cooler than stabs so we need to use them in the fights."


Re lightsabers; Obi Wan says there less clumsy and random than a blaster. He should know!
Actually Han blasts Freddo under the table pretty quickly while Luke fights with Darth for half and hour and gets his hand sliced off... yeah that's less clumsy and random...

What does Obi Wan know? "His later version" was building a bridge in Birma for the Japanese so I seriously question his words of wisdom... :D


I forgave Tora Tora Tora using an Essex (with angled deck) as a Jap carrier (way different to the excellent Japanese unit models of the carriers) since at least they did fly off it (and the 1950s frigate representing the Ward).

That was acceptable yes. I can live with The Battle of the River Plate because there the ships are properly introduced in the opening credits with the USS Salem as "Graf Speed" ("Speed" since Salem is a lot faster than Spee :) ).

Not sure if anyone here has seen it, but I thought "Great battle of the Japan Sea" was quite a good war movie, one about the Ruso-Japan War. As I mentioned over at Navalism, it's a bit weird though when the subtitles at one point read... "February 14, 1938"... 1938?!? ?( I suspect it to be a fansub, but I am not 100% of that.
The ships are models and look quite good though I expect that some shots of the Mikasa were taken of the actual ship (which should be quite easy since it is in concrete). Language (which appears to be a problem in some movies) is also done properly. Russians speak Russian, Japanese speak Japanese, a Brit who tags along with one Japanese ship speaks English and communication between a deported Russian and a Japanese agent is also in English.

*copy/pastes the images from the Navalism post*